After The Breakup, I Became The Marshal’s Wife

Chapter 49


After slipping away, I can also see it clearly. Although there are many people watching in the game recently, it is all false prosperity. I am afraid it is the same as before in the daytime.

After all, when people go online, they are organizing training, and there is no way that he has anything to do with him.

Let's go to the backyard to exercise, maybe we can completely merge with the body as soon as possible.

By that time, his phoenix body will be complete.

Lu Baiting has almost everything here, all kinds of exercise equipment, and all kinds of weapons in the interstellar space.

I had a lot of fun in those days. If I wasn't hungry, I'm afraid I would have forgotten to eat lunch.

"It's no wonder that everyone says they don't forget to eat when they forget everything. If they don't eat, they'll be hungry!" Shi Nian muttered while ordering.

After eating, he continued to train.

He didn't know that the first school, the second school, the third school and other schools, including the sixth school where he was now, were looking for him.

I don't even know that there are many people in the military talking about him, wanting to know who he is, how old he is, what grade he is in, and what will happen in the future...

"So talented, it's a pity not to come to our army, let's get in touch first." I don't know which general said.

"As soon as possible, others are also watching."

Even Xue Chi was reporting to Lu Baiting, "It's really good, the chief instructor who was there at the time happened to be one of ours. According to him, it was definitely S+++, maybe he could get double S, because the other party always seemed to Didn't put all the effort into it."

"Marshal, do we have to hurry up!"

"Have you found out who it is?" Lu Baiting said: "Also, get me a game cabin, build a number, and I'll go up and see for myself."

Xue Chi immediately said, "Yes."

However, when we checked the person, I really couldn't find it out. "The IP address is a confidential level, so I can't find it out."

Lu Baiting had a meal.

There is not much to say about the level of interstellar secrecy, but there is definitely not much to say.

For example, the palace, such as his home, another example is the home of other marshals, the home of members. There are also some confidential research sites, military aircraft sites... There are also many large and small.

But, "Isn't this game cabin new? Go and ask the Yan family where they are sold in these places."

Adjutant Xue nodded and said again: "By the way, after discovering this good seedling, everyone stared at the two boys from the Wang family and the Lu family who seemed to know each other well before and asked, and our people also asked. already."

In the end, the two boys really didn't know anything, but, "The boy from the Lu family said that the other party is a fan of Shi Nian. He once asked Fan Shi Nian what he said, and the man said Fan Shi Nian is rich."

Lu Baiting: "..."

Xue Chi Xin said that the appearance of looking in line with Qian is really no different from the head of the family.

But it's useless for them to think about anything, and they haven't been online for a while now.

When Nian went online after dinner, he found a lot of news as soon as he went online. A lot of people have added him, and when you look at the remarks, they are all kinds of bigwigs.

For example, the principal of what school, what kind of person in what regiment. Of course, there are a lot of people who came to watch the fun, and they wrote: "I heard that you defeated the chief instructor. It's amazing, brother..."

Even then, I saw Principal Wu in it.

Without even thinking about it, he clicked refusal.

This must not be added.

This is to let Principal Wu know who he is, and does he still play games every day during this period of time.

As for the others, Nian was not ready to join.

Many of his friends also sent him messages, and Lu Chengze's avatar danced the most.

Shi Nian opened it and looked at it: "Damn, where did you go, boss? What should we do when you leave? They are all around us asking for your news..."

"Many people want to see you. Even Marshal Lu Baiting heard that he has set up a special account and wants to fight with you."

Shi Nian: "… what?"


The boss is the number one person in the universe. I thought, I can fight with the boss... Wait, that's the boss!

When thinking about the ten years he had worked hard, one of the copies was related to social animals.

He was very frivolous at the time, and he refused to let the boss play chess at all, which made the boss bewildered, and as a result...

The cheapskate boss fired him on the spot.

For this reason, his mission was almost unfinished, which is simply memorable.

Although Lu Baiting doesn't seem to be such a stingy person, this incident casts a huge psychological shadow on him. When I didn't want to think about it, I quickly went offline.

He doesn't want to fight with the boss, he definitely doesn't want to let him lose. If he wins, he will be stripped of his vest. Isn't it dead

Even if it's okay.

He didn't think it was a good sign either.

Can't do this!

