After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up

Chapter 109: Should we not be silenced?


Mu Heng: "..."

This direction is beyond his imagination.

He lowered his head, looked at the dragon lying on his lap, paused, and stretched out his hand hesitantly.

The dragon's back was cold and smooth, and its tiny scales shone silver in the sun, and it felt like some kind of precious jade.

Mu Heng followed the scales from the dragon's head to the tip of its tail.

Click, click.

The temperature of the human palm is scorching, warmly covering the back.

The dragon kicked his hind paws comfortably, his body slowly spread out, and the whole dragon lay softly on his knees.

He even turned over obediently so that the other party could touch his belly.

Mu Heng: "..."

He tentatively scratched Naolong's belly with his fingertips.

The scales on this part are much softer than those on the back, with a cold and flexible feeling.

"Ooo, oooooo."

Xiaolong squinted his eyes, rolled lazily, and made a happy grunt deep in his throat.

Mu Heng: "..."

I don’t know why, for several days, the black silt and silent burning black flames that have precipitated and spread in his heart suddenly quieted down. He felt a rare...


He thought for a while, reached out his hand and took out his phone from his pocket, and ordered a chocolate parfait.


The existence of the dragon is finally no longer a secret.

Now, the whole continent is in chaos.

The administration not only has to negotiate, negotiate, transfer powers, block news to prevent panic among the civilians, but also release all the guards and search the traces of dragons throughout the continent.

At the same time, all the scholar towers on the entire continent began an emergency meeting, trying to find any clues about dragons among those dusty piles of old paper.

Before this incident, only Mu Heng and a few high-level officials knew about it.

And now, almost all department leaders know it.

The first person they thought of was Mu Heng.

Mu Heng is not only the strongest man among mankind, but also the only bloodline of the famous Dragon Slaying family. No one knows how many ancient books about dragons are in the library in the main house of the Mu family, and whether there are any spells that can hurt the dragon. Or props, they only know that if someone can solve this dragon crisis, then it will be him.

Whether it is the detection department, the logistics department, the data department, or even the theory department, they all want to get in touch with Mu Heng frantically.

However, for three whole days, Mu Heng had no news at all, it was as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

If he couldn't contact Mu Heng, he could only contact his deputy, Wen Yao.

The frequently sounding communicator made Wen Yao unbearable.

But Wen Yao knows how his own chief is a person who wants to be, as long as he doesn't want to be found by anyone, no matter how high-level the phone is, he won't be able to answer it.

After thinking about it, Wen Yao could only find Zhuo Fu.

"Have you heard from the chief these few days?" she asked straightforwardly.

Zhuo Fu's white coat seemed to have not been changed for a few days, and it looked crumpled.

He shrugged: "No."

She narrowed her eyes slightly: "Really?"

"Oh my aunt, what am I doing to lie to you?"

Zhuo Fu grabbed one of his messy hair, his eye circles were black and he looked like he was punched in each of the two eye sockets.

"To tell you the truth, I also want to contact your chief."

"Do you remember the dragon flame sample we seized from the mercenary before?"

Wen Yao nodded.

Zhuo Fu photographed the test tube and the materials in front of Wen Yao: "In the past few days, I have done research on that drop of dragon blood, and the magical composition contained in it is almost completely different."

He wiped his face and said, "But I don't know what is going on. There are too few samples. Your chief does not cooperate at all and refuses to give me any samples at all!"

Zhuo Fu looked at Wen Yao like a savior, and pleaded:

"Please, please persuade you sir, just give me one more drop!"

Wen Yao: "..."

She really didn't understand what Mu Heng wanted to do now.

He doesn't seem to be ready to slay the dragon, nor is he ready to hand over the dragon, even more unwilling to let Zhuo Fu do research on the dragon.

Does it just want to raise it

Wen Yao pondered for a few seconds: "When was the last time you saw Officer Mu?"

Zhuo Fu was stunned, it seemed that the memories of the previous few days had only slowly regained consciousness.

"Oh... It seems to be three days ago. At that time, it seemed that the dragon woke up?"

"Dragon is awake?" Wen Yao's expression became serious.

This is a big deal.

Behind the dragon not only represents uncontrollable power and danger, it has also become the target of all forces on this continent.

It is simply a living explosive barrel.

No one knows when it will explode, if it is ignited externally or if it is out of control internally.

"Why don't you tell me?"

Zhuo Fu touched the back of his head, his voice faded, "I forgot."

Wen Yao made a decisive decision and stood up abruptly: "Go."

"Ah? Where are you going?" Zhuo Fu looked at the other side's back innocently.

Wen Yao's voice came from the front: "Mu's family."

On the first day, Shi An played a whole day of games.

He hasn't played games for too long.

To be precise, it has never been touched since the accident at the Academy of Ability.

Although he likes treasures, Shi'an has no idea about things like money. Money like things, either paper or virtual numbers, is meaningless to a one-stop shop.

However, Shi’s family gave living expenses very stingy, basically only enough to maintain daily expenses.

Shi'an had always asked Lin Yanming to borrow something like game consoles.

Seeing the latest, full set, top-of-the-line game console in front of him, Shi An opened his eyes wide before seeing the world, and asked in disbelief, "This, are these all for me?"

Mu Heng lowered his eyes, scratched Xiaolong's chin with his fingertips, and let out a light "um".

"You are so kind." Xiao Yinlong's eyes were tearful.

Mu Heng: "..."

His gaze stayed on Xiaolong's body for a moment, and then he looked away nonchalantly: "Yeah."

Shi'an also needs clothes.

It takes no more than a few hours to select, place an order, and deliver it to your home.

