After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine

Chapter 12


Jiang Suizhou didn't sleep well this night.

Although he was sleepy while reading and didn't know when he fell asleep, Meng Qianshan also gave him a blanket and didn't let him have a fever.

But when he opened his eyes, he still felt dizzy, especially the couch was very hard, and it was very uncomfortable after sitting for a long time. He fell asleep all night and made him feel sore.

Jiang Suizhou was a little angry.

Why did the original owner arrange such a room for Huo Wujiu, the furniture is so simple, didn't he think that he would have a day to sleep on the sofa here

He sat up and saw that the sky was getting brighter. The scent of some food faintly floated, and it should be Meng Qianshan who was instructing everyone to prepare breakfast.

Jiang Suizhou stood up and glanced at the bed.


Where is Huo Wujiu

As soon as Jiang Suizhou woke up, he was still a little dazed, and he looked around.

Unprepared, he ran into a pair of cool black eyes.

Jiang Suizhou was startled and saw Huo Wujiu sitting in the faint sunlight by the window, holding half of the book he had read last night in his hand, flipping at will.

Just by looking at his action of holding a book, you know that this is not a person who can read a book at all.

He was looking up at Jiang Suizhou, his eyes were cold, and there was no expression on his face.

Those eyes seemed to be able to see through.

Jiang Suizhou was suddenly embarrassed. Obviously he didn't do anything, but he was inexplicably frustrated.

… Maybe it’s because of my behavior of staying here all night, which is a bit broken.

He withdrew his gaze nonchalantly, and said coldly, "Meng Qianshan?"

Hearing his voice, Meng Qianshan hurried in all the way to wait for him to get up.

Meng Qianshan has always talked a lot, as long as Jiang Suizhou doesn't interrupt him, he can talk for a long time as if he were in an uninhabited state. Jiang Suizhou was embarrassed, so he let him talk, and after that, as if he hadn't seen Huo Wujiu, he ran out of breakfast here and left.

Today, there is no great court meeting, so I have to go to the Yamen.

Before leaving, he did not forget to remind Meng Qianshan: "Don't forget to move the house for Mrs. Huo."

Meng Qianshan promised again and again.

After Jiang Suizhou left, Meng Qianshan returned to Huo Wujiu's courtyard and took some people around.

It was remote and dilapidated, and Huo Wujiu didn't bring anything. Rong Gong only stayed here for one night, and there was really nothing to move.

But Mrs. Huo's current worth is different from when she first entered the house. Wouldn't it be negligent if only sending others to the Wangyeyuan

Therefore, Meng Qianshan carefully served Huo Wugui for a breakfast. When Huo Wujiao was full, he smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, and asked, "Madam Huo, is there anything else to buy? The minion will then get someone to buy it."

Huo Wujiu said nothing.

This minion was very noisy, a flattering appearance, a bit an eye-catching appearance.

Especially this picture that already treated himself as a concubine, which made him very sick.

Seeing that Meng Qianshan didn't wince, seeing that he was not speaking, he arranged for himself: "The clothes of the four seasons must be made, and the minion will go to the tailor in a while. There is also the lady's wheelchair, and the minion will also find a carpenter to get a fight. The new one, right? And the servants who are waiting by your side..."

He met a pair of dark eyes.

Seeing Huo Wujiu raised his eyes to look at him, Meng Qianshan hurriedly bowed forward, only when he had something to say: "Madam?"

Seeing Huo Wujiu's eyes, like a cold pool, a faint look made his heart and lungs cold.

"Nothing," he said coldly. "You, just get away."

When Meng Qianshan choked, his enthusiasm was poured cold.

He hid away quietly.

… Unexpectedly, the master now starts to like this kind of fierce and horizontal.

Too difficult to serve.

Although there is no day of the Great Court, I have to go to the Yamen to take classes every day, but the Ministry of Rites is a bit more leisurely than other places, and Jiang Suizhou is only a leisure job, so there is nothing to do all day.

What's more, his boss Ji You is a very good old man of Buddha.

Just looking at this man's record in the history of history, you know that he is an official idler who has no intention of plotting and only likes poems and songs. Although he was the number one scholar appointed by the first emperor, he was always tepid, and he was the only one who wrote very beautifully.

He was not very enthusiastic about Jiang Suizhou, and he was not a member of their camp, but it was not difficult for him, and even seeing him look bad, he smiled and said that there is nothing important today, and he can go back to rest earlier.

Jiang Suizhou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For him, whether it is the court or his back home, the water is too deep, so he has to always be vigilant and vigilant.

On the contrary, it was the yamen who was going to work, which made him take a sigh of relief.

For the first time, he held the mentality of a middle-aged social animal man who didn't want to face family pressure after get off work, and hid in the car for a long time and smoked before going upstairs.

There is no postmaster and Pang Shao, no torch-eyed staff, and no time bomb Huo Wujiu, he only feels that the air in the Ministry of Rites is very fresh.

So that he was in a very good mood. When he was leaving, when passing by Ji You's table, he stopped to greet Ji You with a few words.

"Master Ji, what are you looking at?" He asked Ji You with a book in his hand.

Ji You looked up and saw him, and smiled and turned the book over and handed it to him: "It's just unofficial history. There is no basis. It seems to pass the time."

Jiang Suizhou took the book and roughly flipped through it, as expected.

It's not just the unofficial history, it's also an extremely bold unofficial history, which is almost like writing a textbook with the same name and surname to the former emperor.

Jiang Suizhou showed a two-point smile on his face, handed the book back to Ji You, and smiled lightly: "It's interesting to write."

Upon hearing this, Ji You raised his eyebrows in surprise: "The prince is also interested in this?"

The literati in the world have always been aloof. The orthodox history is orthodox, this kind of wild history is written for the layman to amuse, ordinary literati and aristocrats, they all sneered at this.

Jiang Suizhou shook his head.

He said in his heart, of course I am not interested in Ye Shi, but you do not believe it. I can stand here and talk to you because I have suffered from the pain of looking down on Ye Shi.

… Of course, you might live in the wild.

It’s just a matter of speaking in my heart, and naturally I can’t say it outside. He smiled faintly, and said: "It's not interesting to say. But history books have always been written by people. Later generations commented, who knows who said what is true and who said what is false?"

But when Ji You heard the words, his eyes lit up, and it seemed to sparkle with the brilliance of seeing a confidant.

Jiang Suizhou nodded to Ji You quickly, Quandang said hello, then turned and left.

Jiang Suizhou admits that he can't afford Ji Shangshu's high profile. After all, he can say such things, relying on himself being pitted into the wild history by a student.

He left the Ministry of Rites, got on the carriage, and went back to the Jing Palace.

As soon as I entered the Anyin Hall, I saw people coming and going quite lively. Meng Qianshan just sent two tailors holding cloths out, and when Jiang Suizhou returned home, he hurriedly greeted them.

"Lord!" Meng Qianshan leaned forward and asked for the credit with a grin. "The minion has already picked up Madam Huo for you, and a tailor has just been hired to cut the clothes for the wife. The craftsmen will come tomorrow. The minion sees that the wife's wheelchair is not very useful, and should be replaced."

Jiang Suizhou looked at him with some doubts.

… Without saying anything, why is this kid so enthusiastic about Huo Wujiu

However, he saw Meng Qianshan looking at him with bright eyes, as if waiting to boast.

Jiang Suizhou paused: "... Um, not bad."

Meng Qianshan suddenly blossomed with joy.

Jiang Suizhou only felt his stupidity smoked his eyes and turned and walked into his room.

He walked quite relaxed, and as he walked, he pulled off the cloak that got in the way. When he stepped into the threshold, he suddenly remembered something. He was about to turn around and ask which room Huo Wujiu was placed in, when he saw someone slam into his eyes.

The man was sitting in a wheelchair, surrounded by elegance and luxury, which made him particularly out of place.

Jiang Suizhou's undressing movement stopped.

… Huo Wujiu.

How could Huo Wujiu be in his room! !

He froze in place, a moment later, suddenly turned around and walked out.

I was hitting Meng Qianshan with an ambiguous and happy face, and his face was full of reserved smiles waiting for his praise.

Jiang Suizhou gritted his teeth.

… To praise you, I can't wait to beat you.

"Master?" Seeing Jiang Suizhou staring at him, Meng Qianshan smiled and opened his mouth, waiting for Jiang Suizhou to speak.

Jiang Suizhou paused for a moment and said in a low voice: "... Is this what you arranged?"

Meng Qianshan was stunned, and then suddenly realized.

"Ah, yes! I forgot about the minions, Madam Huo is here, there is no one to serve you!" he said. "The two maids who were originally arranged for the lady have been expelled from the house by the little ones. Now there is still a little servant left. Looks like an honest one, Lord, look..."

Meng Qianshan's words stopped here, waiting for Jiang Suizhou's instructions.

Jiang Suizhou's face was pale.

Who asked you this! I'm asking you, why Huo Wujiu lives in my room!

Is it such a big yard, other houses can't live in it!

But when the words came to his lips, he moved his lips and still didn't say anything.

The door was wide open, and Huo Wujiu was inside, and he could definitely hear what he said.

If you get people here and drive them out, don't you want to offend him again

… I thought that making this decision could reduce the difficulty a bit, but I didn't expect to be lifted to the hell level by a fool like Meng Qianshan.

Jiang Suizhou gritted his teeth, gave Meng Qianshan a fierce look, and took the words back to his lips.

"There was one?" He answered the words of Meng Qianshan just now, and said. "Where is the person, I'll go and see."

Hearing this, Meng Qianshan quickly led him down the stairs.

The people in the yard are busy, and the young man is moving things with others, moving a bead of sweat on his forehead, reflecting the light in the sun.

Seeing Jiang Suizhou coming, the young man hurriedly put down his things, then bowed and saluted Jiang Suizhou.

Jiang Suizhou paused, then remembered something.

He had guessed that if Huo Wujiu could escape from here in three years, there must be someone inside and outside. But the original owner would never give him this opportunity, so he dragged it off for three full years.

But... what if you help him

Wouldn't it have given him an adult favor, and saved himself from dealing with Pang Shao's group for two years

He pondered for a moment, and said to the young fellow: "You come with me."

This is to tell him something privately.

Xiao Si hurriedly followed, Meng Qianshan stayed in place with a wink.

None of them saw, through the gap of the window lattice, a pair of dark eyes fell on Jiang Suizhou's back.

He watched Jiang Suizhou found the young man next to him, and took the young man to the side to speak alone.

As a prince, what would you say to a small servant

It is definitely to let him do something. Huo Wujiu clearly knew that the young man could do nothing but monitor himself for him.

Why did the other party suddenly move himself to his residence... The answer seems to be self-evident.

This is the most heavily guarded place in the palace.

As for why I live in the main house... Just looking at the strange look in King Jing's eyes when he came in, I knew that his staff made the wrong arrangement.

Huo Wujiao prided himself on being calm, never being affected by petty gains, and not losing his judgment just because the other party showed a little favor.

His face was expressionless, his eyes were cold and indifferent, and he quietly watched every move of the person outside the window.

Only the hand placed on the wheelchair tapped his fingertips on the armrest a little irritably.

The author has something to say:

It's our favorite silly dog flag time again!

Jiang Suizhou: I heard that you are very calm, you will not be affected by your reason, and you are also very judgmental

Huo Wujiu: QAQ, wife, barking