After Ten Confessions

Chapter 15



Luo Shu has already forgotten when was the last time he cried so badly.

The term "little crying bag" is very unpleasant in the eyes of some people, but Luo Shu envies such people, and even turns into jealousy at a certain moment.

He envied those who could cry if they wanted to.

Sad, wronged and afraid, it seems that crying can get emotional venting.

Cry if you want to cry, just cry out.

It sounds easy, but he just can't do it.

Maybe for a moment, I discovered the boredom of the people around me when I was crying.

He began to be at a loss for what to do. Gradually, because of the fear of a look or a word from others, I unconsciously began to bury most of my true emotions in the depths.

In the end, he learned to keep suppressing himself in a limited space.

Completely forget that you still have the slight right to cry.

Depressed to the final result, it is easy to be affected by some seemingly insignificant things, and then completely collapse.

He refused to give him even a second chance to make amends.

Now completely broken, he is hugging the person in front of him tightly and refuses to let go.

Luo Shu eagerly hoped that he could get another way to soothe his emotions.

He wanted to fight for it himself, so he kept asking for it and conquering the city, but in the end he surrendered willingly.

The surroundings are quiet, and the gorgeous fireworks have long been swallowed by darkness with the passage of time.

The intimacy between the two is enough for Luo Shu to ignore the ever-increasing cold wind.

As for the tears in the corners of his eyes, he had already been obsessed with a slightly perverted kiss by someone.

"Hand, mobile phone." In a daze, Luo Shu seemed to hear the sound of the mobile phone ringing, trying to regain his senses.

This is not his mobile phone ringtone, so the sound is from Qi Yuna.

The air-conditioning poured into the distance between the two of them, and the boy left without any nostalgia, which made him feel empty in his heart.

He watched Qi Yu take out the cell phone in his coat pocket, and the other party kept staring at the cell phone until the ringing ended.

A few seconds later, the phone rang again.

Qi Yu still didn't answer, and even pressed and held the power off button on the side.

"Why didn't you answer?" Maybe he was confused by the kiss, Luo Shu asked without thinking.

Qi Yu put away the phone and explained calmly: "I don't answer strange calls."

But you can reject it, or directly pull the blacklist, why should you just shut down

The heat on his body gradually dissipated, and Luo Shu's brain was functioning normally.

So he kept the words to himself.

Qi Yu seemed to see his doubts, but did not explain.

When Qi Yu went to fetch Bu Bu who had been left out for a long time, Luo Shu's cell phone rang.

He took it out and saw that it was also a strange call. The place where the number belongs is far away from them, and he has never been there, and no friends he knows are there.

But just in case, he took it anyway.


There was a long silence in response to him, but other voices could be vaguely heard from the receiver, but they were far away and could not be heard clearly.

Luo Shu was muttering in his heart, and when he was about to hang up, a sound came out slowly.

"Qi Yu is with you?"

The voice in the earpiece was very low, sounding steady and mature.

I don't know if it's because of the cold wind, but Luo Shu still felt that the voice was slightly cold.

"You are?"

Luo Shu walked towards the boy not far away, and asked the opposite person's identity by the way.

The person looking for Qi Yu, why did you call him on his cell phone

"If you are there, let him answer the phone. If you are not, go to him and let him answer the phone."

The other side didn't want to explain unnecessary things to him, and they spoke in an order that could not be refused.

This made Luo Shu very uncomfortable.



Qi Yu squatted down, raised her hand to touch Bubu who had been neglected for a long time. The little guy seemed to lose his temper, and kept arching into his arms.

He rubbed its ears, smiled and asked in its ear, "Are we Boobs jealous?"

Bubu is a dog he picked up from the side of the road when he was in the third grade of junior high school. The pedigree is very pure, it should be a pet dog abandoned by people.

At that time, Boob was very dirty, and his fur was bald in several spots.

Just when Qi Yu and Xu Qinghe were passing by, the little guy came to touch the porcelain several times. Under its still bright and docile eyes, Qi Yu was surprised by Xu Qinghe, and chose to take it home.

Sensing someone approaching from behind, Qi Yu got up, turned around and saw the young man holding a mobile phone and handing it to him.

