After The Breakup, I Became The Marshal’s Wife

Chapter 29


After school that day, Shi Nian went straight home, and upon seeing it, Lu Baiting had come back early.

When he entered, Xue Chi's communication was ringing frantically, and Adjutant Xue's expression looked helpless.

He only picked up when he heard him, and the loud voice on the opposite side came out immediately. The figure thrown into the living room is also very familiar, it is the old Zheng who I saw last time.

"Xue Chi, did you show the marshal the information I gave you? Listen, this matter is very important, and you must report it as soon as possible."

Xue Chi: "It's not that I have already replied to you, saying that it has been reported..."

"Then why is there no result? Do you know that using 100% purified Qianbaihua juice with a soothing lotion is much better than any current soothing lotion? Did you really show the information I sent you to the marshal? Then How's the conversation going... Do you know how much good news this is, you can't say a few more words, and I have to ask my old man to chase after you if you can do things more quickly."

Xue Chi stared blankly at Shi Nian who had just come in, and then slapped the communication button.

Mr. Zheng, why do you always reveal your trump card in front of your negotiating opponents? This can only have a negative effect on our price negotiation!

But today, Adjutant Xue looked at the year when he came in, but he didn't see any excitement about the big money coming from the other party's eyes.

Instead, it was very calm.

Not quite right...

He tentatively said, "You didn't hear it just now?"

"I heard it." Shi Nian said: "The sound is so loud that when you open the door of the aircraft, the sound is so loud that it is strange that you can't hear it!"

He walked to the side of the sofa and sat down, and asked the robot to help bring an ice cream over.

Then he went on to say: "The soothing lotion was originally developed using Qianbaihua, but because it is difficult to grow, the price is high and the price is high, and secondly, it must be extracted manually instead of using a machine, so the price has been high. No less, it was later changed to the current formula as a substitute.”

The effect of the substitute is naturally not as good as the original, but fortunately, the price is cheap, so it will not be unaffordable.

As for the Qianbaihua, naturally someone is still doing it.

"Last time you brought back the group with problems, weren't they from Qianbaihua?" Shi Nian said.

In addition to the two kinds of soothing liquids of the middle and lower grades in the empire, there are several types of high-grade, special-grade, and extreme-grade.

"Adjutant Xue." Shi Nian took a bite of ice cream and looked at Xue Chi strangely: "Why on earth do you think that I am a pharmacist, a drug that is so commonly used by the general public. Not sure?"

Xue Chi: "..."

It was only then that Nian looked at Lu Baiting: "Did the experiment result there?"

"Preliminary came out." Lu Baiting said: "The effect is very good, the best pharmacist in the past can only purify to 96.7%, and the effect you have purified is better than the soothing agent he made. double."

"Because it's still unclear, Mr. Zheng said that it may be due to the qualitative change caused by 100% purification."

Shi Nian nodded, "No wonder Mr. Zheng was so excited just now."

Lu Baiting: "Aren't you excited?"

"It's okay." Shi Nian said: "It's ordinary. When I got the nearly 200 million, I was already excited."

Lu Baiting: "..."

Xue Chi just wanted to roar, don't you know that now he can continue to sell, how many can be sold, this is not just a matter of 200 million!

However, Shi Nian waved his hand, "It's not important, you can decide, as long as you don't let me do nothing for a day, it's easy to discuss..."

Xue Chi looked at Shi Nian strangely, as if he couldn't believe that this desperate man suddenly lost interest in money.

"What are you looking at?" Shi Nian glanced at him, "I'll give you some sweets first, and then I'll help me earnestly."

Adjutant Xue: "..."

Lu Baiting asked, "What's the matter?"

"Help me check the surveillance." Shi Nian said, reporting the address, time, and where the two were sitting at that time.

"By the way, if you can, check these two people."

Xue Chi glanced at Lu Baiting, saw his marshal nodded, and immediately said, "No problem, I'll do it right away."

Something as simple as this can be done in no time.

Shi Nian went on to eat his ice cream.

Lu Baiting said: "The other conditions are easy to say. I only have one request. All the juice of thousands of flowers must be sold to me."

When Nian thought about it a little, he knew his intention. It was not for monopoly, but for hand-made, and the quantity was bound to be small.

In Lu Baiting's hands, there must be many people who need soothing agents.

They may not have the mental power of Lu Baiting, but even if they are only S-level or A-level, they will get older and lose their mental power for a long time. Training and fighting will affect the spiritual sea, and it will get worse and worse.

