After Returning to My Biological Family, I Was Arranged to Marry

Chapter 93: Who cheated


Lin Zimao and Cheng Chen’s small mechas have both been equipped with intelligent systems.

The two of them stood aside, communicating with their own small mechas.

However, Lin Zimao hardly said a word, but Cheng Chen kept giving orders to his mecha.

The two mechas faced off.

Garlic took two steps back. As time was running out, he was not picky about the shell and directly chose milky white, which looked quite conspicuous on the test site.

Because the two mechas are small in size, their every move is projected onto the big screen.

Cheng Chen originally wanted to blow up Lin Zimao's mecha with one shot to establish his position as the second place winner of the design competition. He is a student of the design department and will not allow himself to lose face.

Of course, he didn't take the mecha designed by Lin Zimao seriously.

I don't know if he designed it himself

After he crushes the small mecha, he will ask Lin Zimao whether he designed this mecha himself.

Cheng Chen has thought about the subsequent process and "language".

He would not let Lin Zimao, who had ruined his plans time and time again, go. He would find it hard to swallow this anger if he didn't get rid of it.

Cheng Chen was angry, so he directed the anger onto the mecha he was operating.

He directly aimed the small cannon mounted on the mecha at Lin Zimao's small mecha. He actually wanted to let the mecha aim at Lin Zimao himself, but they were standing outside the field, with a layer of protective film between them, which even a high-level heavy artillery might not be able to break.

When Cheng Chen was operating, Lin Zimao naturally saw his movements, but Lin Zimao was not worried at all.

A cannonball landed heavily at Suan Rong's feet. It was not that the opponent missed, but Suan Rong predicted it in advance. He bent his short legs slightly and jumped up, rushing straight to the opponent's face. He humanely kicked the big mecha to the ground, and then fired a shot at the position where the big mecha had just fired the cannonball. The right palm of the big mecha was immediately gone.

Yes, it was directly destroyed!

It can be seen that this little mecha is particularly vindictive and will take revenge on the spot, which is very consistent with his master's character, a character inherited from the same source.

Cheng Chen's face froze slightly, and he heard a notification from his headset that his mecha was immediately damaged.

Someone on the stage said that the materials used in Cheng Chen's mecha were of poor quality, and the shells used by Garlic were not the strongest. He didn't expect that he would be able to break the opponent's palm.

Everyone at the scene was talking about it, but Lin Zimao didn't care at all about how to operate the small mecha. He looked calm, as if he was just watching a small game. Compared with Cheng Chen's anxious eyes, the difference was like heaven and earth.

Garlic had no intention of giving the big mecha a chance to fight back. It chased the big mecha that was avoiding its attack.

Because they are all miniature mechas, they don't carry many weapons, all of which are miniature. However, as long as it is operated properly, Garlic can also blow up the large mechas, and it is doing so.

The large mecha was made of inferior materials and had a high load-bearing capacity, so its movements were clumsy and slow when dodging attacks. It was no match for the light and thin Garlic Rong, who gave a series of consecutive kicks to the mecha that was twice his height without even blinking.

Clank, clank, clank, clank!

The large mecha was kicked far away, and obvious marks of being beaten began to appear on its body. It seemed to have lost all its energy, and it remained motionless while being beaten unilaterally. The people on the stage couldn't bear to watch.

"This is too bad. Shouldn't the mecha designed by Cheng Chen be of such poor quality?"

"Didn't he just win the second place in the design competition? Or did he let Lin Zimao win?"

"No way. I think Lin Zimao's little mecha is very similar to his personality. It's too flamboyant."

"I kind of like this little mecha, too. It's cute and tough."

"I thought I was the only one who felt this way."

At the same time, people who came for Cheng Chen's fame poured into the live broadcast room, and as soon as they came in, they saw the big mecha being beaten so badly that it had no power to fight back.

-Wow, was the one who got beaten Cheng Chen’s opponent

-No, the one who was beaten was Cheng Chen.

-It makes me feel embarrassed. Is this something designed by the second-place mecha designer in the Alliance

-But Cheng Chen is not focused on designing attack-type mechas.

-But you have to know that your opponent is not a professional designer.

-Is it so easy to be a mecha designer nowadays

The barrage suddenly went blank.

Of course, it is not easy to become a mecha designer.

If Cheng Chen was defeated by an unknown person, doesn't it mean that his mecha design is very watered down

Even if he was not designed to be an offensive mecha, he shouldn't have been knocked down so easily, right

The doubts about Cheng Chen spread from the scene to the live broadcast room.

Now Cheng Chen can't see everyone's comments, but he began to regret it.

Seeing his mecha being beaten to pieces and having no chance of winning, Cheng Chen's face darkened again. He not only doubted whether Lin Zimao's small mecha was really designed by him

Just as this doubt flashed through his mind, Cheng Chen saw the small mecha in front of him pick up his mecha with bare hands, push it into the air, and then suddenly rush down, and the big mecha was smashed heavily to the ground with a loud bang!

The small mecha's destructive power is more than that. It continued to drag the big mecha back and forth, bang bang bang, and swung it left and right, showing that it was having a lot of fun.

Garlic paste also has automatic voice effects!





"Fall down!"

