After the Bankruptcy of the Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 143: now


While the system and Chen Zhan were cooking the hot pot, the military advisor was correcting the papers.

"How is it?" the commander asked.

The counselor said: "A week ago, I forced a few law enforcement officers to study at the headquarters. Compared with what Chen Zhan taught, it is still insufficient."

"Compared to Zero Seven Six?"

The soldier's expression suddenly became complicated.

The commander laughed: "After all, the tormented child is different from the one in the greenhouse."

The strategist had a headache. At the beginning, Chen Zhan kept changing the system, and it was reasonable to say that it was less than zero seven or six. It was the commander who went his own way and designated Zero Seven Six to go.

"I thought it would last for only three months," the military adviser said helplessly: "Who knows, he didn't learn, and he was embarrassed to develop tourism activities."

"Normal." The commander disagreed: "Besides, the after-sales service at Chen Zhan is really good."

After a pause, he added: "Whether it's teaching or teaching to be a person."

"… "

So how many systems has this sightseeing plan been visited? At least the military division deeply suspects that the commander has also joined the fun.


Chen Zhan didn't know that he got a 'high-level after-sales' evaluation without knowing it.

Of course, even if he knew about it, he would probably just laugh it off. Compared to the 'Education Master', this title is nothing.

Originally, this hot pot was meant to be eaten with Yin Ronglan, but the system took the lead. When the other party came back, only the leftovers on the table were seen.

Yin Ronglan smiled: "Isn't it boring to eat hot pot alone?"

Before waiting for an answer, Yu Guang first swept to another wine glass on the table, and immediately narrowed his eyes slightly: "Have guests ever been at home?"

Chen Zhan gave up the frontal answer and attacked from the side: "Shorter than you, not as good-looking as you."

Hearing this, Yin Ronglan nodded with satisfaction.

The topic was subtly concealed in the past, Chen Zhan got up and put on a new bottom of the pot, and put in the dishes that were reserved in advance. He had already eaten a lot and drank a little bit of wine, but at this moment he couldn't eat anything, and he watched helplessly as people put down chopsticks.

When facing Chen Zhan, Yin Ronglan was the same as before, always smiling: "Anything on your mind?"

Chen Zhan nodded: "I have to make a decision, but it's a bit difficult."

Yin Ronglan: "Where is the difficulty?"

Chen Zhan thought for a while, and said after a long time, "Just like you might envy your childhood in college, and you want to go back to college after stepping into society."

In order to gain some, one must passively give up others.

Yin Ronglan looked at him and said sternly: "When you fight, you fight, and when you shouldn't fight, just let it flow and take what you think is more important."

Chen Zhan was slightly startled, and then nodded.

It was getting late, and the two of them still took the dog out for a walk. When they came back, they both felt much more relaxed. However, the residual hot pot smell as soon as you enter the door makes the feeling of fullness strike again.

Yin Ronglan: "In the next month, we can quit hot pot."

Chen Zhan thought so.

Lying on the bed childishly counting the stars, Chen Zhan suddenly stood up and groped in the darkness, standing on the bed not knowing what to do again. By the moonlight, Yin Ronglan smiled helplessly when he saw that there were more scrolls on the wall: "Where did you get it from, the words are quite good."

Just where did the term "guru of education" come from

Chen Zhan: "Given by others, it is said to reward my achievements."

Standing with your hands behind your back to visit the big characters, it has been ups and downs in the past few years and the system, and finally this result is really dumbfounding.

It didn't take long for him to speak again: "Hanging it here can be regarded as a souvenir."

Yin Ronglan didn't say anything, just pulled the quilt silently, Chen Zhan's center of gravity was unstable, he swayed from side to side, and finally gave up the struggle and sat down cross-legged.

"I have no problem with hanging things." Yin Ronglan twitched the corners of his mouth: "But I have to change the place."

It is used to hang wedding photos there.

Chen Zhan also seemed to think of something: "Do you want to shoot?"

Yin Ronglan: "It's still necessary to pay attention to the occasional sense of ritual."

A person with strong action decides one thing, and the effect is significant. Yin Ronglan contacted the photographer the next day and made an appointment to take pictures on the weekend. To be honest, the photographer was still a little surprised when he saw that the newcomer was of the same sex, but he quickly suppressed it and performed his work seriously.

Good-looking people can recognize beauty even if they are not on camera. The two sides have a good temperament, the smiles are sincere, and the photos were taken very successfully.

"Are you satisfied?" The photographer is quite confident in his abilities.

Chen Zhan nodded: "Very good."

Unlike the old-fashioned photos of ordinary photos, the people inside seem to have souls.

"You guys have a good foundation, the retouching has been simplified a lot, and it will be more realistic to look at."

"Is there a wedding banquet?" the photographer said, "I know several restaurants, and they are all very good."

Chen Zhan thanked him for his kindness: "We have no idea of having a banquet."

It's too troublesome, and then there must be media coverage. He doesn't like private things being discussed too much.

But in other aspects, preparations are quite sufficient. Yin Ronglan bought a lot of candy, and when he met someone he knew, he would stuff a handful, saying it was a wedding candy. The same is true for Chen Zhan, but he doesn't have many acquaintances, and there are many resentments.

Wang Cheng received a lot of candy, and laughed: "I don't accept any money for weddings, but I give wedding candies everywhere?"

Chen Zhan didn't care: "Quan should be our own entertainment."

Thinking of his age and being urged by the elderly at home, Wang Cheng felt helpless for a while: "It is better to entertain yourself than to entertain others."

Chen Zhan didn't expect him to feel so emotional, so he casually comforted him.


The scroll at the head of the bed had been removed and replaced with new photos, which made people uncomfortable for the first two days. This day, when Chen Zhan was watching, he vaguely sensed something, turned his attention away from the photo frame, took out a handful of candy and placed it by the window.

The white shadow moves from far to near, and finally turns into a sphere.

Its mouth itself is large, and it swallows all the candy in one bite.

Chen Zhan picked up the candy wrappers scattered on the side and threw them away, and sat by the bed with the ball that was still chomping: "It's better to contain candy than chew it."

The system smacked its mouth: "The taste is average."

Chen Zhan suddenly said: "You should have come to me a few days earlier."

According to what the strategist said, the cessation system will be promulgated a few days ago, and the system should have justified its succession at this moment.

The system froze for a moment, lowered its head and fell silent.

No one spoke for nearly half an hour.

"I'll transfer the whitening value to you," Chen Zhan smiled to break the silence, and touched its head: "Untie it."

The ball seemed a little sad, and the weight on Chen Zhan increased a little. The basic tacit understanding of the partner for so long is still there. It actually guessed that the host would make such a choice. What Chen Zhan wanted was absolute freedom, the freedom of being a human being, rather than being influenced by the system at any time and interfering with other unrelated things. middle.

It faced Chen Zhan, fluttered twice and suddenly realized that the arm was too short, the other party might not be able to see the meaning to be conveyed, and opened his mouth and said, "Hold."

Chen Zhanyiyan hugged the ball.

The next moment, I heard a 'ding' sound in my mind—

[System 076 applies to unbind from the host… ]

[The system will be permanently unbound with Chen Zhan... Thank you for using it, and wish you a happy life.]

"There will be no more stranded people on this plane." Zero Seven Six said, "I will send them back to their original world."

There are no stranded people, which means that there will be no more law enforcement officers, and no one will calculate Chen Zhan for the whitewashing value.

Chen Zhan pondered for a while: "Some have already married and started a business, it depends on their personal choice."

Zero Seven Six nodded: "If you insist on staying, I will recall the systems in these people."

In fact, it is difficult for the stranded people who have always been willing to stay to have a good death. After all, the whitening value will only become less and less, and the recall system is equivalent to saving their lives in disguise.

Chen Zhan did not refuse any more. The stranded person was indeed a hidden danger. Whether it was An Leng or Mr. Wu, or even some people who chose to betray Mr. Wu because of their interests when they were abroad, they had all made their minds up against him.

