After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up

Chapter 88: You are not allowed to touch me!


Shi An flew high in the sky, and a bitter cold wind passed by him.

He thought about his plan seriously, and the more he thought about it, the more he found it feasible.

But something is still missing.

He slowly flew low, manipulating magic power to shrink his figure, and soon changed from a giant dragon that could cover the sky to an arm-length mini-dragon.

In this way, even if someone witnessed his trail, he would think it was just a small flying monster, instead of guessing in the direction of the dragon.

Shi An casually found an empty country house and broke into it.

This country house is luxuriously decorated, and the food storage is very rich. Almost the entire room is packed, almost to the ceiling.

Shi An happily filled his stomach, and then came to the bedroom.

He found a whole set of clothes, and squeezed the clothes into his travel bag with his paws.

After all, the body he was wearing before was destroyed when he became a dragon, and after Mu Heng was picked up by the management, he would quickly change back into a human form and rush back as quickly as possible.

Shi An carried a travel bag with clothes, spread his wings and prepared to leave.

However, he hesitated suddenly before he was about to fly out along the route he had barged in.

Shi An turned his head and looked towards the half-open storage room door.

Although I am full, but...

Mu Heng flashed through his mind, looking at the scorched monster meat, with a subtle look on his face.

Shi An sighed.

Humans are really too picky eaters.

But judging from Mu Heng's many times to ask him to eat ice cream, he can't make people hungry.

Shi'an selectively ignored the fact that he just vomited it out after taking a bite.

—He flew over comfortably and looted the entire storeroom.

Immediately after that, he thought for a few seconds, then pulled out the medical first aid kit below, and caught between his paws with difficulty.

There should be no problem now.

Shi An flapped his wings, passed through the big hole in the ceiling, and flew out of the house like a tornado passing by.

"Captain! Captain!"

A panting administration member ran in from the door. His forehead was covered with sweat, but his face was filled with excitement and excitement: "Yes, there is a clue!"

Wen Yao was surprised: "What?"

The members of the bureau panted their breath and continued: "Yes! Someone from the west has reported that they seem to have witnessed the dragon's trail in the deeper wasteland area, and then we called up the magic tracking report of all the no-man's land around that direction—"

He unfolded the map in front of Wen Yao and pointed his finger at the location of one of the barren hills.

"According to estimates, the dragon is likely to be here."

Wen Yao's eyes lit up.

She fixedly glanced at the location on the map, then turned her head and glanced at the value on the magic tracking report, a ray of hope lit up on her face.

Wen Yao took a deep breath and ordered:

"Call the team members, hurry up."

Mu Heng closed his eyes and leaned against the cold and dark rock wall.

At this time, there was the sound of the mountain wind being rolled up by the wings.

In the next second, I just listened to a few "plops", something heavy was thrown on the ground, rolling along the curvature of the ground.

Mu Heng opened his eyes, raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw all kinds of food scattered on the ground, basically all that can be stored for a long time. Canned food, ham, mineral water, and even bags of raw rice were all thrown in front of him.

Mu Heng was startled.

He raised his head and looked over his head.

I saw a silver-white dragon falling on the edge of the hole above his head, slowly closing its wings, a pair of gold-red vertical pupils hanging slightly, quietly looking over.

In the next second, I heard another resounding floor.

A small medical kit was thrown in front of him.

Mu Heng fell silent as he watched the objects piled up almost into a hill in front of him.

His eyes were half-squinted, and the expression in his eyes was hidden by the long silver-white eyelashes, and he couldn't see clearly in the half-bright shadow.

Although the dragon in front of him looks the same as before, but for some reason, Mu Heng can still clearly perceive that the hostility and rage burning in the opponent's eyes all the time seems to have been calmed down. The previous chaos, almost completely listened. The state of not understanding human speech has also changed.

So... what happened

Mu Heng showed a thoughtful look.

I saw the dragon lowered its head, opened its mouth, and said in a deep and thick voice:

"Humans, let's make a deal."

Mu Heng's face was pale because of the loss of blood, but his expression was still peaceful and indifferent.

He didn't answer, but slowly raised his brows, his extremely deep eyes fixedly watching the distant dragon.

"For some reason, I need your help to heal the wounds," the huge figure of the dragon cast a shadow in the cave, a pair of scarlet-gold pupils shining with light behind them:

"At the same time, you also need my help to get out of here."

"So, how about a temporary truce?"

"You heal me, I will let you go."

After a long time, the silence was finally broken.

Just listen to the man’s low mute and cold voice, echoing in the cave:

"What hurt did you get?"

