After the Bankruptcy of the Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 68: The mountain man has his own ingenuity


"often… "

After seeing Tan Changming's face clearly, Chen Zhan didn't ignore his name again.

Tan Changming interrupted him directly, his eyes sharp: "There will be something worse than me, right?"

Chen Zhan: "Huh?"

It's a pity that listening to the other party's ear becomes a signal of consent.

Tan Changming straightened his clothes and walked through the area with satisfaction.

Chen Zhan saw him chatting with several people wearing the same clothes, and there was an oval mark on the sleeve.

"There is a link to measure the speed of the mobile phone." Pei Yinqiu explained: "It should be a game PK between two teams."

Chen Zhan felt that Tan Changming could come to participate, which proved that his psychological quality was good.

Pei Yinqiu understood something from his eyes and coughed, "It is estimated that we have already talked about it before, so I can't refuse."

It is not a personal battle, and exiting alone will affect the team.

At the same time as the voice fell, a voice sounded beside Chen Zhan: "Borrow it."

When I looked up, I saw that it was the person who had just gone to the bathroom.

Chen Zhan stood up and let him in, the latter smiled politely.

Without sitting down directly, the man took the initiative to say, "I'm your book fan."

Hearing this, Chen Zhan seriously looked at Dongyu for the first time.

If he can enter the entertainment industry, his appearance will not be too bad. Ji Dongyu is a rare tough type. At a glance, he will know that there will be a wide range of dramas in the future.

Facing the gesture, Chen Zhan politely said 'my pleasure'.

Ji Dongyu then bent his mouth and sat down.

Everyone is interested in playing mobile phones, and when they hear the interpretation of a long story, they may not have the mood to follow them.

The designer on the stage cooperated with the explanation with the new version of the mobile phone.

What brought him back to his senses was the game speed test.

The host smiled and introduced the two teams one by one.

The real name is basically useless in the team.

Anyone in the audience who knew his identity couldn't help but smile.

Perhaps it was to turn grief and anger into strength. In the game, Tan Changming killed the Quartet and won quite beautifully.

As soon as the crowd applauded, Pei Yinqiu turned slightly towards Chen Zhan: "I'll invite you to dinner later."

Chen Zhan nodded.

It is impossible for manufacturers to spend money in vain. It took a long time for celebrities to interact with each other. After the press conference, Chen Zhan really felt a little hungry.

Pei Yinqiu used to have a low-key style, but this time, he didn't avoid suspicion and kept walking behind Chen Zhan.

The two chose a nearby tea restaurant with compartments.

Chen Zhan ordered pasta, and Pei Yinqiu only wanted a pot of tea.

When the meal was on the table, Pei Yinqiu got up and poured half a cup of tea each. Facing the gaze, he put down the teapot and said, "I feel weird?"

Chen Zhan: "Only for today."

Pei Yinqiu sipped the edge of the cup, but his lips didn't touch the water much.

Chen Zhan has always been observant: "Is it related to Ji Dongyu?"

Pei Yinqiu frowned: "He's a bit evil."

Chen Zhan put down his chopsticks and listened to him.

"Ji Dongyu was originally the third male. Later, the male lead of "Ghost" was revealed to be a fan. Investors went to the crew and accidentally took a fancy to his acting skills, so he became the male lead."

Chen Zhan didn't hear where the evil sect was.

"This is not an exception." Pei Yinqiu smiled and said, "There were two dramas before, and the main actors also had an accident in the middle of filming, so he was the one who took over."

Any opportunity in the circle is hard-won, and there are few good things that fall from the sky.

Chen Zhan: "Framed Design?"

Pei Yinqiu shook his head: "If he was found to have moved his hands and feet, he would not have the current scenery."

Chen Zhan thought thoughtfully: "It's kind of interesting."

"We worked together on a drama once before, and somehow we couldn't rest well." Pei Yinqiu: "So it's better to have less contact with this person."

Hearing this, Chen Zhan burst into laughter: "It's not because you just followed me because..."

Pei Yinqiu nodded directly: "Isn't there a saying that you take someone else's hair and drop your head?"

In the past few seconds, he spoke again: "If you find someone trying to secretly collect your hair, don't talk nonsense and do it directly."

Chen Zhan suddenly smiled: "There really is such a person."

And the collection is not one, but a bunch.

Then he said Yin Ronglan's name in the other's curious eyes.

Pei Yinqiu looked surprised and raised the teacup: "What does he want your hair to do?"

