After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up

Chapter 84: What is this dragon... doing?


Wen Yao opened the door and looked at Shi Rui who was sitting alone in the interrogation room.

Dim light and shadow came in from the narrow window, and the small inquiry room was shrouded in a suppressed atmosphere.

From a closer look, Shi Rui’s eyebrows and Shi’an are somewhat similar, but the two have different temperaments. If they are not carefully compared together, it is almost hard to believe that the two of them are related by blood.

I don't know if it is a light problem, Shi Rui's face looks a little weirdly pale.

Although he tried his best to suppress it, the restlessness and anxiety still came out of his eyes.

Wen Yao walked in and sat down in Shi Rui.

She lowered her head, opened the file in her hand and glanced at it: "Shi Rui?"

Shi Rui habitually raised the corners of her mouth and smiled at the other party:



He is very good at making this expression.

The raised corners of the mouth can soften his facial contours, narrow the shape of his eyes, and cover up all the emotions under his eyes.

As long as the angle of control is appropriate, the smile will become a perfect camouflage and an all-inclusive weapon.

"I don't know... Why are you calling me here?"

Shi Rui paused, with a fragile expression on his face: "After the change just now, I am really exhausted. I should be very worried about my safety when I want to come to my father. May I ask... when will I be able to leave? Is it?"

What he said was very clever.

Not only did he put himself in the position of the victim, but he also understood his family background without a trace.

However, the tan-eyed woman in front of her didn't seem to be touched.

There is not much expression on her face, and her eyes are bottomless, like a quiet lake.

Shi Rui tightened his fingers subconsciously.

He had heard of the name of the woman in front of him.

Wen Yao.

Mu Heng's confidant, the chief combat captain of the Combat Division, although still very young, has already made great achievements and is highly regarded.

Even though Shi Rui believed that she would not leave any traces, she still couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Wen Yao retracted her gaze and wrote lightly:

"Don't worry, just ask some questions as usual. You can leave after you ask."

Although Shi Rui nodded to show cooperation, every muscle in his body became tight.

Wen Yao asked, "How is your relationship with your half-brother Shi'an?"

Although Shi Rui didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward, he was prepared for this problem.

"Well, okay?" Shi Rui pursed her lips, hesitated to say something.

"At least I think so."

Wen Yao: "Oh?"

Shi Rui took a deep breath, as if giving up covering up, and laughed awkwardly: "You should already know that I am an illegitimate child after all, brother he... It is normal that Shi An doesn't like him very much, although we have the same A father, but the relationship is relatively distant, not close, but there is not much conflict."

Wen Yao nodded: "This way."

She did not continue the topic, but instead asked: "Shi'an is currently missing, do you know where he might have gone?"

At that moment, Shi Rui breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

-I see.

It's to find Shi'an.

There was a look of worry on his face: "What? Is my brother missing?"

Wen Yao: "Yes."

Shi Rui tightened her brows, lowered her eyes for a few seconds, and then slowly shook her head: "Sorry... As I said just now, Shi'an and I are not too close. As for where he might go, I really don’t know. clear."

He raised his eyes and suggested sincerely: "Or you can ask his friends? Lin Yanming, Wang Li, Zhao She, these people, they might know where your brother is going."

Wen Yao nodded and pushed a piece of paper over: "Their names."

Shi Rui shuffled the names on it.

He put down the pen, hesitated for a few seconds, and then said: "Although I know I don't have this position to say this, but..."

Shi Rui raised his head, the worries and concerns in his eyes were not hypocritical: "Please, find him, or father him..."

His throat choked.

Wen Yao nodded, retracted the note, and said, "You can go now."

When the other party's voice fell, Shi Rui felt like a heavy boulder moved away from his chest, and Shi Rui felt that he could breathe smoothly again.

He still maintained the look of the worried brother on his face and bowed to Wen Yao.

Wen Yao's cold voice came from above:

"... You don't seem to really want to know what happened in school."

Shi Rui's heart shook.

He raised his head and met the woman's calm gaze.

Wen Yao's eyes were deep: "You never asked a question about this accident in the whole process."

After a brief panic, Shi Rui once again habitually raised a smile and said:

"After all... this kind of thing, even if I ask, I probably won't get an answer, so I just won't ask."

Wen Yao fixedly looked at him.

She seemed to accept the explanation, nodded, and retracted her gaze: "You can go now."

Shi Rui's back disappeared outside the interrogation room.

Wen Yao picked up the note on the table, crumpled it up and threw it in the waste paper basket.

She didn't come this time to ask Shi An's whereabouts, nor to get any effective information from the other party.

Just for observation.

After discovering that he was brought here because of Shi'an, Shi Rui's next state obviously became more relaxed and natural.

He wanted to do well in the drama related to Shi'an, which caused him to lose control of the overall situation.

This student named Shi Rui not only conceals something about Shi'an, but may even try to conceal more secrets.

Wen Yao called his subordinates in:

"Find the best concealment spell and follow him."

"No matter who he is in contact with, and whoever says anything, he must report to me."


The men left.

Wen Yao took a deep breath, raised his hand and squeezed the bridge of his nose.

Mu Heng's guess came to her mind.

