After Returning to My Biological Family, I Was Arranged to Marry

Chapter 9: Why is it you?


Due to a fight in the restaurant, Lin Zimao and others were not in place until an hour after the training started, and they were greeted with rigorous training.

The fifteen-day military training is roughly divided into two parts. The first seven days are basic military posture training, which all freshmen must participate in. The last seven days are training marches and experience projects unique to Feige University. Each department has its own arrangements.

The freshmen are all looking forward to the first seven days passing quickly, as they heard that the projects in the last seven days are the really interesting.

However, the more we waited, the slower time went by. On the morning of the first day, many freshmen had already entered the temporary medical area for various reasons.

I don’t know if it’s because running in the morning can make people energetic. Although Lin Zimao’s legs were a little weak, he still persisted in the morning.

The bell rang to end the morning training, and the instructors let them rest and eat.

Wang Yi was already very hungry. Guo Xingwei and others who had fought with them also rushed into the restaurant. They were even hungrier than Wang Yi and others. They disliked the bad breakfast in the morning, so they trained on an empty stomach for the whole morning.

Lin Zimao followed them in.

The lunch options are not very good, you can order more but the variety is very limited.

Two pieces of meat, one vegetable and one soup, just looking at them doesn't seem very appetizing for freshmen who usually eat very fine food.

Lin Zimao wasn't picky about food, but the corner of his mouth was broken and a little swollen, so it hurt when he opened his mouth. He didn't want to eat after a few mouthfuls of rice. However, he usually finished his food and wouldn't waste it, so he just nibbled on it slowly, bit by bit.

He sat with his roommates. They were all very hungry and ate quickly. When Wang Yi and others finished eating, there was still a lot of food left on Lin Zimao's plate.

Lin Zimao said, "You guys go back first. My mouth hurts and I eat slowly."

They had sweated a lot in the morning and wanted to go back to take a shower and take a nap. Several students with earlier student numbers went back to the dormitory first, asking him to eat slowly, leaving only Wang Yi to accompany Lin Zimao, mainly because he would have to queue up for a shower if he went back now.

Knowing that Lin Zimao didn't talk much about Alpha Planet, Wang Yi talked to him about things he knew, such as Jiang Xuan from the college student union.

Military training only exercises the physical fitness and perseverance of the freshmen, but does not isolate them from the world. They can still use communicators, surf the Internet and play games.

Wang Yi asked him: "Have you visited our school's forum?"

“Hmm?” Lin Zimao had a hard time eating even though his mouth was hurting, and he could only utter single syllables.

Wang Yi looked around and said, "It's Senior Jiang Xuan. He was filmed talking to his childhood sweetheart last night and posted on the forum."

Lin Zimao took a sip of soup: "Then?"

Wang Yi took out his communicator and opened the forum post he had read. Just as he was about to hand the communicator to Lin Zimao to take a look, he heard someone asking them.

"Junior, is anyone sitting here?"

The person who came was senior He Ling, who was in charge of their class. There were several people standing next to her, all of them should be from the student union, including Jiang Xuan.

A few of their table left, leaving enough space for several seniors from the Student Union to sit down and have their meal.

When Wang Yi saw the beautiful senior schoolmate, he immediately forgot what he was going to say and turned off the screen of the communicator.

He smiled warmly and said, "No one is here, please sit wherever you like, seniors."

Jiang Xuan, He Ling and others sat down one by one.

Lin Zimao's seat was next to the window, and Jiang Xuan was sitting opposite him.

He Ling didn't see Lin Zimao's face last night, so she didn't know that he was the freshman who had a cold. After they sat down, He Ling introduced two other seniors to Wang Yi and then started eating.

Lin Zimao ate slowly. The food was already cold and he felt a little hopeless. However, when he opened his mouth a little wider, the corners of his mouth hurt badly. So he simply covered his mouth while eating and finally managed to finish most of the food.

He Ling and the other two seniors still had a lot to talk about. Jiang Xuan, who was sitting opposite Lin Zimao, ate slowly and seriously without saying a word.

