After Returning to My Biological Family, I Was Arranged to Marry

Chapter 61: Marshal Yang Ming


Great-grandfather Jiang Xuan did not live in the city center of Feige Xingning City, but relatively far away, a certain distance from Feige University. It took them several hours in the car to arrive at Jiang's house.

Lin Zimao wondered if Lin You had not gone to fight the star pirates back then, would he have such a safe and comfortable place to live today.

Jiang Xuan was familiar with the place and took Lin Zimao into the house to find Grandpa Jiang.

The guard at the door already knew Grandpa Jiang's itinerary in advance and did not stop them from entering. Instead, when Lin Zimao entered, he asked him if he had any sharp objects on him.

In fact, the machine had already scanned him when he entered the door. If he was carrying weapons or dangerous goods, the alarm would have been sounded.

Jiang Xuan said unhappily: "He didn't bring it."

The guard looked at Lin Zimao again and again before letting them in.

Lin Zimao found it novel: "The security measures here are really well done, three layers inside and three layers outside."

Jiang Xuan told Lin Zimao: "In fact, all the children in our Jiang family are protected by the alliance. As long as we don't mention our relationship with our great grandfather, others won't be able to find out. People outside only know that my family is a mecha manufacturing company."

Lin Zimao said: "But as long as they are in your parents' circle, they will always know something."

Jiang Xuan: "Well, there's nothing we can do about it. As long as the school doesn't spread the news, it's fine."

In fact, Lin Zimao still doesn't understand why the Jiang family wants to marry the Lin family. Is it because of Lin You in the past? It's unlikely. Lin Bei probably doesn't even know who Lin You is. He is a bit confused.

But now they were almost at Grandpa Jiang's door, so Lin Zimao put his doubts back in his mind and waited to ask Jiang Xuan on the way back.

After entering the door, there was only a nanny pouring tea for Grandpa Jiang, and no one else.

The average life expectancy of the Alliance planet is around 150 years old. Grandpa Jiang is almost 130 years old now. With the advanced medical beauty technology, even if he is 150 years old, he can still look like a middle-aged man.

Grandpa Jiang may have to face the camera frequently, and now he looks like a middle-aged man, but one can still sense the aura of an old man in him.

"Are you ready?" Grandfather Jiang was born into a military family. Although he tried to be gentle in front of the younger generation, his tone always carried a hint of superiority. "Sit down."

When Lin Zimao approached, Grandfather Jiang Qi was slightly stunned.

Jiang Xuan just in time introduced Lin Zimao to him: "Grandpa, this is Lin Zimao, my boyfriend."

Grandfather Jiang nodded and asked Lin Zimao, "Who are the children of the Lin family?"

Lin Zimao said yes, and then sat down with Jiang Xuan on the mahogany chair opposite him, with their backs stretched straight.

Nowadays, few people like to use mahogany chairs. Lin Zimao finds it very novel.

Grandpa Jiang asked directly and there was no need to beat around the bush with the younger generation. He also went online to watch Lin Zimao's videos and knew that he was a very straightforward person.

Jiang Qi: "Lin You is a member of the Lin family. You are the youngest of the Lin family. He is also your great-grandfather. Do you know that?"

Lin Zimao hesitated and said, "I know."

Jiang Qi said: "Your father's generation may not know that Lin You left the alliance before they were born and disappeared."

Lin Zimao responded: "Is that so?"

Jiang Qi said: "Yes, who told you about his story?"

Lin Zimao paused, but didn't say anything immediately.

Jiang Qi guessed: "He must have told you, where is he now?"

Lin Zimao shook his head and said, "I don't know. He's missing and may never come back."

Jiang Qi no longer asked him where Lin You was going. He knew a long time ago that as long as Lin You wanted to hide, no one would be able to find him.

Jiang Qi continued to ask: "Why do you want to make public what he has done?"

Lin Zimao answered very quickly: "Because I don't want everyone to forget him."

Jiang Qi asked again: "Have you ever thought that maybe he doesn't want to appear in front of people? Maybe he just wants to live a low-key life?"

