After the Bankruptcy of the Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 135: Advanced players


Because he was talking about more serious topics, Chen Zhan's expression did not slow down until he entered the room.

On the other hand, Yin Ronglan's daily life is much more boring than ordinary people. Most of the time at home, apart from being punished and kneeling, he works overtime. Seeing that he was thinking about things, he took the initiative to cover today's dinner.

While he was busy in the kitchen, Chen Zhan went back to his room and asked in detail about the current combat effectiveness of the system.

The system quickly reported a series of knowledge about the C language, and within two minutes, Chen Zhan was drowsy. Confused and distressed, he turned around and opened his notebook to search for remedial classes for learning computer knowledge.

The young man carefully peeped at the door, sighing that there are such diligent scumbags in the world.

"There are still the last three days," Chen Zhan asked after enrolling in the basic cram school, "What are you going to use it for?"

Before the 100-meter race starting gun gives instructions, it should be very nervous.

The system came out of his body and turned into a ball. He tried to walk with his hands behind his back and pretend to be young and old, but unfortunately his arms were too short and ended in failure.

It looked at the young man peeking at the door, and said in a very serious tone: "I want to see the rest of the law enforcement officers."

The young man said without thinking, "They won't be on your side."

The law enforcer is the one who maintains the headquarters the most. Because he is about to be laid off, he thinks of revolting in revenge. The remaining colleagues would rather die than betray.

The meaning is well conveyed, and both the system and Chen Zhan can feel it. The first one to speak is the system: "That's what I like."

The young man did not know why, but Chen Zhan was thoughtful.

The system insists on doing this, and the young people are under the eaves, so they have to choose to compromise.

The meeting place was about the small bungalow where Chen Zhan found the law enforcement officer before, because the next day there was an offline black fan meeting, and the meeting time was later.

Wang Cheng couldn't come to pick him up if he had something to do. It happened to be the weekend, and Yin Ronglan temporarily took over as the driver and sent people to the venue.

While waiting for the red light, the scene of picking him up to the reader meeting last year came to mind, Yin Ronglan couldn't help joking: "Did you call the sailor this time?"

Chen Zhan answered seriously: "I asked Wang Cheng to contact him, but no one was willing to take the order."


Chen Zhan: "It's all black fans who come here. They are worried that they will be beaten to death as an alien when they call in the audience."

Sadly, after careful consideration, Yin Ronglan found that this situation was not impossible.

Black and Red made their debut, and Black Fan's fighting power is naturally stronger than that of other families.

Before arriving at the venue, Chen Zhan saw a few people waiting at the door, with banners in their hands, and the car drove forward for a distance, barely able to see the word 'resistance' clearly.

In order to ensure that there would be no violence at the meeting, he hired several security guards in advance.

With a distance of about 100 meters left, Chen Zhan said, "Just stop here."

Yin Ronglan squinted his eyes in disapproval, and was about to explain the importance of personal safety, when he turned his head, he saw Chen Zhan holding a sturdy wooden stick and unfastening his seat belt.

"… "

"What do you want to say?" Chen Zhan didn't miss the slight movement of his lips.

Yin Ronglan shook his head, his face changed slightly: "I just want to remind you to pay attention to safety."

But now it seems that the object of the reminder is wrong.

Chen Zhan walked forward calmly, and Hei Fan couldn't help but take a step back.

"It should be a pretense." Someone forced a smile: "It is illegal to openly beat someone."

The hardest part at the moment is the security guards, who are struggling with the moral choice between helping their employers or protecting civilians.

Chen Zhan simply stopped a few steps away, put his hands on both sides of the wood, and broke it gently... The wooden stick split in half on the spot.

Witnessing the brutal step with their own eyes, a few black fans with a basket of rotten eggs silently threw the 'murder weapon' into the trash can under the cover of a banner.

"What happens if we throw the egg first?" an angry young man asked in a low voice.

The high school student next to him replied, "Probably... hitting a stone with an egg."

Saying that the automatic brain made up the fragmented scene, he shook.

Chen Zhan changed his face for a second, smiled and bent his hands together and said, "Welcome everyone."

With a special nature, the media was not allowed to enter the venue, and a long table and a row of microphones were placed on the stage. He sits in the very center, like he's about to give a press conference.

"Huhu-" Blows into the microphone to test whether it can be used normally, and the staff is distributing small gifts to those who came today.