It was not until Lin Zimao pulled the corner of his mouth while biting a piece of pork chop and let out a hissing sound that he raised his head and looked at him.

He Ling and the others naturally heard it, but everyone chose not to mention the fight intentionally or unintentionally, and did not ask him about the corner of his mouth.

Lin Zimao finally finished his meal, and Wang Yi had a good chat with the seniors. He has a sunny personality and can get along with anyone. He is very friendly.

Lin Zimao said to him, "I'm done eating, let's go."

The two told their seniors that they were leaving first.

After they left, Jiang Xuan put down his chopsticks, but he did not speak to Lin Zimao. Instead, he took out his communicator and typed in two words.

After Lin Zimao put the food plate into the automatic recycling machine, he felt the communicator in his trouser pocket vibrating. He took it out and saw that it was a message from Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan:

[Apply medicine.]

Lin Zimao replied:

[I know, it hurts.]

Jiang Xuan glanced down and then finished the rest of his meal.

The word "pain" can bring up many images. He couldn't help but think of Lin Zimao's soft and coquettish cry of pain when he was applying medicine to him in the morning. Jiang Xuan was close to him and his ears were not deaf, so the soft and weak voice echoed in his mind several times.

When Jiang Xuan, He Ling and others were about to leave the restaurant, they met Cheng Chen who was walking with a group of boys and girls.

Posts on the forum had already identified them as a couple, and Cheng Chen had been receiving envious glances from everyone today.

He is my childhood sweetheart and my boyfriend, how happy I am. What’s more, my boyfriend is the one and only handsome boy in school!

Of course, Cheng Chen didn't explain to anyone that he wasn't officially together with Jiang Xuan yet, but it was only a matter of time.

Now that he meets Jiang Xuan, of course he has to show off his close relationship with Jiang Xuan in front of others.

"Brother Jiang Xuan, have you finished eating?"

Jiang Xuan nodded, and left the restaurant with He Ling and the others with an expressionless face.

Cheng Chen thought he could get special treatment: "..."

He also heard some female classmates whispering about Jiang Xuan.

"Senior Jiang Xuan is so cold. Normally, shouldn't he ask Cheng Chen why he hasn't eaten yet so late?"

"Yeah, that's totally unlike the attitude a boyfriend in the honeymoon period should have."

Cheng Chen's face changed slightly, but a classmate next to him explained for him: "Don't you know? I used to go to the same high school with Senior Jiang Xuan. He has always been so cold and doesn't talk much, like a glacier that never melts. However, I don't know if he is good to others, but in high school, I only saw him give Chenchen an umbrella."

With solid evidence, witnesses and physical evidence, Cheng Chen felt much better. In fact, he wanted to say that he and Jiang Xuan were not a couple at all, and there was no such thing.

The two girls stopped talking and quickly changed the subject, saying that they were starving and that everyone should go eat quickly.

Cheng Chen came to his senses and decided not to have any more dealings with these two girls because they talked too much.

And his confession plan should be advanced.

Jiang Xuan is on duty tomorrow night, so he has to find an opportunity to confess his feelings to him and change their ambiguous relationship that has lasted for many years.

Lin Zimao returned to the dormitory and took a shower to wash off the stickiness on his body.

Before taking a nap, he took medicine and applied ointment. He suddenly felt so delicate. It was funny to think about it. He was not as delicate and delicate as he is now before he was eighteen.

Sure enough, wealth can corrupt people.

As I was thinking, I fell asleep without realizing it.

The training base was very quiet in the afternoon. The freshmen who had been noisy all night were tortured for the whole morning. Half of their energy and spirit were gone. During the afternoon training, they were like fish thrown ashore and out of water, dying from the sun.

The ultraviolet rays were too strong, so the freshmen all wore long-sleeved training clothes and hats for fear of being sunburned.

Because the sunlight was too strong, two male classmates in Lin Zimao's class fell down and were helped to the medical center by the counselor and Jiang Xuan.

