After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine

Chapter 70


Because they didn't go with the ceremonial guard of the queen, their return journey was much faster.

At night, the carriage stopped at the gate of the palace.

Jiang Suizhou was already asleep.

He was already ill, and coupled with the swaying of the carriage, he returned to the mansion all the way dazedly, already unable to distinguish east from west to north.

Therefore, as soon as the car stopped, Meng Qianshan hurried in and asked for the doctor; Huo Wujiu sat in a wheelchair and watched the surrounding servants help Jiang Suizhou from the car and put him on foot.

Huo Wujiu felt a little empty.

Xu was because he held a person in his arms for a whole day, no matter how hot he was, not to mention that the person was nestled in his arms, and the heat was all over his heart.

At this moment, let the night breeze blow, and the warm half of his body suddenly became a little cold.

Huo Wujiu sat in the same place and didn't move until Wei Kai stepped forward to push him up in the wheelchair.

I could hear the voice of Meng Qianshan in front of him: "Lord?"

Huo Wujiao immediately looked in that direction.

Seeing that Jiang Suizhou on the footsteps didn't know what he said, Meng Qianshan looked at Huo Wujiu's side in succession. Then Huo Wujiu heard Meng Qianshan say: "Don't worry, Lord, Madam Huo is here."

Huo Wujiu's hand on the wheelchair tightened tightly.

… Really a fool.

The group hurriedly sent Jiang Suizhou back to Anyintang, and Wei Kai pushed Huo Wujiu into the yard.

The Anyin Hall was already brightly lit at this time, and the maids in the courtyard hurriedly came and went, all going to the main house.

"Li Changning has already gone, the general can rest assured." Wei Kai saw Huo Wujiu always looking over there, and whispered comforting behind him.

But I heard Huo Wujiu say: "Let's take a look."

Wei Kai knew where he was going, and did not refute when he heard the words. He only obediently pushed Huo Wujiu's wheelchair into the main house.

Everyone in the room is busy. Because the prince is always ill, the maids and servants all have experience, and they can be considered orderly at this time.

Huo Wujiu raised his hand and waved Wei Kai back. He pushed himself into the wheelchair and walked into Jiang Suizhou's bedroom.

The people didn't care to greet him, and he didn't disturb him. He just stopped quietly in an unobstructed corner near the bed and watched Li Changning diagnose and treat Jiang Suizhou.

The room was brightly lit, much brighter than on a carriage. Therefore, Huo Wujiu also clearly saw that Jiang Suizhou's face was already red.

Somehow, Huo Wujiu suddenly remembered the day when he first came to Jing Palace. At that time, he was covered with wounds, no one in the cell showed him the wounds, so he could only hang himself in the damp and cold prison. He was sent to Prince Jing's Mansion for the reason he knew it, and he was also prepared to suffer another humiliation when he came here.

However, he did not wait for all the things he expected, but waited until King Jing, who was guarding him under the lamp, when he had a high fever due to his injuries.

…Really stupid.

He never asked him to do anything for himself. Even if the two of them stand in a hostile camp, he has always been a person who does not offend me and I do not offend others. He will not really transfer the hatred with Jiang Shunheng to him. One cannot resist Jiang Shunheng. The idle prince of the will.

However, this person must give him everything, but he is very simple, not knowing that if he puts too much effort, he will exchange feelings that the other party shouldn't have.

Huo Wujiu looked at him quietly for a moment.

However, this kind of feeling is not really undesirable.

After all, when he looked at this person at this time, he only felt that the whole person was very painful, no one would dislike it, and he deserved to be planted on him.

Huo Wujiu's eyes couldn't look away at all.

Until Li Changning straightened up, quickly glanced at him in the corner, and then turned around to look at Meng Qianshan as if he hadn't seen him.

Meng Qianshan hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Doctor Li, what happened to the prince?"

Li Changning sighed, "Father-in-law, don't worry. The prince has only been caught by the cold, and it will take a long time before he is drowsy. After the old man prescribes the prince to take the medicine, he will be well after a few days of training."

Meng Qianshan let out a sigh of relief, repeatedly chanting Buddhism.

Then, he invited Li Changning to the side to prescribe medicine. The servants in the first room, after rectifying Jiang Suizhou, gradually retreated.

Huo Wujiu slowly moved to the side of the bed, stretched out his hand, and touched Peng Jiang Suizhou's face with the back of his hand.

It's still hot, very hot, very pitiful.

Huo Wujiu didn't speak for a while, but Meng Qianshan next to him had sharp eyes and leaned forward.

"Mrs. Huo?" he said. "Don't worry, the prince is fine."

Huo Wugui responded.

Meng Qianshan looked at him for a moment, and he also felt what he was going to do. Madam Huo's posture of guarding by the bed, but she is going to guard it until the prince wakes up

Although Meng Qianshan was happy for the prince, he did not dare to really work the master.

He said hurriedly: "The prince's medicine over there is going to be ready, so don’t worry, Madam. But the prince told you early in the morning to ask Dr. Li to show it to you. It’s too late at night, and Madam will go back to the room. Wait a minute? There are minions here."

Huo Wujiu looked at Jiang Suizhou in silence for a while.

According to his usual stubbornness that five cows can't pull back, naturally he would ignore Meng Qianshan. However, he has to be obedient now.

It's all because of the person in front of you.

He made himself ill because of the small wound on his shoulder.

There are a lot of people in the house, and others will be suspicious if they see him injured. Therefore, if he does not go back, there will be no chance to bandage him. When he wakes up tomorrow...

