After Ten Confessions

Chapter 7



The first kiss is gone.

As the forced party, Qi Yu didn't care much, as if it never happened. What to do every day, the attitude towards Luo Shu is the same as before.

In his life plan, love is of little importance, so the first kiss is of little significance.

If he really wanted to care, he should care that he didn't feel unclean.

Yes, not clean.

Except for his family, Qi Yu actually doesn't like to have too much physical contact with others. He's a bit of a clean freak.

Even in the face of Xu Qinghe who has known him for many years, Qi Yu will keep a comfortable distance for him.

Although he and Luo Shu were just scratching the surface, just touching each other, and they were not close to each other, but if it was someone else, Qi Yu felt that he would go berserk.

At the beginning, Xu Qinghe, who was furious, tried to force the Overlord to attack him. How did he react at that time

He pulled out the sharpened sword that Second Young Master Xu placed in the hall, which was supposed to be used to suppress evil.

Relying on his strength in swordsmanship for more than ten years, Qi Yu used practical actions to warn Xu Qinghe not to be too presumptuous, he hated his intentional misconduct.

Then why doesn't he dislike Luo Shu

In class, the boy tilted his head and thoughtfully observed the teenager who was struggling between "sleeping and not sleeping". The boy nodded his head forward heavily, and suddenly became much more awake.

Noticing his gaze, the other party immediately opened his eyes wide and straightened his back.

Acting like I'm a good baby and I have to study hard.

Seeing this, Qi Yu's eyes darkened.

Probably this person's purpose is too pure, and Xu Qinghe's city mansion is too deep, and his behavior is mixed with too many insidious scheming.

As far as Xu Ershao is concerned, shallow love can be used and discarded under the absolute benefit.

His love is like a dandelion in the field, which will be scattered when the wind blows, without a trace.

Qi Yu is a smart person, he has seen through this point, so he never felt that Xu Qinghe's liking was worthy of attention.

What's more, he has always been soft but not hard.

The young man in front of him who many people think is fierce and violent is actually softer and more obedient than his younger sister who owes him a beating.

Qi Yu likes living, soft and cute things.

This has never changed.


After being a scumbag for many years, Luo Shu is not mixed with water at all.

For him, listening carefully to classes is a hell of a dire situation, so since he was a child, skipping classes was commonplace.

Ever since he changed classes, in order to spend more time with the person he likes, he had to bite the bullet and never arrive late or leave early. Especially after expressing his intentions, he didn't even dare to doze off as a matter of course, just to make a good impression.

However, willpower has always been unable to compete with the menacing sleepiness.

Based on his experience last time, he would wipe his mouth every time he woke up from a doze, and this time was no exception.

For the past few days, he has been thinking about what happened that night. That day, my mind got hot, and I forced someone to kiss me.

That was his first kiss.

He was so confused, and sent it out without any sense of form.

The forced party didn't say a word, as the active party, Master Luo always cared about it.

From time to time, I would think of that scene, the bold behavior I made in my brain.

He thought it was the most daring and outrageous act he had ever done in his life.

But as long as I think about it, the secret joy is greater than the trouble.

Luo Shu habitually kept his face up, and regardless of whether he was still in class, he looked at the boy around him who was listening seriously with suspicious eyes.

Does he really not care at all

Qi Yu has ignored him for several days. The person who walks the dog at night has also been replaced by Qi Meng, so he should be concerned, right

But why not speak up? His indifferent alienation made Lao Tzu feel really uncomfortable.

Luo Shu likes to speak clearly.

He likes Qi Yu, so he said it. He didn't like Qi Yu bullying him badly, so he said it.

But the other party never said it, and it may not be true if he said it, and his mind was elusive.

The powerless frustration hit Luo Shu thoroughly.

Confused, Luo Shu bit the pen that had not been opened. He wants to change that.

Someone has to take the initiative. He is at a disadvantage now, and if he is passive, it might end before it even starts.


In class recently, Su Qiuling couldn't help being distracted. It's just because a certain boss diagonally in front of her is too conspicuous.

Seeing him in the first row every day, not to mention his drowsiness, but also watching him peep at Qi Yu like a teenager.

It was so obvious, she thought in her heart that it must be a tacit understanding in the class that Big Boss Luo fell in love with Qi Yu.

However, after observing, she found that she seemed to be the only one in the class who had noticed all kinds of strange behaviors of Luo Shu boss.

But she is not the kind of person who likes to tell stories behind others, so she can only hold back these little secrets.

This is simply a kind of torture, after all, she likes Qi Yu a little bit.

Su Qiuling is a face control person, the first time he saw Qi Yu, a transfer student, he was instantly impressed by his appearance.

She felt that Qi Yu was the peerless son who came out of the book, as gentle as jade, with an elegant temperament, even pure and demonic.

In the past, she only loved paper figures, and it was the first time she was struck by the good looks of the boys around her.