"It is said that they fell in love at first sight and determined in advance whether they were brothers."

A sip of warm tea just spewed out.

Chen Zhan understandingly handed over the tissue.

Probably feeling very rude, Pei Yinqiu didn't stay long. After drinking half a pot of tea, he left in the manager's car.

After he left, Chen Zhan sat slowly for a while and began to think about other things.

As for Ji Dongyu, who has only one relationship, Quan Dang listened to gossip after dinner and didn't take it to heart.

The accident happened at night.

Suddenly woke up from a dream in the early morning, Chen Zhan subconsciously looked at the sky outside, but it was still dark.

In a blink of an eye, there was one more person at the end of the bed!

I don't know if the man was squatting or half-kneeling. At this moment, Chen Zhan's eyes were completely attracted to his face... This is a face that is exactly the same as his own, but even more pale.

The heart was beating violently, but in the blink of an eye, the figure disappeared without a trace.

Chen Zhan suddenly sat up from the bed, lowered his head and took a few breaths.

He basically didn't fall asleep in the second half of the night, and barely managed to squint for a while until it was almost dawn.

For three days in a row, the same hallucinations occurred.

Chen Zhan first went to the hospital for a physical examination, and a series of MRI results were normal.

After that, the three meals a day were changed to take-out, and I bought mineral water for drinking. I still couldn’t sleep well at night, which proved that it was not a problem with diet.

Without more thoughts, I leaned against the window and pondered for most of the morning. A bird chirped and flew by outside the window, and Chen Zhan suddenly thought of the press conference that day. Ji Dongyu came back from the bathroom, and it was more convenient to return to his seat from the other side, but he chose to pass by himself.

After a while, turn on the computer and try to search for the other party's information on the Internet.

Any artist who is a little bit famous will have a sticker.

There are countless posts that are not true or false, but Chen Zhan really found a different style of painting.

The reason is that Ji Dongyu has acted as the male lead for two consecutive times.

Another person commented at the bottom: Obviously, he gave the original starring a head down.

Chen Zhan stared at this reply for a long time and closed the notebook.

He believes in karma, but he doesn't believe in magic.

After thinking about it, he asked the system: "Is there anyone who wears books like me?"

The system's answer has always been uninformative:

[After graduation, the job is assigned by package, and I have never met one book and two clothes.]

Chen Zhan frowned.

The system began to sell continuously: [Learn about the An Shen Talisman? There are also lucky powder cakes, which are now 20% off.]

Chen Zhan rationally refused.

I was thinking of calling Pei Yinqiu, but the number was dialed and suddenly hung up. Instead, he sent a message to Wang Cheng to give him time to see him.

It is estimated that there will be some big move, and the speed of Wang Cheng's arrival is like being blown over by the cold wind.

"Lovelorn?" Wang Cheng joked when he saw the dark circles under his eyes.

Chen Zhan calmly told him what happened in the week.

Wang Cheng was still smiling at first, but he stopped laughing later.

It's hard to tell whether it's true or false.

After all, it was Lao Jianghu, and he quickly had an idea: "I will ask someone to check Ji Dongyu's itinerary and meet him at the event."

In the end, he told him to pack up a little more haggard.

Chen Zhan's current state itself is not good. On the day of the event, the makeup artist put more powder on him, and his complexion instantly appeared insufficient.

After signing the signature plate one after another, Ji Dongyu saw his expression and cared for a few words, his tone was very sincere.

The two sides were not familiar with each other and did not chat for too long.

When walking to the backstage, Wang Cheng lowered his voice: "Next, we will see if there will be a press release."

There was no accident. In the next two days, there were a lot of marketing people who claimed that Chen Zhan himself was not looking good. I don't know if it was excessive indulgence.

Since the relationship with Yin Ronglan was exposed, there have been many black manuscripts slandering the chaos of his private life.

Chen Zhan and Ji Dongyu appeared one after another, and a comparison was indispensable, and the latter was almost praised in the comments.

Wang Cheng sighed: "Fortunately, I greeted the brand in advance and said that you have to attend while sick, which may not work well. Otherwise, the endorsement will not be stable."

After speaking, he took a deep breath: "I will go to a master in the past two days to see if I can resolve it."

Chen Zhan burst out laughing: "How do you know that the person you are looking for is not arranged by others in advance,"

I don't know what to think, Wang Cheng's face is ugly.