He said, "I'm looking for you."

Hearing this, Qi Yu stared at it, and did not take it immediately.

His breath became very low, and he stared at the screen showing that he was connected, his eyes dimmed

The person over there remained extremely patient until Qi Yu picked up the phone, and the person sensed that Qi Yu was already listening.

He said slowly: "Happy New Year. It's not past midnight, but it's not too late."

Qi Yu didn't take the time to warm up with him, and signaled the young man to be optimistic about Bubu, and chose to walk far away.

After making sure the boy couldn't hear him, he said slowly: "Xu Qinghe, you shouldn't touch my bottom line again."

"Qi Yu! Do you insist on treating me like this?" Xu Qinghe on the other end of the phone was annoyed.

He just wanted to get a "Happy New Year" from Qi Yu.

"I didn't make the situation alone."

"Qi Yu, you should understand that children from families like ours are doomed to be involuntary and follow every step of the way. If they make a careless move, they will lose everything and ruin their reputation."

After a long time, Xu Qinghe said in a low voice: "Qi Yu, I can't afford to lose."

This is Xu Qinghe showing his bewildered and vulnerable side to Qi Yu.

Because he knows Qi Yu's temperament.

Qi Yu enjoys the arrogance of constantly crushing some people, making these people reluctant, but they have to present a weak posture in front of him.

Qi Yu is not a good person, and he is not a good person, so the so-called friendship between them can be maintained.

But he is not satisfied with this simple friendship, nor does he simply want some ridiculous love.

He wanted to conquer this goblin who seemed to grow in the dark night, including obtaining the huge benefits behind him.

Xu Qinghe wanted Qi Yu to be tied to him forever.

Live and die together, ups and downs together.

Qi Yu listened quietly, tapping his fingers intermittently on the back of the phone.

Xu Qinghe knew him, and he also knew Xu Qinghe.

So I didn't take his trick, but calmly reminded him: "You have a choice, but you made the wrong choice, and you have already lost."

From the moment Xu Qinghe regarded him as a pawn, the outcome was already doomed.

Qi Yu can't tolerate a betrayer, even if he doesn't fully trust the other party.

Xu Qinghe gritted his teeth: "Even without me, you wouldn't be able to stay out of the matter. You'd always get involved in the Qi family's affairs. Then you'll understand what kind of mood I was in when I made the decision."

From his tone, it seems that Qi Yu has long been certain that Qi Yu will definitely get involved in the struggle for interests of the Qi family.

It is determined that Qi Yu and Xu Qinghe are essentially the same kind of people, cruel and decisive, and will do anything to achieve their goals.

But he was wrong.

Xu Qinghe and Qi Yu are similar at first glance, but they are still fundamentally different upon closer inspection.

Xu Qinghe can give up everything he once loved for his own benefit.

But Qi Yu won't, he won't attack someone he cares about for his own selfish desire.

And I won't look for similar-looking substitutes just because I can't get them, just to satisfy my unbearable desires.

Therefore, Qi Yu disdained Xu Qinghe's liking, and didn't even think it was liking.

What's more, before the situation reached the point of no return, he gave him a chance.

"this is the last time."

Qi Yu didn't want to waste time with him.

The wind is blowing too cold and he needs to be somewhere warm now.

"Aren't you afraid to annoy me, what can I do to the owner of this phone?"

Since he has the ability to find this person named Luo Shu, he has the ability to do something further.

"You dare not." Where Xu Qinghe couldn't see, the boy raised his mouth.

His smile was not gentle, it was casual and lazy, with a hint of sarcasm. "Xu Qinghe, do you dare?"

Qi Yu knew Xu Qinghe quite well.

With such great ambitions, he would never gamble everything he has now for Luo Shu, whom he has never met before.

Xu Qinghe is not that stupid.

In fact, it is true.

Xu Qinghe was clearly seen by Qi Yu, and immediately felt ashamed and annoyed, and had nowhere to vent.

On the other hand, he himself seems to have never really seen Qi Yu clearly.

He was not reconciled and let out his words.

"I really won't do anything to him. Because you and I both know that he is just a whim of yours."

