After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine

Chapter 4


After Jiang Suizhou lay down, he closed his eyes tightly, and only waited to fall asleep quickly and get through the night.

It's best to wake up the next day when he was in his apartment and was woken up by an alarm clock.

… But even if he just wanted to sleep peacefully, Jiang Suizhou failed to do so.

It's really a carved bed in all four places, not only looking at the person, but lying on it even more so. He can only be sideways, with a thin cloak over him, which can barely be a quilt.

This sickly crooked body is beyond his expectations.

The narrow seat made his back sore, even in the spring room, his hands and feet were cold.

Throughout the night, he couldn't sleep and couldn't sleep at all. He had to stay up until the red candle burned out in the room and the sky was getting bright outside the window.

By the time he sat up early in the morning, his whole body was so painful that he almost fell apart, and his throat was also a little itchy, which made him want to cough.

He squeezed his throat and coughed twice and rubbed his dizzy forehead.

Outside the window, there are already many maids waiting under the corridor. Jiang Suizhou looked up and saw Meng Qianshan standing at the door with his hands in his hands, presumably he wanted to wait for him to wake up and come in and wait for him.

Never let him in, as soon as he came in, he and Huo Wujiu didn't have the same bedtime, didn't they show up

Jiang Suizhou immediately made a decision in his heart.

Got to run, run quickly.

He glanced at Huo Wugui.

On the other side of the bed, with an empty wheelchair, Huo Wujiu lay motionless on his side, facing him.

A little light came through the window, shining on his face, and the crow-like eyelashes cast a shadow.

He is indeed very good-looking.

His facial contours are sharp, his features are profound, and the bridge of his nose is straight. With his eyes closed at this time, his fierce black eyes are covered by long eyelashes, and he looks heroic.

Facing the sun, Jiang Suizhou saw that a small old scar crossed the tail of his left eyebrow, suddenly cutting off the sharp eyebrows.

It was like a scratch that fell on a god soldier, causing it to fall into the mortal dust, stained with a bit of blood.

He slept soundly.

Jiang Suizhou breathed a sigh of relief and carefully got up from the couch.

Huo Wujiu hasn't woken up yet, so it would be best.

After all, I put my words so cruel last night, but hid next to sleep for a night, and ran away dingy at daybreak, no matter how you look at it, it was a bit shameless.

This kind of faceless thing is more suitable to be done without knowing it.

Thinking about this, Jiang Suizhou straightened his robe and stood up straight, seeming to be magnanimous, but actually walked out lightly.

As the footsteps went away, the door made a sound of being opened, and then it was closed again.

The only slight sound in the room also disappeared, leaving nothing but an empty silence.

Huo Wujiu opened his eyes.

Those gloomy eyes, awake and sharp, didn't look like they had just woken up.

His eyes fell coldly on the couch under the window.

Under the open window, the sunlight fell on it, and the dust flew under the light.

There is no one on that couch.

Even, it has been carefully sorted out. Just by looking at the awkwardly flattened folds above, it seems that the person struggling to hide the traces of his sleep.

Huo Wujiu's gaze paused.

He has always been extremely alert, and he has good ears and eyes. Therefore, every move of King Jing last night did not escape his eyes.

He watched him squeeze and lie down on that bird-sized couch, and then listened to him tossing about there, thinking that his movements were lightly tossing all night.

Just now, listening to him as a thief, he tiptoed out.

… Incredible.

Before coming here, Huo Wujiu had expected what he would face in the Jing Palace. King Jing is a vicious and insidious person, cunning and hateful, and he is originally at odds with Emperor Jing. Emperor Jing looked like a reward, but in fact he used him to humiliate King Jing. King Jing couldn't help but hate him.

His situation will only be more difficult than in the sky prison.

But instead of this King Jing did nothing, he avoided him, as if he were terrifying.

Huo Wujiu lowered his eyelashes involuntarily, and his eyes fell on his legs.

People from Nanjing are indeed afraid of him. It was because of fear of him that he would abolish his meridians and break his legs.

Even he has become a disabled person who can't stand up, they are still afraid. Just as yesterday, he was just taken out of prison, and most of the imperial forest troops were dispatched, and all the streets along the road were strictly enforced.

The sedan chair was remodeled more rigidly than the prison car, as if he had the ability to fly out with wings.

Huo Wujiu had known for a long time how much he had made them frightened before, and now their abuse of him will become even worse.

As long as it falls in the hands of the enemy, the enemy's fear will be transformed into a knife stabbed in him. Only when he reaches the point where there is only one breath left, they will be relieved.