Chen Zhan said lightly: "If the other party is determined to harm me, he will not pay no price at all."

Wang Cheng disagreed and said, "You can't keep energy consumption."

If you don't sleep well, your spirit will gradually decline.

Chen Zhan glanced at him: "I already have a countermeasure."

Although he knew that the other side had an idea, Wang Cheng was still dubious when he left.

After the meal, Chen Zhan took the taxi without haste.

The car drove all the way into the quiet and luxurious neighborhood.

Do the registration doorman and let him in.

The luxurious villa made Chen Zhan and the taxi driver sigh at the same time. After paying the fare, Chen Zhan rang the doorbell.

Yin Ronglan appeared very quickly, and wearing a very ordinary trousers and sweater on him seemed extraordinarily abstinent.

"you… "

Chen Zhan pulled the suitcase: "Borrow for a while."

Yin Ronglan helped him with his luggage, but the surprise came too violently, which made people uneasy, and asked why.

"Damn it."

"… "

After explaining the recent encounter in a few words, Chen Zhan spread his hands: "That's it."

Yin Ronglan narrowed his eyes: "Ji Dongyu?"

Chen Zhan said, "Don't waste time on him."

The villa is large and empty, showing that the owner's usual hobbies are lackluster.

Chen Zhan did not comment on the decoration, hurry up to update the article.

After working for several hours in a row, the backlog of exhaustion suddenly appeared. In the evening, Chen Zhan hurriedly took a shower, dried his hair and asked, "Where do I sleep?"

Yin Ronglan led him into the master bedroom.

Lying down calmly, Chen Zhan patted the side: "Lend me to block it."

I don't know what he meant by 'block', but Yin Ronglan still lay aside as he said.

Chen Zhan leaned over his shoulder and fell asleep.

Yin Ronglan's body tightened, and then slowly relaxed.

As usual, I didn't sleep well, but it was much better than before. As if he had developed a biological clock, at three in the morning, Chen Zhan woke up on time.

The difference is that this time he did not open his eyes directly, but pushed the person beside him.

Yin Ronglan slept very lightly and woke up immediately.

Chen Zhan: "Help me see if there is anything at the end of the bed?"

Yin Ronglan glanced at it and said no.

Chen Zhan: "I want to get up at night."

He closed his eyes, Yin Ronglan was like a little eunuch, supporting the powerful concubine, carefully went to the bathroom door, and turned on the light by the way.

With the buffer, Chen Zhan calmly opened his eyes and saw no phantom.

Closing the door, he demanded, "Make some noise and let me know you're there."

Yin Ronglan leaned against the wall, not knowing what to talk about, but talked about the weather tomorrow.

Chen Zhan suddenly said: "According to the plot of the movie, I may be silent as you talk."

Yin Ronglan laughed: "So?"

"Why don't you change from talking to yourself to a duet of love songs?" Chen Zhan said, "I can give you peace in this way."

"… "

Chen Zhan: "I'll come first... Come to fan the flames, just knock me down..."

Yin Ronglan finally couldn't help his eyelids twitching.

It was hard to get over it, and he helped him back to the bed again. Yin Ronglan lost sleepiness completely because he was amused and laughed.

Whenever he frowned or twisted restlessly, Yin Ronglan gently patted him across the quilt, slowly waiting for him to recover.

Without having to face late-night phantoms alone, Chen Zhan's sleep quality is improving day by day. In addition, there are a lot of high-end ingredients in the villa, and the food, clothing, housing and transportation are also improved.

On the other hand, Wang Cheng was really worried that Chen Zhan's health would be in trouble, so he signed the contract not long ago. If something went wrong, he would have to pay for the liquidated damages.

It was hard to sleep day and night, and I lost a lot of weight.

Uneasy to usher in the next event, Wang Cheng made psychological preparations in advance. I thought I would see a distressed young man with a haggard expression and bloodshot eyes, but—

The complexion is ruddy and high-spirited, and the body of the person approaching is even slightly rounded.

Chen Zhan stopped in front of Wang Cheng, almost didn't recognize it, and said in surprise, "How come you are so thin!"

Empire:"… "

The author has something to say: Half a month has passed:

Yin Ronglan lost weight because of the duet of love songs every night.

Wang Cheng lost weight because he was worried about liquidated damages.

Ji Dongyu lost weight because of the delay in his calculations.

Pei Yinqiu lost weight because she was worried about her friends...

Chen Zhan: Eat well, sleep well, and weigh three pounds.