"Before I make a move, you will make a decision yourself."

"Qi Yu, your heart has always been cold, and you are more cruel and decisive than me."

Qi Yu was expressionless, and turned to look at the well-behaved boy standing in the distance, waiting for him with the dog.

He exhaled turbid air, and only said: "Just take care of yourself."

Then he hung up the phone resolutely, regardless of whether Xu Qinghe would go crazy with anger.

Qi Yu walked to the opposite side, and when he handed over the phone, he suddenly recalled what happened before, and asked casually, "Is there any recording this time?"

The boy immediately shook his head, "Last time was an accident, if you don't believe me, take a look."

For fear that he would not believe it, he hurriedly pulled out the recording file, and there was nothing on it.

so positive. Qi Yu was very satisfied, and raised his hand to stroke his head. "So good. It was an accident just now, and there will be no more strange calls in the future."

Maybe he didn't expect him to touch him so intimately, the boy looked at him stupidly.

Because of crying so hard, his eyes are still red and swollen, revealing a pitiful feeling.

"Qi Yu, are we dating now?"

It's been a long time, and now she treats him with pampering actions.

This should be dating... right

Qi Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "No."

The boy's expectant expression immediately disappeared.

None of this, so what is needed. How could he be like this

"Think I'm a scumbag?"


"I suddenly discovered something."


The boy who was still sulking suddenly raised his head and looked at him curiously.

Qi Yu really likes his character, his petty temper comes and goes quickly.

"It's not bad for you to be my sister." Said, Qi Yu bent down to pet the dog. "That's right, Boob, it's good to be a younger sister."

Be fierce to others, be obedient to him, and even act like a baby unconsciously.

Well, she is a good candidate to be a younger sister.

As for Qi Meng, he doesn't mind being a good younger brother with a genetic mutation.


The sudden turn of the topic confused Luo Shu, and it took him a long time to recover his thoughts.

Who will be the younger sister? He is a man, how can he be a younger sister? You should be a younger brother.

No, neither sister nor brother can do it.

And who would kiss his younger siblings.

This is perverted!

"I don't want to be a younger sister, nor can I be a younger brother."

Luo Shu stepped forward, took one of the boy's cold hands, and squeezed into his fingers forcefully, interlocking his fingers.

He is constantly testing Qi Yu. Try to find out where the bottom line he gave him is.

Every time he tried, Luo Shu found that what he himself thought was too much seemed to be irrelevant to Qi Yu.

Now, the boy still didn't refuse his approach, and asked with a smile, "Then what do you want to do? You're really greedy, right Boob?"

Every time Qi Yu calls Bubu, Luo Shu always feels that he is calling him.

Call once, get nervous once, and this time is no exception.

He made sure that Qi Yu was looking at the golden-haired Bubu, and calmed down and said, "Of course it's a lover."

"What's so good about a lover? Love comes and goes quickly, and it's very fragile."

"Always try, how will you know the length of time if you don't try?"

Luo Shu has never opposed the long-lasting love in this world because of his native family.

At least he felt that the relationship between Qi Yu's parents was what he envied.

"If I tell you clearly, even if we date, we will separate sooner or later. I can even give you a clear time zone. Even so, you still want to continue to be obsessed?"

"To be obsessed with obsession can't be used here." Luo Xuezai Shu told the boy very seriously, such a word is not appropriate.

At the same time, he also answered his question: "You won't. If it was really possible, you wouldn't date me in the first place."

Before the words fell, Luo Shu felt that the hands that were holding each other visibly paused.

Qi Yu tilted his head to look at the boy's side face, his face was full of affirmation.

Within an hour, the boy was the second person to use an absolute tone to speculate on his mind.

Most of the time Xu Qinghe actually pretends to be smart, but this person...

Qi Yu bent his lips.

"Sometimes I really don't know whether to say you are smart or stupid."

Luo Shu didn't notice the changes in the thoughts of the people around him, so he pushed back unconvinced: "I'm not stupid, it's just that I don't study well."

Poor study doesn't mean anything, not to mention that he has been improving after the monthly exams.

As long as you keep working hard, you can still get into a university.

