After the Bankruptcy of the Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 45: Excellent citizen


After a song was sung, the master of ceremonies saw that Lin Chiang's expression was wrong, so he didn't dare to make jokes without restraint, and watched the two step down with a smile.

Chen Zhan regained his composure.

When the bride and groom finish their toasts one by one, the wedding is almost over.

Yin Ronglan greeted Yang Tianxia and left with Chen Zhan first.

Before leaving, Chen Zhan did not forget to wave his hand at the table where Lin Chiang was sitting, and turned to leave without waiting for anyone else to react.

Father Lin: "It's interesting and energetic."

Lin Chiang sneered and decided to order a pair of reading glasses for his family as soon as possible.

Because he drank some wine at the wedding banquet, Chen Zhan's face flushed red, and there was a slight smell of alcohol on his body.

Co-existing in a car, the air is gradually hot and dry.

Chen Zhan rolled up his sleeves, exposing his wrists. Yin Ronglan, who was driving, saw it, and suddenly remembered the scene he saw in the hot spring last time... fair skin, beautiful collarbone.

That can probably be called a glimpse... After all, he only glanced at it, and was attracted by the book. Now that I think about it, I always feel that I have done something stupid unintentionally, and I can't tell if I study it carefully.

Chen Zhan spent most of his time thinking about making a fortune, but he didn't notice the changing gazes of the people around him.

"Confessions" ended, the queen did not reach the number of charged characters, and the sales of amulets gradually declined. Income sources are apparently declining uncontrollably.

Yin Ronglan has been paying attention to his expression unconsciously, and it is not difficult to analyze what he is thinking.

Chen Zhan pondered for a moment, then lowered his head and rummaged through his mobile phone to find the recent private messages sent to him.

Youdao Internet celebrity is a family.

During this period of time, he was invited to co-produce a lot of videos.

Chen Zhan sifted around and found a good reputation. The other party runs a 'secret interview' social account, which mainly interviews people who are prosperous recently and summarizes the success of others.

At present, poisonous chicken soup is everywhere, and this kind of down-to-earth and positive energy is very popular among some people.

After waiting at a traffic light, Chen Zhan talked to him about his thoughts.

Yin Ronglan nodded: "It's better to keep the exposure in another way."

After returning, Chen Zhan contacted the secret interview, and he was connected with a woman. He was pleasantly surprised to hear the cooperation, and asked him to set the time.

Chen Zhan thought for a while: "Tomorrow is fine."

The other party was quite positive, and he came to visit early the next morning.

The visitor took the initiative to extend his hand: "I have long admired the name, my surname is Zhang, and I am very happy to interview you."

Chen Zhan called her Teacher Zhang.

Mr. Zhang briefly introduced his style: "There are two forms, one is live broadcast, and the other is to edit it into a short video to play later." He hesitated: "Live broadcast may be better, but it takes a long time and it is easy to lose audiences."

Chen Zhan chose the live broadcast, and the short video sometimes needs to be shot, and the live broadcast is obviously more realistic.

Teacher Zhang turned on his mobile phone and greeted the audience in the usual way. Then, when the camera turned, Chen Zhan was abruptly brought into the mirror, and a little playful said: "Today our theme is to counterattack life."

In an instant, someone gave the first gift after the broadcast, and Teacher Zhang aimed the camera at Chen Zhan.

The two sides almost asked one question and one answer. Chen Zhan didn't care what the barrage was saying. After the introduction of the palm-sized place, he began to develop in the direction of the outdoors.

He knew very well what kind of personality he should maintain, and with a thick stack of folders, he took things he could read at home to the library.

The road was covered with snow, accompanied by creaking noises, Teacher Zhang asked, "What do you think is the secret of success?"

Chen Zhan stopped and said meaningfully: "Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared."

[King of Reasoning: This answer... is nothing new.]

[Maria's hair: I don't know why, when he said this, my scalp felt numb.]

It takes at least seven or eight minutes to walk to the library. The audience will feel bored. Teacher Zhang is full of smiles: "Can you give a small benefit to the friends in the live broadcast room, and use the style of "Confession" to dictate a passage of the past?"

This proposal has touched the hearts of the audience, and they have given gifts.

Chen Zhan thought for a while and then slowly said: "The story happened not long after I started following Jiang Ying..."

…they both love the outdoors.

The woman has not yet become famous, so she does not need to be too shy.

While Lin Chiang went shopping, I deliberately pretended to fall into the water. At this time, there was no one on the shore, and the water in the artificial lake was not very deep. She jumped down and rescued me.

Like seeing a mermaid swimming towards me, I pretended to be unconscious.

After failing CPR several times in a row, as I expected, she was hesitant to give artificial respiration.

Full of joy, Lin Chiang arrived at this moment, ran over and said anxiously, "I'm coming."

A bolt from the blue, I couldn't control it for a while, I reached out and pushed him away, and said fiercely: "Come first, come later, go to the back and line up!"

Teacher Zhang seemed to be stunned by the magical little story, Chen Zhan coughed lightly, looked up and said, "Here it is."

[Sauvignon Blanc: Anyway, it's over! Am I missing this traffic?]

The barrage was very brutal, and Chen Zhan turned a blind eye. He maintained the Xueba character and entered the library to find a place with good lighting.

