After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up

Chapter 61: Generally speaking, just find a female dragon


-Eh? ? ? ? ?

Shi An's eyes widened suddenly, and he retreated a few steps, smashing into the skeleton horse with his back.

The skeleton horse snapped its nose, and the snow under its hoof fell rustlingly. It stabilized its figure on the edge of the cliff, and the unconscious man on its back slid slightly along with its movements.

Mu Heng frowned in his deep sleep, his silver-white eyelashes trembled slightly, showing signs of awakening.

Shi An turned his back to him, staring blankly at the dragon tail behind him:

"Why... how come?"

Didn't the tail take back after the dragon sloughed up to half of it

And now he has obviously absorbed all the magic power in the dragon, how could he run out again...

Shi An reached his hand in disbelief, and grasped the tip of his tail in his palm.

Cold, hard, and smooth.

In fact, there is not the slightest element of imagination.

Shi An stood in confusion, seeming to find it very difficult to understand the strange phenomenon in front of him.

At this moment, his body suddenly stiffened slightly, and a muffled sob overflowed from his throat: "... Hmm!"

That strange feeling... here again.

Shi An's legs softened and fell to the ground unsupported. His tail slipped out of his hands and flicked agitatedly behind his back. The tip of his tail shuddered slightly, and he instinctively tilted upwards.


Shi An curled up uncontrollably, as if only in this way could he resist the unfamiliar feeling that attacked his whole body.

The devil was a little panicked: "Oh, my lord, how are you doing?"

The young man in front of him seemed to have not heard it. He curled up his body tighter. Even through the thick cotton-padded clothes, he could still feel the slender back trembling violently, and the ear tips under the soft black hair were already red. , Looks particularly dazzling in the white snow.

Shi An put his icy forehead against his wrist, trembling eyelashes drooping, covering the dazed red-gold vertical pupils, and his pale cheeks were also dyed with extremely bright crimson, and his lips pressed tightly. Suppressing the panting deep in the throat.

The demon worms on the side turned anxiously: "My lord, you speak! What is it—"

At this moment, the black smoke, which had not said a word since just now, sighed deeply, and then slowly said:

"I'm afraid, what I was worried about still happened."


The demon's eyes widened, and he rushed towards the black smoke with a grim look. The six thin legs stubbornly caught each other: "I knew it! It must be you, a bad species! Say! What did you do to an adult? !"

Smoky caught him off guard.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

It desperately broke free from the hand of the devil, and said angrily: "Bah! Don't spit people here! Why do you say that I did it! I also said it was you who did it!"

Seeing that two unreliable monsters were about to fight together again, the skeleton horse on the side hit the snowy ground heavily with its front hoofs, and exhaled from its nostrils, the dark blue flames in the dark eye sockets jumped. For a moment, it seemed that a silent threat was being made.

The devil and the black smoke separated angrily, no longer clinging to their personal grievances.

The black smoke took a deep breath and said, "You know, I was locked in that small box for thousands of years. The only thing that accompanied me was the book about writing dragons. For so long, I have basically The back of that book is overripe, so I..."

The devil interrupted it impatiently: "Well, good, good, just talk about the main point, okay?"

Black smoke: "..."

It gritted its teeth, and finally decided not to care about the devil, but said straightforwardly:

"I suspect that the adult is in estrus."

Devil: "..."

It was silent for a long time before finally uttering a dry monosyllable: "Huh?"

Black Smoke: "All dragons will usher in an estrus period after the last molting period. However, since the abyssal dragon is the only dragon not mentioned above, I was just guessing until this time. I'm completely sure..."

Devil: "... estrus period?"

The black smoke showed an unpredictable look and said:

"The stronger the bloodline, the more precious the race, the stronger the magic power contained in their body, so the success rate of reproduction is also lower. Theoretically speaking, in order to make up for this shortcoming, the more powerful and rare dragons, The longer the estrus period is, the more difficult it will be to resist—

If it’s something more ordinary, like a black dragon, even if you can’t find a partner after entering the estrus period, it will pass after a while, but the abyss dragon..."

Devil: "How to say?"

Black Smoke said with some uncertainty: "For a dragon species as precious as an adult, if the estrus period is tough, there may be unpredictable risks. The strength regression is second, and it may even be life-threatening."

The demon worm suddenly became nervous: "Then, what should I do?"

Black Smoke: "Generally speaking, just find a female dragon."

Devil: "...…… …"

I'm going to your mother.

The fantasy species hadn't appeared on the mainland for tens of thousands of years, and the abyss dragon had disappeared longer than this.

Looking for a female dragon? Aren't you fucking talking nonsense

It strongly restrained its urge to fight, took a deep breath, gritted its teeth and said, "What if not?"

The black smoke fell into thought: "Well, this is a good question."