"I didn't say you were studying." Qi Yu didn't care about grades.

Luo Shu was full of confidence. "Then I'm not stupid."

Although he is not as smart as Qi Yu, he is not bad either.

And when two people get along, if you place your position too low, it is not a good thing.

So he is very good!

They drove here by themselves, Luo Shu drove the car.

As an adult with a driver's license, he is now legally on the road.

Not long after the car started, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that the boy in the co-pilot seemed to be asleep, and Boo Boo was also curled up in the back seat, sleeping soundly.

Luo Shu thought about it, went to the next intersection, and chose to go to another intersection.

He also has a house here.

The previous set, and the one he wants to go to now, are all places he often goes to.

The house I am going to now belongs to a detached courtyard with a hidden attic.

He likes to lie on the bed in the attic and watch the deep sky full of stars from the glass skylight.

Because it was still close, he quickly reached his destination. Just a little hesitant to wake up Qi Yu.

He also shared the same bed with Qi Yu, and once happened to wake Qi Yu up in the middle of the night, only to realize that he was a little angry for getting up.

Instead of yelling at him angrily or yelling at him, he would just squint and stare at him, making people feel guilty.

Luo Shu approached the co-pilot's seat, his eyes full of hesitation.

He first tentatively blew into the boy's ear, but when he realized that he was still awake, he stretched out his hand and poked his face lightly.

He whispered softly in his ear: "Qi Yu, we're home."

After finishing speaking, the person didn't wake up, and he realized the implication of the words, but turned a big blush instead.


If only it was really him and his family.



Qi Yu woke up, because he felt that the light was a bit dazzling, so he closed his eyes again to relax.

Although the sleep time was a bit short, he still had a dream.

I dreamed that he was spending time with someone, and his attachment was tender.

Although he couldn't see that person's face clearly, he remembered that the other person had pierced ears. On the right ear, there are three.

He opened his eyes again, turned his head to look at the boy, "Come here."

The other party didn't ask any more questions, and leaned over obediently.

Qi Yu raised his hand and touched the boy's right ear. The cold fingertips pinched upward along the earlobe, where there are three ear holes.

When we met for the first time, there were still three earrings on it, and a head of silver hair, so arrogant.

Luo Shu didn't know what he was going to do, he just felt that his feet were a little weak, and he almost fell into Qi Yu's arms.

This feeling is so strange, more intoxicating than kissing.

With his hands back, Qi Yu unbuckled his seat belt and said slowly, "I had a dream."

Luo Shu calmed down and listened to him quietly.

"In the dream, you cried so happily."

Luo Shu:? ?

Let's not talk about why I want him to cry in my dream. No one would use happy to describe crying, it should be crying very sad.

"It seems to have found a more interesting solution, but it seems a bit absurd to me."

These words, Qi Yu seemed to be talking to himself.

There is a little doubt in the bottom of his eyes, obviously he doesn't understand why he has such a dream.

The young man was in a fog, but still didn't understand what he said.

Qi Yu looked at the outside environment and realized something was wrong. "Where is this?"

"It's also where I live, and it's relatively close, so I came here to sleep for one night. It's just that the space we sleep in this time may be a little small."

The attic is not big and not high, so it is just right for two people to sleep.

Every time he comes here, he only sleeps there, and when he goes out during the day, the other unused rooms may be dusty.

Qi Yu nodded and got out of the car, and got the drowsy Boo Bu out of the car. As the teenager drove the car to the garage, he looked up at the sky,

Today's starry sky is beautiful, full of stars. I don't know if he hasn't woken up yet, but he seems to have seen a meteor across the sky in a trance, fleeting.

"Let's go."

Pulling the listless Bobu, Qi Yu and the boy entered the room.

Seeing the sofa, Bubu jumped on it consciously, and continued to curl up to sleep, as if he planned to sleep here today.

Qi Yu patted its head, and Luo Shu turned on the air conditioner to make sure that it wouldn't be too cold for Boubu who was sleeping on the sofa.

The entrance to the attic is on the top of the third floor, which requires remote control and is hidden on the top stairs.

As Luo Shu said, the inside is really not big, and tall people can't stand up straight. There is only a little room for two people to stay inside.

