After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up

Chapter 60: Familiar big tail


Wen Yao's complexion was condensed, anxious:

"How is the situation in Southern Canyon?"

"Not sure."

The subordinate shook his head. "The official statement is that there was a snowstorm in the southern gorge and all external communications and roads were cut off, but we did not detect a large-scale weather catastrophe in that direction..."

He gritted his teeth and said viciously:

"The senior management of Irvine District must know something, but they have been playing officialdom to perfuse us, procrastinating and wasting time!"

"Where are the advance troops sent?"

"I have encountered a small number of mercenaries who are fighting and advancing very slowly."

Wen Yao took a deep breath, a look of tiredness between her brows and eyes: "Where is Chief Mu? Have you been in touch?"

"… no."

At present, all the high-level executives of Aiwen District are dealing with them in a negative manner, and the relevant departments will only shirk their responsibilities. Because this district is located in the remote north, it is usually not taken seriously by the Central District, which has caused the local power to be intertwined. , I have almost written the perfunctory on his face by now.

The agency's special team was already insufficiently manpowered, and Mu Heng could not be contacted again, and the matter fell into a stalemate for a while.

As the deputy, all the burdens rested on Wen Yao's shoulders.

Now, she must make a decision, and if she is careless, she will most likely lose the game.

She frowned and stared at the map in front of her.

Auction house, Southern Canyon...

Finally, Wen Yao took a deep breath slowly and raised her head.

Her expression was firm, and she seemed to have made up her mind. She said in a calm and determined tone: "The headquarters will only leave the smallest number of people behind, and all the other combatants will come with me."

If she guessed right, this time it's likely that the mercenaries and the top leaders of the Irvine District united to fight for the dragon. The entrance to the south and the west of the canyon is definitely guarded. With their manpower, they may not be able to compete with each other. Line warfare, so you can only concentrate your strength and break through the most likely weak area.

Wen Yao pointed his finger to the east side of Iwen Snowfield, which bordered another area:

"Go here."

The "firewood" was almost burnt out, and the dragon flames in the fireplace gradually weakened.

Shi An's eyelashes trembled and opened his eyes timely.

His eyes have turned into pure golden red dragon-like vertical pupils, their pupils narrow and slender, like burning scarlet flames.

After such a long time, the absorption of Longxu was finally basically completed.

Shi An sat up, stretched his body, and stretched greatly.

He yawned, blinked away the sleepy tears of his eyes, and turned to look at the man lying beside him.

Mu Heng was still in a coma.

His sword is made of magic power, so the wounds caused are far more terrifying than ordinary sharp weapons. The severe cold will continue to invade the wounds. Although the doctors in the mercenary can deal with the wounds on the surface, they are deeper. There is nothing to do about his magical wounds, not to mention that he still ran for thousands of miles with such fatal wounds, forcibly mobilizing magical powers, and even the main force of the All-Annihilation Mercenary Corps located in the southern canyon.

Although his vital signs are stable now, it is still very difficult to wake up immediately.

However, it should be enough to survive to the Eastern Canyon.

Shi An touched the man's long silver hair scattered on the pillow and got up.

With the help of the worm and black smoke, he helped Mu Heng who was unconscious to put on his clothes.

Although Mu Heng usually looks slender and not sturdy, but after being in a coma, the weight can crush the dragon, so heavy. After reluctantly wrapping Mu Heng tightly, Shi An's forehead is already floating. There was a layer of sweat.

He breathed heavily and sat on the edge of the bed for a long time before relieving himself.

At this moment, Shi An heard the skeleton horse outside the tent making a restless tapping sound, and the sound of his nose was very clear in the silent snowy night.

Shi An was startled slightly, squinting his eyes and looking in one direction.

…Has a human scent.

The heavy snow fell one after another, dyeing the ground and the sky a uniform grayish white.

The mercenaries responsible for tracking Mu Heng's whereabouts have been chased at this moment, and the heavy snow creaks under their feet. The leading mercenaries are holding several monsters that look like porcupines. This monster can be in the snow. Sniffing the ground in search of the smell of blood, wanting to search for the injured in such an extreme environment, this is the only way.

Suddenly, these monsters stopped abruptly and looked in one direction at the same time.

They planed uncomfortably on the spot, making a harsh hum from their mouth and nose, and gleaming fear in their tiny eyes.

The mercenaries watched this group of monsters that behaved strangely in doubt.

Have you found a clue

It's not like...

However, no matter how they beat and urged them, those monsters were not willing to take even one step in that direction.

What a weird thing.

The captain of the mercenary squad turned his head and winked at the people behind him:

"Go and see."

Through the wind and snow, the mercenaries' pupils shrank.

Most of the destroyed camp was covered in wind and snow, and the frozen blue-black corpses were faintly visible, protruding out of the snow pile that had not accumulated too much, as if they had experienced a brutal massacre, burning fire everywhere. The scorch marks afterwards looked extremely horrible.

"Quickly, go call someone! I found it!"

The noisy and chaotic footsteps approached the only tent in the entire camp that was still intact.

Strong hostility and murderous aura attacked from all directions, making the air seem to be frozen and stagnant.

"Sir Mu, we know you are inside."

The headed mercenary squinted his eyes and fixedly looked into the dead tent. The stern voice echoed in the snow and wind: "You can run so far in that situation, and you can even snatch this. Camp, even I have to say admiration, but you should also know that now you are just a stubborn resistance... We respect the strong, as long as you cooperate, we are still willing to be friends with you... "

While talking, he gestured to the other mercenaries.

The other two teams approached the tent secretly from the side.

Even if they knew that the opponent was already seriously injured, the mercenaries still did not dare to take it lightly.

You know, the more severe the beast's injury, the harder it bites, and the almost completely destroyed camp in front of them proves their guess.

However, they were not prepared to stay alive from the beginning.

The mercenaries approaching from the sides of the two teams have already arrived at their positions.

The captain raised his hand slowly.

However, before he could give the order, he heard an unfamiliar voice from inside the tent:

"... You guys are really noisy."

The voice was childish and clear, and complained softly.

The captain was taken aback.

Even if he hadn't seen Mu Heng himself, he knew very well that he was definitely not speaking from Mu Heng.

Did they chase the wrong person? Or do you mean... Mu Heng has other companions

Shi An looked down at Mu Heng who was lying beside him.

Even when the man was in a coma, he still felt the existence of a strong murderous intent, his eyebrows furrowed tightly, his silver-white eyelashes trembling slightly, as if he was struggling to wake up.

He rubbed Mu Heng's eyebrows with his fingertips.

Shi An opened the curtain of the tent, poked his head out, and said warmly:

"You guys will be quiet, the wounded will wake up if the noise goes on like this."

The mercenaries looked through the gap between the curtains and saw Mu Heng's iconic silver hair sharply.

He really is here!

And more importantly, Mu Heng seemed to be seriously injured, and he had fallen into a coma.

The other person seems to be completely incompetent... This is simply a perfect opportunity!

The mercenary captain was overjoyed, and the hand of the order fell suddenly.

-Do it!

The mercenaries ambushing on both sides of the tent suddenly attacked, and the sharp blade pierced the tent, showing a sharp cold light, and struck the past with lightning speed!

"I told you..."

The boy's voice is still soft, and the ending is slightly lowered with dissatisfaction, as if acting like a baby: "You are too noisy."

The flames suddenly ignited the moment his voice fell.

"Ahhhhh!!!" A shrill scream sounded, and he was swallowed in an instant.

The fiery flames swallowed the human body, and the scarlet snake was controlled extremely accurately. It was just a blink of an eye that all the enemies had turned into pitch-black remnants, but the tent on the side showed no signs of being burned. .

... What a terrible lethality, what a terrible control.

All the mercenaries were stunned.

Even after killing them, they didn't expect that the young man who looked weak and weak in front of them would have such a strong strength.

How could they have never heard the name of such a fire-type powerhouse on the mainland

Shi An lowered his head and glanced at his palm, his lips curled slightly.

Sure enough, after Long Xie had absorbed all of it, his strength had improved a lot.

Although it is far from returning to the peak state, it is more than enough to deal with these people in front of him.

Suddenly, he frowned fiercely.

… strangeness.

Shi An took two steps back and lost interest in continuing to fight.

He beckoned to the skeleton horse hiding in the wind and snow in the distance: "They will be yours."

The undead species let out an excited neigh, and swooped into the crowd that exuded the fragrance of flesh and blood.

The screams cut through the snowy night.

However, Shi An seemed to have not heard it yet, and lowered his head absent-mindedly.

The demon insect noticed that something was wrong with him, so he leaned over and asked suspiciously:

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Shi An seemed to suddenly withdraw from the state of wandering, he was stunned, looked down at his palm, and then slowly shook his head:

"… nothing."

Soon, the skeleton horse was full of blood and came towards the tent. In his eyes, the faint blue flame trembled satisfactorily, leaving a long series of bloody footprints the size of a bowl on the snow. He rang his nose and lowered his head docilely.

Shi'an seemed to have returned to normal.

He patted the skull horse on the head and said, "Let's go, we still have a whole mountain to turn over."

The unconscious Mu Heng was put on horseback, and they set off again as before.

In the vague wind and snow, no matter how far you go, it feels like you are still stepping in place, and stepping forward gradually becomes a mechanical subconscious action.

Shi An lowered his head and walked forward silently.

… strangeness.

His head is dizzy.

Unfamiliar feelings that have never been felt are fighting in the body, cold for a while and hot for a while, as if the mind and body were forcibly divided into two, and it seems that some unknown and weird impulse is screaming and brewing in the depths of the soul, silently. Urged him, stretched out his hand to grab, plunder, and get—

But... what do you get

I do not know.

Shi An frowned in confusion, and blinked slowly.

A shallow blush clung to his cheeks, like a burning peach cloud, and his dark and clear eyes were also covered by a layer of mist. His vision was slightly distracted, and he looked particularly naive and at a loss.

…It’s really strange.

What's wrong with yourself

Shi An tried hard to sort out a clear idea in his dizzy head, but it seemed as if he was looking for a thread in the knotted ball of yarn, and he still found nothing after groping for a long time.

It's... uncomfortable.

So uncomfortable.

Shi An stumbled with his left foot and his right foot and staggered in the snow accidentally. If it hadn't been for the skeleton horse to hold on to the side, he might really have fallen into the snow.

"Big... Your lord..." The trembling voice of the Demon Insect sounded from behind.

Shi An shook his head and said vaguely, "I'm fine."

"No, it's not this... you, behind you..."

behind? What's wrong

Shi An turned his head suspiciously and looked behind him.

-In the slightly blurred vision, a familiar big tail appeared.


Shi An blinked dullly.

The tail of the dragon behind him shook subconsciously, and the silver-white dragon scales shone bright and brilliant in the heavy snow.