His eyes were dark blue, and they looked like a bottomless icy lake: "Why do I have to help you heal your wounds?"

Shi An maintains his superficial majesty and composure:

"Humans, you have too much control."

He slapped the wings behind him: "Do you agree or disagree?"

Mu Heng stared deeply at the dragon in front of him.

After a long time, he chuckled lightly, his voice quiet and cold:


Shi An breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he seems to be holding the winning ticket on the surface, he is actually a little bit up and down in his heart—after all, he doesn’t know exactly what Mu Heng’s attitude towards the dragon is. "Evil creatures cooperate", that would be much more difficult.

Mu Heng: "So I should—"

How can I help you

However, before he finished speaking, the dragon standing at the mouth of the cave flapped its wings and slowly flew down. The further down, the smaller its stature, and when it flew down in front of Mu Heng, it looked like nothing but The rest is a little bit bigger.

Mu Heng was startled, and the rest of the words got stuck in his throat.

The little dragon in front of him is shining silver, with delicate and delicate scales. The wings on the back are only half a meter long even if they are unfolded. The tail is thin and pointed, and the pair of golden-red vertical pupils are large and round, which can be swallowed by flames. All the terrifying creatures are more like some kind of expensive figurines or dolls.

Long climbed into Mu Heng's arms on his own.

It shaved the man's coat apart, turned it in a circle, stepped on its paws, found a comfortable position, and lay down, letting its cold body press tightly against the opponent's hot and strong chest, and wrapping its tail around its body. Before, grouped myself up.

Mu Heng froze: "..."

Every inch of the muscles in the body are tensely tightened, and all the strength is hanging above the critical value of the explosion, like a bowstring ready to go.

Xiao Yinlong solemnly ordered:

"Human, you are not allowed to move."

After speaking, it yawned, put its chin on the tip of its paw, and closed its eyes.

Soon, there was silence in the cave, and only the monotonous sound of air flowing outside the mountain peak could be heard faintly.

Mu Heng didn't seem to have recovered yet.

He lowered his head slowly, almost in disbelief, and looked into his arms.

Long Jie squeezed firmly in his arms, bringing an extremely real and totally unpredictable heavy feeling.

The hard and cold touch of the dragon scales spread through a thin layer of cloth, and one could vaguely feel the undulations of the opponent's back and steady breathing.

Mu Heng: "..."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes vigorously, but still did not drive the heavy sense of absurdity from his mind.

So, the purpose of this dragon from beginning to end is...

Sleeping in his arms

Shi An rubbed the stiff human chest below and buried his head in it.

The human body wrapped him warmly, and the familiar cold breath struck him, making him feel very comfortable.

Shi An closed his eyes and began to concentrate on dealing with the gray magic in his body.

Sure enough, when he touched Mu Heng's skin, these stubborn, unabsorbable magic powers had a tendency to soften and disperse, and he began to gradually break through it bit by bit.

Shi'an can feel this whole process.

It is like a long-dried river bed being continuously wetted, trickling into the empty valley bottom.

This feeling was subtle and slow, but Shi An could clearly perceive that with Mu Heng's help, he was getting stronger.

But, I don’t know if it’s his illusion...

Shi An always felt that as the magic power increased, a strange heat seemed to spread in his body...

But once he went to investigate carefully, that feeling disappeared again.

it's wired.

After a long time, dusk began to fall.

Mu Heng felt the dragon in his arms move and opened his eyes.

Xiao Yinlong said in a serious tone:

"Man, thank you for your help."

He flapped his wings and flew out of Mu Heng's arms.

Mu Heng glanced in his arms, feeling a little... empty inexplicably.

He frowned and suppressed the strange emotion.

Shi An changed back to his normal body shape.

He thought for a while, lowered his head, and asked in an ancient and deep voice: "Do you have anything you want to eat? I will bring it back for you?"

Mu Heng: "..."

He never thought that there would be a dragon asking himself this question.

The man glanced at the piles of supplies not far away, and then said calmly and without expression: "I think I don't need anything else anymore."

It's true.

Shi'an used his claws to poke the straw away from the ground, exposing a smooth rocky ground, and then piled a firewood pile in the center of the rocky ground.

He opened his mouth, and a cluster of golden-red flames spewed out of his mouth.

There was only a crackling sound, the firewood was burning, the cave was illuminated, and the rock wall was printed with jumping light and shadow.

Shi An said kindly:

"You can use it to bake."

He flapped his wings and flew towards the outside of the cave.

But before he flew far, Shi An seemed to have thought of something, stopped, turned his head and looked at Mu Heng, and said:

"Although the dragon flame is difficult to extinguish, you still have to remember to add firewood to it from time to time."