Lu Chengze found him at this time, "Brother, brother, you are finally online!"

"Brother, wait, I'll bring someone over to find you."

Shi Nian: "Go away!"

After finishing speaking, he took the lead to get off the assembly line and leave.

With such a commotion, it is obvious that it is definitely impossible to play today. One is not good, not only today, but also tomorrow.

Gee, if I knew earlier I wouldn't be impulsive in the morning.

But he fights with a group of classmates every day, and it is rare to see someone who can fight better. He has been willing to hold back, right!

At that time, I found a reason for myself, and I thought that luckily I ran fast. If I had to fight with the boss, I won't accidentally win, tsk, there will be more people looking for him in the future.

"Shi Nian, you are really smart!"

After years of self-compliment, I left the game cabin unhappily and went to the backyard to run and exercise.

The game is impossible to play, but he can go to the real mecha and enjoy it.

Lu Baiting has three mechas here. He tried one of them last time, and this time he brought the other two to try.

To sum up, it is better to be handy in the game.

This is not an operation problem, but it is too wide in the game. He has a high level of consciousness and thinks quickly and slowly. Although all the mechas here are S-rank, the level is still a bit low for the age.

It's not a big deal, just get used to it.

Anyway, in the game, he sometimes doesn't even use that much consciousness.

I was happily playing here, not knowing that his boss over there finally waited for him to go online, and the result...

"He's offline."

After Lu Chengze finished speaking, he couldn't hold back his madness and said, "He also told me to get out... To tell the truth, I never played with him when he came to me before."

Wang Haosheng didn't even cover his mouth, and a large group of people immediately surrounded them again, "People are online, what did they say?"

Didn't say anything, just rolled the word.

Obviously do not want to see, ran away.

Everyone: "… "

Everyone is waiting here. On the one hand, it is a really rare talent, and on the other hand, I also want to see what kind of scene he will fight with Lu Baiting.

Of course, no one thought that he could beat Lu Baiting in that time, but as long as he made a move, he could know whether his mental power had reached double S.


"Let's go!" I don't know who said, "It will definitely not be online again today."

After receiving the news, Lu Baiting didn't even have time to enter the game cabin, and got the news that the person had been offline.

"Okay, let's put this aside beforehand." He said, "What about the two people, didn't you say there was news earlier?"

Lu Baiting walked out while talking. There is not much business today, and it has been done. If it weren't for the fact that he was always a fan of your uncle, he would have left work long ago.

Adjutant Xue followed behind him, getting used to this rhythm, and said as he walked:

"It's a bit too much, should we talk about it now, or go back and talk about it..." After a pause, he added, "Some are related to Mr. Shi."

Lu Baiting paused for a moment and continued to walk forward: "Then go back and talk."

When they came back, they had already played a round of mechas. They ran back to get a small cake, and they saw someone just as they were about to eat it.

"Just right." Lu Boting said, "There is news."

Time is a meal immediately.

Rarely, they brought a glass of water to each of them. Of course, it was the robot that fell...

"Tell me!" Shi Nian sat on the sofa and said.

Adjutant Xue said, "At the time and place that you told me, Mr. Shi, they left the main star after staying in that store for a while."

Shi Nian nodded, the two demons were really confident. When you're done, you leave, and you don't even come back to see the results.

"Just this?"

"Also." Xue Chi said and looked at Shi Nian, "We went forward and found that he had appeared by your side, Mr. Shi, several times, and talked with you..."

"After the conversation, every time I laughed very penetratingly."

It was a coincidence that the 'resurrection from the dead' was so big that no one paid attention to the two people talking beside Ji Yiqiao.

Or even if someone finds out about it, the point is definitely not here.

Until this time, the two of them were not when they were looking for them later, but had already been in contact with each other in advance.

Ji Yiqiao, who happened to be in that store that day, was really just a coincidental passerby.

"Our people have gone to Ji Yiqiao to ask about the situation."

With that, Xue Chi's communication rang, the other party didn't know what to say, and Adjutant Xue's expression became very strange.

After a while, he hung up the communication and said, "It turns out that the time and place you gave us came from Ji Yiqiao's mouth..."

Just now Ji Yiqiao faced the inquiry, and asked strangely: "Why do you all care about this, and asked last time, is there any problem with those two?"