At this time, low-level soothing agents naturally have little effect on them, and they need to be used better and better.

"No problem." Shi Nian said: "You are responsible for buying Qianbaihua..."

It's not that he was reluctant to give up this money, after all, Qianbaihua is cheap compared to profit. It's just that there will be a lot of use in the future, the store supply may be insufficient, and he has no way out, so he can only rely on Lu Baiting.

Lu Baiting naturally had no opinion, and the two signed a contract on this matter.

"It's time to eat." After signing the contract, Shi Nian immediately said.

After the business was done, Lu Baiting also accepted the light brain, and the two went to the restaurant together.

There was already a big table over there, and today there was a crab the size of a washbasin.

Eating is satisfying all the time.

Of course,

The food could never stop his mouth. He only heard him say: "I just saw Adjutant Xue's expression, it seems that I am so good at talking, just for a monitoring, and in his opinion, I am doing charity."

Lu Baiting: "Xue Chi's ability to handle affairs is good, but sometimes he is not so keen, so he can't stand alone, so he is serving as an adjutant for me, and his sister is already leading troops abroad."

Shi Nian smiled, "After all, Adjutant Xue helped me check the surveillance, maybe it's still the same as last time!"

But Ji Yiqiao's good investigation, these two people's...

Shi Nian shook his head and smiled, but said nothing.

"But I shouldn't be so sure. If I want to go wrong, it's actually very simple." Shi Nian said: "Always have hope for the result."

"Speaking of which." He looked at Lu Baiting, "How do you know that this time the investigation is not easy, boss!"

Lu Baiting said: "The place you reported is not the inner courtyard of the palace, nor is it some secret place. If you want to check the surveillance there, if there is no problem, you will definitely go to Xue Chi directly. There is no need to take it out and mention it so solemnly. "

Speaking of which, although this person seems to be casual and invisible, and he commands people very easily, in fact, he still has a steel scale in his heart.

Therefore, when Lu Baiting said that he had something to do when he came back at night, he probably knew that it was not easy to do.

"That's right." Shi Nian said, "I want to practice marksmanship, can I set up a room to practice marksmanship?"

Lu Baiting: "It's in the basement. I'll arrange for someone to be your instructor."

"That's not necessary." Shi Nian said, "I can do it myself, don't worry, I won't be stupid enough to hit myself."

Ask an instructor, what if he progresses too fast and scares people.

"Then I can use the basement at will!"

Lu Baiting nodded, "But the innermost room is the stress room. Be careful not to press some buttons when you go in. In addition, the emergency buttons everywhere are red."

"Okay." Shi Nian said, "Don't worry, I haven't used it before, but if I have the brain, I shouldn't break it for you."

Lu Baiting: "..."

Is that because you are afraid that you will break it, because you are afraid that your small body will toss yourself out.

He knew that he liked to play some exciting games in the past, and he was either fighting or on the way to fight every day. But I don't know that this person has to start even in reality, and is inexplicably confident.

"The pressure room is really dangerous, and the guide's body can't take it..."

"Got it." Shi Nian gave him a piece of spareribs, "Stop preaching, and then I really feel like you have the intention of being a father to me."

Lu Baiting: "..."

"Where did you hear the nonsense."

"Xingwang!" Shi Nian said casually: "Some of them said that there really needs to be such a gold master, giving money to play games, that is definitely not raising canaries, but raising sons."

He seemed to dare to say anything and never cared about it. Don't say anything like a canary son. When he first came to this villa, he kept his mouth open and closed his mouth.

Lu Baiting was a little helpless, but seeing him like this made him laugh instead.

After laughing, he had almost finished eating, and went straight downstairs to the basement.

Of course, he didn't forget to leave the quantum beast to him.

Lu Baiting was a little worried, and three or two took the last rice in the bowl into their mouths, set up a robot to clean up the dishes by themselves, and followed.

When he went down, Shi Nian was watching a single soldier carrying a gun in his hand, and he was about to pick it up when he raised his hand.

Lu Baiting said immediately: "That is very heavy..."

Years have been picked up.

It's easy, just like I usually take an ice cream and serve a dish, someone else is holding it in both hands, he is holding it in one hand, and he is looking at him blankly...

"Oh." After a long while, he reacted, "It seems to be quite heavy."

Lu Baiting: "..."

Some of the good guides can't even unscrew the bottle cap.

