After The Breakup, I Became The Marshal’s Wife

Chapter 74


The Star Online quarreled vigorously for a whole day, and the Bai family also pretended to be dead for a whole day.

Until then, I set off for the class reunion, and I haven't reacted at all.

Adjutant Xue was in charge of escorting him. After reading the news on the way, he said, "The later they speak out, the more likely they are really going to cause trouble."

"Do it!" Shi Nian said, "I'm afraid they won't make it."

Xue Chi thought to himself that of course he was not afraid.

After all, if it were replaced by something else, it would be impossible to say clearly, but this matter can definitely be said clearly.

"I don't know why, I now hope that the Bai family will not be so shameless, but I also hope that they will simply go through the path of death!"

Shi Nian kept in touch with his classmates while brushing his brain. Some of you have already set off, some have just set off, and there is a natural advantage of living, just next door to the shop they made an appointment with.

He walked slowly and passed by, and he was showing off the benefits of being close to home.

On Xingwang, people didn't get tired after a day of arguing.

"Come on, I won't let anyone scold me more if I drag it, and you won't be scolded less!" Shi Nian again @ Assemblyman Bai, "Just hurry up, everyone is not stupid, don't do this. This kind of thing that hurts the enemy eight hundred and loses one thousand."

After he finished speaking, he turned off his brain.

But he is so strong that the Bai family, who has been silent all the time, makes people look like they have no confidence.

Even some black fans started to attack Shi Nian for being too arrogant, and they didn't mention why the Bai family didn't make a sound.

But when he told them with his actions, he was arrogant. After all, he didn't do anything wrong, so he didn't let him be arrogant...

"It's here." Adjutant Xue said.

Shi Nian pushed open the door of the aircraft, ready to jump off.

Xue Chi instructed, "I have something to do in a while, and I have arranged for two other people to protect you. Don't worry, they won't get too close... The main reason is that the situation is unclear now, in case the Wu family does nothing. Keep going, tie you up and disappear, and let the Bai family come forward, your disappearance is likely to be interpreted as absconding in fear of crime or daring to show up."

"I know." Shi Nian: "I'm not stupid."

He never took his life seriously. After all, he almost killed himself when he was young, and that would be a tragic consequence.

"I found that you may have a little misunderstanding about me."

Adjutant Xue closed the door of the aircraft, not wanting to look at him.

Misunderstanding a ghost, no misunderstanding.

Shi Nian clicked his tongue and glanced at his snack bag.

He even brought a mecha out today.

Lu Baiting let it go, but on the main star with the mecha, he couldn't encounter those large warships and the like. It can't be said that he is completely invincible, at least no one can do it.

Even if the other party is crazy, with his years of ability, he can hold out until someone comes to save him.

It even arranged for two people, which can be said to be foolproof.

Not to mention, based on their speculation, the Wu family should not take action.

Their focus now should be on Senator Bai, or in other words, the two are discussing how to use this matter, and whether to climb up the pole.

Most of the classmates had already arrived when they entered.

Different from the last time when he waved his hand to the sky, this time everyone was organized by the AA system, so it was just an ordinary hotel.

I ordered a large private room, and when they saw him coming, they all gathered around to say hello.

Yan Huaxin had also arrived and waved when he saw him.

Shi Nian asked, "Have you ordered food? When will the others come?"

"It's almost too soon." A classmate said: "I just read the news, the nearest one is already at the door, and the farther one can be there in five minutes."

"Brother Shi, you will still come, come, come, order and order."

Shi Nian clicked on the desktop menu and ordered two, and then gave it to the students.

Going to that one, he tilted his head and chatted with Yan Huaxin.

Although the timing was unfortunate, it was possible that everyone passed the qi ahead of time and did not hold on to the recent space stone.

After all, it's too irritating to mention it, and it's hard to come out and play in the past years, and I may not be willing to listen to this all the time.

The atmosphere here is not bad, the Wu Bai family is not so good.

White House.

Bai Bingyan asked, "Dad, how should I reply! There's a lot of noise down there, and some people have already started to dig out what happened before. What kind of family can be trusted to cover up the murderer's family has come out."