Mu Heng: "..."

A stronger sense of grotesque struck.

He doesn't know how to feel anymore.

Shi An flew out from the cave.

The three monsters were waiting for him in the mountain not far away.

Seeing Shi An flying here, the Demon Worm asked with some worry: "How is it?"

Shi An was able to slap his wings enthusiastically: "Don't worry, Mu Heng has no doubts at all. The plan is going perfectly."

He looked at the black smoke and asked:

"What about the work I asked you to do? How is it going?"

Black Smoke: "Sir, don't worry, I have already figured out a way to reveal the location of your hiding place to the Administration. It is only a matter of time before they take it."

Shi An: "About how long?"

The black smoke pondered for a few seconds, and then calculated:

"Two to three days."

Shi'an showed a thoughtful look.

According to today's speed, two to three days can only absorb about one-third of the magic power, but it is enough, not too greedy.

He nodded: "Yes!"

Hei Yan hesitated for a moment, and asked in a faint voice, "By the way, my lord, how do you feel today?"

Shi An didn't quite understand why Hei Yan asked this question suddenly, but still replied:

"Very good, what's the matter?"

"Is there nothing unusual or discomfort?"

Shi An tilted his head: "No."

The heat I felt before...

Probably an illusion, right

The next two days are almost the same as the first day.

During most of the day, Shi'an reduced herself to size, slept in Mu Heng's arms, and then left at night, returning with more food in the early hours of the next morning.

In this process, they hardly had any more communication, just like a simple and plain transaction.

It was another morning.

Shi An took advantage of the night to rob a watermelon field and flew back with a bunch of watermelons.

Feeding Mu Heng is only second.

the most important is…

He wants to eat too.

Just as he flew towards the cave happily and happily, suddenly, a strange feeling of dizziness struck, like a raging fire rolling in the depths of the body, secretly spreading along the direction of blood and veins.


Shi An slumped and ran into a mountain.

He shook his head heavily, and it took a long time to stabilize.


What's going on here

Shi An opened his eyes, only to find that his paws had loosened just now when he was caught off guard, and the round watermelon fell towards the bottom of the abyss.

His watermelon! !

Shi An's eyes widened suddenly, throwing the strangeness into his mind, and dived straight down.

Inside the cave.

Mu Heng looked up at the hole above his head from time to time.

A few days ago, Long came back at this time, but this time I don't know why, but it was a long time later than before.

Inexplicably, Mu Heng felt a little upset.

It should be because of fear that the dragon will break the contract.

He came to a conclusion in his heart.

After another ten minutes, the familiar rolling sound of the wind and waves came, and the huge and majestic figure of the dragon appeared on top of the head. It flew down and placed a lone watermelon in its paws in front of Mu Heng.

I don't know if it was Mu Heng's illusion. He always felt that the dragon in front of him seemed... a little sad

Immediately, the dragon spoke, and a low and deep familiar voice echoed in the cave, instantly dispelling the strange guess in Mu Heng's heart: "Well, mankind, today is the last day."

Mu Heng: "Your injury is getting better?"

Shi An: "Yes."

He lied.

It should be a long time before the magic power is absorbed. The reason why he wants to end today is mainly because the black smoke and monsters have passed on the news to him. The people of the bureau will probably find this place tonight.

Mu Heng's expression was faint, his eyes were neither happy nor angry:


Shi An: "I will let you go tonight."

With that, he shrank himself again, and nestled in Mu Heng's arms familiarly.

Mu Heng lowered his head and looked at the dragon in his arms.

Xiao Yinlong raised his head, his red and golden eyes were round and clear, as if reflecting his face.

It said: "Don't worry, this dragon is a noble and elegant creature and won't deceive people."

Mu Heng watched him for a long time, then chuckled lightly:

"In that case, don't waste time."

Shi An nodded intently, stepped on Mu Heng's arms, found a suitable position, skillfully curled himself into a small ball, then closed his eyes and started to digest the magic.

This time, Mu Heng did not close his eyes to rest his mind, but stared thoughtfully at the dragon in his arms.

Recently there has always been a strange sense of violation.

I always feel... It shouldn't be like this.

The absorption rate of magic power in the body was the same as Shi'an had expected. It has been carried out for almost one-third now. Although there are still a lot of them, the progress of this strength recovery has been much faster than when he burned the monsters before.

Shi An conscientiously absorbed the magic.

At this moment, without warning, the feeling as if burning with fire rose again.

It was as if a small platform had loosened a little, and a strange heat permeated from it.