At this time, Cheng Chen's face was already frosted, and he continued to give orders to his big mecha: "Move, counter the small mecha! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

However, Cheng Chen only responded: "The difference in strength between our opponent and us is too great, and we cannot counterattack!"

"Report, the weapon system has been destroyed!"

"Report, the energy system has been destroyed!"

"Report… "

Each message told Cheng Chen that the mecha was about to fail.

Cheng Chen gritted his teeth and issued the last command he had someone secretly set up: "Start the self-destruct program."

As long as the self-destruct program is activated, there will be no winner or loser in this game!

The big mecha responded: "Self-destruction program started, five, four, three... three... three"

However, there was a shadow that was faster than the big mecha's response, and a hole was blasted in the main program of the big mecha by a small cannon!

"… three… "

Click, it’s gone.

Garlic stomped hard again, and the parts of the mecha were broken into pieces.

He shouted to Lin Zimao who was standing at the side of the experimental field: "Damn it! This bastard actually wanted to activate the self-destruction program! How disgusting! Fortunately, my reaction speed is fast enough! However, I can actually withstand its self-destruction!"

The self-destruct program failed to start, and the big mecha was kicked to pieces by Garlic. Cheng Chen turned pale with fright.

How did this little mecha know that he had activated the self-destruct program!

Not only did he hear it, but the audience in the experimental field and the audience in the live broadcast room also heard it.

Just compete, but it is too immoral to destroy yourself.

Although their private competitions had no clear rules, this ruthless way of competing was really cruel. If it was not in the experimental field with a protective film, but outside, wouldn't it directly endanger other people

Cheng Chen must have a dark heart to dare to do this.

Many people began to express their disgust towards Cheng Chen.

At this time, Suan Rong left the competition arena in fear and jumped back to Lin Zimao from the exit.

"Oh my god, I killed him." It patted its chest again, "How terrible! It actually wanted to self-destruct. If I hadn't discovered it in time, wouldn't I have died with it? Although I can resist for a while, half of my body will be destroyed. I like my color, like cream, I'm so cute!"

It stood beside Lin Zimao and talked a lot.

Lin Zimao looked down at it and said, "Suan Rong, is the word humility missing from your vocabulary? You talk too much."

Suan Rong said innocently, "I don't talk much. I didn't say more than two words on the court just now, but I was so suffocated. Being modest means not to exaggerate your abilities, but I didn't exaggerate. I spoke the truth."

Lin Zimao felt that he should go back and modify its program. Being too lively is not always a good thing. It is too noisy and likes to brag.

At this time, the audience had different opinions on Cheng Chen's final approach. The general answer was: Can't afford to lose.

Lin Zimao walked up to Cheng Chen and calmly said three words: "You lost, you must keep your promise."

Cheng Chen couldn't accept the fact that he lost the competition with Lin Zimao. In anger, he blurted out: "Lin Zimao, you cheated! How could you design a mecha in a month? This is not your achievement at all."

Lin Zimao, who was accused in public, laughed instead of getting angry: "Cheng Chen, don't judge others by your own standards. You would do such a thing, but I wouldn't. I can sue you for defamation. Besides, who is cheating? We don't know yet."

Cheng Chen's most loyal friends jumped out one by one: "Cheng Chen just won the second place in the Alliance Mecha Design Competition, how could he cheat? Don't slander me. Lin Zimao, you are from the Mecha Maintenance Department, how could you design a mecha!"

Lin Zimao's fans also ran over, unwilling to be outdone.

Miao Miao put his hands on his waist and said, "What? You dare to question our boss? How can the design of this White Lotus compare with our boss? Are your eyes blinded by shit?" He looked at Cheng Chen, "White Lotus, you didn't design this mecha yourself, did you?"

Cheng Chen didn't expect things to develop to this point. His eyes were slightly evasive and he once again regretted not admitting defeat directly. He shouldn't have offended Lin Zimao again!

Now, he is in a dilemma.

His "friends" said: "Lin Zimao, what evidence do you have to prove that the mecha was designed by you?"

Lin Zimao said, "Oh, that's easy. I have a video recording here. I can upload it if you need it." He glanced at Cheng Chen and said, "I just don't know if the second place winner of the Alliance Design Competition can come up with a video to prove his design."

How could Cheng Chen have a video!

His friends wanted to continue to speak for Cheng Chen, but Lin Zimao said again: "The design draft doesn't count, Cheng Chen, what do you have to prove that the mecha was designed by you?"

The design draft can be proven, but it is just a set of data, which Cheng Chen cannot prove.

Because he has never designed a mecha, and he doesn't know how to do it.

His friends said: "The video of the league's speech that day can prove his ability."

Miao Miao picked up at least five kilograms of minced garlic and said, "Who can't recite a script?"

Lin Zimao said: "Cheng Chen, I'm waiting for your video. Any video of you making a mecha by yourself will do."

After saying that, Lin Zimao took Garlic Miao Miao and walked towards the exit.

Garlic turned around and said in a voice that everyone could hear: "I helped the boss upload the video he made of me to the school forum. Students who want to see it can take it for themselves."

Everyone: “…”

This little mecha is very smart and as arrogant as his master.

After a while, they heard Cheng Chen's screams from behind as he fainted from anger.