Facing Xue Chi's gaze, Shi Nian's face was taken for granted, "Otherwise, I have a sudden flash of inspiration, or did I dream of it?"

Adjutant Xue: "..."

Adjutant Xue knew that he was not an opponent, so he decisively continued to talk about the next thing, "There is one more strange thing. Every time they appear, the video picture is always a little blurry."

He originally thought that there was something wrong with the monitoring of the store during that period. After all, if the two were carrying some equipment, it would be enough to block the monitoring directly. What's the use of making it a little blurry.

But now it seems that it has something to do with them.

Of course.

Shi Nian thought that when the magic cultivator started, there would naturally be a leakage of magic energy. Naturally, ordinary people can't see it, and the monitoring can't take pictures, but it was slightly affected.

He asked Xue Chi to ask for the surveillance footage.

Focus on the paragraphs in which the other party contacts the original owner.

Adjutant Xue has a strange look on his face. Do you want to re-read what you have experienced yourself? Could the story be different from a different perspective

But I don't know that he has no memory of this period at all.

His memory of this place comes from the original owner, and of course he doesn't remember things that the original owner doesn't remember.

When I saw the two demons earlier, I knew that the death of the original owner must be related to them. But he never knew how the other party did it, until now...

Only after watching the surveillance did I know that it was not undiscovered. Just now that it has been discovered and photographed, the two demons have contacted the original owner seven times.

And every time I used magic.

Such a long time is enough for the original owner to die seventeen or eight times.

I haven't done it all the time, it is estimated that I don't want to reveal my identity for the time being, and I also want the original owner to die naturally.

This is indeed quite natural. When thinking about it, he has not been able to find out the cause of death.

That's right, two people who can pinched people to death with just raising their hands, just with their divine sense, they can easily turn people who are no more than D-level mental power into fools or even brain-dead demons. It took so much effort to use For such a long time, just for such a thing, can it be done imperfectly

"I have to see Ji Yiqiao again." Shi Nian said.

He had to confirm another thing.

Lu Baiting said immediately, "I'll make arrangements."

Shi Nian smiled, "Why don't you ask me?"

Lu Boting shook his head, he always felt that even if he asked Shi Nian, he wouldn't say anything. Otherwise, when it comes to this now, he should say it directly.

"Xue Chi, get ready to go, go now."

Shi Nian killed the last two bites of small cakes, followed the two, and went to Ji Yiqiao together.

Ji Yiqiao has been having a bad time recently, not only because of the place where he is not free, but also because he is uncomfortable.

After all, whoever knows that his ex-boyfriend is suddenly so promising, and he is in such a situation now, may not be comfortable.

Originally, I was in a bad mood, and as a result, I was constantly being questioned.

By the time the years passed, he was about to explode.

"His mental state is very bad." The police officer here said: "The questioning inside can't be continued any more. He was originally an S-level mental power, and his mental sea is not very healthy, so he can't be too stimulated..."

"Let them stop!" Shi Nian said, "If he had said something earlier, if he didn't say it, he really didn't know anything."

But if Ji Yiqiao had anything to do with this matter, he couldn't ask about it that day.

This scumbag doesn't know anything yet.

When he saw Shi Nian, he immediately said: "It's Bai Zihan again, and it's him or not. Those two people were sent by him on purpose. He deliberately made me feel hopeful to target you..."

Look, this guy thought the culprit was the one with the surname Bai.

"Bai Zihan, Bai Zihan, use me."

When he saw that his mental state was really wrong, he waved his hand and released his body.

Once the main body came out, it had a great impact on Ji Yiqiao. I saw that his crazy appearance weakened a lot, "Shi, Shi Nian."

Ji Yiqiao leaned back on the chair, "I'm sorry, I've always been like this recently, I can't control it."

Looking at it now, it seems like a tired but polite person.

This time, he didn't ask for forgiveness, and he didn't rush to say some disgusting words about being together again, but it was inexplicably pleasing to the eye.

Shi Nian looked at him and suddenly asked, "How did you get to S rank?"

"As soon as I woke up, I suddenly felt that my mental power seemed to be different, so I went to test it." Compared with the questions asked by those people just now, Shi Nian's questions are much easier to answer.

After Ji Yiqiao finished his answer, he asked again, "Is there any problem with those two people?"

