After the Cannon Fodder’s Rebirth

Chapter 23


After He Ziming chose to enter the next world, the scenery around him immediately changed.

This is a luxury house in the modern world. He Ziming, but looking at his clothes and home furnishings, he can see that it is very valuable and not of a low grade.

"It seems that this time through the game is not bad for me, it seems that I have parted with a rich second-generation role with a very high quality of life. Did I come to vacation to adjust?" He Ziming joked.

At this moment, He Ziming's cell phone rang.

He Ziming conditioned the answer, and the male voice marked as OK on the caller ID immediately rang on the other end of the phone: "Fang Ming, I won't go home for dinner tonight, you can eat by yourself."

"… good."

Before He Ziming could say anything else, the phone was hung up first.

The mechanical prompt sound of the system immediately sounded in He Ziming's mind: "Do you want to check the information related to this world mission?"

"Check." He Ziming said without hesitation.

At the moment his voice fell, the relevant plot and mission-related information of this world was immediately transmitted into He Ziming's mind.

The publisher of the mission in this world is called Fang Ming, and the person who just called him and said not to go home for dinner is called Lin Zhixing, Fang Ming’s boyfriend who has been in love for six years.

Fang Ming is a child who was raised by a mother alone, who has never seen his father in a single-parent family. Fang Ming has excellent grades and outstanding abilities, but his character is a little bit scheming because of years of poverty and depression, and he uses no means to achieve his goals. After graduating from a certain domestic university, he immediately joined the well-known domestic company Tianxing Group.

As gay, he met Lin Zhixing, general manager of the group, by chance, and fell in love with him at first sight. He touched Lin Zhixing’s surprised eyes when he saw him, Fang Ming learned that he and Lin Zhixing wanted The unbelievable white moonlight looked extremely alike.

After Fang Ming mastered this, he successfully seduce Lin Zhixing with his appearance resembling Lin Zhixing's Bai Yueguang. The two soon fell in love and began to love each other.

Lin Zhixing's Bai Yueguang had a car accident and was a vegetative person lying in bed without consciousness.

This relationship lasted six years, Fang Ming was in love. Two good careers... Everything is stable.

However, everything changed after Lin Zhixing's Bai Yueguang Su Yuehe woke up.

The rice grains are rice grains, and the white moonlight is finally white moonlight...

Although Fang Ming had secured Lin Zhixing’s boyfriend status, he couldn’t help Lin Zhixing’s heart drifting towards Su Yuehe. Fang Ming used some methods to teach Su Yuehe, but he didn’t want Bai Yueguang too. It’s not a fuel-efficient lamp. It was placed in the dark for him, as if he knew what Fang Ming would do. It made Fang Ming feel as if he had stepped into a trap, a trap, and step by step revealed Fang Ming’s ugliness. At the same time...Fang Ming has become more and more radical and out of control in order to regain everything he owns, doing more and more things...

Just after Su Yuehe helped Fang Ming consolidate his status as a male partner, Su Yuehe also released a big move and began to target and frame Fang Ming step by step. Fang Ming was slandered and derailed and betrayed company secrets and was sent in. The prison was beaten and deliberately rectified by someone instigated in the prison, and finally died in prison.

When all this happened, Lin Zhixing, Fang Ming's six-year boyfriend, left only one sentence: "Fang Ming, I'm so disappointed in you."

He turned back to chase his pure and kind-hearted white moonlight, who was just like the white lotus flower.

Fang Ming finally knew that it wasn't his own, and that it wasn't his own after all, even if he tried so hard to get it, it's not his own.

But he was still unwilling, very unwilling.

Unwilling to be reconciled to being a substitute in this emotional competition, a vicious male partner, a grain of rice sticking to Lin Zhixing's clothes that he didn't want at all.

Therefore, he paid his own three-life blessing as a reward, and made a deal with Jinjiang Fast Crossing Bureau, letting the fast cross-crossing staff of the Fast Crossing Bureau replace him in this world, Lin Zhixing and his Bai Yueguang.

He also wants to expose the true face of this Bai Yueguang, and more than that, he wants Fang Ming and Su Yuehe's position to be reversed. Fang Ming becomes the white moonlight in Lin Zhixing's heart, Su Yuehe turns into rice grains, and then fiercely. Kicked Lin Zhixing.

"Well, that's it. Although the task publisher in this world doesn't look like a good thing, the white moonlight doesn't seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp." After reading the related information about the task publisher briefly, He Ziming He got up lazily and poured himself a glass of red wine.

Fang Ming knew what he wanted to do a step ahead of time, and turned around to use his strength to expose the true face of Fang Ming's vicious male partner, and set himself in the invincible place of White Lotus.

No matter how you look at it, this white moonlight doesn't look like a serious white moonlight.

Hearing He Ziming's questioning, the system immediately said, "Yes, that's right, Lin Zhixing's Bai Yueguang Su Yuehe is a rebirth."

"Oh?" He Ziming raised his eyebrows slightly as if he knew something interesting.

The system was about to send relevant information about Lin Zhixing's Bai Yueguang Su Yuehe.

He Ziming immediately knew that this unusual Bai Yueguang Su Yuehe was actually a rebirth.

The stories of rebirths are mostly the same. It's nothing more than a routine of stumbling in the previous life, returning from the ashes, smashing the face of the former enemy, finding the love of this life, and embarking on the pinnacle of life.

