After the Bankruptcy of the Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 78: Carrying a treasure


Since the words fell, the air was silent for several minutes.

Zhang Chenggong's throat was sore, and it took a long while to find his voice: "You guys... If you hate me, you can say it directly."

Seeing the truth is unbelievable, Chen Zhan had to demonstrate it himself. With a sigh, he put down the cake in his hand and raised his arms.

When Zhang Chenggong was unclear, Yin Ronglan stood with one arm upright and the other sideways.

Immediately after, Lin Chiang's single arm was 90 degrees vertical, and he made a gesture similar to raising his hand. By the way, he said, "Five in a horizontal row."

Tan Changming stood up straight with his hands on the sides of his pants.

Another girl straightened her skirt and raised her hands like she was lifting an iron.

Do the movements one after the other, with repetitions and differences. Week after week, Tan Changming said excitedly, "I won!"

The rest of the people's faces are not good-looking, and Chen Zhan is even more regretful: "Obviously, it is almost a little bit."

Nearly he was about to win.

Yin Ronglan nodded, tacit understanding enough but not cooperating well.

At the moment when Tan Changming was triumphant, an older man walked over and glared at him: "Be restrained."

Tan Changming was terrified of his father, and immediately stood up obediently and did not dare to say more.

"Forget it, it's all children, what do you care about." The older man's friend was helping out next to him, and looked at them after saying: "It also depends on the occasion. Playing Tetris at this time is like a joke?"

It is an innate human instinct to admit mistakes.

Everyone stood in a row and apologized obediently.

Zhang Chenggong was stunned when he saw it. It turned out that he was playing Tetris just now? !

My mind turned a thousand times, and I didn't know how to judge for a while.

To say naive, in this way, when a real person operates, he must record the actions that everyone in front of him, including himself, has done in turn. At the same time, the equivalent pattern is presented in the mind in time, which requires a lot of space ability and memory ability.

But to say that they have high IQ... Would someone with a high IQ do such a thing!

With a light cough to call his attention back, Chen Zhan picked up the cake again and shrugged: "It's time to believe it now?"

Zhang Chenggong's lips trembled, but he didn't hold back a word.

Yin Ronglan turned to Chen Zhan and said, "Go to the dance floor and see."

The latter nodded and walked side by side with him in one direction.

Seeing that the crowd was about to disperse, Zhang Chenggong clenched his fists tightly and roared, "I fell in love at first sight with men of the same sex who disguised themselves as women, isn't that enough?"

The messy footsteps stopped abruptly because of his sudden voice, and within a second they went their separate ways again.

"It's a big deal." I don't know who said that.

After being hungry for a few days, Chen Zhan is full of energy now.

The violinist played with his eyes closed, undisturbed by his surroundings.

Chen Zhan looked at the vibrating and chirping strings, and suddenly remembered the scene of Yin Ronglan playing a tune for him on his birthday last year. Before his eyes were refocused because of the vague memories, he looked at the person beside him in disbelief: "Didn't your school fees be financed by the elderly?"

Yin Ronglan nodded.

Chen Zhan: "The cost of learning the violin is not low."

And a slightly better piano costs hundreds of thousands.

Yin Ronglan smiled: "He also taught me to pull the song."

Chen Zhan raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly, the old man at the door looked ordinary and was a hidden master.

"He was a university professor before he retired, so he has a small savings."

Chen Zhan sighed slightly, the living conditions of many older generations are probably beyond their reach.

Seemingly seeing what he was thinking, Yin Ronglan said with relief: "Your thinking is far beyond the reach of ordinary people."

Chen Zhan: "... Are you sure you're praising me?"

Yin Ronglan nodded without changing his face.

At the end of the dinner, Yin Ronglan drove him back.

Chen Zhan looked at the night scene outside the window: "It's time to buy a car."

Yin Ronglan extinguished his attempt with one sentence: "There is no place to stop in the community."

Thinking about the old community where the planning was not in place and the trash cans could be moved away in order to park, the idea that had just sprung up was pushed back again.

Yin Ronglan is very satisfied with this. Once Chen Zhan buys a car, it means that the contact time between the two parties will be reduced, which will deviate from his original intention.

The dog kept in the house hadn't been fed yet, so Yin Ronglan only sent people upstairs and didn't go in. She said goodbye with a smile: "Tomorrow is Saturday, and we're going to play badminton?"

Chen Zhan nodded, and also waved with a smile.

As soon as the door closed, he glanced at the time. There were still four hours before zero, enough to code a chapter.

Before turning on the computer, I moved my knuckles, hesitated for a while between the actress and the male god, and finally decided to write the part after the movie first—

I haven't pestered her for months. The root cause is that there is no money.

In order to improve the situation, he risked his life to contact the leaders of several local gangs.

These people are all local hooligans, who eat, drink, prostitute and gamble on weekdays, and do a lot of evil.

Now I am sitting at a table with them, carefully helping with the dishes.

"What do you want us to do?" The man with the tattoo on his neck put down the glass heavily and asked in a vicious voice.

Trying to maintain a stiff smile, I swallowed: "I wonder if you have any ideas to be sponsors?"

"You want money?" I don't know who yanked me by the collar: "This is boring, and you want to play us like monkeys?"

I raised my voice and said, "Everyone on the Internet knows that I am pursuing Jiang Ying. As long as I succeed, I will be sitting on a mountain of gold and silver in the future."

