After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up

Chapter 71: What did you say? Say it again?


Accompanied by the sizzling electric current, a nervous voice came from the communication device: "Sir, this... The abyss cracks are expanding faster than we thought. Many abyssal species have left the cracks. Urgent request support!"

The sound of the communication device is cut off.

Wen Yao turned her head and looked at Mu Heng questioningly: "Sir, what shall we do next?"

Mu Heng looked coldly and frowned slightly.

No one could have predicted that the situation would be so severe before departure, and it would take time to redeploy the staff of other departments of the administration.

In addition, this time the abyss crack appeared in a residential area on the edge of the city, and the people involved were all civilians. Evacuation and rescue of talents are the most urgent things at the moment.

"I lead Team A into the rift of the abyss and destroy the eye of the abyss.

Wen Yao, you brought other teams into the residential area, responsible for clearing the abyss species and evacuating the crowd. "Mu Hengyan commanded concisely.

Wen Yao looked at Shi'an and asked, "Where are you? Do you want to stay with me?"

Shi An thought for a while: "Okay."

He really wanted to go into the depths of the abyss, to study the Eye of the Abyss,

But Mu Heng was too troublesome on the sidelines.

The Abyss Species is a little more sensitive than the monsters on the mainland, if they all avoid themselves, it would be difficult to explain.

In addition, there is a large amount of abyssal magic in the cracks, Shi Anke can't guarantee that he will be stimulated by any dragon-like characteristics.

It's better to be stable.

It's pretty good to burn the abyss around and restore the magic power.

Mu Heng lowered his eyes, his gaze stayed on Shi An for a moment, his voice was cold and deep, and there were not too many mood swings:

"be careful."

After speaking, he led the A team members to turn and leave.


The other members of the administration who were left behind stood there, and looked at each other in hindsight, with a dazed expression on their faces.

be careful

Just now... Chief Mu was caring about people

They didn't, right

Wen Yao didn't seem to notice these details.

She commanded and led the team quickly and professionally, with extremely high efficiency, and quickly assigned areas and tasks skillfully.

"Shi'an, you just follow me." Wen Yao rubbed the top of the other's hair, her voice softened subconsciously, "You can call me something."

Player: "..."

Captain Wen, you don't seem to be right today.

Wen Yao, who is calm and professional, never mixed with too much personal emotion in the task, why is she suddenly so gentle today? !

What is the origin of this faceless kid? !

Although it’s not night yet, it’s just close to dusk, but the entire residential area in front of you has fallen into the gloomy darkness, and faint black particles are floating in the air, like iron pins, as if a patch of ominous The black mist shrouded the large area in front of you.

The well-trained team marched towards the area.

At this moment, there was a scream not far away.

The members of the bureau were startled and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

I saw a little boy standing in the narrow passage between the buildings. He stood there blankly. He seemed to be frightened by the vision not far away. His face was pale and frightened. He would just stand still and shiver.

Wen Yao reacted quickly: "Where is the gas mask? Quick!"

The capable person can cover the whole body with magic power to prevent the poison gas in the abyss from invading, but for ordinary people, they can only use a special gas mask.

Several team members ran in the direction of the little boy: "Children, come here—"

Before their words fell, a cluster of scorching flames flew straight above the head, and slammed straight at the little boy.


Hearing a bang, the strong flame swallowed the little boy in an instant.

"What are you doing?!" One of the team members turned around in amazement and anger, and firmly grasped the collar of the man who casts magic at will: "You fucking—"

Before he finished speaking, the ground under his feet began to vibrate.

The advance team ahead realized that something was wrong and suddenly backed up a few steps.

I saw that the muddy ground they were about to set foot on began to slowly agitate, and the pitch-black mud rustled down, exposing huge thick pitch-black leaves.

Immediately afterwards, a huge and ugly flower emerged from below the ground. Between the pitch-black plump petals, there were mouthparts full of blade-like sharp teeth, and viscous saliva dripped from it, while in that mouth. A flesh-red tie hangs loosely between the vessels, and the end is the burned unrecognizable little boy. It has almost melted, exposing the black-red gelatinous substance under it.

The victim who asked them for help just now... it was the tongue of this monster!

"Hey, it hurts me what you are doing."

The player's expression was still stiff, and he subconsciously looked at Shi'an in front of him.

The young man looked innocent, his eyelashes drooped, and he seemed extremely out of place with the surrounding environment. He raised his thin white finger and poked the player's stiff palm: "Let go."

The team members let go of their hands blankly.

After a brief period of sluggishness, other members of the administration quickly reacted and attacked.

Under the siege of everyone, the monster fell down with a whine and neighed, and slammed heavily on the ground with a loud bang.

Several advance members returned to the team and solemnly thanked Shi'an.