Although Luoshu's boss is good-looking, he is too fierce, and the brutal deeds have disillusioned her girlish heart.

The pretty little girl noticed the silver-haired boy in the front row, scribbled a line on the draft paper, and then slowly pushed the draft paper to the boy next to him.

The movements were not in a hurry, Su Qiuling's eyesight was pretty good, and the words on the paper were unexpectedly not cursive, so she could see clearly what was written on it.

— I kiss you, are you angry

The little girl's eyes widened immediately, and she quickly covered her mouth that was about to exclaim.

The deskmate noticed her movement and asked, "What's wrong?"

The little girl shook her head at her, and then found that Big Brother Luo turned around at some point and stared at her with his usual ferocious eyes.

The villain in her heart shed tears on the scene.

I don't see anything, I don't know anything, I'm super innocent.

Xu Shi understood the desire to survive she desperately conveyed, and stopped looking at her.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the deskmate leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Are you really all right?"

Su Qiuling squeezed out a smile.



Qi Yu didn't notice this little episode. He looked down at the line of cute round characters, thought for a while, and wrote two simple words under the line.


Pass it back, and within half a minute, a new reply has been written over there.

-you're lying! You ignore me! avoid me!

Maybe I was too angry, but the three exclamation marks were drawn particularly conspicuously, enough to express my accusation.

Before Qi Yu could figure out how to answer, a new piece of paper was handed over there.

— At worst, let you kiss me back, and everyone will be even ╭(╯^╰)╮

It's so cute that you can use kaomoji.

Qi Yu raised his hand to cover his lips and suppressed a smile.

Reply to him: Wouldn't it be a disadvantage for me, because you took advantage of it

Qi Yu saw the young man staring at the note, not knowing what he was thinking, and an inconspicuous redness slowly emerged from the tips of his ears.

Then I saw him frowning and thinking, and it took him a while to write.

It says.

—If you really don't like it, then say it, and I will never go overboard in the future. Otherwise, I will guess and guess, and I feel very uncomfortable.

Holding the note, Qi Yu seemed to be able to imagine the small appearance of someone gritted his teeth and felt aggrieved somewhere he couldn't see.

But he ignored him on purpose, so...

As soon as the nib of the pen came out of ink on the paper, a new small note was handed over there.

—I know you must be doing bad things, but this way of bullying people is disgraceful, and I will not cry even if I am killed.

Don't cry if you are beaten to death, two horizontal lines are specially marked below.

It seems very determined.

Qi Yu put down his pen, not planning to write back and forth with him.

Put away these papers, while the teacher is walking backwards.

He turned his head, opened and closed his mouth, and silently conveyed his reply.

Seeing the aggrieved expression on the boy's face afterwards, Qi Yu knew he understood, and smiled slightly.

Qi Yu said: Then beat him to death, Qingjing.

You say you are not angry!

The bell for the end of get out of class rang, and the boy strode out, hiding his unspeakable depression.

He needs to be calm and calm.

Su Qiuling lay down on the table right after class. Seeing that she was having a strange class, the deskmate was worried: "Lingling, are you feeling unwell? How about I take you to the infirmary?"

Su Qiuling lay on the table, bit her lip, and shook her head.

Suppressing the weird tone, she replied in a low voice: "It's okay, I didn't sleep well yesterday, I'm a little sleepy, I'll squint for a while."

"Then sleep well, I'll go buy food, and I'll buy something you like when I see it."


After a few seconds.


Is boss Luoshu so cute! How could he even use facial expressions? He looked like a paper tiger in front of Qi Yu!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, why are these two so cute!

It always feels like after a class, she seems to have turned on some terrible switch.


During the big class break, many students went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast.

"Master Luo, why haven't we been in contact with the two of us recently? Why? Have you changed your mind?"

Luo Shu's two little boys finally sat in the cafeteria with him, joking with him as soon as they came.

Luo Shu was in a bad mood, so he took a bite of the bread he bought from the campus supermarket.

"Shut up, you're in a bad mood."

"what happened?"

Luo Shu is upset, then someone must have messed with him. Whenever he was upset, he would beat up the person who made him unhappy, cry and beg for mercy and call him dad.

Generally speaking, when the fight is over, the mood is better.

Now it seems that someone has beaten him up, but he has not been able to fight back.

Even though he was a child, Luo Shu didn't talk to them all the time, so he didn't say the reason.

Knowing that he didn't like to mention it, the two of them didn't pursue it.

Having been brothers for so many years, I still have this vision.

One of them changed the topic: "Do you know? A transfer student came today in the second year of high school, and now every group is discussing him, especially the girls, who are so excited that they almost didn't block people. I heard it was some kind of international piano competition." I have won the championship in the world, and I have a bunch of fans."

"Are you saying it's strange? How come there are always students from other places transferring to our school recently, and they are all good students. I suspect that the bad reputation of our school is my illusion."

"It's not enough for us to have Qi Yu in the third year of high school. We have another one in the second year of high school. How can a handsome person like me live?"

