After the Cannon Fodder’s Rebirth

Chapter 102


If He Ziming is a soft-tempered cabbage, I am afraid that he will be tortured and tortured to death by this group of people.

But He Ziming is not. As the best child king in the orphanage, he has been a mindful and independent since he was a child.

After being clearly cut off the last hope, knowing that he was tortured to death, no one would help him, maybe he would have to help these demons in the aftermath, he decisively gave up the opportunity to survive from others, resolutely Decisively choose to start trying to save himself... He is isolated and helpless, no one talks about it, just tells a lot about the Internet to his never-before-seen friend CHENG...

He told about his resentment towards those rich second generations, and also about the various methods that he had come up with to save himself.

CHENG heard him typing and chattering for a long time without responding, until He Ziming almost thought he was gone, he replied with He Ziming: "... I'm sorry."

"Sorry, don't you want to betray me?" After Ye Ling's betrayal, He Ziming immediately became alert when he saw the three words sorry.

Although he doesn't know who CHENG is and has never met him, but in a city, this CHENG will be someone who knows himself...

After listening to so many narratives, did you guess who you are based on the facts

He Ziming was a little surprised, and he couldn't bear the second betrayal.

"No, my family belongs to the reform party, and they are not in the same position and party." When Chen saw his whole body exploded, he immediately explained to him.

He Ziming let out a sigh of relief.

The rich second generation and the He family in this circle who bullied him are fair parties.

Although the two parties are amicable on the face, they are fighting over and under in the dark, tearing you to death. They are the rivals among the rivals.

If it is a member of the Reform Party family, as the adversary of these people, there is indeed no need to betray such a small person like himself.

When He Ziming breathed a sigh of relief, he also analyzed from the extremely informative sentence of CHENG that CHENG knew himself in reality. Even if he didn't know him in a circle, he knew that he was such a person.

"Oh, the reform party is good." He hypocritically agreed, but he did not intend to explore the identity and background of CHENG in real life.

He is satisfied with the status quo and does not want to change, let alone know the identity of CHENG in reality.

He Ziming did not ask, nor did Chen.

The two seem to have reached a tacit understanding, that is, they have studied how to help He Ziming get out of this mermaid and bullied situation. He Ziming has formulated a very careful plan... CHENG pointed out him on the computer side. The deficiencies in this plan have been supplemented with many opinions.

He Ziming began to implement this plan.

Wanting to make those dudes no longer bully themselves, He Ziming knew that being helpless, people were lighthearted, there was no self who relied on orphans, and it was impossible to do it without the help of a little outside force.

As a result, he began to take advantage of external forces.

And what He Ziming could think of at the time was the media to help expand the impact of the incident and make these dudes dare not do anything to them anymore.

He Ziming went to a media reporter, but he didn’t have any stupid brains to tell the media reporter that the He family adopted himself for his panda blood. He is a mobile blood bank specially found by the He family. A bunch of rich second-generation bullies are in the school. Bullying, even torture yourself with electric shocks, the teacher ignores the inflammatory nature of exposing the dark side of society directly, it is a bitter topic...

Because he knew that it was stupid, even if the media helped him expose it and attracted social attention, he might be able to escape the fate of being bullied for a while, so that those second generations would not dare to bully themselves in a short time... But once the public opinion subsided. , Waiting for him, what greeted him is the anger and lessons from the exposure of these big family scandals...

He is an orphan with no father and no mother. These families are afraid that he really killed him, and no one will find out if someone is to replace him with an imposter.

And he feels that even if he finds the media, with the power of these big families, it is not certain whether the media will help him expose

The most likely thing is that as soon as he found a reporter from the media, these families suppressed the matter and then killed him.

After all, for those aristocratic families whose hands and eyes are blinding, the lives of his people are worthless.

He Ziming cherishes his little life and doesn't want to die.

Therefore, he went to the media and praised him highly in front of the media. He was grateful to the He family for adopting his humble little orphan, and sincerely thanked his rich second-generation classmates who did not treat him at school. Discrimination, he also provided him with countless help, care, and warmed his heart... At the end of the interview, he also sincerely and warmly thanked the motherland and several ruling parties. As an orphan from a humble background, The ruling party desperately strives for greatness, light, and justice, making him grateful.

I also said that when I grow up I must become a useful talent to repay the country, benefactors, and benefit the society.

He went to the media to praise him, holding a few families, adding icing on the cake and adding words of honor.

There is nothing that cannot go through the trial and needs to be suppressed, and the media thinks about the report. Maybe it can please these families and the fair party. That is to say, this interview was broadcast with a highly praised description.

It may be He Ziming's netizen named CHENG who is pushing behind the scenes, or it may not.

After the news was broadcast, it became hot all of a sudden. He Ziming was erected as a model. The people praised these families for being caring and helpful to the people in need. Even the next generation are well educated. Discriminated against rural children with accents, taught him not to speak Mandarin, and provided help and care for orphans. After He Ziming’s outstanding achievements were reported, people also praised this young boy from a humble background. Entubao, working hard, you will be a promising man in the future... He Jiahe has a good vision and so on.

Because He Ziming gave an impassioned speech to the He family’s gratitude to the Fair Party, the upper-class family of the country even stirred up a wave of funding, adopting orphans with excellent grades but no money to study, and poor children.

It has erected a banner of good morale to the society.

He Ziming, because of his outstanding grades, beautiful and beautiful appearance, published the words that Datonggen Hongmiao is complimenting several big families, which has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life and the upper class.

Those domineering rich second generations can't attack him anymore.

Those wealthy second-generation families are not stupid. At this time, they have received unwarranted praise and boasting. The reputation of their children and their families has also risen inexplicably. Naturally, it is impossible to let their children tear other people’s money on the cusp of the storm. The money he posted, then bullied He Ziming, slapped himself in the face, and ruined his reputation.

They restrained their children one after another, letting them care, take care, and love each other in the school as a pitiful orphan like He Ziming.

Even the He family asked for a show like He Xiyang, who had never looked at He Ziming and He Xiyue's two children were at school, and they took care of He Ziming in front of the outside world. They showed their brotherly respect, unity and friendship in a timely manner.

Now the whole world knows that their family has an orphan like He Ziming, and He Ziming is also grateful to them. They can't justify He Ziming no matter how bad they are.

He Xiyang fixedly looked at He Ziming and hadn't spoken for a long time. It seemed to be the first time that he looked squarely at the adopted son of the mobile blood bank that he had hired for his younger brother, and projected a little appreciation for him as if he had known him for the first time.

" are great, you are capable!" The rich second-generation leader who had bullied He Ziming had to falsify and come to Friendship to help He Ziming at the request of his parents. He couldn't help but say so.

He has bullied many people, but no one like He Ziming has done so!

He had never thought that an orphan from He Ziming could have so many thoughts and ideas.

He Ziming looked at this group of rich second generations having to unite and love with him and help him. He wanted to laugh, but he showed his gratitude to them with the slightest hint of timely gratitude on the face.

In the eyes of media reporters and the public, it is a picture of the poor and the rich in harmony and mutual assistance, unity and friendship, and no grudges.

But He Ziming knows this is all fucking shit...

After He Kunshan and his wife went on top of He Ziming because of bullying, the news boasted about these families and fair parties, they felt that He Ziming had a lot of mind and some doubts that he wanted to make a moth, so he didn't donate blood to He Xiyue, so he tried to beat him. He did it.

But He Ziming didn't do anything. He didn't say anything about it, and even when the day came, he would take the initiative to go to the family doctor of He's family to draw blood and donate the blood to He Xiyue...

He Kunshan and his wife couldn't understand him, but they were somewhat relieved of him inexplicably.

After this battle, everyone in the He family knew that he had an idea, was able to turn out big things and make waves. It was not a soft dough that would be bullied and dare not fight back, so everyone did not dare to wait any longer. He, don't look at him anymore.

He Ziming's life immediately became much better.

Those rich second generations do not embarrass him, and he will not take the initiative to embarrass those people.

He Ziming made such a fuss and was praised in the news. He was grateful to the Fair Party and these families who had bullied him. He just wanted to use the media to pay attention to let those who bullied him and became rich in the second generation to vote against him, and dare not torture and bully so unscrupulously. It's just him.

He was also prepared at the time that if these people dare to torture him after he got on the news, he would publicize these atrocities of the rich second generation on Weibo, which he had already used the news to blog a lot of.

Subversive and these families tore apart, exposing the dark side of society.

Later, those rich second-generation overlords didn't take any shots at him, and he didn't do that again.

Therefore, his much-publicized gratitude speech and news were also labelled by many netizens as a large-scale hype by the Fair Party to win the favor of the masses... But no one knew the truth behind He Ziming's approach to the media to give this speech.

However, what He Ziming did not expect was that his series of behaviors, after investigating at the upper level of the Fair Party, learned that He Ziming made a news speech and held the truth and behind the shady of these families, but it attracted the attention of the upper level of the Fair Party.

The upper management of the fairness party believes that He Ziming was born in a humble background, but he is a smart person who has the courage, courage to execute and ideas, and knows the current affairs, can tolerate what ordinary people can’t bear. He has learned about He Ziming’s excellent academic performance through investigation, and he is still like that. After maintaining such results in a harsh and bullied environment, he thought that He Ziming was a man of work.

The secretary of the upper-level party leader of the Fair Party personally contacted He Kunshan and asked him to focus on cultivating He Ziming, because the party leader believes that He Ziming is really a rare talent. If properly cultivated, he will become a very useful knife in the future, a piece of loyalty to the fair party. dog.

After that phone call, He Ziming's life was much better than before, and it was much better. His treatment at the He's house was suddenly close, even surpassing the He Xiyue and He Xiyang brothers.

However, the leader of the Fair Party at the time didn't know that what he wanted to cultivate was a useful knife, an obedient loyal dog, and the final He Ziming he cultivated was a fierce beast that devoured the master.

From then on, He Ziming's fate began to change overnight, embarking on a completely different path from before.

"Do you know why I don't want to be born again, and I don't want to make any changes to my past?" He Ziming asked the system with a sense of enthusiasm as he watched the young man accepted by the secretary of the party leader and encouraged him.

The system never understood him very well, so he asked obediently: "Why?"

"Because, I am very satisfied with my life. From a country, an orphan born in a humble background, to the last position of my previous life, every step I take is dependent on myself, step by step to climb up... My destiny is in control In my own hands, I changed it myself, and no one helped me.” He Ziming said verbatim: “So, I don’t want to change my destiny at all, I think he is perfect and inspirational... even if I die in the end. , Can’t wake up, it seems to me to be complete and complete now.”

Although it is miserable now, it will not be a few years before these rich second generations who bullied him, including the He family, will sigh on him and watch his face live.

Holding him, fawning on him.

The system is a little curious: "Didn't you say that you were an ordinary person before?"

From an orphan who was bullied and arrogant, to a manufacturable material that the party leader felt could be cultivated, He Ziming's experience was not ordinary no matter how you looked at it.

"I'm an ordinary person." He Ziming pursed his lips and chuckled, "Until now I feel like an ordinary person, a small person."