"It's heartbreaking." The high school student put the things in his pockets: "First come to the horse and then deliver the things. We can't say anything because of short-handedness."

Looking around, I saw some soft-hearted girls whispering, saying that people are not bad.

"It looks good too." Seeing the real face, the bottom line couldn't help but retreat a little.

Chen Zhan sat on the stage with a smile on his face, and there was not much energy in his eyes.

The system is communicating with him in his mind: [Is it not worth wasting time here?]

Mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are. Chen Zhan felt that the meager whitewashing value was paid in, and looked at it from the perspective of development: "These are all long-term customers."

After arranging his clothes a little, the PPT started showing on the screen, and the title was written with the words 'Love Exchange Meeting'.

"All of you are high-level black fans that I have carefully selected," Chen Zhan said gently: "In order to grow better, I want to hear your inner voice."

Senior Blacks: "… "

A girl stood up first and spoke sharply: "Does your popularity mean that the social atmosphere is going bad?"

Chen Zhan smiled: "If you don't steal or rob, it doesn't count."

"Writing about other people's affairs is not good."

Chen Zhan: "Where did the romance come from?"

The girl was stunned. After thinking about it, she really couldn't find it out. It was Lin Chiang who 'brings the light' in "Confessions".

"At most, it's just revenge on a rival in love." Chen Zhan made a joke to ease the atmosphere.

With further communication, the increase in the whitening value quickly soared from the single digit at the beginning to the hundreds. Chen Zhan saw her eyes became more loving... This is a big customer.

She got goosebumps when she looked at her crooked eyes, and the girl hurriedly sat down.

The whitening value continued to increase, and Chen Zhan couldn't help but looked over with relief, his sight unchanged.

The girl grabbed her partner's hand to seek warmth: "It's terrible."

Being stared at by a handsome guy all the time, it is inevitable that my heart will be pounding.

The companion glanced at Chen Zhan, and couldn't help but 'his', and said from the bottom of his heart, "It's quite scary."

Chen Zhan's voice on the stage was low and gentle: "Who else wants to make an opinion?"

"… "

The president of the Black Fan Club was elected to stand up and reluctantly said a few words. Because he didn't have a keyboard in his hand, he felt a little guilty and also contributed some whitewashing points.

It can be considered a contribution... Chen Zhan looked at him with the eyes of flowers in spring.

President of the Black Fan Club: "Could it be that he loves me?"

The person next to him shook his head: "That's the look of fraternity."

This kind of 'fraternity' lasted for nearly an hour. When Chen Zhan announced that 'the first love exchange meeting has ended successfully', the audience burst into thunderous applause.

"Finally can go."

"Never again."

Such remarks abound.

Chen Zhan didn't take it to heart, and waved friendly to everyone before leaving: "See you next year."

Yu Bi hurriedly got into the car and rushed to the next place.

Yin Ronglan was inconvenient to be present when he was going to see the law enforcement officer, so Chen Zhan asked the young man to rent a car in advance and wait outside.

"Actually, you are not qualified to punish him." The young man looked complicated: "Yin Ronglan is lying at most, and it is nothing compared to what you are hiding."

Chen Zhan glanced at him and raised his eyebrows.

The youth gave up seeking justice and drove obediently.

Chen Zhan remembered Yan who had recently checked on the road: "Did you bring your driver's license?"

The young man shook his head, he even smuggled abroad.

Chen Zhan took a deep breath: "Stop on the side, I'll drive."

When getting off the bus, the young man cried and said, "Why do you charge 20 whitewashing points?"

Chen Zhan was expressionless: "Driving fee."

The system suddenly jumped out to interrupt the communication between the two, only to see it holding a boulder high and performing a live performance of breaking the boulder in its chest. Afterwards, some foam came out of his mouth, showing that he suffered some internal injuries.

A series of sudden riotous actions shocked the young man. It can be seen that Chen Zhan kept his mouth shut and could only rest his mind of inquiring.

The yard was still dilapidated as always, and Chen Zhan carefully stepped down the broken stairs to avoid falling.

Before finishing the last flight of stairs, he heard intermittent sobbing, Chen Zhan looked over, and several balls were trembling in a ball, seemingly sad.

"What happened?"

A law enforcement officer said angrily, "Are you blind?"