At this time they were lying in a bed. When you look up, you can watch the twinkling stars in the night through the square inch of the skylight.

It was the first time for Qi Yu to see the stars with others, and he was still lying in the same bed.

"This is my secret base. I always hoped that someone would accompany me here to watch the stars."

In the ear is the voice of the boy's hidden excitement.

"Qi Yu, I'm very happy that the person accompanying me is you."

Qi Yu saw the boy turn his head to look at him. His eyebrows are curved, his spirit is high, and his big white teeth are showing. Really happy to laugh.

Today is a very weird day.

At least for Qi Yu himself, he thinks he is a bit weird.

And the crux of everything is the young man in front of him.

He is good at and likes to control everything around him. Today, however, this young man felt an unprecedented sense of loss of control.

Not obvious, very weak, just for a moment, but enough to confuse him.

Qi Yu chose to get up and asked the boy: "Why do you like me?"

The day Luo Shu told him that he liked her, the time they spent together was very short.

Why do you suddenly like it and persist for so long

For him, love is the most insignificant of all emotions.

The boy also sat up immediately, hugged his knees with his hands, blushed and muttered: "I don't know either."

It was love at first sight for him marvelously.

With just one glance, it crashed into his heart, thinking about dreams at night.

"Maybe it's because you look good?"

But if you just look at his face, it won't make him gradually become less like himself.

As soon as these words came out, Luo Shu thought that Qi Yu would feel that he was superficial, so he couldn't help peeking at his expression, seeing that he was expressionless and a little disappointed.

It's better to hate than not to care.

If he doesn't care, it means that all his efforts so far have not been rewarded, and the road to chasing someone is far away.

In fact, Qi Yu was just distracted.

When he came back to his senses, the boy's head suddenly approached, and the enlarged handsome face was right in front of his eyes.

The young man said in a pissed tone: "Anyway, I just like you, there is no reason, the more I look at you, the more I like you."

After finishing speaking, he exerted all his strength and threw down Qi Yu who was defenseless.

Luo Shu supported the bed firmly with both arms, and stared at the boy on the bed with clear black and white eyes.

"You don't like me, and I like you too."

The boy squinted his eyes, and the mole at the end of his eyes was also stained with a sense of calculation, like a seductive and cunning goblin.

He raised his lips, and reminded the scenery as always: "You still have two chances."

How annoying!

Why are you so irritating!

Luo Shu's aggrieved feeling suddenly stuck in his heart, and he had nowhere to vent.

Finally, he bowed his head and kissed her hard. It's not the lips, it's the mole under Qi Yu's eyes.

This is an attractive mole.

"It's not good for you to do this." After kissing, he couldn't hold back the accusation, "You asked me to kiss you and sleep with you. You also said I was good, I would misunderstand."

Qi Yu smiled: "So, you are still stupid."

In fact, he had already given a reminder, since Luo Shu himself didn't turn the corner, he couldn't blame him.

But it's also good. It is too easy to react, and there will be no such amusing reactions, and it will be a lot less fun.

Qi Yu said again: "What you said is very reasonable. I really should keep a certain distance from you, so you can't do what you could do before."

This is undoubtedly picking up a stone to shoot himself in the foot, Luo Shu was dumbfounded successfully.

This means that he will no longer be able to kiss, hold hands, hug, or sleep under the same quilt in the future.

This is obviously a loss-making business.

He is not stupid and does not agree.

"You pretend I didn't say it, good night."

The boy thickened his skin and refused to recognize what he said.

After finishing speaking, he uttered a loud chirp towards the boy before he was willing to turn over and lie down.

Playing stupid at this time is the best policy.


Meteors streaked past the skylight.

In the attic, the two snuggled up to sleep.

Qi Yu, who was dreaming, thought: She is stupid and cute, and she really wants to bully her severely.

The dreaming Luo Shu thought: It seems that he dreamed of something embarrassing. In the dream, he was very fond of flirting with me. It turns out that this is the so-called crying well... so happy (dizzy with heat and embarrassment).

The dreaming Bubu thinks: delicious~(ˉ﹃ˉ)