"This thing is at least 200 jin. Your strength... is quite strong."

"Born." Shi Nian said immediately.

Shi Nian glanced at it, and automatically felt it, and felt that this thing should be operated on the shoulder.

He immediately prepared to try it. After all, there was a special wall in front of it, and the shells would be digested when hit, which was the right place.

Lu Baiting didn't stop him: "Just say, be careful of the recoil..."

But he said it was too late.

In those years, a master who dared to ambush and attack people without touching a gun, only remembered to practice marksmanship after hitting it crookedly.

In the current situation, of course, he just started to do it, and as a result, he was taught to be a man by a huge recoil... However, he reacted extremely quickly, and he released the force between Qianjun's first shot, followed by a second shot.

If you are beaten, you will hide when you know it hurts.

Lu Baiting felt for a moment that his way of learning was these nine words. Make mistakes, make corrections, experiment, and make corrections until you feel that you are fine.

He rarely saw anyone doing this, after all, there were instructors at the beginning.

He had never seen a guide so powerful.

Isn't it rude at ordinary times, but now he is standing here, and he doesn't know how to ask

At that time, I really felt that it was unnecessary. This thing was like a game. It would be easy to grope. Ordinary people may also encounter danger, and he is naturally not afraid.

can handle it.

In the blink of an eye, he shot all the shells in this barrel, put it down, and changed to a gun next to it.

This gun is very similar to the one he used in the hotel before, except that it has real bullets here and fake ones there.

However, the feel is no different from the others, so the gun was in the center of the red heart.

It seems that the previous battle over there has made him familiar with this kind of gun. It seems to have been counting all the time, but slowly it has formed a habit.

"Huh!" He blew the muzzle lightly, threw it aside, and went to play with the other one.

Lu Baiting: "..."

He followed behind, giving proper explanations when the other party didn't understand, and even started to guide him twice.

At that time, I didn't think there was anything, but if Xue Chi was to see it, I'm afraid they would have to shout whether their marshal was taken away, otherwise why would they be so patient.

When Nian finished playing the last category here, he went inside. When he turned back, he inadvertently saw Lu Baiting behind him, and couldn't help but be stunned:

"Boss, what's the matter with you, how can I feel your eyes are glowing..."

"It's alright." Lu Baiting said, "I just think you're very good, you can get started quickly, and you're very talented."

Shi Nian turned around and said proudly, "You have the vision."

They looked all the way, until they reached the last room, the one that Lu Baiting had emphasized three times and four times before.

Before entering, Shi Nian glanced at it, there were two buttons outside.

"One is to start, the other is to close." Lu Baiting said: "Before you open the door and go in, make sure that the green light is on, otherwise it is easy to be in danger."

Shi Nian nodded and pushed open the door.

This one is bigger than any one I've seen before, and it's empty with nothing. But as long as you look at it, you can tell that the layout here is definitely the most expensive of all the rooms.

In the previous gun practice room, only one wall could withstand the power of absorbing artillery shells, but here, the four walls, including the roof and floor, are made of this material.

Not to mention, there should be equipment for training heavy pressure, which are not cheap.

"It's so big." This is how many people are ready to stand.

"This place can be used to practice mecha combat." Lu Baiting said.

That's no wonder, Shi Nian thought.

He looked around and found out how to set up here...

"No internet?"

"It can't be controlled remotely." Lu Baiting said: "After all, it's not safe. If someone with a heart invades the system, it's easy to get into trouble."

This is stricter than the above robot, but the robot will not be harmful if it is invaded, and it is easy to find out if the response is different.

As soon as this side invades, if the person happens to be inside, the other party maliciously adjusts the pressure to an inappropriate pressure, and it is easy to directly kill the person.

"It's better to stay at home for security than living outside." Lu Baiting explained: "You have to be careful everywhere. Not only that, but the house next to it is also mine, and outsiders always think I live there."

I saw it when I was passing by, and indeed there were many people guarding it during the day and night, and it looked more like the temporary residence of the marshal than here.

"It's very thoughtful," he commented.

The two came all the way, and the little Phoenix was flying behind, tossing around, Lu Baiting looked at it and felt that he should be very happy.

Turns out he'd like these.

At this moment, Adjutant Xue's communication came...

Shi Nian glanced at it, "Huh? So fast!"

"Xue Chi's work ability has always been good..." Lu Baiting heard his adjutant say, "Marshal, there is something wrong with this."