Chen Zhan was stunned for a while, but he was not angry. He looked around and finally focused on the word "demolition" on the wall.

Demolition is a good thing, but for law enforcement officers, it is clear that the place to stay is more important. What's more... Looking at these balls, in their state, how to receive the demolition payment is still a problem.

Youth: "It's not difficult to find a stranded person's body to use."

Chen Zhan thought that the body of the woman who was murdered last time was finally recovered by the law enforcement officers. If it was properly preserved, it could be used for his own use like a young man.

"This kind of thing often happens," said the young man, who was hurt. "When I was working in another plane, the worst one was demolished eight times in a row."

"... That's really wronging you."

The law enforcement officer didn't want to be seen as a joke, so he walked into the house after two dry howls.

As soon as he entered the house, he surrounded Chen Zhan, as if to be vigilant for the other party to be wiped out.

Chen Zhan sat down and said, "It's not me who is looking for you."

The words fell, and the law enforcement officers opened their mouths and rushed to the system next to them, showing a threatening attitude.

Those who are close to the ink are black, and unknowingly, the ball already has a bit of Chen Zhan's temperament, and in the face of danger, he pulls out an agreement: "Work hard all your life, and you will be recycled when you are old. That's what you can get paid for."

The young man looked at this picture and felt like he knew each other. Isn't Chen Zhan this kind of hypocritical attitude every time he brainwashes people

A law enforcement officer said with contempt: "We will always stand on the side of the headquarters."

"It's not instigating mutiny." The system pointed to the agreement: "It's a gamble, just bet on whether I can succeed in the rebellion this time."

Law enforcement officers looked at each other.

The system grinned and smiled horribly: "A lot of systems have already placed bets, but unfortunately I can't contact the law enforcement, but you can."

One of the law enforcement officers moved a bit, and when he looked closely, he was swallowing: "What do you mean..."

"Small investment, high return," the system: "If you win the bet, you can get out of poverty overnight and become rich."

The law enforcers quickly figured out: "Maybe you still took advantage of it in the end."

System: "It's a win-win."

In the gap of silence, the young man looked at the agreement in disbelief. It turns out that rebels can still make a fortune

Law Enforcer: "If someone likes you to bet too..."

"No." The system said, "Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, I will kill all those who have these thoughts."

"… "

Reason tells them to be gamblers until they have nothing, but they are a little hesitant in the face of high temptation.

The system took out several pages of paper: "I'm going to attack the eight departments of the headquarters in three waves, and I can bet on each game." Halfway through, he said in a more bewitching tone: "Betting on the outcome of the game, you can win even if you are unlucky. A few rounds."

The first person who did not resist the temptation turned out to be his own. The young man said excitedly, "How much is the whitening value per bet?"

System: "Not expensive, fifty."

Winning all of them is a million-fold return.

The herd effect, with the first one taking the lead, the following ones have taken action one after another.

Dividing so many rounds of betting is also to make another profit. If you bet right in the first few games, you will definitely regret not betting more, and maybe you will add more in the next few games.

The goal was achieved, and the class teacher bowed back.

in the bungalow.

A law enforcement officer whispered: "Pressure the system to lose."

"But its combat effectiveness is quite good."

The law enforcer snorted coldly: "Despite trying to cover it up, I found it injured."


The law enforcement officer made a 'shush' action: "Not only that, we can also secretly sell this news to the black market at a high price."

"If I make a mistake, won't I be hunted down?"

The law enforcement officer said disdainfully: "It can't be wrong."

Another colleague echoed: "I also vaguely felt that the system code was unstable just now."

"… in case it's a deliberate illusion…"

Before he finished speaking, Qi Qi laughed out loud. He was a famous low-IQ boy, how could he come up with such a gorgeous conspiracy


Even in remote places, there are more pedestrians than usual on weekends.

Chen Zhan took out some change and sent the young man to buy things, thus making an excuse to pay him.

The system has long since returned to the body at this moment.

[As long as you set the odds well and guide public opinion, you can make a steady profit as a bookmaker.]

Then he said: [If I lose, I can leave a large inheritance to the host, and the headquarters will not embarrass you for the sake of money. And the enviable wealth will attract successors to you, and the host can then use the money to encourage and fund their rebellion.]

In order to improve his IQ, Chen Zhan did double his homework when he went to night school.