Assemblyman Bai closed his eyes, and according to his own opinion, he would not strike so ruthlessly.

But the knives were all handed to him.

"It's impossible to have one mind with us at that time, let someone prepare a copy, and I will send it immediately."

Bai Bingyan's eldest brother immediately responded, holding back his laughter.

Once this happens, you will never want to come back.

Ever since he knew that his father had never looked down on the two of them, and even wanted to pick someone from the younger generation, but he wasn't picking his son, he had always been in a bad mood and was very unconvinced.

Now that this is the result, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Why would the Bai family not be able to live without him

How can it be.

And here in the years, at this time, they are eating hard.

A group of people even ordered wine and filled themselves with drinks at that time, "It's not convenient to drink, so drink instead!"

"Drink two cups!" A classmate said: "I'm afraid of getting drunk, it's okay, we'll take you back when you're drunk."

When Nian looked up at him, Yan Huaxin was already muttering, "Why is it him again."

This is not the first time. Last time, I just didn't like to hear it. Last time I asked about Lu Baiting. If you don't say it, it seems that you don't treat him as a friend.

They've all been slapped, but don't have a long memory

Sure enough, Shi Young laughed, "I'm sorry, the community is strictly managed, you won't be able to get in then, will I crawl back alone?"

"After all, the community is quite big."

The other students reacted and said, "That's right, non-owners of my community are not allowed to enter, let alone where Marshal Lu lives!"

"And the villas are still big villas. That one is very far away from the other. Unless you live in the guard pavilion, you really have to climb back."

"It's okay, it's okay to drink juice. After all, there's a milk drinker over there."

The one who drank milk was a classmate in the class. He was allergic to alcohol and liked milk... In addition, he was a little weak and needed some nutrition.

At this moment, he stood up, holding the milk and said with a smile: "Come on, I will replace the wine with milk and toast everyone."

The atmosphere soon became warm again, and the one who had stood up to challenge the matter earlier shrank back. Yan Huaxin whispered: "In the future, I can stay away from it. I can accept it if I have no sense of character. Like this kind of intentional..."

Shi Nian: "I don't know what he wants to do, and I don't know what to do."

"I've heard a bit about it." Don't look at the famous person in school at that time, but the news is really not as well-informed as Yan Huaxin.

The latter has a large group of eating melons, and countless small groups of eating melons.

He whispered: "It is said that they are bragging about how familiar you are. Between words... I won't talk about this. I also mentioned that if there is a chance, I might be able to follow you to the Marshal's Mansion to see."

It is estimated that today's out is also for this.

In the final analysis, it is to show off, face.

At this time, he was pushed back by Shi Nian, and the two gathered together and muttered.

"I guess there is nothing good to say." Yan Huaxin said.

He could hear it all the time. If he wanted to stop talking in such a low voice, he could hear what the people downstairs said.

"I really don't give face, I'm still a classmate, and I'm not open at all."

"No, he seems to be able to talk, no one else is like him. As we said last time we wanted to go... "

I haven't listened to it any longer, it's because others are embarrassed to reject you, but I'm embarrassed!

Don't say it, it's useless to say anything.

You are too embarrassed to make excessive demands to embarrass me. Should I still be concerned about your face

They continued to eat, and it didn't take long for the light brain of the year to rang.

When he lowered his head to look at it, some classmates seemed to have also gotten the news and turned on their brains one after another.

The White House issued a statement.

This statement is quite standard, but it is much more than his official articles.

Shi Nian read it once, and the general meaning is not that the space stone is indeed from the Bai family. Shi Nian's mother took it away. Seeing that it was a family in the past, he didn't want to pursue it, but he didn't want Shi Nian to be so ignorant. Provocation in Star Network, the words are quite rude, so they can't bear it.

Of course, he also stepped on the Lu family by the way, saying that the Lu family coaxed the child (that is, Shi Nian), so that it was not enough to lead him to do the right thing with the family, and he even gave the space stone out.