Must be unhappy.

Huo Wujiu's stubborn stubbornness that no one had ever had, was silently dissipated amidst this speculation.

Moments later, just as Meng Qianshanxin mentioned his throat, he heard Huo Wugui's voice while waiting to persuade him again.

"Let's go," he said.

There were two compromises in his tone that were not easily detectable.

After this day, Wei Kai suddenly understood what his general thought about King Jing.

He had only occasionally heard that there would be such a relationship between men and men, but it was just a joke. He had never imagined in his life that a man would really like a man, or his general would like that Jing Wang.

Wei Kai only felt shocked, but since the paddock returned to Lin'an, he couldn't bring up the idea of disgusting King Jing.

After all, King Jing was also very good to the general. That day, the general was so humiliated by Pang Shao, it was King Jing who designed to rescue him in time, covering up the fact that his legs were healed; after that, King Jing would suddenly fall ill, and their general happened to be able to follow him back to Lin'an for treatment. , He also knew it would never be a coincidence.

Although King Jing is the younger brother of the Emperor Dog, Wei Kai also knows him, and he should report his favor.


From his point of view, it was clear that King Jing had no interest in his general at all! It was his general who was fascinated by thousands of boudoir girls in Yangguan, who shaved his head and picked up his head. When they looked at them, they wanted to eat them in their stomachs.

Wei Kai said in all fairness that his general was not human.

King Jing regarded him as a friend, and he! He actually has such a... such a thought for others!

However, although Wei Kai said that he was slanderous, he still cares for his shortcomings and feels distressed for the general.

Their generals have been bachelor for twenty years, not to mention marrying, for the first time even like others. But he watched the general fight back to the palace, hoping for the stars and the moon, sitting in the room with a cold face every day, but the King Jing didn't even look at him.

Ordinarily, it shouldn't be watched either.

After all, they have returned to the palace, he and Li Changning will naturally not let the general be injured. However, now it's not a matter of whether their generals should take care of them, but their generals... Seeing their sweethearts.

However, King Jing was not coming. Only the eunuch under King Jing had come once. After seeing that the general was okay, he had to withdraw.

Their general finally spoke.

"Is your prince okay?" the general asked.

The eunuch hurriedly replied: "It's fine! Doctor Li has a good medical skill. After taking the medicine, the prince will be almost healed! Now it is just a little weak, but he is able to move freely!"

Huo Wujiu paused for a moment.

"That's good." He paused and said slowly.

Wei Kai was about to jump up in a hurry.

His general almost wrote the words "then why didn't he come to see me" on his face.

However, the eunuch seemed to be busy, did not notice the look of their general, smiled and bowed and bowed, and then withdrew.

The moment the door closed, the shadow fell on the general's face, and Wei Kai's heart was cold.

He hurried forward.

But before he could speak, he saw his general sitting there. After a long silence, he frowned and rubbed his eyebrows.

"Wei Kai." He said.

Wei Kai hurriedly responded, "General?"

He heard his general pause, and said hesitantly: "... You help me think about it, did I make him angry?"

In that tone, there were two points of doubt and three points of caution, and Wei Kai only felt that his general was taken away from him.

He couldn't help it anymore.

"... General," he said. "If you really want to see him, you might as well take the initiative to find him."

Jiang Suizhou did have some thoughts that avoided Huo Wugui.

His thoughts during his illness that day have not forgotten after waking up. He opened his eyes early in the morning, and the fever on his body subsided, but he stared at his bednet, but Huo Wujiu was all in his head.

He turned out to be... He was tempted by Huo Wujiao.

Jiang Suizhou only felt that he had been wearing his sleeves for a long time, pretending to be an illusion. But after thinking about it, he still has no feeling for men, but Huo Wujiu alone, thinking of him, seems to take a few beats of his heart.

… Committing evil!

He had no idea for a while, only felt guilty, which made him a little flustered. He didn't know how to face Huo Wujiu for a while, and he didn't dare to face the chaotic heartbeat when he thought of him and saw him, so he simply pretended to be an ostrich, closed the door, and didn't see him for a few days. .

Escape is useless, but it can be delayed anyway, so that he can't face the problem for the time being.

It's May now.

And these days, he didn't go, and indeed Huo Wugui didn't come to him.

Su Ri Li has always been like this. Huo Wujiu's temper was cold, his legs and feet were "inconvenient", so he stayed in the room all day, all on his own initiative to find him. Now that he avoided him, the two really couldn't see him.

Jiang Suizhou felt a little sour in rejoicing.

After all, the feeling of unrequited love is uncomfortable.

Therefore, in the past few days, Jiang Suizhou is also embarrassed, so he doesn't have to go to the yamen and sleeps in the room. The Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May can be regarded as a big day, but when he was ill, the house was deserted, and the festival atmosphere in the city was getting stronger, and it did not float to the palace of Jing.

Until this day.

He recovered from his illness, and when he got up after a nap, he sat on the bedside and read a book. The people in the room were all screened out, quiet and peaceful for a while, only the rustling of the trees in the courtyard could be heard.

Gradually, the sun tilted down.

At this moment, he heard the sound of the door opening. He only regarded Meng Qianshan as he turned a page of the book without raising his head.

"What's the matter?" he asked lazily.

But I heard Huo Wugui's voice.

"it's me."

Jiang Suizhou had a meal all over.

He froze in place, even less daring to look up.

For a moment, he just wanted to immediately bury his head in the quilt, so that all his secret thoughts would be hidden at the same time so that Huo Wujiu would not discover it.