After a while, another person came, and when he saw the scene, he was a little timid.

I quickly pulled someone to the table and introduced to several other gang leaders: "This is Aunt Zhang, the MLM leader."

Auntie Zhang was not satisfied with the title, so I poured a glass of wine in turn, stood up and said, "MLMs also depend on selling products, recruiting people into associations, etc. The gangs are even more likely to fight, steal, rob and defraud. And I… It's a serious share!"

Trembling in excitement, he took out the pursuit of the goddess to sponsor the investment promotion plan.

"Let's think about it, how much is the income of a big star. If I can marry Jiang Ying, I can develop a side business and become a master."

Aunt Zhang usually doesn't pay attention to the news, but she also understands to some extent: "Don't everyone have a fiancé?"

I was talking nonsense: "I am her ex-boyfriend, and I still have contact now."

As he said that, he took out the only photo taken with the goddess by the crew before.

"As long as 100,000 yuan, you can take away one percentage point!"

In the next time, he talked a lot, until his mouth was almost dry.

Facts have proved that nine-year compulsory education is very important. Many of them do not go to school seriously, and they are brainwashed quite quickly.

Before you know it, more than half of the names on the investment contract have been signed.

With the investment money, he bought a private jet for the goddess, which was ruthlessly rejected on the spot.

"Why?" I asked angrily: "Why does that rich and powerful boy just buy you a car, and I'll be scorned when I buy a plane?"

The goddess succinctly said, "First of all, I don't know how to fly."

"… "

The private jet was returned, the money was returned intact, and the plan was declared bankrupt.

Undoubtedly, I was beaten up by the gang eldest brother, and the other side scolded me harshly, and I will be beaten again and again in the future.

In order not to be beaten, I can only choose to report all the staff.

MLM organizations and gangs were wiped out, and the local people gave me a pennant.

The original plan was to continue after writing a chapter and rest. Unexpectedly, he leaned back on the chair and opened his eyes again.

Chen Zhan stared blankly at the rising sun: "Time flies, time flies..."

I suddenly remembered that I had an appointment with someone today, so I cheered up and went to wash up.

The spring season is very suitable for playing badminton. Chen Zhan and Yin Ronglan have good motor nerves. You come and I come and go at this exciting moment. Who would have expected too much force, the direction of the badminton tilted in mid-air and got stuck on a branch.

Chen Zhan didn't want to throw out his badminton racket in an attempt to smash it down. Unfortunately, the racket was also stuck on the tree.

Yin Ronglan asked him to take a step back: "I'll come."

The next second, the same ending came to an end.

The two raised their heads and stared at the tree branches, Chen Zhan said with a deep face: "The three of them are finally reunited."

Yin Ronglan nodded in relief.

It just needs to be neat.

When Zhang Chenggong came to see this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched: "You..."

Chen Zhan turned around when he heard the voice, surprised: "Why are you here?"

Zhang Chenggong pointed at him.

Chen Zhan: "Look for me?"

Zhang Chenggong sighed: "I asked Lin Chiang for your address."

Chen Zhan waited for him to speak.

Zhang Chenggong pursed his lips: "Lin Chiang said you can help me."

Although he didn't know what the other party could help him, he had read all the articles written by Chen Zhan, and they were interesting, but they didn't seem to be of practical significance.

Hearing this, Chen Zhan touched his chin: "It can help a little."

Zhang Chenggong was left to help get the badminton racket and went upstairs by himself, not knowing what to do.

About ten minutes later, Chen Zhan reappeared and gave him an envelope.

"This is… "

Chen Zhanshen said mysteriously: "Go back and find a place where no one is there."

After he finished speaking, he worriedly warned: "Remember that you must not be discovered by other people, otherwise it will bring disaster."

Frightened by his serious expression, Zhang Chenggong nervously said, "Don't worry."

Looking around, making sure no one else was paying attention, he took the envelope in his arms and left.

Because I desperately wanted to know the answer, I drove very fast on the way back. I parked the car and found someone standing outside the villa, which shocked me.

Lin Chiang put his hands in his pockets and was looking at the house number on the outer wall.

"You're back." He turned slightly and looked at Zhang Chenggong.

Seeing him coming step by step, Zhang Chenggong snorted in his heart and took two steps back.

Lin Chiang pretended to be nothing and asked, "Did Chen Zhan give you anything?"

Zhang Chenggong shook his head.

Lin Chiang's mouth twitched: "Really?"

Zhang Chenggong took a deep breath, acted faster than reason, and jumped back into the car to start quickly.

At the back, Lin Chiang squinted at the direction the car was leaving, and sighed softly, "If you grab it, you can sell it for a big price."

After driving out of the community again, Zhang Chenggong gave up and went home to find a secluded place and opened the envelope.

The first paragraph reads 'burn after reading' in big characters.

A page of paper with a dense list of names.

Chen Zhan made a remark at the end: The above is the list of supporting roles and the number of appearances in my works. Remember to avoid them when choosing friends.

Glancing at it, I saw several familiar names.

Zhang Chenggong was puzzled, it was just a list, why did Lin Chiang want to take it away

The author has something to say: Lin Chiang: This is the root of all evil.

Tan Changming: With it, Mama no longer has to worry about my bet losing.

Zhang Chenggong: … I still don’t understand.

Chen Zhan: I understand. After all, you can't even play real Tetris.

Zhang Chenggong: I…

Chen Zhan: Step back.