"..." After a while, Chen Zhan sighed softly: "Knowledge changes fate, the ancients will not deceive me."

[System: ... If I fail to be caught and not executed immediately, the host must try to post bail to see if they can get me out.]

I'm not sure it can be saved.

"… "

The young man ran back after buying water, just to see Chen Zhan looking up at the sky, puzzled: "Godfather seems to be very emotional recently."

Yesterday, I was still talking about the difficulties of the sea.

Chen Zhan touched his head... Fortunately, the silly prince is still the silly prince.

Seeing that he was still standing still in that position, the young man frowned: "Godfather..."

"Call me Chen Baota." Chen Zhan sighed.

The Pagoda Town River Demon, like the pagoda, suppresses a series of strange people or non-human beings. If you evolve a few more, you will really be overwhelmed.

"… "

Most of the time, Chen Zhan is rational. The young man felt that he might be stunned, and pointed to the park in front: "Would you like to go to relax?"

Flowers are in full bloom this season, and walking on the tree-lined path is truly refreshing.

Attracted to a stop by a gorgeous flower, the young man had a whim and wanted to increase his rank: "Why don't we come to Taoyuan for three ties?"

Chen Zhan: "What do you call me?"

Youth: "Godfather."

Chen Zhan: "Let's worship the handlebars, that's called immorality."

Young hearts are ashes.

We walked slowly all the way, and finally took the bus. When we got home, it was already dark.

There was no accident, when I entered the door, I saw Yin Ronglan working from home. As for where Chen Zhan went, he didn't ask at all, he simply asked if he had eaten dinner.

Chen Zhan shook his head.

Yin Ronglan went to warm up the meal.

It is impossible to say that you are not nervous at all before you do something big. The system, which most tended to remain silent in the past, jumped out for a second time today.

It looked at the setting sun in the sky with a sad face.

Chen Zhan couldn't help laughing and said, "I have prepared the bail."

The system looked at him pitifully: "Really?"

Chen Zhan nodded and said half-jokingly: "You have received so much betting money, you can take the money and run away."

The young man on the side was startled, and he also made a few bets.

The system shook his head and said firmly: "What I want is the supreme right."

Chen Zhan took a deep look at it and stopped talking.

Recruiting troops is an essential process before rebellion, and for the system, there is one more item. It told Chen Zhan its life and hoped that the other party could create a splendid image.

All the sounds are quiet, and the lights and pens are constantly ploughing.

From time to time a shallow sigh escaped from his mouth.

Yin Ronglan didn't sleep either, and looked at him amusingly, leaning his head sideways: "What's so hard to write?"

Chen Zhan's tone became light because his writing was not smooth: "You might as well guess."

Yin Ronglan thought for a while: "The script?"

Chen Zhan shook his head.

"Male God" should be unlikely. He has always had enough of his own materials. Yin Ronglan tentatively asked: "The Years I Persecuted Actresses?"

Chen Zhan continued to shake his head, no longer playing dumb riddles: "It's a history book."

"..." Yin Ronglan: "Who asked you to write it?"

"A partner." Chen Zhan said: "It's going to do a big thing, I don't know life or death, I want to record its life."

Yin Ronglan laughed: "Isn't that a biography?"

Chen Zhan said solemnly: "It has repeatedly instructed that the actions of all parties during this period should be compiled and recorded into a book, which will be passed down through the ages."

Sounds bizarre and unreliable, Yin Ronglan frowned slightly: "Why should you respond?"

Chen Zhan's eyebrows were a little helpless: "The inheritance is left to me."

Hearing that, Yin Ronglan's eyes were very meaningful.

Although they didn't communicate with each other, Chen Zhan knew what he was thinking.

Along the way, he has been harvesting his inheritance... The old man left his inheritance to him, and Yin Ronglan also made a will, and now the system has made the same choice.

Yin Ronglan didn't delve into whose inheritance he hooked up again, but fell into deep thought, and said after a while: "I wonder if you have a share of the Lin family's inheritance?"

"… Won't."

Unless Lin Chiang is dead, no, it's crazy.

Bypassing this topic, Yin Ronglan got out of bed and walked to his side. At first glance, he wrote a full page, but in fact it was divided into many paragraphs, and the content was not much—

Zero seventy-six, a person with great ambitions, once dreamed of a virtuous confidant. Unexpectedly, when encountering a cunning and cunning partner, they do business together and make money every day.

