After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine

Chapter 65


Huo Wujiao really came back soon.

He was holding the sword in one hand, with blood dripping from it. He was holding some dry dead branches and carrying a snow-white rabbit in his other hand, which was breathless.

He walked to the bank of the river beside Jiang Suizhou, knelt down, and peeled his skin neatly by the water.

The sword in his hand was clearly a three-foot-long sword, but it didn't get in the way at all, and his movements were very agile. Jiang Suizhou sat aside and looked curiously, and saw that he cleaned up a rabbit in a short while and placed it on a clean rock beside him.

After doing this, he picked up the pile of dead branches again.

Jiang Suizhou couldn't help but said: "Why do you know everything?"

Huo Wujiu raised his eyes to look at him, and saw Jiang Suizhou sitting on the rock beside him rather well. He was clearly wearing a neat arrow sleeve riding attire, but it couldn't conceal the peculiar bearing of that wealthy young man at all. Here is the deserted mountains and ridges, and there is not a small amount of people around. He sits here like a piece of beautiful jade that has been dropped in the wild.

Those eyes that have been imprisoned in the wealthy township all day long, really look at everything fresh.

Huo Wujiu is different from him, he has been wild since he was a child. Yangguan was desolate and there was no place to play. When he was a little boy, he went out to play with people. He used to go hunting on horseback, catching rabbits and shooting wild geese. The animals they caught were roasted and eaten on the spot, but besides that, there was nothing else to play with.

Later, he marched with his father to fight for years, and the conditions were naturally more difficult than Yangguan. During the march, there has always been something to eat, and the prey that came in was roasted and eaten. Naturally, it couldn't be more common.

He is only capable of killing a rabbit now, in the eyes of the prince, he has become "everything".

He couldn't help showing a two-point smile on his face, lowered his eyes, took out the flint and cut it with a sword, sparks splashed, threw it on the pile of dead branches, and ignited.

Seeing Huo Wujiu's smile, Jiang Suizhou was also a little embarrassed.

Speaking of it, he still has no knowledge of modern people who have never killed a chicken.

Huo Wujiu put the stripped rabbit on string and put it on the fire. After a while, the smell of meat diffused, the fat of the rabbit meat was roasted by the fire, and a squeaking sound was made on the skin.

Jiang Suizhou's eyes couldn't help but turn from the meat on the shelf to Huo Wujiu's face.

At this moment, the sun was just right, shining brightly on Huo Wujiu's body. Before today, Jiang Suizhou hadn't seen Huo Wujiu standing up, nor had he seen him sitting on the ground so casually and chicly.

He was really good-looking, and his appearance at this time was as if he had thrown off the heavy yoke on his body and renewed his light.

This is how Huo Wujiao should have been.

After a while, Huo Wujiao noticed his gaze.

He raised his eyes to look at him and said, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Suizhou hurriedly shifted his gaze.

"It's nothing." He was a little vacant, and hurriedly made an excuse. "Just thinking, after today, will you still pretend that your legs are not good?"

Huo Wujiu gave a hmm.

"Before you are ready to do it, you can't let them notice." He said.

Jiang Suizhou nodded.

"So what do you think now?" he asked.

Huo Wujiu pondered for a moment.

"Do you know Lou Yue?" he asked.

Of course Jiang Suizhou knew.

Nanjing's rare celebrity was once a close friend of Huo Laohou.

But in those days, Emperor Jingyou intended to eradicate the Huo family, and the Huo family rebelled. Since then, the famous family of Jing Dynasty has become a rebel who overthrew the old dynasty. Because Lou Yue had nothing to do with this matter, he went south to clean up the Japanese pirates at that time. He was thousands of miles away, so he stayed in Nanjing.

Both Emperor Jing You and King Queen knew his friendship with Old Master Huo, so they dared not use him. Until the history books, Huo Wujiu sent his army south to Lin'an, but the master did not let Lou Yue go to the battlefield.

Three days before the city was broken, the latter confiscated all of Lou Yue's military power and executed him.

Naturally, the lord who had obtained all the soldiers under Lou Yue still failed to resist Huo Wujiu's offensive, and killed Lou Yue because he was worried about him and feared that he would pass the enemy inside and outside.

Thinking of this, Jiang Suizhou paused.

He knew that Lou Yue had an only daughter named Lou Wanjun. After Nanjing's demise, Huo Wujiu rescued her and took her in.

Since then, he has kept Lou Wanjun by his side, even if he returned to Yangguan to guard.

There are many clues in the history books about the relationship between the two of them. Lou Yue and Huo Laohou often walked around when they were young, and their children also had a verbal marriage contract. Huo Wujiu and Lou Wanjun are also childhood sweethearts who have known each other since childhood.

Lou Wanjun lost his mother in his early years and was always by his father's side.

However, Lou Yue was conservative, never let her go to the battlefield, let alone lead her soldiers. It was after Lou Wanjun followed Huo Wujiu that she had the opportunity to go to the battlefield, and she has since left her name in the history of youth.

Although the two of them were not married, no matter what the history is, they all acquiesced that Lou Wanjun was Huo Wujiu's confidante, let alone that Lou Wanjun had a son and his biological father was unknown, but he followed Huo Wujii's surname.

These are all things Jiang Suizhou knows best. He has read no less than five papers related to this.

But somehow, thinking about it now, he felt a little unspeakable in his heart.

He couldn't say what it was like, he was always uncomfortable.

He was in a trance for a while, and didn't come back to his senses until he heard Huo Wugui's voice.

"What's the matter?" He heard Huo Wugui ask.

Jiang Suizhou hurriedly smiled, but somehow, the corners of his mouth were a little heavy, and he smiled reluctantly: "Naturally I know."

Huo Wujiu's face was puzzled: "You two have a holiday?"

Jiang Suizhou shook his head: "No."

Huo Wujiu frowned and looked at him, then raised his eyes to look at the sky: "He has such an ugly face, heatstroke?"

Jiang Suizhou didn't know why he didn't look good, and he didn't even notice it. He just felt uncomfortable all of a sudden. Perhaps the medicine Gu Changyun gave hadn't had the effect yet, and it would happen occasionally.

He said: "It's nothing, you go on."

Huo Wujiu glanced at him, then said: "There is nothing to say, but I saved his life by mistake in the early years, and now I plan to beg for retribution."

He spoke very frankly, as if asking for gratitude to report this matter was very popular.

Jiang Suizhou suppressed his discomfort, and then asked, "Are you sure he is willing to help you?"

Huo Wujiu looked at the crackling flames and said, "Although he is loyal, he is not a fool. He should know who Jiang Shunheng is. What's more, now we and Jing Chao are dead and dead, and he should also Think clearly, stand and understand the direction."

Speaking of this, he said lightly: "Even if he doesn't want to live, he has to think about his daughter."

Jiang Suizhou had a meal.

Hearing what Huo Wujiu said...

He and Lou Wanjun should have no affair, right

Somehow, he was clearly talking about business, and when he heard Huo Wujiu's words, this was the first thought in his mind.

He was stunned, then a little bit annoyed afterwards.

What is he thinking! What is the relationship between Huo Wujiu and Lou Wanjun, and it has nothing to do with him...

Suddenly, a burst of heat rushed to his face.

Jiang Suizhou raised his head and saw Huo Wujiu holding a dead branch in one hand, and handing the rabbit with a crispy and greasy roast to him.

"Did you let the sun be stupid, or is there something wrong with the medicine Li Changning prescribed for you?" he said. "How dare you, eat quickly."

Huo Wujiu's craftsmanship is indeed very good.

There is no seasoning in the wild, so he can roast the rabbit with fire only, and it will be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the juice is overflowing.

However, Jiang Suizhou did not have a big appetite, and his stomach was delicate, but he couldn't eat a rabbit leg.

Most of the remaining rabbits fell into Huo Wujiu's stomach.

After Jiang Suizhou finished eating, Huo Wujiu conveniently landed and cleaned up the surrounding area. For a while, there was no trace of the fire.

The sun gradually went down.

Sitting by the river, Jiang Suizhou looked up boredly at the sun light gradually sinking. The scenery in the mountains is beautiful, and the wind is clean and soft. Jiang Suizhou has never been so leisurely since he has been here.

However, he still couldn't help but said: "The emperor is too cruel. It's been a long time since he didn't send anyone to collect my body."

Huo Wujiu, who was sitting next to him, laughed: "He is also afraid that all his previous efforts will be lost."

Jiang Suizhou suddenly thought of something and quickly asked, "By the way, you won't be discovered if you have been out for so long, right?"

Huo Wugui said: "No, they are all in the paddock and won't return to the camp. What's more, I asked you to lock me in the room today?"

Jiang Suizhou looked at him: "Did you know that something was going to happen back then?"

Huo Wujiu said in his heart, I knew it when I knew you were going to hunt with you.

But before today, those speculations were nothing more than worries and could not be counted. Huo Wujiao did not refute, Quan acquiesced.

Thinking about this, Jiang Suizhou felt a little worried.

"Why don't you go back?" he said. "If you were discovered, wouldn't you be in danger? I only need to wait here for someone now, you don't have to stay here anymore."

Huo Wujiu raised his eyes to look at him: "There are wolves in the mountains."

Jiang Suizhou paused, unable to make a sound.

"They want to build a hunting ground, and they have kept a few tigers here." Huo Wujiu continued.

Jiang Suizhou was silent in controversy.

Seeing him, Huo Wujiu's lips rose involuntarily, and his wicked temper began to haunt him.

"Aren't you afraid?" he said, and stood up. "I'm leaving?"

Jiang Suizhou panicked, and quickly reached out and grabbed the hem of his clothes.

"Don't!" he hurriedly said.

Huo Wujiu stood in the distance with no expression on his face, but his eyes flashed for a while, and he looked down at him.

He turned against the light, Jiang Suizhou didn't see the joking expression in his eyes, and even forgot that this young man was shot out in the barracks, no matter how decent he was, there was also a two-point evil in his bones.

He only treated himself as not talking, which really made Huo Wugui feel that he was not afraid.

He looked up at Huo Wujiu, and said awkwardly: "...I've been here all day, and it's not bad for a while."

Although his mouth is a bit hard, the lingering look is true.

Facing the sunset, Huo Wujiu naturally saw his expression clearly.

… This king Jing, who seems very shrewd, really didn't see that he was teasing him.

Looking at the strategists in the court, and even if you fight with Pang Shao, you can't get rid of the wind. Why is it so easy to deceive in your own place

With those clean eyes alone, Huo Wujiu's heart was softened, as if the evening breeze in the mountains in the early summer was blowing into his heart.

The hand holding the corner of his clothes clearly didn't have much strength, but he sat down obediently following that force.

"It's funny." Huo Wujiu's voice was full of compromise, and he rubbed Jiang Suizhou's head as if his hands were unwilling.

The strength is gentle and tight.

The author has something to say: Mrs. Huo deserves to be soft

PS: Don't worry! Miss Lou does not have an arrow to General Huo, and General Huo does not have an arrow to Miss Lou! She is purely trying to write about a female general who is dedicated to martial arts raised by a male chauvinist general father!

—Be a wingman by the way, hehe!