Lin Zimao looked directly at Jiang Qi and asked him, "Grandpa Jiang, you knew Lin You when he was 18 years old. Do you think he was a low-key person?"

Jiang Qi suddenly said, "You hit the nail on the head." He liked the drive in Lin Zimao, just like Lin You back then. "You look a lot like Lin You. If I didn't know that you were of different generations, I would always think you looked more like his son."

Lin Zimao didn't argue with Jiang Qi about this, Jiang Xuan interrupted at the right time: "Grandfather, doesn't that mean Zimao is older than me?"

Jiang Qi said: "If it is his son, there is really a generation gap, and I don't know who will suffer the loss."

Lin Zimao nodded sincerely: "Yeah, I won't suffer any loss no matter what I eat."

So the three of them had dinner happily in such an atmosphere. Perhaps it had been a long time since they talked about the old days, so during the meal, Jiang Qi told them many stories about Lin You and himself when they were young.

"We had just joined the army and were sent to a remote small planet to perform a mission. The winter on that planet lasted for half a year. We were all new recruits, and the veterans bullied us and sent us to that planet. I forgot what it was called."

"It's called the Big Ice Planet." Lin Zimao added on behalf of Jiang Qi.

"Yes, it was called the Big Ice Planet. This name was changed by Lin You. It was very cold there. We stayed there most of the night for fear of an enemy invasion. It was snowing in the middle of the night. The snow on the ground was 70 to 80 centimeters thick. It was tiring to walk a few steps. We also caught a giant snow rabbit at that time. The five of us worked together to roast it and eat it. It was especially delicious that night. After drinking a few sips of wine, my whole body was warm. Lin You is younger than us and he sings well. He led us to sing the most popular songs at that time."

"Ah, it was really simple back then, and no one had any thoughts. But later on, everyone received different levels of merit and was promoted to different positions, and people's minds began to change. Some people wanted to stick to their own ideas, while others wanted high positions, generous salaries, and wealth."

Lin Zimao asked: "Grandpa Jiang, what did you want most at that time?"

"Me? There's an old saying, 'What?' Yes, what I wanted most at that time was a wife, children, and a warm bed. I wanted to live a stable and peaceful life in the alliance, but Lin You was different from me. He wanted to venture out and explore. He said he wanted to see all the planets in the universe."

Jiang Qi and Lin Zimao had a good chat because they had a common topic - Lin You.

Jiang Xuan listened to their conversation the whole time and felt quite comfortable. He also got to know Lin You from the side. He was indeed more charming than he had imagined. It was no wonder that Lin Zimao regarded this elder as his idol.

This dinner was a great pleasure for both the host and the guests.

The return journey was not too far, so Lin Zimao and Jiang Xuan sent them off after dinner. Jiang Qi asked the nanny to fill the trunk of their car with food and nothing else.

When elders care about younger people, they will do everything possible and take care of everything.

After Lin Zimao and Jiang Xuan left, Jiang Qi talked to his old friend on the communicator in the study for half an hour.

Everyone has times they miss, and things they recall at night.

Lin Zimao looked at the pile of food and asked Jiang Xuan, "Did your great-grandfather also like to let you take a lot of food back with you when you left?"

Jiang Xuan said: "He does this during the Chinese New Year, but rarely during other times. He was very happy chatting with you tonight and talked a lot more. He usually plays chess with me and can stay silent for an hour."

Lin Zimao kissed Jiang Xuan on the corner of his mouth: "Why don't I think you talk too little? That's quite normal."

Jiang Xuan held his head and kissed him back, "That's because of you."

Lin Zimao felt warm after hearing this. He was a special case with Jiang Xuan and could enjoy all the privileges given by Jiang Xuan. He decided to kiss him, just like an elementary school student.

We were so sticky that our lips were swollen from kissing each other in the car before we got home, and we still felt the journey was a bit short.

Jiang Xuan found that Lin Zimao was unusually clingy tonight. He even stuck to his back when he went to get water.

Jiang Xuan said helplessly: "Do you want to be my conjoined twin? Or do you want to be my pendant?"

Lin Zimao said softly, "How about being your pendant? I'll follow you wherever you go."

Jiang Xuan's heart softened after hearing this: "Okay, you can do whatever you want to me."

