After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine

Chapter 125: Extraordinary II


For a while, the court was silent, and the courtiers looked at each other.

Some old officials from Nanjing knew what was going on. But even they didn't expect that Huo Wujiu would speak so grandly.

The cold sweat on Zhang's forehead rolled down.

"This... This... General Huo... This..." For a moment, he couldn't even say anything. After a long time, he finally knocked his head heavily.

"The minister is reckless, the minister knows his mistake, and the minister will never force your majesty again!" he said sadly.

It may be that he did something wrong, said the wrong thing, and made General Huo angry to make a joke of himself.

He confessed his mistake quickly, but Huo Wugui was dissatisfied.

"I'm asking you, how am I." Huo Wujiao repeated.

"General Huo..." Seeing this, Jiang Suizhou on the dragon chair quickly asked to persuade him.

Huo Wujiu raised his head and glanced at him. When Jiang Suizhou leaned forward, he stopped and sat back again, resigning.

Forget it, the previous words have already been said, and it doesn't make much sense to stop at this moment.

It's just that this adult... The sin doesn't end here, it's really pitiful.

Master Zhang was dumbfounded by Huo Wujiu's question, but he didn't expect that he had already apologized, but Huo Wujiu refused to forgive him. This caused Master Zhang to panic so much, he knelt on the ground for a long time, then raised his head in a daze and looked at Huo Wujiu.

Huo Wujii looked down at him and looked bad.

"What?" he asked. "Do you think I can't?"

"no… "

"Then I can do it?" Huo Wugui asked.

Lord Zhang's sweat beads fell to the ground.

"But, general, you... you..."

"I am what I am." Huo Wugui snorted impatiently.

"Doesn't King Jing like men?"

"Yes... but..."

"But what, I am not a man?"

"You are, but..."

"Then it's fine." Huo Wujiu raised his head satisfied, his eyes swept towards the hundreds of civil and military officials in the hall.

"Which of you disagrees?" he asked.

For a while, everyone was frightened and dumbfounded, and no one dared to be this early bird.

A few clever officials looked straight at Qi Min.

Master Qi is the most stubborn and conservative. Whoever agrees, he can't agree? This stubborn old man usually talks a lot, so hurry up and talk now!

But Qi Min stood there without saying a word.

"Since the adults agree, then this matter is easy to handle." Huo Wujiu retracted his gaze with satisfaction, and looked up at Jiang Suizhou as if showing off.

Jiang Suizhou smiled helplessly, and had to let him go.

Huo Wujiu's eyes swept away and he looked straight at Qi Min.

"This big wedding is left to Master Qi." He said. "How can I be a queen in my status? Take it as it is, and give me something better."

Baiguan immediately looked at Qi Min.

Master Qi! General Huo, this is too deceitful! It's on your head, you can't stop expressing your opinion!

Qi Min stepped forward, his expression was plain, neither humble nor overbearing.

The ministers breathed a sigh of relief, and only waited for Qi Min and Huo Wujiu to hold back.

However, Qi Min held the slab with both hands, bowed down, and opened his mouth.

"Chending fulfills his mission." Qi Min said.

Chaotang fried the pot.

What happened to this! Officials in the DPRK, you come to me to urge the emperor to marry, but the urge was made, but it was General Huo who married.

What's even more outrageous is that General Huo himself wanted to come to this marriage, and the emperor did not object.

Isn't this a mess!

There are a lot of officials in North Korea and Nanjing, and everyone knows that General Huo had been forced by the situation to act as a concubine for King Jing. But this was forced by the situation. No one really took it seriously, but he didn't expect that in the end, it was General Huo himself who actually did the fake.

This is extremely unconventional, but everyone in the DPRK knows that General Huo is the most bad-tempered and stubborn person.

No one dared to be this early bird, and was the first to challenge him.

Everyone dragged them with such dissatisfaction until Master Qi ordered the post-sealing ceremony and taught Huo Wujiao to ride a tall horse beautifully and moved from the Dingbeihou Mansion to the imperial palace.

After this day, General Huo would no longer have to stay secretly in the palace with a sullen expression.

He became a righteous lady in the palace.

According to Huo Wujiu's requirements, the post-sealed ceremony was really smooth and graceful. At the ceremony, the civil and military officials all looked miserable, but they had to put on a smile. Each laughed better than crying, and watched General Huo get off his horse, wearing a golden red robe, grandly. Strode up to your majesty's order and walked to the emperor's side.

In front of the hundred officials, he generously held the emperor's hand.

All the civil and military officials were heartbroken and concealed their faces with sleeves.

However, General Huo, who got his wish, naturally couldn't take care of them.

The ritual music in the palace rang into the night, and it was not until the third clock that the imperial city finally calmed down.

Jiang Suizhou returned to the sleeping hall tiredly, and saw Huo Wujiu sitting on his dragon bed.

The gown on his body hasn't been changed yet, a piece of gold and red, spreading like a cluster of fire. Seeing Jiang Suizhou coming in, Huo Wujiu put down his knees and moved aside to signal Jiang Suizhou to sit over.

Jiang Suizhou sat down beside him and said with a smile: "Who let you in, do you dare to sit on my dragon bed?"

Hearing his joke, Huo Wujiu's expression didn't change at all, but he laughed.

"In this palace, where can I not go to this palace now?"