The external protection of the Academy of Ability has not received any damage, and it is very likely that it has been put in.

A student does not have this permission.


Her guess is wrong.

Wen Yao didn't give herself any time to rest, she stood up and walked quickly to the door.

She is going back to the bureau.

Although Zhuo Fu was unreliable, it was her last hope to find Mu Heng now.

Mu Heng felt that he had fallen into a very deep, very distant dream.

This dream is broken and chaotic, seemingly familiar.

There is a bottomless darkness in front of me.

The young man leaned over his ear, his white arms wrapped around his shoulder silently.

He has jet-black eyelashes, a slender waist, and cold and soft lips.

His arms squeezed little by little.

Mu Heng heard his bones rattle.

The darkness around him was as deep as a bog, pulling him down towards the depths of the abyss.

Before the fall, Mu Heng woke up.

He opened his eyes sharply.

The air suddenly rushing into the chest cavity was cold and dry, as if thousands of knives had been cut at the throat, causing a sharp tingling sensation.

Mu Heng coughed, the memory returned, and the last scene he saw before he became unconscious flashed in his mind.

Darkness, squally wind, the approaching dragon, the tail curled around his waist.

He held his breath, raised his eyes, and looked at where he was now.

This is a huge cave, empty and cold. The rock presents a weird brown-black color, as if it had been melted and solidified again. There is an irregular circular hole above the head, and cold light spilled in from the outside. Vaguely illuminate the scene in the cave.

Almost instantly, Mu Heng realized that he was probably brought back to the dragon's lair.

Is this the place where the dragon has always been hiding

Mu Heng frowned.

He has seen giant dragons slaughter. Killing humans is as indifferent as an ant trampling to death to dragons.

… Why didn’t the dragon kill him

Mu Heng didn't know the answer, and he didn't need to know the answer.

He only knew that not killing him immediately this time would be the worst decision made by the dragon.

The man's eyes were cold and gloomy, like an unfathomable abyss.

He pressed his aching chest and carefully checked his wounds, several broken and displaced ribs, and deep bone claw marks on his shoulders. Although serious, they were not fatal.

Mu Heng opened his hand and gripped his fingertips.

The magical sword did not appear in his palm. After all, after seeing his own sword break twice, Mu Heng knew very well that if he wanted to slay the dragon, he couldn't do it with ordinary weapons.

That sword.

Only that sword can tear the dragon's indestructible scales, split its chest, and gouge out the hot and bleeding heart.

Mu Heng raised his eyes and looked at the narrow sky above his head.

Before the dragon returns, he must leave here.

However, just after taking a step, Mu Heng realized something was wrong.

He raised his hand and slowly pressed his palm into the void.

An invisible magic barrier blocked his way.

Is this... made by the dragon

Mu Heng was startled.

However, at this moment, there was a regular sound of flapping wings in the air overhead.

The violent wind was rolled up, whizzed between the rock walls, and made a sharp wind. The next second, only a loud bang was heard, a shadow covered the hole above the head, and the entire mountain seemed to be trembling.

The dragon caught the edge of the rock wall with its sharp and terrifying claws, and fragments of broken rock fell scattered and hit the bottom of the cave with a hollow echo.

Mu Heng looked up.

I saw a silver-white dragon falling at the entrance of the cave.

It lowered its head, its golden-red vertical pupils were like raging fire, with an invisible strong sense of oppression, silently looking towards the human beings looted from the depths of the cave.

At that moment, Mu Heng felt a strange tremor climb on his back.

Not fear.

But... excitement.

It seemed that the blood on the whole body was boiling, every cell in the body was eager to bathe in the blood of the other party, looking at the other party and howling bitterly.

As if the involvement of fate is invisible, the desire to kill is whispering in the ear.

Mu Heng slowly narrowed his eyes.

In the next second, he saw that the dragon that had fallen on the top of the cave took a step back, and the shadow cast on the ground disappeared.

Mu Heng: "..."? ?

Before he could react to what had happened, the shadow appeared again and began to fall downward.

Mu Heng stepped back reflexively.

He raised his head suddenly, his pupils suddenly tightened.

—The next second, I saw a lot of golden hay fluttering down from the top of my head.

Mu Heng couldn't dodge and was spilled all over.

He was stiff: "..."

Immediately afterwards, more hay fell down, like a strange heavy rain, which flooded in an instant, covering the entire cave.

Soon, when the haystack reached the position of Mu Heng's calf, the rain finally stopped.

The shadow once again covered the hole above the head.

The huge dragon flapped its wings, and gracefully and lightly fell in from the hole above its head.

The dry grass at the bottom of the cave was curled up by the strong air current, flying wildly in the narrow semi-enclosed space.

The dragon leaned down and looked at the straw-covered cave in front of him with his majestic gaze.

Immediately afterwards, it stuck out its claws, carefully grasped a bundle of hay, and then carefully placed the grass in a relatively thin place to make the entire cave even more uniform.

The dragon happily grabbed the hay below with its paws, and then curled himself in comfortably.

Mu Heng: "..."

He silently stared at the scene in front of him, as if it had become a statue that could not speak or move.

—It's just that hay debris is covered on shoulders and hair.

This dragon...

what are you doing