Shi Nian nodded, but didn't hide it from him, "There is a problem, have you seen them before?"

Ji Yiqiao shook his head, "Never seen before."

Even if he had been in contact with it before, with the means of the Demon Race, he might not know it. Just like the original owner, that memory disappeared naturally, and even Shi Nian didn't find anything wrong.

When he asked this question, he also felt that Ji Yiqiao was A-level after all, and his mental power was much stronger than that of the original owner, so maybe it could be a little different.

When he didn't speak for a while, Ji Yiqiao continued to think, and suddenly, he said, "I seem to have seen it once, just before my mental power was upgraded... No, no, I don't seem to have seen it again."

He frowned and felt extremely uncomfortable, and then he said, "Don't think about it."

Immediately after the notification, "Go and take him for a mental test!"

Adjutant Xue went to do it immediately.

Everyone else looked at Lu Baiting. Marshal Lu didn't give the order, why did the adjutant go...

How could they know that Xue Chi was used to it. He was not allowed to do anything he wanted him to do in those years.

It is not difficult to find equipment to detect mental power, especially Lu Baiting is still looking for it. Soon, someone brought the instrument over, and Shi Nian looked up at Ji Yiqiao, "Go in!"

Ji Yiqiao sensed something faintly, and couldn't help shaking his head, "No, no, no."

The years were more certain, and his guess was right.

Ji Yiqiao noticed that his mental strength had risen, and he should have felt it when it dropped, but he just couldn't believe it.

Shi Nian didn't rush him, just sat there quietly and waited.

After a while, Ji Yiqiao took a deep breath and asked, "This matter is very important!"

Shi Nian nodded, "Yes, it's important, not just right, it's important to me, some other people, or some things."

"That… "

"Yes." Shi Nian thought that he was going to negotiate the conditions, so he said: "If you help to confirm, you will make up for it. I will not hold you responsible for the rumors about me earlier."

"That's not what I meant..." Ji Yiqiao murmured, he stood there and smiled bitterly for a long time before saying, "People, you should do something good! I finally had a sudden kindness and wanted to help you once. result… "

I have always wanted to cancel the case, but the other party did not agree to cancel the case, and the other party agreed.

Looking at the instrument in front of him, Ji Yiqiao no longer resisted, closed his eyes, and walked in by himself.

He looked complicated, and he never imagined that one day he and Shi Nian would have such a dialogue under such circumstances.

The other party is high above and controls his fate for at least the next few years. Whether to stay here or go out and live freely.

But he seemed like a fool, and he didn't even know what he was doing.

It is only important to know that it should be very important, otherwise, the character of the year will not give in because of this.

At the last moment, when he turned back, he seemed to see the pity in Shi Nian's eyes.

What is he pity for, pity that he, a high school student, ended up in this field...

It was clear that he had always looked down on Shi Nian, but now I know that the one who should really be looked down upon has always been him.

Ji Yiqiao entered the instrument and didn't even need to talk, someone over there immediately started testing.

The result was also very fast, "B-grade."

Not even a B+, just a normal B grade.

But the truth is, it's Class B now, and maybe even less later.

I thought for a while, the spiritual power developed by the demons for you was briefly upgraded to S rank. However, those demons are not your own demons. They only care about development, but they don't care about what will happen to you in the future. Now that the backlash is coming, this is the consequence.

No wonder Ji Yiqiao rose to S-level mental strength, but he was still so good, he couldn't beat Zhang Jingkai or Chu Fengyu, and he didn't feel stronger at all.

Dare to love him so strong, it's all fake.

If it weren't for the fact that he had been looking down on this scumbag all the time, and thought that his food was deserved, I'm afraid that something was wrong long ago.

But the others were stunned, "Isn't he an S-class mental power?"

"Even if it was an A before the upgrade, even if the test was wrong last time, it wouldn't be..."

Lu Baiting looked at Shi Nian intuitively, and Shi Nian's eyes were full of emotion.

He walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shi Nian shook his head and said, "Suddenly I feel that Ji Yiqiao is also very pitiful. People and not people are using him, and they only use it, regardless of his physical and mental health. But think about it again if it wasn't for his bad mind. , what kind of scumbag behavior, others want to use him, but they can't use him, and they feel that he is not pitiful, but he deserves to be unlucky."