They are right to do so. After all, he Huo Wujiu, as long as there is room to move, he will never sit still.

But this King Jing...

Huo Wujiu frowned.

He had never seen a person like King Jing, who was clearly afraid of him, and there were some ways to deal with him, but he didn't do anything.

He didn't believe in Jing Wang Chunshan at all, but Jing Wang didn't seem to have any need to act on him.

Huo Wujiu closed his eyes.

He had guessed many moves of the opponent as early as he was in prison, leaving himself with plenty of backhands. He knew that something was bound to happen, but he never thought...

The accident he encountered would actually be King Jing.

Seeing Jiang Suizhou push the door out by himself, Meng Qianshan who was waiting at the door was startled.

He looked at the sky, hurriedly greeted him, and said, "Master, there is still more than an hour before the meeting, why don't you rest?"

Jiang Suizhou closed the door.

Dachaohui? He knew it. The Jing Dynasty did not have the rules of dynasty every day, but one dynasty for five days, which was called Dachaohui.

But he did not expect that he would run into it the day after he wore it.

He nodded and spoke faintly, his voice a little dumb: "Wake up early, nothing happened."

Meng Qianshan hurriedly responded, turned his head and ordered the people next to him to go to the prince’s courtyard to prepare food, and he helped Jiang Suizhou and led him out of the courtyard.

Jiang Suizhou stayed up all night. At this moment, when he was dizzy, he did not refuse, letting Meng Qianshan support him.

Meng Qianshan glanced at him carefully as he walked.

… Good fellow.

His eyes were dark blue, his face was pale, his footsteps were vacant, and there was uncontrollable fatigue in his eyes.

This... The prince, was it very intense last night

Meng Qianshan took a look, then carefully withdrew his gaze. But he couldn't control his eyes, and couldn't help but glanced again at the second and third.

He peeked too often, even Jiang Suizhou found out.

As soon as Jiang Suizhou sat down on the footsteps at the gate of the courtyard, he saw Meng Qianshan looking at him again.

Jiang Suizhou couldn't help frowning, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Meng Qianshan hurriedly closed his gaze and said with a smile: "Nothing, nothing, just want to ask the prince, what do you want to use this morning?"

Jiang Suizhou shook his head: "Whatever you want."

Meng Qianshan hurriedly responded, and instructed the servants to lift their feet, and then walked towards Anyintang.

Jiang Suizhou pondered for a moment, and then asked, "Meng Qianshan, Huo Wu... Can you arrange the yard where Mrs. Huo will move?"

Although his head was dazed, he still remembered his calculations last night. The place where they slept last night was the auditorium in the palace for weddings. Today, Huo Wujiu will move to his residence.

Once you have made up your mind not to provoke him, you must not treat him badly for these basic necessities.

Meng Qianshan was dumbfounded.

Ah? When will the prince ask about these trivial things in the mansion

Jiang Suizhou didn't wait for a moment to respond. He turned his head and saw Meng Qianshan go silly there.

"Meng Qianshan." He reminded.

Meng Qianshan hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, the prince has already ordered you to go down!"

Jiang Suizhou paused, and then said: "He seems to be hurt badly. You will have to take a look at it in a while."

Good guy, I have to find a doctor for someone else.

Meng Qianshan nodded repeatedly: "The minion will go find a doctor in a while and show it to Madam Huo."

Jiang Suizhou gave a hum and said, "You have a snack."

After speaking, he retracted his gaze, closed his eyes, and took a nap on his forehead.

But he didn't notice that Meng Qianshan, who was following, had long been stunned by his orders.

He was already screaming in his heart.

He was sent to serve the prince since he was in his early ten years of age. He has been with him for many years. When has he seen the prince take care of this!

Fuzhong is not a lady without a side, even if he is spoiled again, I have never seen the prince take such care!

He hadn't forgotten that when the prince came last night, he was still cold and angry. Yesterday he threw his hijab again and drank Hebu wine by himself. Just waiting for the eyes of others made his back sweat.

But only one night, unexpectedly... I started to think of the lady in it so much!

What else can teach people to change their attitudes so quickly? Even if he is just an eunuch, he knows a little bit.

But I want to come...

Just by looking at the prince's excessive indulgence/desire today, the lady's methods inside can give you a glimpse of one or two.

Thinking of this, Meng Qianshan couldn't help but sigh.

Unexpectedly... Unexpectedly, that crippled person, and such skills!

The author has something to say:

Jiang Suizhou: Backache and backache. I didn't sleep all night and my head exploded.

Meng Qianshan: ... Oh, Mrs. Huo, Niubi.