After the Bankruptcy of the Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 38: gossip


For a period of time after this, subordinates thought they were not standing in a spacious office, but stuck in a swamp.

However, when he was racking his brains trying to figure out how to be rescued, the coldness in Yin Ronglan's eyes disappeared, as if nothing had happened, he adjusted the angle of the swivel chair. The left hand rests on the table naturally and returns to normal.

He first made a phone call to Chen Zhan, and his subordinate waited with bated breath, subconsciously feeling that he would hear a conversation dominated by anger and doubt.

In fact, everything was business as usual. Both parties were very calm during the call. Yin Ronglan never uttered a single word about apology from beginning to end. Instead, it was like gossip.

After hanging up, Yin Ronglan looked up at her subordinate: "Go say hello and suppress the hot search."

There is still room for recovery.

Chen Zhan usually only reads the comments after the update, and scans Weibo along the way. In the morning, he had already posted on Weibo, and he will basically devote the next time to work.

Shicai's call corroborated his idea.

During the communication, Chen Zhan's tone was the same as usual, and there were no implied words.

The right to 'active' confession is still in his own hands.

With this knowledge, Yin Ronglan glanced at the phone screen. He couldn't help sighing softly, he had no choice now, and he had to be open and honest in a short period of time.

There is no such thing as a unique way, just as expected, Chen Zhan's recent update did not involve too much explosive content, and he did not pay much attention to comments because he expected that it would not cause too much fluctuation.

But he's not putting in work, he's creating opportunities for work.

With only three days left until New Year's Eve, Chen Zhan edited a text message: The Spring Festival is approaching, and I am afraid that there will be traffic jams on the road. Chen Zhan wishes you New Year's greetings in advance.

After that, enter all the business cards brought back from Zhehai City into the mobile phone, and select group sending.

The system complained a lot about this information, and repeatedly emphasized that it is better to write if you have this skill.

Chen Zhan said with a low smile, "This is fishing."

Dozens of free text messages paid off in the evening. The boss of one of the companies called to ask if he was interested in promoting the brand.

Promotion is a one-shot deal. When you are not sure whether the product is good or bad, it is easy to ruin the favorability of fans. Chen Zhan refused rationally after considering it.

The boss is not angry, but throws an olive branch: "How about the endorsement? But for the time being, it will only be signed for three months, and the follow-up will depend on the sales volume."

Chen Zhan Daoming the facts: "I will not develop into the entertainment industry, and my future influence will be limited."

"It's okay," the boss said with a smile: "This is just a small brand that has just been launched, and the style is beyond the control of ordinary people."

After deliberately stopping for a few seconds, Chen Zhancai proposed to see the product first.

The boss agreed very readily, and asked him to leave an address, indicating that it would be sent in two days.

The system thought it was incredible: [Someone really came to the door?]


The one-word response was a little cold.

In fact, Chen Zhan expects a few people to contact him in the next few days. Tuohai and his party have become familiar with each other, and the nobles forget things. Now they are sending text messages to remind these people of their existence.

His commercial value is not low, except for Xiangxi and previous game advertisers, he has not carried out a lot of promotion, and the freshness of passers-by is still there. As long as the product is not inferior, and he tends to choose a more wild spokesperson, he may be more cost-effective than hiring a tepid artist.

The dialogue between the system and Chen Zhan usually ends with the system's sudden silence.

This time is different.

[System: I am going to retire.]

A calm and energetic voice penetrated into his ears, and Chen Zhan said calmly, "Continue to make up."

[System: Retire from illness.]

After taking such a host, he specially went for a mental test and determined that he was able to retire early after he found that there was a problem with mental convenience.

Chen Zhan was silent for a while and said, "Congratulations."

[System: TOEFL, TOEFL.]

The conversation came to an abrupt end, and Chen Zhan guessed that it was impatient to go through the resignation procedures, or it was a new year.

Walking in the rain is difficult for one's own body, but when it is snowing, it is quite different to go out and see the world.

Because of Calvin, Chen Zhan got out of the warm room and stepped on the soft snow.

Before leaving the community, a gust of cold wind swirled over, and Chen Zhan instantly felt that his brain was kicked by a donkey, and he came out to enjoy the snowy scenery at night. After trotting back to the room again, the old man heard the sound of going upstairs and opened the door to take a look.

His cheeks were flushed, and he didn't know if he was frozen or because of running. The old man was stunned for a moment: "Exercise?"

Chen Zhan laughed dryly and waved his hands back to the house.

It is also ridiculous. In the warm environment of answering, he suddenly felt that it was a pleasure to sit down and write, even if he had no thoughts.

It's even more inadvisable. Chen Zhan sat next to the computer, and the coding speed was much slower than usual—

The goddess is in a period of rising career, and she did not plan a wedding immediately after getting engaged.

She is not married, when will my spare tire be born

In order to make her determined to marry and have children when she is popular, I decided to fight a roundabout battle.

After staying at the gate of the Lin Group for three consecutive days, I finally encountered a situation where Lin Chiang did not have a bodyguard. Across the distance of dozens of meters, there is a kind of tearing pain in my heart.

He is always in a suit and leather shoes, with a arrogant demeanor, which sets off the weakness of others.