Shi An flew over happily and tore open the box with his paws.

Inside, the glittering, colorful, and extremely exaggerated fabric was exposed, shining brightly under the light, dazzling the dragon.

He has been fond of these clothes for a long time, but the old butler has never let him buy them.

Ignorant humans!

Actually look down on his aesthetic!

He turned into a teenager in front of Mu Heng, put on his clothes without scruples, and didn't notice the man's gradually darkening eyes behind him.

After changing his clothes, Shi An turned around in front of Mu Heng, with bright eyes, and asked extremely expectantly:

"Does it look good?"

The silver-haired man squinted his eyes, his dull eyes fell on the young man not far away, his throat moved, his voice was gentle and hoarse:


Shi An cocked his tail happily: "Really!"

He knew it! My favorite human aesthetic is also the most advanced!

After sitting attentively in front of the screen for a whole day, the dragon who was addicted to the game was finally pulled out by Mu Heng who couldn't see it.

However, the sorrow of being interrupted by the game time was quickly replaced by the joy of having dinner served.

As she no longer had to work hard to hide her identity as a dragon, Shi'an was finally able to appetite and eat.

After devouring food for five people, Shi An ate another glass of ice cream from a top dessert shop after the meal.

Satisfied and very happy.

The silver-white little dragon fell on Mu Heng's knees and hummingly asked him to rub his stomach.

Mu Heng did not refuse.

The next day, Shi'an began to think that his bed was not luxurious enough.

He rubbed his head against Mu Heng's palm, pitifully rounded a pair of gold and red vertical pupils, and stared at his current owner with tears, complaining that his current living environment was not comfortable enough.

Mu Heng: "..."

In the afternoon, the new bed was moved in.

It is made of pure gold, with gleaming jewels and gems inlaid on the edges. It looks very beautiful and dazzling.

Xiao Yinlong was very happy.

After several rolls on the new bed, he flapped his wings and flew in front of Mu Heng, habitually leaning over and kissing the warm and soft lips of his relatives:

"It's so kind of you!"

The touch on his lips was strange and cold, fleeting.

Mu Heng was startled, his eyes widened slightly.

Soon, the touch disappeared.

Shi An rushed to his new bed and buried his head in it.

Watching Xiaolong's back, Mu Heng paused, slowly raised his hand, and lightly touched his lips.

It was scales belonging to a foreign race, cold and sharp like a snake.

The tall man's eyelashes drooped slightly, and the silver-white eyelashes concealed the complex look at the bottom of his eyes.

That night, Mu Heng kept his promise and slept with Shi'an in his arms.

In the middle of the night, he was awakened by a nightmare.

There seemed to be something heavy on his chest, making Mu Heng breathless.

After he finally broke free from the dark dream, he lifted the quilt and looked down at his chest.

In the quilt, Xiao Yinlong curled himself up into a ball and pressed it on his chest unscrupulously.

The pointed and thin tail looped back, resting on the tip of the paw, and the head was buried in the wings, sleeping Zhengxiang, and the back bent together, making a small snoring sound.

Mu Heng: "..."

He hesitated, stretched out his hand, and touched Shi'an who was pressing on his chest.

Xiaolong groaned in his sleep, slightly opened a pair of gold and red vertical pupils, gave Mu Heng a sleepy look, and then changed his posture as if he recognized the other person, and nudged the warm and soft humans with attachment. Palm fell into a deep sleep again.

Mu Heng tightened his lips, and the complex and puzzled expression in his eyes finally appeared under the cover of the night.

What's happening now... It was not what he planned.

But why does he feel so...

Pleasant and calm

Wen Yao and Zhuo Fu soon arrived at the main house of the Mu family.

The mansion in front of me is huge and old, with a kind of power that has been inherited by a family that has been inherited for thousands of years, which makes people instinctively afraid and shocked.

Zhuo Fu retreated a little.

He swallowed hard, and tugged Wen Yao's sleeve: "Hey, do you forget it?"

"Let's go in now, won't see anything like the torture room, right?"

Thinking of Mu Heng's cold face that made him panicked when he was leaving a few days ago, and the perverted behavior that the other party might make, Zhuo Fu couldn't help but shrink his neck, and couldn't help but start talking nonsense: "Just in case. , What if Chief Mu is actually planning to find a private space to torture his lover who has deceived him?"

The more he thought about it, the more he panicked:

"Should we not be silenced?"

Wen Yao glared at him coldly and walked forward.

She was ready to be turned away.

However, what I didn't expect was that the magic authentication system at the door emitted blue light at this time, sweeping the two people from top to bottom, and then the door slowly opened, saying with a mechanical voice:

"Ms. Wen Yao, Mr. Zhuo Fu, please come in."


Wen Yao and Zhuo Fu glanced at each other, and they also saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.

They took a deep breath and stepped in.

Mu Heng doesn't like contact with people. There are no human servants in the main house of Mu's house, only magic puppets driven by magic and machinery.

A magic puppet came, leading the two of them to walk inward.

No one stopped along the way.

Soon, they saw Mu Heng.

The noon sun poured down from overhead, and the atrium was filled with light golden sunlight.

The cold-faced man with silver hair unfinished, running water on his broad shoulders, shining brightly in the sun.

He lowered his eyes, reading an ancient book in his hand.

A slap-sized little silver dragon was lying on his knees, lazily basking in the sun, his tail flicked.

Seeing someone coming, Mu Heng stopped touching it with his hand.

The dragon drew him with his tail neither light nor heavy, and hummed softly:

"keep going."

Wen Yao: "..."

Zhuo Fu: "..."

… what