The words were sincere, and the viewers wept. Especially in the last paragraph, when a person who knew the truth at that time, was led by that paragraph, he felt that the Lu family was heinous.

Yan Huaxin couldn't help but said, "This is too shameless!"

"That's right." The girl who had embroidered a small bag for Shi Nian couldn't help but said, "Does the Bai family still need a face? If you want him to come out and clarify, he'd be better off throwing dirty water on people."

"Shi Nian, what should I do?"

"He poured such a mouthful of dirty water, how can people clarify, did you leave any credentials when you got the space stone?"

"How could there be? It must have been obtained by chance, and if you didn't buy it, you can still give a note?"

One by one, the classmates looked more nervous than he was, but most of them believed in him.

Only the two who had been scolded before were nestled in the corner, muttering something: "Who knows if it's true or not, if you don't take it, can you say it?"

"I also think, otherwise, where did he come from the space stone, and that thing is a bad street."

Shi Nian really didn't want to pay attention to these two people, but they still kept mumbling.

He can't go back one by one on Xingwang. Do people have to endure it when they are on the scene? If they didn't spit fire and burn them all, it is already coming to Xingxing.

I saw him click a few times with his light brain, and after a while, the robot opened the door and came in and sent a microphone.

"What is this?" Some classmates wondered, "At this time, Shige, you don't want to sing, right?"

"Although you sing nicely, but..."

Now is not the time to sing!

But I saw Shi Nian picked up the microphone and threw it at the two classmates, "If you have something to say, give you a microphone, come and tell me what you said about me just now."

The faces of the two people changed suddenly, "No, we didn't."

"That's right, don't talk nonsense..."

Shi Nian: "I heard it, do you want me to repeat it?"

The two stopped talking for a moment.

That's it, who hasn't seen what they did.

"Why the two of you again, you are just messing around all day in the same class."

"Others told you that it's not over yet, this time you've kicked the iron plate!"

Back then, he was able to call his own father an unfilial son and tear up a scumbag on stage in front of all the teachers and students of the school. If he was right, he could give you face

Dream it!

When Nian quickly replied something on Xingwang, he got up and said: "I've almost eaten, and I have a few things to do, so I'll go first. Eat slowly, and add a few more dishes. I saw a few classmates. As if I haven't had enough, I ordered a few more bottles of wine, which I have already bought, see you later."

"See you later."

With so much trouble on Xingwang, everyone knew what they had to do, so they quickly sent people out.

After a while, the newly added dishes and wine came up, and everyone couldn't help but sigh, "My brother Shi is so generous and treats guests again. If I do this again, I will be embarrassed to come out with him in the future."

"This dish is a signature dish. It's delicious or expensive. I didn't want to order it just now."

"Eat, eat, hurry up!"

"I've never had such a good wine before, my brother is generous."

"Heh!" The two people who were scolded earlier couldn't help but said: "Who knows where he got so much money, don't sell other people's space stone!"

The voice is very low, and others should not be able to hear it. But he forgot that the microphone was still with him, and it instantly rang through the private room.

Everyone: "… "

"No, what do you two mean? You're still eating other people's stuff. Take a bowl to eat and put it down for your mother? White-eyed wolves are not like you."

"We didn't tell lies again." It may have been heard, and the two of them also broke the jar. "And did we invite him to treat him? He was willing to invite him."

This is so irritating.

But the Naihe class is in the lab all day long, so I can't say that I can't play, or I can't be here today, but come out and fight people... That's really not good.

"Fuck!" A girl couldn't help but burst out, "Next time I'll come out with you two and write my name upside down."

The good atmosphere ruined them both.

In addition, many classmates were following the news on Star Online, Yan Huaxin stood up and disbanded the party.

After going downstairs, everyone went out in twos and threes, but the two classmates were stopped.

"Classmates, you haven't paid the bill yet." A real waiter came over, and the robot next to him displayed the bill on the light screen at the right time.

It was very strange that everyone stopped, and the two asked directly: "Didn't Shi Nian say he paid the bill?"