Rich, self-willed, and rebelled.

At the end of June, it kicks off. The soldiers are divided into three groups, intending to compete in the world. Worrying about the old people, gathering gambling for profit, leaving home fortune. The war is about to start, so friends want to follow Lu Buwei's example and help him.

Yin Ronglan usually watches the news a lot, and the entertainment gossip is only occasionally followed after getting to know Chen Zhan. As far as recent news is concerned, Guotai and the people are safe, and the world is generally peaceful. Where does the turmoil come from

Chen Zhan: "It can be regarded as an exaggerated rhetorical statement." After a while, he said, "Or a parallel world."

The last sentence is barely an explanation.

Yin Ronglan looked at him with intriguing eyes: "People in the parallel world left you a legacy and asked you to write a history book?"

Chen Zhan nodded.

Yin Ronglan: "How did he do it?"

Chen Zhan said with a deep expression, "Taking a dream."

"… "

Without further ado, Chen Zhan fell back into deep thought and started making historical creations.

Staring at his back, Yin Ronglan silently began to rummage through the address book, trying to find the psychiatrist he visited a long time ago when he was about to make a confession.

Staying up late until the early morning, I can only write a few hundred words. Looking back on the system's life, there is no peach news, no descendants. According to what it said, the hosts that it brought with them all chose to stay after completing the mission, and were later killed by the law enforcement because the whitewashing value was not enough.

There are too few deeds to sing and cry.

[System: More descriptions of appearance.]

There is only one mouth in the facial features, even if it is meticulous to every tooth, it will be hard to hold back a hundred words.

[System: Then write more expressions.]

Chen Zhan pressed his eyebrows: "Where does the change in expression come from without facial features?"

The cruel reality was in front of them, and they were both silent.

[System: No problem. History is written by the victor. When I succeed, I will make up tens of thousands of words for him.]

The history of the book was temporarily over. Seeing that the system was about to go out for a day, Chen Zhan postponed his work for a while, preparing to accompany it more.

It was Yin Ronglan who disrupted the plan: "The weather is nice, why don't you go out for a walk?"

Chen Zhan glanced at the calendar and confirmed again that today was a working day.

"There is a power outage in the area, so we can't do business."


Yin Ronglan: ""Alteration" is scary and easy to write, so you might as well go to the exciting place."

Chen Zhan thought that the destination would be a haunted house. When the car stopped at the entrance of the mental hospital, he turned his face expressionlessly: "Is this your choice?"

Yin Ronglan said seriously: "Mental hospital is a classic place for horror novels."

Of course, the mental hospital is strictly managed, and not everyone can enter, but after a glance outside the door, he drove around to the big hospital across the road.

Chen Zhan was not annoyed, but a smile began to appear in his eyes: "Guess who is more abnormal when doing a mental appraisal at the same time?"

Yin Ronglan was stunned for a moment, and then seriously said: "You aroused my desire to win or lose."

Although there was an idea of competing, it was not put into practice in the end, but instead fell into the most common psychology department. The two have the same hidden worries. If they are found out and locked in at the same time, there is no one who can fish them out.

No, maybe the general public and the police will. After all, in their eyes, this worry-free husband may have gone too far in sex games.

When dealing with celebrities, psychiatrists can't help but be a little more curious, maintain basic professionalism, and act like a listener.

Chen Zhan: "My pressure mainly comes from the outside world."

The psychiatrist smiled: "Most people are like this."

Chen Zhan: "It also comes from the fact that I am a normal person."

"… "

The two sides chatted for about ten minutes. According to the psychiatrist, this was a nutritious conversation.

When Yin Ronglan came in again, she was probably flooded by Chen Zhan's previous demonic sound, and she subconsciously asked, "What pressure do you have?"

Yin Ronglan: "My lover is a normal person, so every time I play tricks in front of him, I will be punished."

"… "

"Recently, he brought home a godson who looks the same age as me and now lives under the same roof." Yin Ronglan asked politely, "Is there any way to coordinate?"

"Drink more medicine." The psychiatrist accidentally said the truth: "It's best to let him feed you."

The author has something to say: One of Chen Zhan's daily routines: writing history books.

Chen Zhan's daily routine 2: Dalang, drink medicine.