Lin Zimao: "It would be great if I could be with you every day."

Jiang Xuan: "Isn't it now?"

Lin Zimao: "Although it is, I still feel that it is not enough. The time we spent together was too short. We should have been together on the wedding day."

Jiang Xuan was hugged by him around the waist, but Lin Zimao's hand was still restless: "On the wedding day?"

Lin Zimao took a step back: "Hmm?"

Jiang Xuan shook his head, thinking that it was not the right time yet. They had only been together officially for a short time, so it was not the right time yet.

A phone call interrupted the pleasant atmosphere between them, and also interrupted their spontaneous thoughts.

Jiang Xuan picked up the communicator and it was Ji Chen calling.

I should tell him that there has been some progress in the matter of slandering Lin Zimao online and forcing him to drop out of school.

Lin Zimao did not disturb him. He went to the refrigerator and got a can of yogurt. When he had almost finished eating, he took out the remaining yogurt in the carton and gave it to Pepper and Salt to lick. Pepper and Salt licked it with relish. He did not lick his lips until all the yogurt on the carton was gone. Only then did he lie back on the sofa, licking his lips and continue to be the emperor.

Jiang Xuan chatted on the communicator for a long time, so Lin Zimao went back to his room to take a shower.

The hot water made him sleepy, and after taking a shower he collapsed on the bed and fell asleep soon after. He didn't know when Jiang Xuan would go back to his room to sleep.

The next morning, he got up early and decided to fulfill his promise from yesterday and prepare a delicious lunch for Jiang Xuan.

However, Jiang Xuan, who got up earlier than him, had already prepared a lunch.

Lin Zimao asked him: "Then what should I do?"

Jiang Xuan looked at the dishes and handed him the chopsticks: "Then you can put the grilled sausage into the lunch box."

Lin Zimao followed suit and put the remaining sausages into the box: "I'm so sorry, senior."

Jiang Xuan looked at him and said, "Why are you embarrassed?"

Lin Zimao put it into his mouth when he wasn't paying attention, and he tasted a faint smell of mouthwash and matcha.

Jiang Xuan was successfully coaxed into being happy by him, and it was okay for him to have love lunch for another week.

Over the weekend, the internet was abuzz with the "General Lin You" incident. Not only did Lin Zimao become a big star at school, he is now considered an internet celebrity.

At noon, he brought an "Ai Xiao lunch box" and "blocked" Jiang Xuan in the cafeteria.

His expression was very bullying, as if he was "forcing" Jiang Xuan to eat his favorite lunch box.

"This is the bento I cooked. You must eat it! Otherwise, it's a waste of food and you'll go to hell."

Jiang Xuan: There is also a hell warning.

But he still had to cooperate when it was time to do so. Jiang Xuan said with a sense of alienation, "I don't like others forcing me."

Lin Zimao slapped the lunch box in front of him and said, "If you don't eat, no one can leave the cafeteria today."

Jiang Xuan: “…” This shows he’s addicted to the game.

But I still have to eat, so I get up at six in the morning to prepare lunch.

Jiang Xuan reminded Lin Zimao: "It's over."

Lin Zimao whispered: "I still have something to say."

Jiang Xuan: "Do you want to eat tomorrow?"

Lin Zimao had no choice but to sit down and eat. The vacuum-packed lunch still retained the aroma and warmth of his morning meal.

The people around me pretended to eat seriously but were actually just watching melons. My classmates replied to the forum while eating.

Damn, it turns out that you can have lunch with the school hunk just by relying on delicious food and your domineering aura!

After having lunch with Jiang Xuan, Lin Zimao was about to go to the classroom to rest.

But just as he walked out of the cafeteria, he was taken to a flying car by a man in military uniform.

There was a very imposing man sitting inside.

Lin Zimao didn't show any fear at all, instead he looked at the other person.

The man's legs were bent naturally. There were two glasses of juice on the small table. The man pushed one of the glasses of juice in front of Lin Zimao.

He said: "At first glance, I thought you were Lin You."

Lin Zimao knew that he was the Marshal of the Alliance's 1st Legion, Yang Ming.