The devil was so angry that his face was distorted, and he almost rushed up and ate the black smoke in front of him.

The black smoke fluttered backwards quickly, leaving the attack range of the monster.

It said: "Don't get excited, am I thinking of a way..."

At this moment, Black Smoke seemed to suddenly think of something:

"By the way, I remember that the book did record a method. If it succeeds, it should be able to temporarily suppress the dragon's estrus period."

Of course, the side effects are a little...

However, in this situation, this is probably the only feasible way.

Black Smoke: "Go, let's find a cave to settle the adults down."

Soon, they found a deep and safe cave nearby. The cave was very dark and the stone walls were solid and cold. Although a little crude, they could at least cover the wind and snow.

Shi An lowered his head, long forehead hanging down, covering most of his flushed cheeks.

Mu Heng was also removed from the horse, and lay beside Shi'an with his eyes closed.

"Let's go, we need a lot of materials, let's go ahead and look for it."

"But... Your status..."

The Demon Worm glanced at Shi'an who was curled up in the corner of the cave with some hesitation.

"Should I stay and take care of him?"

Black Smoke: "We don't have so much time. Just let the Skeleton Horse stay. Although it is not high in intelligence, its strength is the strongest among the three of us. It should be enough to protect adults."

The Demon Insect pointed to Mu Heng who was aside, and asked with some caution: "Then what should he do?"

Black Smoke: "What's wrong with him?"

Devil: "What if he wakes up suddenly?"

This human being has always wanted to kill the dragon. What if he just woke up and hit Shi'an in his weakest state, wouldn't it be bad

Black Smoke: "Such a serious injury? Impossible."

It thought for a while: "However, it's better to be safe."

The black smoke drifted past, and a cloud of gray smoke drifted from its body, enveloped the unconscious man in it, and drifted into his mouth and nose.

Mu Heng frowned, as if he wanted to resist the influence of strange magic.

"Relax, of course I can't help him when he is awake, but in his current weakest state, my illusion is more than enough." Black Smoke said triumphantly.

The devil sighed in relief: "That's good."

The two monsters applied a layer of magical power to the outside of the cave to prevent the cave from being discovered.

The skeleton horse stays outside the cave and hides under the snow, killing all enemies that might approach the cave.

Then the two monsters hurriedly left, searching for materials separately.

Soon, the dark cave became very quiet.

The sound of the howling of the wind and snow was strictly shielded from the outside, as if a part of the world was cut apart, independent of the entire continent.

Shi An opened his eyes blankly.

His face was hot and red, the burning blush spread from his ears to his neck, and his breathing was rapid and trembling.


Shi An looked around slowly and dullly, his vision seemed to be clouded with mist, and he couldn't see everything clearly.

However, in the dim environment, he vaguely saw the shining silver light.

so beautiful.

… be mine.

He curled up his entire dragon and leaned hard towards his treasure, as if he could expel this strange and unfamiliar feeling from his body as long as he hugged his treasure.

The silver-haired man frowned and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

He felt as if he was trapped in a gloomy ocean, being pushed by invisible force, no matter how hard he tried to stick his head out, he couldn't resist drifting along with the current.

The memory is shattered into bits and pieces, which cannot be pieced together completely.

Blood, corpse, wind, blizzard, death.

Everything was mixed together, turned into a bottomless vortex, pulling him to hover in the darkness of half dream and half awakening.

It was like a crack in the darkness, a faint light shining in.

Mu Heng felt that a cold and soft body approached and pressed tightly to his arm.

He opened his eyes and looked over in a daze.

… Shi'an.

Yes... Shian should have died.

A certain voice in my heart is precise and certain.

This is a dream.

Mu Heng slowly raised his hand and held the opponent's waist.

"... Hmm." The boy trembled and softened as if losing his strength, but he instinctively arched his waist and put himself in the hot palm of the man.

The waist in the palm of his hand was thin and soft, trembling unconsciously with his movements.

It's cold.

Mu Heng's fingertips rubbed the other party's soft and delicate waist, even with a layer of clothing, he could still feel the cold temperature of the other party's body that was not like a living person.

Why would you die

Mu Heng raised his other hand and slid it along Shi'an's earlobe and the curvature of his jaw, silently holding up the opponent's face.

He lowered his eyelashes, his chaotic and gloomy blue eyes were deep in the shadows, and he fixedly stared at the young man lying in his arms.

Because I didn't protect you.

The young man's brows were frowned, and his eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, like tears that would not fall. The thin white throat trembled under the palm of the opponent, and he made a pitiful and helpless sob. He unconsciously turned towards the opponent's. Drilling in his arms, the blush of his lower lip was bitten, looking moist and soft, opening and closing.

Even if it's a life-threatening...

Mu Heng lowered his head, letting his instinct drive him, and kissed Shi An's lips.

Then he recognized it too.