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, here, that person is."

Luo Shu raised his eyes lazily.

The so-called transfer students had good facial features, fair and clean, slightly round face, and slightly curly hair. When smiling at people, there are pointed canine teeth, and there is a shallow pear dimple on the right side of the face.

He wasn't very interested and stopped watching.

Feeling depressed, Luo Shu left first and chose to go to a relatively secluded place in the school. It has been deserted for a long time, and few people come here.

He sat cross-legged on a pile of abandoned building materials and played games, and he couldn't be seen unless he went around.

Young Master Luo planned to skip class to express his aggrieved feeling that he couldn't let go.

Luo Shu did what he said, and ran away to school after school.

When he went back to the classroom to pick up his things, there was no one in the huge school.

When he went upstairs, he only heard movement at the stairs on the second floor.

"Qi Yu, I miss you so much."

It was a boy's voice.

The voice is suave, quite soft and sweet, regardless of the appearance, the voice alone is very attractive.

Fuck! Who doesn't have eyesight and dares to rob Lao Tzu!

The irritable Luo Shu's first reaction was to rush out, completely thinking about the consequences. Seeing the two people above looking over together, he pretended to be calm and walked up.

The boy who spoke just now turned out to be the transfer student I saw in the cafeteria earlier.

At this time, the other party was frowning slightly, as if he was displeased with his interruption.

snort! It looks like a weak chicken.

His family Qi Yu is so powerful, he definitely doesn't like this kind of little hot chick who can be scrapped after a dozen.


"What are you talking about? I've been waiting for you below for a long time, and I haven't seen you come out yet."

Qi Yu saw the silver-haired young man appearing out of nowhere, suddenly he looked like a good brother and hooked his back when he came up.

This is the second time he has boldly approached.

The boy opposite obviously knew that Qi Yu didn't like physical contact with outsiders, seeing him indifferent, he froze in place for a while.

However, Qi Yu still stretched out his hand and moved away someone's unruly hand.

Although I don't hate his closeness, it doesn't mean I have to get used to it.

Qi Yu looked over with a half smile but not a smile. The young man who was standing upright was guilty and did not dare to look at him, then looked at the boy next to him and changed the subject.

"This is?"

"Qi Yu and I used to be in the same school." The boy replied with a soft smile.

"Oh." Luo Shu acted like I was just asking casually.

He reached out and pulled Qi Yu's sleeve, "I'm hungry, hurry up."

Hearing this, those who didn't know thought they were very close.

At least Qingfeng thinks so.

Qi Yu didn't want to stay too long, so he didn't expose the boy's self-directed and self-acted behavior.

"Qi Yu."

Seeing that the boy wanted to leave without hesitation, Xu Qingfeng couldn't help reaching out, trying to hold him.

However, before he touched it, he was blocked by someone.

His outstretched hand was hit, and was quickly slapped off by this silver-haired delinquent boy who appeared out of nowhere.

Master Luo didn't expect that he would do such a thing.

He just reacted subconsciously, he didn't like it, so he took a picture of it.

Xu Qingfeng was about to have a fit, when he met Qi Yu's calm and cold eyes, he suppressed his emotions unwillingly.

"Qi Yu, you know I'm here for you."

Walking quickly to the corner, Qi Yu heard Xu Qingfeng's voice raised above.

His figure didn't stop at all, and he disappeared from the boy's sight in the next second.

Luo Shu followed closely behind, this was the first time he walked home with Qi Yu.

"Is he that Xu Qinghe?"

Qi Yu heard an inquiry from Qi deficiency coming from beside him.

The boy walked all the way sullenly, and when he saw leaves and stones on the road, he kicked them over.

"No, he is Xu Qingfeng, Xu Qinghe's younger brother."

Qi Yu's tone didn't fluctuate, and he couldn't hear how he was feeling at the moment.

After a moment of silence, the people around him said awkwardly, "Have you guys ever been in love?"

Luo Shu always felt that there was some bloody love entanglement in it.

Especially after seeing this guy named Xu Qingfeng, who just showed a wronged look, he became more and more sure that there was something in it.

It's day! I'm super invincible and upset, I want to beat someone up!

Hearing this, Qi Yu stopped walking and looked directly at the young man's eyes full of various emotions.

The other party's eyes seem to never be able to hide things, and everything they think is written in it.

He answered slowly, "Yes—"

The ending is just right, enough to make people think that this is the answer.

In the line of sight, the boy's pupils gradually enlarged, and when he looked closer, he could see his figure imprinted on it.

"No, who knows?"

After finishing what he hadn't finished speaking, Qi Yu raised his lips viciously, stopped talking, and continued to move forward.

Luo Shu: Ah, this scoundrel, explain clearly to me!


Qi Yu thought—

Is he jealous

Sure enough, the more he explored, the more interesting he became.

Luo Shu thought—

He he he he there is someone outside! ! ! !

Xu Qingfeng—

Ha ha.