After The Breakup, I Became The Marshal’s Wife

Chapter 9


Adjutant Xue took the potion and left again, leaving Shi Nian and Lu Baiting.

Lu Baiting stared at Shi Nian, the latter didn't care, what to do. Take a big bag of melon seeds from upstairs to eat...

"By the way, I put the quantum beast..."

In the end, Lu Baiting was the first to speak: "Before the medicine was delivered, someone had already tested it, and there was no problem."

"Well." Shi Nian spread his hands, "Then I don't know, or your methods are not advanced enough, or there are problems with the people who test."

Anyway, what he tasted with his tongue would definitely not be wrong.

Since arriving in this body, his body is slowly establishing contact with this side. At the same time, the physique of the original owner was also modified.

The first is the skin. The original owner's hand had calluses for some reasons, but it disappeared after the years passed, and it became very white, tender and smooth.

Tongue, nose, eyes, etc. are of course the same, all slowly approaching him.

Now that he's seen it, smelled it, and tasted it, he couldn't be wrong.

While knocking the seeds, Shi Nian released the body and let it run to Lu Baiting's side to cuddle.

His tongue is extremely flexible. When Lu Baiting swept over, he saw a handful of melon seeds stuffed into his mouth. After a while, a lot of melon seed skins were spit out, and he himself chewed the kernels of the melon seeds contentedly.

Although he didn't eat this kind of snacks often, Lu Baiting also knew that ordinary people never came to eat melon seeds like this, they came one by one.

When I came one by one, I quickly ate up a 500g bag of melon seeds. He was too lazy to move, so he simply ordered the robot to go upstairs to fetch it, and moved directly to a box full of various nut snacks.

I saw him skip the walnuts and macadamia nuts and go straight to the bag of melon seeds.

I took out another bag and started drinking.

He used to go upstairs to do this kind of thing, but today is to wait for the result...

Lu Baiting saw him eating bag after bag, and after reading one document, there were already five more empty bags over there.

The robots are folded into a dozen, ready to be thrown into the trash together with the melon seed skins.

At that time, the sixth bag was being opened...

"If you eat too many melon seeds..." Lu Baiting said as he caught the tip of the tongue sticking out from the corner of Shi Nian's mouth, and he froze.

I saw that the tip of the reddish tongue deftly swept across the thin lips, and then pushed it out, and there was another pile of melon seed peels.

At this moment, the people who eat melon seeds come out and ask, "What will happen if I eat too many melon seeds."

Lu Boting calmly retracted his gaze, "It will get hot."

"Oh." Shi Nian didn't care.

I thought in my heart, if I wasn't afraid to scare you, I would spit out a fire right now for you to see.

He waited a while longer, and was already a little drowsy.

Although the body has gradually turned into a phoenix, after all, this body is still a human body. A person needs to sleep, and these days he is addicted to games, and his sleep time is pitiful.

At this time in the past, I didn't feel that I was fighting to death in the game. Now, once I sat down and had nothing to do, Sleeping God looked for an opportunity to find it.

After leaning on the sofa and nodding twice, he tilted his body and fell asleep.

Lu Baiting, who has finished his official business: "..."

Marshal Lu glanced at the time, it was less than ten o'clock, and it was still early. In the past, he would never go to bed so early. After all, he once went out at 3:00 in the middle of the night in an emergency, and saw him directing the robot to go downstairs to get cold drinks.


Lu Baiting suddenly reacted to something. He even looked at the usage of the game cabin upstairs. Sure enough, it was on almost all night in the past few days.

It's no wonder that I can fall asleep while sitting and eating, and the melon seed skin is still hanging on the corner of my mouth.

Marshal Lu didn't fall asleep without being sleepy all his life, but he was extremely self-control and never lost his energy because of such a thing.

Lu Boting raised his hand and knocked on the tea machine.

Shi Nian didn't respond, and slept soundly.

On the other hand, the 'Canary' tilted his head and glanced at him, with doubts shining brightly in his small eyes.

The body is trapped like a dog, but it is only a human body. Little Phoenix has a strong spiritual sense and a profound cultivation base. Let’s put it this way, not resting for a few months is a piece of cake, so naturally he is still in good spirits at this moment.

As soon as there was movement on Lu Baiting's side, he looked over.

Then I saw myself with the melon seed skin hanging from the corner of my mouth.

Naturally, it would not affect the image in this way. The little phoenix flew over three or two times to treat the melon seed skin with its wings, and then fell back lightly.

Lu Baiting: "..."

He had never seen someone so stinky when they were asleep.

Thinking of the information I found earlier, since the day I fell into the water, it seems like a different person.

But in fact, it can't be said to be a change, it's just more like returning to the way he was when he was a child.

When he found that his personality was different from what he found, Lu Baiting asked someone to check it again. As a result, it was concluded that the previous information was correct, and it may have been really stimulated and greatly affected, and returned to the way he was when he was a child.

After all, although there is not much information at that time, we all know that the life of the young master before the age of ten was also the life of the young master. It was only when he was ten years old that something bad happened, and then he reached the edge star and followed his motherhood.

Over the years, due to the growing environment, family situation and other reasons, the personality has changed somehow. Now it may be a bad breakup, and I am stimulated by the same incident of Bai Yueguang's substitute.

After thinking about it, Lu Baiting knocked on the table again, as if to wake the sleeping god across from him.

Sleeping God didn't respond, but Little Phoenix stared at him several times, not understanding what kind of madness he was making.

"Wake up." Finally, Lu Baiting said, "Go upstairs to sleep."

Little Phoenix couldn't speak well, so he had to forcefully wake up his tired body and said confusedly, "No, wait for the result."

Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

He looked like this, if it wasn't for Lu Baiting's high mental strength, it would be impossible for others to pretend to be sleeping in front of him, and he would suspect that he was not asleep at all.

Marshal Lu said speechlessly, "Not so fast, go upstairs to sleep."

After the last four words, it has become a cold and hard style.

Shi Nianxin said, alas, these people are really inefficient.

But with that said, he wasn't ready to wait any longer. Today, it seems that I can't see Xue Chi's shocking appearance, and hearing the other party's apology for doubting his level in the third grade... He dragged his feet slowly upstairs, threw himself on the bed and fell asleep. .

I didn't even take a shower or change my clothes.

Lu Baiting rubbed his brows and agreed that he would change back to the clothes he bought when he was there, but he never changed at all.

After all, he had never been a social animal, and he knew that the boss was the biggest, but he still acted like he was the only one.

It was not until the next morning, when he woke up from a deep sleep, that Xue Chi didn't come back.

Judging from his appearance, he should have stayed up all night and changed his clothes, all wrinkled...

But his expression was serious, "I found out, what Mr. Shi said is true."

When Nian had just come down from the upstairs, he slowly walked up to him, fully appreciating his amazement and wonder.

Yes, this Phoenix is so good.

He proudly turned around and went to eat breakfast, leaving Adjutant Xue with a face: "..."

Lu Boting glanced at him coldly before he recovered, and hurriedly continued to report, "The first inspection was still fine, but I was worried, so I asked the other side to do a more detailed inspection, and it turned out that there is indeed the kind of thing that Mr. Shi said. condition."

"The other party is using a new ingredient, so we haven't discovered it before."

Now that the pharmacy is crazy, Xue Chi hurried back to report when he got the result.

Xue Chi glanced at the figure eating in the restaurant, and then continued: "This time, it's really thanks to him."

This talent is indeed as expected of someone who can use D-level mental power to be admitted to the six schools of the Empire.

As expected, the son of that female guide.

Over there, Nian came out with bread and milk in his mouth, "Why, are you ready to apologize for your underestimation of me yesterday?"

Xue Chi: "..."

Adjutant Xue Chi's face changed a few times, obviously he didn't expect that he was still thinking about this.

He glanced at his own marshal, obviously not intending to care. So I had to apologize to the ancestors in front of me, "I really shouldn't underestimate you, but how did you see that new ingredient? Several experts and professors couldn't find it out in the first place."

Shi Nian took a bite of the bread and gave him a strange look, "I don't need to know any new ingredients, I just need to know what effect it has when drinking it."

Xue Chi: "..."

Is this the world of genius

As an ordinary person, Adjutant Xue couldn't understand the world of pharmacy geniuses, so he could only boast a few words of greatness.

When everyone was gone, he said, "If the Bai family knew that he was such a talented person, I wonder if they would regret it."

Lu Baiting also changed his clothes at this time and was walking out, when he heard the words, he paused:

"Regardless of whether you regret it later, it's already too late, isn't it?"

Back then, the female guide was gentle and resolute, and her temperament at that time, just by looking at his cheerfulness and neatness in dealing with Ji Yiqiao, it was obvious that she was also a man who did not rub the sand in his eyes.

The white family... heh!