No one spoke again, Zero Seven Six sighed softly, and raised his head again after a long time: "Nice to meet you."

After that, he flew to the sky and disappeared.

The white light was completely reduced to a dot until it disappeared. Chen Zhan turned around and shook his head with a smile.


After the system disappeared, life was the same as before. It's just that it can't achieve the kind of smoothness that ordinary people pursue. Yin Ronglan is like a calm sea, and an unexpected tsunami will be brought soon.

In the battle of wits and courage again and again, Chen Zhan once again realized that he really loves him, and he can tolerate all of them.

At this time, Yin Ronglan was sitting on the side watching TV, wondering if she felt something, she turned her head and said, "I have said before that love makes people strong."

"..." Chen Zhan rubbed his eyebrows and was about to say something when he was attracted by the entertainment news broadcast on TV: "In another month, it will be Jiang Ying's due date."

Yin Ronglan: "Are you going to take a look?"

Chen Zhan was a little hesitant. The media was now staring at him. As soon as he went, he would hit the muzzle of the gun. The report might write some incredible and bizarre stories.

Yin Ronglan never made a decision for him, turned down the volume and waited quietly on the side.

"Forget it." Chen Zhan said, "Buy some gifts after the child is born."

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, but Jiang Ying took the initiative to call that night and asked them to have dinner.

Chen Zhan hadn't seen Mother Lin for a long time, but the friendship of teaching cooking that day was still there, and Mother Lin treated him very well.

"I heard that you are married." Jiang Ying smiled: "I haven't had time to congratulate you."

From a legal point of view, it is not recognized in China, but Chen Zhan did not deny it.

There is also an old man in the Lin family. He has never seen it before. Jiang Ying took the initiative to introduce: "The old man is good at making calculations. We have made several names and would like to ask him to help choose one."

"It's far from the calculation," the old man said with a smile. "It's just using some sayings passed down by our ancestors, not sure if it's accurate or not."

For example, feng shui and facial features, no one knows whether they are spiritual or not.

Chen Zhan agreed with the nod. When he recorded a ghost show with Jiang Ying before, he scoffed at the so-called psionicists. Now it is conceited to think about overly denying the areas that he does not understand.

Jiang Ying also thought of something, and laughed: "At the beginning, they said that you had many children and grandchildren."

Speaking of which, I couldn't help but look at Yin Ronglan, who was calmer than he imagined: "Facts speak louder than words."

At least he and Chen Zhan will never have children.

The old man suddenly said: "Only the appearance, it is indeed full of children and grandchildren. But the road is chosen by oneself, and 'judging people by appearance' is not right."

The last sentence was a bit of a joke, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Ying was not allowed to drink alcohol. Tea was used instead of wine at the dinner table. Most of the topics were focused on the unborn child. When it came to what kind of person she wanted this child to become in the future, she thought about it seriously: "Inheriting my beauty, my husband's temperament, Chen Zhan's intelligence, Yin Ronglan's whimsy... Barely enough is enough."

"… "

Lin Chiang couldn't help shivering, even Chen Zhan shuddered.

If someone really combined this trait, wouldn't it be the birth of a magic star

Jiang Ying was overjoyed: "I'm joking."

"No one knows about the future." Father Lin, who had been silent for a while, stood up and raised his glass, "To the present day."

Everyone stood up and lightly clinked glasses, during which Chen Zhan and Yin Ronglan looked at each other and smiled... Living in the moment, nothing is more suitable for them than these four words.

The author has something to say: tomorrow will be the sideshow. Originally, there were some clips about male gods in this chapter, but I deleted them if I felt they were redundant. The fate between the system and Chen Zhan will continue in another way. Yesterday, I read the comments and some people said that they hope that Jiang Ying's future children will be like Chen Zhan... Hahaha, seriously, 23333 scared me...

Tomorrow's special episode will first write a chapter about the system and Chen Zhan~

If you are interested, you can go to the column for new articles to pre-receive, and it will be opened within half a month after the extra writing is finished~