Shi An frowned, curling herself up tighter with some discomfort.

He hoped that this weird feeling disappeared automatically like the previous few days, but, unexpectedly, over time, this feeling not only did not disappear, but instead seemed to accumulate in the body, a little bit. The land gradually grows.

It feels... a bit dangerous.

Mu Heng realized that the little dragon in his arms suddenly began to agitate.

Although it still closed its eyes tightly, the wings on its back began to open and close frequently, its body curled up tighter, and its thin tail tipped frequently.

The tip of the dragon's claws unconsciously tugged at Mu Heng's clothes, and through the thin cloth, it faintly caused a slight pain.

Mu Heng lowered his head and subconsciously raised his hand to support the dragon to prevent it from being planted in his arms.

After doing this action, he was slightly taken aback.

This is the first time he has taken the initiative to contact the dragon in the past few days.

The scales under the palm are cold and smooth. Compared with the previous touch when the opponent was in normal shape, the smaller dragon is softer to the touch. Although the dragon scales attached to the outside are still hard, they can clearly feel the scale coverage. The soft and tough little body underneath.

As if feeling the temperature of the human palm, the dragon naturally snuggled over.

It rubbed its head unconsciously against the opponent's chest, shivering inconspicuously, and continued to approach in the direction where the warmth came from.

Mu Heng tightened his lips, his slightly stiff back pressed against the wall behind him.

He could feel that the little silver dragon was instinctively crawling into his arms, it was almost like...

In the hope of being touched.

Mu Heng pressed his fingertips to the protruding back of the opponent.

Exploratively, curiously, touching the dragon in his arms without any other emotions.

This is the first time that he has explored and explored the physiological structure of a species that has disappeared for thousands of years on the entire continent at such a close distance and in such an unusual way.

The scales on the back of the dragon's spine are the hardest, even if it is only touched, Mu Heng can clearly perceive the powerful power contained in it.

Then there are wings.

The dragon’s wings are supported by hard bones. After unfolding, it can cover the whole body. The bones are covered with a thin film, soft and tough, like a thin and thin ribbon, and the scales on it are also The most delicate, almost addictive to touch.

The hot fingertips lingered on the dragon's body, rubbing.

Mu Heng's fingers slid down the dragon's back.

Followed by the tail.

He had touched it once before, but the time was very short, and the dragon hadn't curled up in his arms so obediently and let him touch it.

When Mu Heng's finger landed on the base of the dragon's tail.

The silver-white little dragon shivered suddenly.

Its eyes widened suddenly, and deep in a pair of scarlet-gold vertical pupils, flames were burning, and its narrow pupils shrank into a slit, looking shocked and angry.

Shi An turned around abruptly and bit Mu Heng's finger viciously.

The rice-sized teeth are deeply embedded in the opponent's skin. Although the dragon's teeth are very sharp, the wounds left behind are not big due to the difference in body shape, but very deep.

A stream of bright red blood oozes from the wound and falls tickly.

The human blood was red and hot, and in an instant it wetted the cloth under the body.

"Human, you are too bold." The dragon gritted his teeth and said, "You are not allowed to touch me!"

Mu Heng let him bite motionlessly.

He lowered his eyes, his long silver-white eyelashes cast a deep shadow on his face, and his eyes were cold and blue, without any shadow.

"Let me guess, your healing should be related to touch, right?"

He said in a calm, low voice.

In the past few days, Mu Heng has been thinking about this issue. Although it has not been completely determined, it seems that this is the only reasonable explanation.

-Close to the skin of one's old enemy.

What a weird and unreasonable treatment.

Xiaolong was startled slightly, and subconsciously loosened his biting teeth.

Mu Heng took his fingers out of the opponent's mouth and slowly wiped off the blood.

His voice is the same as before, only slightly lower:

"Didn't I say it?"

In the next second, the man’s scorching palm easily covered the dragon’s spine. Shi'an shivered when the temperature from humans was instantly hot. Some part of his body wanted to approach, while other parts pulled him and tried to escape. .

Mu Heng's brow bones are deep, and his eyes are deeply hidden in the shadows, making them seem remote and indifferent.

The same is true of his voice.

Deep, calm, and polite, without the slightest mood swing.

"There is no need to waste time."

He squeezed Shi'an's wings, stroked it down the dragon's back, and rubbed the opponent's belly with his fingertips.

Shi An froze from head to claws, and his pupils dilated and rounded, as if frightened.

Mu Heng asked softly:

"The sooner it ends, the better, isn't it?"

The author has something to say: Bah! You just want to find an excuse rua dragon!