As long as people with eyes can see it, if it wasn't Shi'an just now, they would have become flower fodder.

Wen Yao turned around and looked at Shi An in surprise:

"... How did you find out?"

Shi An thought for a while, and said, "The breath is not right."

Actually, this has nothing to do with breath.

It's because... This abyss species has one thing in common.

That is, their tongues look exactly the same.

For tens of thousands of years, this little boy's face was tired of seeing it early.


All members are in awe.

They only knew that Chief Mu was a strong man who was very sensitive to breath, but they didn't expect to be lucky enough to see a second person with the same ability today.

No wonder the chief and Captain Wen looked at him differently!

Wen Yao took the sword into its sheath, looked around the residential area that was so quiet in front of him, squinted his eyes slightly, and said:

"Not quite right."

It stands to reason that the combatants of the Authority are not usually so careless.

However, this time the abyss crack was just discovered, and the level of pollution that should be spread is not too deep in theory, and the strength of the abyss species that escaped from it will not be much stronger.

In addition, they have just entered this area, their main purpose is to save people, and they would never think that the first "victim" they encountered was a bait disguised by a monster.

Large-scale abyssal species have appeared in such outer areas...

Staring at the dead residential area in front of him, Wen Yao's brows wrinkled tightly.

"First level alert state." She ordered.

"Yes!" The team members looked solemnly and said in unison.

The other side.

Zhuo Fu frowned, staring at the degree report submitted in front of him, his expression was rarely serious.

It's not right, it's really wrong.

How could a crack in the abyss that just appeared could show such a reading

Only an abyss crack that has been present for at least ten days can release such a powerful wave of magic power. Could it be catalyzed? Or…

He stretched out his hand to his assistant: "Let me have a look at the peripheral index report of this area within ten days."

Wen Yao's team continued to deepen in the contaminated area.

They cleared the abyss species that had escaped from the abyss, and rescued the trapped ordinary people and capable people from it.

Shi An restrained his breath, preventing the Abyss Seed from feeling his own existence.

He didn't show his strength too much, but burned the monsters in a low-key manner.

If it was too low-level, it was handed over to the management personnel. The high-level Abyssal monster was directly burned to death by Shi'an before it approached, and there was no chance to approach it.

The more monsters burned, the more magic power he drew from it.

The golden-red fire light soared, reflected in the depths of the pitch-black eyes.

Shi An squinted his eyes slightly contentedly, and a trace of contentment flashed across his eyes.

Some more, some more.

I can continue to eat!

Because he was so happy to kill, Shi An suddenly realized that he and the management team had dispersed when he came back to his senses.

He blinked, feeling the breath of humanity.

… It’s not far, just two steps after it.

Shi An relaxes.

Suddenly, he seemed to perceive something, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked in a direction above his head.

Shi An took a step back unhurriedly.

In the next second, the ceiling above his head suddenly collapsed, and huge rubble fell to the ground, raising dust in the sky.


I saw the huge claws covered with scales pressed down and stepped heavily on the rubble.

A monster several meters high appeared in front of Shi'an. It was pitch-black, with narrow pupils and wings on its back. It looked particularly hideous and terrifying.

The monster opened his mouth, and said: "You dare to look directly at the dragon's figure, human, you damn it."

Shi An: "..."

He squinted his eyes, and a ray of red gold gleamed across his eyes.

To the surprise of the monster, the human face, who seemed to be able to slap to death with a paw, didn't seem to have much fear. Instead, he slowly stepped forward and asked unhurriedly:

"What did you say?"

There was no superfluous expression on the boy's face, he was almost curiously looking at the monster in front of him who was several times his own. A plausible smile appeared on his lips, and he repeated clearly:

"Say it again?"

Inside the abyss.

The pitch-black poisonous mist is permeated, and the visibility is extremely low.

The silver-haired man stood with his sword, and the dark blood slowly slipped from the tip of the sword, hitting the ground with a ticking sound, and under his feet were the broken limbs of the abyssal monster's remains.

At this moment, one of the subordinates wearing gas masks ran over.

Although capable persons can use magic power to cover their bodies to protect themselves from poisonous fog, the concentration of poisonous fog deep in the cracks is too high, and even ordinary capable persons need to wear a mask just in case.

I am afraid that only Mu Heng is the only person who can work in this extreme environment without the ability to use other equipment.

The members of the bureau stood still in front of Mu Heng, and the voice of urn sound came from under the mask:

"Report sir, no trace of the Eye of the Abyss was found!"

Mu Heng frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Continue searching."

He raised his eyes and looked around the canyon covered by poisonous fog in front of him, and a look of doubt flashed across the gray-blue eyes.

how is this possible

In a crack in the abyss, there is actually no Eye of the Abyss