Because he got into trouble by sending harassing text messages, he already knew my existence.

"It's you again?" The indifferent voice was full of disgust.

"It's just an engagement. Jiang Ying is not a married woman. I have the right to pursue it."

Lin Chiang sneered: "Exciting generals?"

Being seen through my mind, my heart tightened.

"Although I don't know what you're up to," he sneered with a smile, "but I hate being threatened the most."

I was stunned: "So?"

He stepped away from him, leaving only a cold glance.

In the three months after that, not even the chasing media has released rumors that the goddess will extinguish the shadow for love.

At first, he thought he was afraid of me being a ghost behind his back to delay the wedding, but later he felt that something was wrong and he went to consult an emotional expert.

The conclusion reached is sad, the woman is still struggling, and the man is unwilling to delay the other party's career, so they all use me as an excuse.

The previous idea collapsed in an instant, and I don't know when the spare tire will be available... Instead of being a pawn of their love, it is better to become the crystallization of love!

Snow days are suitable for early sleep, and after Chen Zhan sent an update, he shrunk into a warm quilt.

There are a lot of people watching and playing games late at night.

He slept soundly, and the comment area didn't have a moment's rest.

"Every time Lin Chiang appears, there are character descriptions, more than the actress."

"Yes, the appearance is always exquisite, the speech is always cold, and the smile is always mocking. I seriously doubt that the author uses his words."

"Vicious! President Lin stole the author's beloved woman, and the author kept pouring water on him!"

Chen Zhan was woken up by the phone in the early morning.

"Are you crazy?" Seeing the call clearly, Chen Zhan's voice was slightly hoarse, mixed with some resentment.

The coldness in the voice on the other end of the phone is too much to let go: "Can't you stop when the Chinese New Year is approaching?"

Chen Zhan subconsciously looked at the hot search, but he didn't see Lin Chi'ang's name, so he couldn't help frowning: "Murdered paranoia?"

Lin Chiang sneered: "Look carefully."

Chen Zhan opened from the beginning to the end, basically about stars and the Spring Festival Gala.

"The thirteenth." Lin Chiang reminded.

Chen Zhan rubbed his eyes and took a closer look—

#resist water injection#

[Lin Dabai: I don't care. In the future, the author cannot use adjectives when writing about Lin Chiang, otherwise he will be given a negative score warning.]

[The mouse and the cat: It's best to omit what to wear, not interested in the president's suit.]

[A Piao Xiaokai: It is everyone's responsibility to resist water injection.]

His eyes stopped for a few seconds, and he covered his eyes with his hands and sighed. Some netizens actually have more writing talent than him.

"Think for the best," Chen Zhan hesitated for a while before slowly saying, "Last year, I was burdened with the reputation of not giving change for a whole year, and now it has been washed away."

Before he finished speaking, the phone had already been hung up.

Chen Zhan sat up and rubbed his brows, the sleepiness gradually dissipated.

The window was not closed tightly, and the cold wind blew in, causing him to sneeze twice. Chen Zhan stared at the ceiling in a daze, thinking whether it was a cold or someone was scolding him.

In fact, there are not many people who scold him, but there is also one who wants to please.

Yin Ronglan set the day of apology on New Year's Eve.

First, he and Chen Zhan have no relatives, so it is a good choice to spend New Year's Eve together; secondly, saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, it is more likely that an apology will be forgiven that day.

For this reason, Yin Ronglan specially contracted the most luxurious hotel in the city and contacted a famous violinist to perform that night.

Not only that, but also temporarily ordered the best flowers to be delivered by air in advance.

Such a big move was naturally noticed. During lunch in the cafeteria, a beautiful female colleague surrounded Xiao Zhao, who had just been promoted to the assistant to the president: "I heard that the president has invited people to dinner, is it true?"

Xiao Zhao smiled mysteriously, took two bites of rice, and made a silent gesture before leaving.

As soon as he left, the female colleague greeted the friend: "I'll tell you a secret, the big boss spent a lot of money, he bought the Demar Hotel, and he also invited a violinist."

The friend's mind was fluctuating, and he communicated with another colleague after get off work, and briefly stated: "The president asked for marriage."

At this time, a third person joined and said, "It's true. I have a friend who works at the Dema Hotel. I heard that there are a lot of fresh yellow roses arriving today."

The female colleague wondered: "But I remember that the flower language of yellow roses means apology."

The next day, the company rumored that the president had made a mistake that every man would make. In order to win back his girlfriend's heart, he was ready to propose marriage.

The speed and circle of gossip are sometimes beyond people's imagination.

A female colleague in the company has a younger sister, who works in the Lin Group. When discussing with the younger sister, Lin Chiang happened to hear him passing by.

Not confused by the unrealistic message, and roughly guessing the reason, Lin Chiang sent a message to Chen Zhan with a playful attitude:

[What would you do if someone in a good relationship cheated on you and then proposed? ]

Messages were quickly answered:

[It depends on whether the state branch supports ghost marriages. ]

The author has something to say: Knock on the blackboard, the netizen's id in the last chapter is 'on the willow tree by the pond', have the little angels forgotten who he is, guide Chapter 3.