After The Breakup, I Became The Marshal’s Wife

Chapter 16


Bai Zihan didn't know at all that what he wanted to be in the same room was achieved by the years he targeted.

Although the reason is to treat mental power, the two of them are not for the purpose of cultivating feelings.

But Shi Nian didn't realize how rare and amazing it was, so he yawned early and went to school.

There was a lot of trouble yesterday. The classmates in the school had already watched Ji Yiqiao once, and when they saw him, they couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

This has all gone to the game forum, and also, who made Ji Yiqiao's brain loser to post first.

He was beaten by a guide, and he was beaten so hard, and he had the face to say.

So Ji Yiqiao was watched by all kinds of eyes all day, which made him more uncomfortable than those words on the Internet.

And there are people who seem to care but actually watch jokes. Some people in his class are not used to seeing him, especially after he has risen to S rank, he is even more defiant. Now, when he sees his jokes, some people are naturally happy.

On the other hand, it was a lot more stable in those years, and most of the guides had good personalities.

Not to mention pharmacy, most of their classes are nerds and nerds, either studying or doing experiments all day.

The original owner was also one of them in the past, but there was one more item to go out on a date with a scumbag.

Not to mention the fact that this matter was right all the time. The person who came to ask him also asked him why he was so powerful and whether he had any skills in playing games. It was not like Ji Yiqiao's sarcasm at all.

Yan Huaxin felt that the public opinion was well controlled.

Since the deletion of 100,000 yuan posts, it seems that there are no bad comments about the times. Even if there is, it can be seen at a glance that it is Ji Yiqiao's brain-damaged fan, or simply their own.

That post was deleted very well, otherwise people would mention it now, and I'm afraid they would also talk about falling into the water.

However, speaking of it now, not many people remember this matter.

Thinking about it, he also mentioned the post with Shi Nian.

I was stunned for a while, he didn't think much about it when he deleted the post, but he just saw that the title at that time was very unpleasant.

Falling into the water is true, but the original owner clearly didn't jump off himself, nor was he threatening anyone.

In this matter, the keynote must be accurate, no matter when the time comes, the scumbag must be Ji Yiqiao.

After all, the original owner really did nothing wrong.

He's just not smart enough to have a pair of roentgen ray eyes to see the real face of the scumbag.

But people are not gods. They are naturally intelligent and stupid. These are not wrong, it is just that there are hundreds of kinds of people.

"However, you are quite brave." A classmate couldn't help but said: "It's too late for ordinary people to cover up when this kind of thing happens. After all, it's quite shameful to be used as a stand-in."

Shi Nian glanced at him, "I'm right again, no matter how much you lose someone, no matter how big the trouble is, it's also a scumbag."

"That's right." Yan Huaxin said, "Ji Yiqiao, that scumbag, doesn't feel ashamed to come out and give it away. Are we still afraid?"

At this moment, the class bell rang, the teacher came in, and everyone quickly returned to their seats.

This class is followed by a monthly review meeting.

It's actually a flag-raising ceremony.

But for those years, this class is a review meeting.

After all, his 3,000-word examination was to be read in this class.

After he went back that day, he searched the template in his brain and wrote 3,000 words quickly, but he never thought that when he turned in the next day, he would get the things that he would read on the spot next Monday.

"Who came up with this idea, it's absolutely amazing." At least from the perspective of the years, he didn't want to go up and read the review for the second time in his life.

Yan Huaxin said: "Isn't it like this all the time? It's been so many years, who knows which hero was the first to come up with such a trick!"

The two were talking small talk when they saw that the school leader on the stage had finished speaking, called a few outstanding students up to praise them, and asked them to talk about their learning morals.

Then comes the review session.

The first person to go up was not Shi Nian, but Ji Yiqiao.

As soon as he came to power, everyone burst into laughter, apparently understanding why he came to read this review.

Shi Nian also narrowed his eyes, and he suddenly felt that this part was really good.

Ji Yiqiao's face is not very good, he has just been upgraded to S-level mental power, this time he should be standing on the stage as an excellent student, who would have thought...

He closed his eyes and began to read the review.

The one in front of me who was quite well behaved, and people would fall asleep when I heard it, when I suddenly heard a sentence: "As a student, I really shouldn't be in a hurry to fall in love. Classmates at this age are not very mature in their minds. Not only is it easy to get yourself into an injustice, but it also brings unnecessary trouble to the school.”

This is basically the same as clearly saying that he wronged him in the past year, but also spread the matter uproar, causing him trouble and causing reputational damage to the school.

After the students listened, they couldn't hold back one by one, and turned their heads to look at Shi Nian.

I was startled at first glance, why is this laughing

Only a few people who were close to him looked at it, and they always felt that the smile was a little too cold, and there was a cold light with lightning in the slightly squinted eyes.