It was very quiet inside, and Teacher Zhang was at the door, filming Chen Zhan for a live broadcast from a distance.

Chen Zhan looked down at the documents he brought, and was quite serious.

Taking off his bloated padded clothes, he only wore a light coffee-colored sweater, which looked like a shining individual in the sun.

[Sauvignon Blanc: Mom! In love!]

[Ghost Xiaoqi: I, who haven't finished my homework, even watched others study in the live broadcast.]

[Legend of Dragon Scale: OMG! I am in this library!]

Because Chen Zhan has been studying hard, Teacher Zhang is not easy to disturb, so he has to walk around and show the audience to the newly expanded library.

About half an hour later, when Chen Zhan rubbed his eyebrows to relieve his eyesight fatigue, Teacher Zhang quickly waved his hand to convey that he could leave.

Chen Zhan got up, and when he came out, Teacher Zhang said with a sigh of relief, "It seems that studying regularly is also the secret to your success."

Chen Zhan shook his head: "It's the same sentence, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared."

Today's weather is not very good and it is gloomy. Seeing that it is almost time for lunch, Chen Zhan said that there is a good restaurant nearby.

Although I would prefer to take a picture of him cooking, Teacher Zhang is not good at making hard demands, so he nodded. When passing through an alley, Chen Zhan's pupils shrank, and his eyes were fixed on a pedestrian on the opposite path.

The feeling between people is sometimes indescribable.

The man raised his head, made contact with a short glance, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and ran away.

Chen Zhan threw the folder and thermos cup into the air, but Teacher Zhang caught it dangerously, barely standing still while slipping on his feet. Looking at it again, Chen Zhan had already run more than ten meters away.

The camera shook violently, and both she and the audience were inexplicable.

The scene of chasing and chasing scared passers-by, and they all avoided.

Some time ago, the exercise was not in vain. Chen Zhan's endurance increased. He chased to an intersection and pulled back the middle-aged man who wanted to run the red light and run to the opposite side. He grabbed the opponent's arm and twisted it hard, and pressed it against the pillar on the side of the road to stop him from continuing to struggle.

When the red and green passersby couldn't help but watch, Chen Zhan said to a young man who wanted to take pictures with a mobile phone: "Call the police."

The man was stunned, and hurriedly dialed 110 without knowing the inside story.

Mr. Zhang, who was dropped on the other side, didn't react at all. When he was about to chase after him, the folder on his arm slipped and fell to the ground, and several pieces of paper fell out.

Teacher Zhang hurriedly bent down to clean up.

When he was about to put the piece of paper back, he was dumbfounded.

Where are the learning materials in the folder, but the photos of the wanted criminals released by the police over the years, and the amount of the reward above can be seen at a glance.

The barrage broke out in a brief silence:

[Maria's Hair: God TM opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared!]

[Sauvignon Blanc: So scary.]

[Little cabbage: Am I the only one who noticed that the lowest bounty is also 100,000?]

[Legend of Dragon Scale: I can't accept that someone picks up 100,000 while walking on the road. Maybe it's a mistake? An oolong is also possible!]

The reality is bound to be stranger than the story. After Ms. Zhang asked along the way, she finally found Chen Zhan at a nearby police station. Because of the special circumstances here, filming was not allowed, so she had to ignore the crazy shouts of the fans and closed the live broadcast first.

An older police officer patted Chen Zhan on the shoulder: "It's really yours, the young man's eyes are sharp enough."

Chen Zhan: "These are the obligations of citizens."

A simple two-sentence dialogue is enough to prove that the wrong person was caught.

Teacher Zhang still felt incredible until he left the police station. The live broadcast was restarted stiffly, and countless fans flooded in instantly.

"Something happened just now," Teacher Zhang swallowed and turned his face to ask, "What do you want to say to everyone about this matter?"

"It's just a coincidence." Chen Zhan said calmly: "I hope you can study and work steadfastly, and don't put your hopes on the one in ten thousand chance. If you encounter a suspect on the road, please call the police as soon as possible to ensure your own safety."

"… "

Teacher Zhang can really see the expression on his face without looking through the camera. According to observation, she was speaking the truth, but when she thought of what had just happened, she felt as if her throat was blocked by something.

Speechless, speechless.

Most of the people in the live broadcast room had the same idea as her. In addition to ellipsis, the barrage was an emoji.

The interview ended silently.

After all the tossing, it was too late, Chen Zhan said goodbye, turned and walked in the direction of the community. When I passed by the pharmacy, I bought two plaster and a bottle of Jieda medicinal wine.

At the door of the unit, I saw Yin Ronglan standing by the station.

Chen Zhan was slightly surprised, walked over and said, "Why are you here so late?"

Yin Ronglan glanced at him and stayed on the medicine in the plastic bag: "Come and meet Mr. Chen, an excellent citizen."

Chen Zhan calmly explained: "It was just an accident."

Not long ago, when I was looking for information on the Internet, I saw the news in the pop-up box. On a whim, I downloaded a few photos from the Internet.

Yin Ronglan sighed softly, and when he saw that he had nothing to worry about, he turned to a smile instead of a smile: "Do you know what the hot search title is?"

Chen Zhan's face froze slightly, and then he said decisively: "I don't want to know."