His tone was a bit arrogant, and Da Ma sat there with a golden sword, not at all like a queen married into the palace, but like a bandit who took the mountain as the king.

"Presumptuous." Jiang Suizhou smiled.

Huo Wujiu pulled him over, leaned forward and bit his ear: "The more presumptuous is still to come."

Because of the big wedding of the emperor and empress today, the red candles in the dormitory are swaying, and the red draperies are hanging down, which is quite a scene of bridal florets and candles.

When pressing Jiang Suizhou into the couch, Huo Wujiu asked in a low voice: "Do you remember the last time we two got married?"

Jiang Suizhou answered: "What's wrong?"

Huo Wujiu laughed in a low voice: "Do you know what I was thinking at that time?"

"What do you want?" Jiang Suizhou asked him.

"At that time, I just thought about how to kill you."

Huo Wujiu leaned close to him and took a bite on his lips.

"But now, my mind has not changed." He laughed softly.

"But I have to change the way."

As usual, these official women should always send some into the palace. One served the emperor and extended his heirs, and the other was also a patron for the family.

No one believes that the emperor will not choose his concubine all his life, and only when General Huo's move to marry into the palace this time is a whim and jokes.

No one took this kind of thing seriously, and no one dared to take it seriously.

However, after this day, if you want to force the emperor to marry a concubine, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

The emperor had a good temper, and they pressed harder as ministers, at least the emperor would not be angry with them. But General Huo was different. Since he became a queen, whoever dared to say a word to fill the emperor's harem would be death.

Although the civil servants said that their bones were hard, they had no desire to die.

This matter had to be dragged on. After a long time, the ministers who have girls of the right age in their homes became a little anxious.

There are always officials who keep their girls and want to send them to the palace. But after a long time, seeing that if you delay, you will become an old girl.

Finally, a courtier spoke and offered to send his daughter into the palace to serve the emperor.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, General Huo, who was standing at the forefront of the military attache, immediately looked fierce.

-Today's General Huo, even though he is a queen, still serves as the Dingbeihou position, and he never comes to the ground in every great dynasty meeting.

The minister felt General Huo's unkind gaze, his back straightened, and he dared not look at him nervously, his eyes fixed on Jiang Suizhou.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Suizhou smiled helplessly.

"Thank you Aiqing for thinking about me, but I took it with kindness. You don't have to send your daughter to the palace anymore."

Speaking of this, before the official spoke again, Jiang Suizhou looked around the hall and said: "Speaking of which, I have an important matter."

The courtiers raised their heads.

"The world reunifies, according to the law, it should be rewarded. The generals and adults who helped me unify the world are almost rewarded now, but there are still some things that have not been taken care of."

With that, he looked at Lou Yue.

"Paling down Jiangnan, except General Lou who made great contributions. There is also General Lou's love daughter Lou Wanjun. If it hadn't been for Miss Lou to lead the army to defend the city and save me from the crisis, I am afraid that I would not be able to sit here long ago and face your love again. NS."

Hearing this, the expressions of the ministers of the DPRK and China became strange.

What? Suddenly mentioning Lou Wanjun, is it because the emperor has taken a fancy to Lou Yue's daughter and wants to accept her as his concubine

For a while, the eyes of the courtiers all fell on Lou Yue and Huo Wujiu.

I saw that Huo Wujiu's expression was indifferent.

At this moment, they heard Jiang Suizhou continue to say.

"Although Ms. Lou is a woman, she leads the soldiers in battle, and she has achieved great results and does not lose to men. Since ancient times, Mulan has served her father in the army. If she wants to be a woman, it is not that she cannot contribute to the court."

Having said that, he looked at Lou Yue.

"General Lou takes the lead." Jiang Suizhou said. "I intend to canonize Lou Wanjun as the third-ranking leader of Xiaoqi, and take charge of the guard of the imperial city."

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion in the court.

The officials were dumbfounded. Many officials knelt down and asked Jiang Suizhou to take back his will.

"Think twice, the emperor!" an official said sadly. "The Lou's daughter is meritorious, and it is not an exaggeration to reward her with gold and silver, but how can she let a woman enter the court as an official? Isn't it that Sichen, the ancestor, has disrupted the ancestors' rules and regulations!"

Jiang Suizhou looked at him and asked, "My lord, is it comparable to Lou Wanjun in martial arts strategy?"

The minister blushed: "Everyone has their own strengths." Jiang Suizhou asked with a smile: "The adults also know that each has its own strengths. If this is the case, if the adults are good at governing politics, I will give you the official position. Lord Lou Wan is good at leading soldiers. Why can't she be a general?"

"But… "

Jiang Suizhou did not give him a chance to continue.

"General Huo, do you have any objections?" he asked.

"The minister will follow the imperial edict." Huo Wujiu glanced at the official indifferently, standing upright.

Jiang Suizhou nodded when he heard the words.

"That's good." He smiled. "The leader of the three armies is General Huo. Since General Huo has no opinion, if you have any opinions, you can just mention it to General Huo."

Sure enough, the courtiers who were talking about it all looked at Huo Wujiu, and all of them disappeared for a while.

Jiang Suizhou withdrew his gaze with a faint smile.

This queen is really very useful, not only can stop children from crying at night, but also scare the civil and military people of the whole country into silence.

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