There were two with slightly higher mental strength, and they almost couldn't help but take a few steps back in the opposite direction.

After restraining his body's instinct, he couldn't help but patted his chest, which was too scary.

Yan Huaxin looked at Shi Nian worriedly, "You..."

"I didn't expect that someone has suffered so many losses and still doesn't have a long memory." Shi Nian turned his head and looked at him, "Is it my turn next?"

Yan Huaxin: "No, there is a battle department in the middle, and then it's your turn."

He thought that Shi Nian would be in a hurry, but it turned out that the other party didn't mean to be in a hurry at all. Instead, he listened to the next classmate's inspection calmly.

Only then did he put his hands in his pockets and stepped onto the stage with a nasty look.

As soon as he took the stage, it was almost about to explode, and the teachers who led the team almost failed to maintain the scene.

Shi Nian took out his hand from his pocket and waved to everyone, "It's alright, alright, I'm here to read the examination, not to perform a show for you, so don't make it look like you're welcoming a star."

Yan Huaxin stood up straight. He found that since the breakup, he has become really attractive and able to hold the scene.

Immediately below, a teacher from the combat department was anxious, "What's the matter, why does he have to write a review?"

He was very optimistic about Ji Yiqiao on weekdays, and now he feels bad when he sees this scene.

However, when he opened his mouth on the stage, it was considered quite satisfactory. After a simple opening, he directly cut into the theme:

"I made a mistake in this matter. I shouldn't have misestimated my physical fitness for the free time after running. It caused some minor troubles to teachers and classmates. The physical fitness class is held normally, and the school's medical resources are wasted..."

The students in the audience didn't expect him to be so stubborn, but today's reaction was like this.

As a result, the wind changed after listening to the words of the year, "I always feel that people should have the courage to admit their mistakes."

"I won't be like the first classmate Ji Yiqiao who came to power. I'll just shirk my responsibilities and allude to others."

"What I do is what I do, and I don't bother others to blame."

Shi Nian increased his voice and said firmly: "Whoever I want to say, I have to mention it in an open and honest way, not in a dark and frustrated way, like a mouse in the gutter."

Ji Yiqiao, the mouse in the gutter: "..."

"Why is he still up there, why don't you let him go."

However, no one paid any attention to him at this time. If the playground is big, it is full of the voice of a single person:

"I hope classmate Ji Yiqiao understands one thing. It's always you who made you embarrassed, thrown out of school and thrown into the game. It's you who danced and did something wrong, not someone who wronged you."

"I hope classmate Ji Yiqiao understands that it is always the one who did the wrong thing, not the one who singled it out, because no one should swallow it up. If you really care about your reputation and the reputation of the school, why did you do it in the first place? To do those disgusting things."

"I hope classmate Ji Yiqiao can understand that if the school suffers any reputational damage because of this, it is also because of you, with others, oh, that is, me, and other students who know and tell others that you have done disgusting things It doesn't matter."

I hope he has three in a row, and all three point directly at Ji Yiqiao, as he said before, to talk about you is to talk about you in an open and honest way.

The latter one even pulled all the students who were discussing this matter in the whole school into the camp, which attracted a burst of cheers from everyone.

"well said!"

I don't know who was the first to shout, and then the scene suddenly became dry, and a lot of people roared and shouted: "Well said!"

Ji Yiqiao's face was completely unreadable.

The teacher who had been optimistic about him couldn't help but said: "This student is too flamboyant. When someone hasn't made a mistake, he has to keep holding on like this. He knows how much influence this has on Ji Yiqiao. Is it?"

Standing beside him, another teacher of the battle department couldn't help but said: "Thanks to you being a teacher, not even a student can understand it."

"I didn't say it at the time. Those who do are always the ones who do the wrong thing, not the one who exposes it. If classmate Ji Yiqiao is wronged, then we are willing to clear his injustice and let the students Apologize to him, but is he?"

Another teacher also said: "Since he did something wrong, he should be beaten. What kind of inspection did he just read, insinuating, insinuating, what kind of combat department did he come to, and why not go to the political department if he has this talent?"

"I told him a long time ago that we should practice hard at this time, instead of doing these things." A teacher next to him was saying: "Look at him, Kong has such a good mental power, and he still has so much power. I can't beat Zhang Jingkai, he's not ashamed, I'm almost ashamed to say he's my student."

On the stage, Shi Nian waited for everyone to finish drying before raising his hand and pressing down.

Miraculously, the crowd actually quieted down.

"My examination is almost finished, and there is one last sentence left."

"Being a human being, you should have justice in your heart. You don't want to be a saint who is kind and selfless, but at least you can be a good person with a clear conscience and a sense of responsibility."

"Share with everyone!"