Fang Ming, the publisher of the mission, plays the role of a friend who had a crush on him in the story of Su Yuehe's perspective. He is his stand-in.

It is also one of the little cannon fodder who was wiped out in the early stages of Su Yue and Return of Rebirth.

It's just like the rebirth essay routines of many kinds of buns who were silly and white before rebirth, and all kinds of cool styles after rebirth.

Before rebirth, Su Yuehe once woke up in a coma for six years before waking up with the outstanding ability he had just met. His shining friend and boyfriend were his good friends, and the other party called for all kinds of heart-and-heart trust... But who knows, Fang Ming is here While smiling at him on the surface, secretly because he was jealous of his friends, he was too kind to him, and was used by his half-brother to join hands with him, and secretly did a lot of framed things against him.

If this is the case, then forget it, Fang Ming put a green hat on his friend in the end, betraying the secrets of his friend's company... and caused his friend's company to go bankrupt with nothing.

Even Fang Ming and his half-brother joined forces and killed himself.

In the eyes of Su Yuehe now, Fang Ming is an accomplice and lackey of his enemy, and a betrayer to his own friend.

Su Yuehe wants to expose Fang Ming's true face and use his own way to treat his body.

"It turned out to be like this. What Fang Ming thought he hadn't done at this time was actually done in his previous life. Bai Yueguang and Fan Mili are both right from their respective standpoints. It's interesting. It's really interesting. "He Ziming gently shook the red wine in his glass, pretending to be forced: "It looks a little difficult, but it doesn't matter, I know how to do it. What I like most is to challenge, conquer all kinds of difficulties, and is invincible. "

The system heard his pretense, but he said: "Oh, is it? Can you challenge the mouse?"

"Can you stop telling me, it's disgusting. I just think about it-vomit!" He Ziming heard the word "mouse" all over his body with goose bumps, his hair standing upright, and he subconsciously wanted to vomit.

Seeing He Ziming's reaction, the system immediately chuckled mechanically.

This host is not afraid of the sky, but the earth is not afraid of mice, and he is terribly afraid.

He Ziming sorted out the relevant information about this body, and thought that Fang Ming would have to go to work tomorrow morning, so he climbed into bed and closed his eyes to sleep.

But who knows, He Ziming closed his eyes, and after sleeping for a while, the light in the bedroom was turned on all of a sudden.

The dazzling light awakened He Ziming, who had finally fallen asleep.

Before He Ziming could get into bed, Lin Zhixing's questioning voice sounded in the room: "Fang Ming, what are you doing? I asked you to take good care of some Yuehe. He has just recovered and is unwilling to accept me. Help, I asked you to arrange a lighter job for him in our company... But you asked someone to make things difficult for him. Is this how you take care of my friend? If I heard it accidentally, Yuehe still doesn't know what embarrassing him will be. It's time."

At this point in time, Su Yuehe, who has returned from rebirth, has already exerted his strength, step by step, letting the spare tire, who has never forgotten about him, see through the true face of the person next to his pillow.

"Lin Zhixing, why did you go crazy at night? You don't come back all the time, and you yell at me for Su Yuehe when you come back. What the hell do you mean?" He Ziming violently lifted the quilt, using his pillow Lin Zhixing smashed over him.

If he can't sleep well, then no one should sleep.

Lin Zhixing was stunned by his yelling. He recovered and became even more angry: "I should have asked you this! What do you mean by letting people make things difficult for you? Don't be like a big man. A woman is chasing after the wind and being jealous here, okay?"

"I am embarrassing Su Yuehe? Which eye do you see that I am embarrassing Su Yuehe? Su Yuehe is unwilling to accept the job you arranged for him in order to avoid suspicion. I have come forward to arrange work for him on your behalf. It's enough for your face, and benevolence is the best, what else do you want me to do? Don't do other things every day, and make him a living bodhisattva?" He Ziming stared at each other angrily.

Lin Zhixing threw something fiercely, and became even more angry: "I'm telling you about your embarrassing things. You don't want to talk to me here. If it weren't for your instructions, the people around you How can people embarrass and make peace, what kind of yin and yang things like Xiaosan, airborne vases, etc. are said in his ear?"

"Don't think I don't know that those people are yours!" He screamed.

"Someone else said it, you ask me, how would I know?" Lin Zhixing was angry at him, but his anger was greater than Lin Zhixing: "Say that I am like a woman who is chasing after others and being jealous, I You seem to have a guilty conscience, right?"

He Ziming glared at him viciously: "You know exactly what dirty thoughts you have towards Su Yuehe."

Since Bai Yueguang wanted to design to provoke the divorce between him and Lin Zhixing, then he let him succeed in instigating the divorce.

"You—" Lin Zhixing raised his hand, furious: "You are simply unreasonable!"

He Ziming sneered, "Why? You still want to fight with me, okay, you fight. I want to see if we two can beat whom!"

Lin Zhixing was determined to watch, but after all he could not beat him, instead he chose to turn around and leave without looking back.

The moment he opened the door of the room, he heard a bang behind him.

Lin Zhixing returned to his senses, but saw Fang Ming's face pale, and he passed out with cold sweat on his forehead.

Lin Zhixing hurried over and hugged He Ziming: "Fang Ming, Fang Ming, what's the matter with you? Fang Ming."

Fang Ming's health was very bad. He had a kidney removed in his early years. This was Lin Zhixing's weakness.