When they came back, the two male classmates kept saying that Senior Jiang Xuan was too cold and didn't say a word of comfort on the way.

Lin Zimao didn't apply sunscreen, so his neck was sunburned red. After finishing the afternoon training, his neck felt itchy and painful.

Wang Yi asked him, "What are you scratching?"

Lin Zimao pointed behind him and said, "Take a look at your neck to see if it's sunburned."

Wang Yi lifted the collar from Lin Zimao's neck and said, "You're quite red from the sun, probably sunburned. Didn't you put on sunscreen?"

Lin Zimao said, "I didn't bring it." He had no military training experience, and the ultraviolet rays on Alpha Star were not so strong.

Wang Yi: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I have it with me. You can apply mine tomorrow."

Lin Zimao looked at him suspiciously: "Your bottle only has 30 ml, are you sure it's enough for the two of us?"

Wang Yi hesitated. He was tall and took up a large area. “Why don’t we ask Senior Sister He Ling? They can go back to rest at night and ask her to bring us a bottle.”

Lin Zimao thought this was possible: "Okay, I'll ask her later."

There were many unexpected events on the first day of military training. He Ling sent a girl with dysmenorrhea to the medical room an hour ago, and she hasn't returned yet. Lin Zimao added her social account in the group.

Dinner was not very pleasant. His cold had not healed, the sore corners of his mouth had not healed, and now he had symptoms of sunburn. As a result of his low mood, Lin Zimao only ate half of it. At noon, he could have finished his meal on Jiang Xuan's face. Sitting opposite him was the chattering Wang Yi. Lin Zimao's focus was on his chin. The pimples on his chin not only did not get smaller, but became darker in color, which was a bit ugly.

Lin Zimao could only swallow the last few bites of food in a hurry. He didn't want to eat it slowly anymore, as his mouth was tired from eating it.

Finishing the afternoon training does not mean giving the freshmen free time. Now is the time for them to replenish their energy. They have to gather at 7 o'clock in the evening to watch an hour-long war documentary. It's boring just to think about it.

After Lin Zimao returned, he added He Ling’s social account and asked her if she could help him buy calming spray and sunscreen.

He Ling replied after a long while, saying it was okay. Lin Zimao said he would transfer the money to her after the purchase. He Ling said she was welcome, after all, Lin Zimao was also a good-looking junior, quiet and well-behaved, and very likable.

After returning to the dormitory and taking a shower, Lin Zimao continued to take medicine and apply ointment. The back of his neck felt hot, itchy and painful.

Since he didn’t need to wear training clothes to watch historical documentaries, he washed the training clothes he had taken off today and changed into a T-shirt and knee-length shorts.

Wang Yi kept urging him to go out quickly. He wanted to see girls in casual clothes. He swore before going to college that he would have a girlfriend after college.

Lin Zimao splashed some water on his neck to relieve the pain before going out.

The documentary was shown on the big playground. All the freshmen were arranged to sit on the huge training ground, and it was packed with people.

Fortunately, there was no rule that required us to sit in the same formation as during daytime training, so Lin Zimao chose a seat at the back and sat cross-legged.

The noisy freshmen quieted down under the scolding of the instructors.

The halogen lights on the playground went out one by one, and the documentary images soon appeared in front of the freshmen.

The exciting music at the beginning aroused the enthusiasm of a group of young people. This was a scene they had never seen before.

That was the early days of space warfare.

On the screen, mechas flew out from the giant battleship in a regular pattern...

While others were watching intently, Lin Zimao would scratch the back of his neck from time to time.

It's itchy and uncomfortable.

Sighing for no reason, how am I going to get through this night

Suddenly someone patted him on the shoulder.

Lin Zimao turned his head and saw a shadow looming over him, and the other party handed him a spray.

At this moment, he felt that the person in front of him was like a hero who had descended from the sky, the Bodhisattva Guanyin who had come to save him from suffering.

It's one thing to think so in your heart, but it's another to say it out loud: "Why is it you?"

Jiang Xuan looked at him coldly: "Are you sorry?"