"I bought it, but he said he didn't know the two of you, so he didn't buy the two of you." The real waiter probably thought this was a bit complicated, so he followed the robot.

Everyone: "… "

"I found that I was not surprised, as expected of you, Brother Shi."

"Laughing." The girl who was so angry just now said, "Isn't it that you don't want people to help you pay the bill, they didn't buy it, that's alright, you can buy it yourself!"

The two of them looked at her and said, "The expensive wine and vegetables were served in the back, but we didn't want it. He was deliberately trying to trick us."

"Then I didn't see you eating less!"

"It's not what we ordered..."

The waiter said in a timely manner: "The ones on the back are not included in the AA, so what you two have to pay is only the ones you ordered at the beginning, divided by the number of yours."

This time, the female classmate was proud again, "If you don't even look at it, you will say that others are plotting against you. It's just your two dollars, and you don't even think about who is looking at it."

"Let's go, I don't want to go with this kind of person."

The classmates left one after another, and the remaining two had to pay the bills by themselves. They were very dissatisfied, "Please invite us, and leave us alone. Is he trying to isolate himself?"

"No, let's go to Xingxing to break his story, anyway, he still has a thief's character on his back..."

"You are stupid!" The classmate in front immediately said: "He has so many fans, and if this thing really explodes, who will the netizens turn to."

These are no longer related to the years, and he got on the aircraft after he came out. When he was inside, he had already replied to the Bai family:

"After thinking about it clearly, I'll give you ten minutes to take this back and apologize to me and Lu Baiting, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? Light and fierce but no actual action, does it prove that what the Bai family said is true? 』

"If you are wronged by your temperament, you will be given an hour to others. 』

Shi Nian replied: "Aren't you afraid of turning back and saying that I forced my relatives to death? Give them a few minutes to regret doing such a disgusting thing. If you try to force it again, you will simply lose your mind. 』

"It's not true, it's not true, no, Shige, you tell me it's not true. 』

Shi Nian replied: "It's not true, don't listen to the wind and it's rain, I really can't understand the offline and buy a watermelon to eat, just look at the result after eating. 』

He was in a hurry when he didn't reply all the way, but he still remembered to make a communication.

"Unfilial son, I advise you to quickly withdraw your words and apologize!"

Bai Bingyan didn't respond when he received the communication, and only now said: "Now I know I'm afraid, I told you earlier..."

"Sure enough, he's still an idiot." Shi Nian quickly hung up.

This is really hard to hear.

Bai Bingyan was very angry, "You deserve to end up like this, don't listen to the old man."

"Dad also said that he is smart, but I think he is only a little smart. He happened to find a way to extract thousands of flowers." Bai Bingyan's eldest brother said: "Little brother, your son is too crazy!"

Bai Bingyan: "Your son is so cowardly, so cowardly that he bullies others at school."

After waiting for ten minutes, he immediately sent a message:

"Since it is said that my space stone was taken from the Bai family, then you should know it. Tell me, what the bitter master lost was a ring shape, a necklace shape, or some other shape... Please describe in detail, I have to see if it matches. 』

"He's too stupid." Bai Zihan said: "Whoever told him about this, who knows what his space stone was made of, it must be said to be the original stone, and he will be useless at that time."

He said that he had touched Guangnao with his hand, but was stopped by Wu Chaoyi who was beside him with a dry cough.

"Cousin, good chance..."

"I don't need you." Wu Chaoyi said, "you come out at this time and say that no matter how you explain your mother's accident, you won't turn it over. It's excusable for the Bai family to save face for Shi Nian. He stayed, you are looking at the netizens are all fools!"

"Sit quietly for me, and when things come to a conclusion, send another star Bolara's favorability rating. I'll have someone give you the copy, and you can send it accordingly."

The script on his side was well designed, and it didn't take long for Senator Bai to say that the space stone was just the original stone.

Even Bai Bingyan was still muttering, "He thought that he deliberately ruled out this suspicion and asked if it was a necklace or a ring, so that people could ignore the space stone or the original stone?"

But he didn't want Shi Nian to see the answer and immediately said:

"The press conference, see you tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning."