After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine

Chapter 81


Huo Wujiu's appearance, where does it look like he's drunk too much

Meeting those lazily smiling eyes, Jiang Suizhou was stunned, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Since you drink too much, rest early." He said like this, and just got up.

But he didn't expect to be held back by Huo Wujiu.

As soon as he raised his hand, he took Jiang Suizhou's arm and got up with his strength.

He clearly could sit up by himself, but he insisted on dragging Jiang Suizhou, but instead dragged Jiang Suizhou almost to fall on the couch.

"you… "

Jiang Suizhou quickly reached out his hand to support the edge of the table on the couch, which stabilized his figure.

When he was about to speak, he listened to Huo Wujiu saying on the side: "Well, anyway, you don't have to worry."

Jiang Suizhou turned his head to look at him.

"However, I can't stretch my hand too long about those things in the DPRK. I guess what Pang Shao really wants to do to Lou Yue, I won't be able to get news the first time." Huo Wugui said.

Jiang Suizhou nodded.

"Don't worry about these," he said. "I have been staring at me since I noticed it early in the morning. Whenever there is a little bit of trouble, I will let you know immediately."

Huo Wujiu responded, "I can rest assured with you."

There was a smile on his eyebrows and his tone was light, but Jiang Suizhou somehow heard a kind of trust and seriousness in his tone.

He also nodded firmly.

I saw Huo Wujiu tilting the pillow next to him and said, "I have something I have never understood."


Jiang Suizhou asked.

Huo Wujiu flipped through the books at random with one hand, but looked at Jiang Suizhou.

"I heard that your father loved you very much," he said. "How did Jiang Shunheng become the emperor?"

This is the point. Although Jiang Suizhou is not King Jing himself, he is professional. It is estimated that there are some things that King Jing himself does not know clearly.

"The father went suddenly, without leaving a legacy." He said. "Although he is not favored, he is the eldest son of the emperor father. As soon as the emperor father died, my mother and concubine were secretly killed. I am helpless, so naturally he can't be supported by Pang Shao."

Huo Wujiu sighed.

"Unfortunately it was too late to meet you," he said.

Jiang Suizhou was amused by him and laughed.

"Why, if it's early, do you want to support me to be the emperor?" he said.

Huo Wujiu's eyes drooped, as if thinking about something. But the next moment, he raised his eyes, supported the pillow with one hand, and approached Jiang Suizhou.

"It's not too late to think about it," he said.

"What?" Jiang Suizhou was puzzled.

I saw Huo Wujiu staring at him, although his eyes were deep, his eyes were burning.

"If there is such a day, do you want to be the emperor?"

Jiang Suizhou naturally didn't dare to take Huo Wujiu's words seriously.

In his cognition, Nanjing was destined to destroy the country, and those in power for hundreds of years afterwards were all people with the surname Huo. This is the dynasty change that must be experienced in the feudal era, and it is also the historical trajectory of all of them.

As Huo Wujiu said...

As a traverser, he changed the historical process of Beiliang’s extinction. He sat on the dragon chair, and since then he has changed from a person who studies history to a monarch in history books... Forget it, he is a poor teacher. , Not so courageous.

Jiang Suizhou shook his head without thinking, "I don't want to."

Huo Wujiu didn't believe it.

"Really don't want to?"

He is a little closer to Jiang Suizhou, making half of his body a little nervous. He leaned back carefully, shook his head firmly and said, "I didn't think about it."

Seeing that Huo Wujiu looked at him for a moment, he snorted.

"You really are..." He sighed.

He saw that Jiang Suizhou's expression did not seem to be fake, and for a while could not figure out how his dazed father had spoiled him for so many years. Po Tian's power and wealth only brought up such a timid bun

Jiang Suizhou looked at him like this, but he was puzzled: "What's the matter... Have you thought about it?"

But Huo Wujiu said without hesitation: "Yes."

Jiang Suizhou didn't expect him to be so straightforward and honest. But thinking of his historically different results and choices from his attitude, he is even more puzzled: "Then why are you..."

His question stopped here, and Huo Wujiu knew what he wanted to ask.

"Xunyang's battle, you know?" He said.

Jiang Suizhou nodded.

"My father is dead, and my emperor's brother and uncle are separated on the battlefield." His expression was indifferent, as if he was talking about other people's affairs. "The soldier under me, even if it breaks through the siege, will not survive, so I first found my uncle and joined him."

Jiang Suizhou replied, he heard Huo Wujiao pause, and then said: "My uncle and the emperor were both seriously injured at the root of the disease. My uncle was forced to look back for my father, and my emperor brother, It was because when I found him, it was too late. His soldiers were almost wiped out. I dug him out of the dead."

Jiang Suizhou could hear that under his calm voice, there was an unnoticeable heaviness and tremor.

He was silent for a while, but looked at Huo Wugui quietly.

I heard Huo Wujiu say: "My father was the one who was upset. It stands to reason that I should go to sit on the throne. But their family started with my father, and it turned out to be inseparable from my father..."

Speaking of this, he smiled, as if relaxed: "Thinking about this, I don't want to sit in that position too much. Our family's uprising was originally for self-protection, but now the goal has been achieved. The throne is given to them. Count it as compensation."

This is something Jiang Suizhou has never seen in history books.

He only knew how tragic the Battle of Xunyang was, but it was nothing more than a rich stroke in the annals of history. Mentioned that battle, everyone said that Huo Wugui used his soldiers like a god and devised dangerous moves. It was a rare and beautiful battle in the history of the Jedi counterattack, but no one knew that such a battle that allowed him to fight the gods was for A fatal battle for his family.

Their family was just trying to survive and protect themselves.

Huo Wujiu paused, and when he looked up at Jiang Suizhou, he saw this expression on him.

The eyebrows sank listlessly, a pair of eyes stared at him, and the distressed expression seemed to overflow.

Such a soft-hearted person is the rarest of such a hard-hearted guy like Huo Wujiu.

Huo Wujiu leaned over to look at him, and the corners of his lips also smiled.

"What are you afraid of? It's all past." He said.

Jiang Suizhou whispered, "So, do you plan to go back to Shouyang Pass in the future?"

Huo Wujiu raised his brows.

"What shall I do when I go back there?" he said. "It's deserted and biased, and the Tatars are not rare to come to grab them. It's so interesting to keep guarding all day without even fighting."

Jiang Suizhou was puzzled: "Really?"

He looked at Huo Wujiu, and saw that Huo Wujiu also looked at him with some doubts.

"Yes," he said. "What do you think?"

Jiang Suizhou paused, but some doubts arose in his heart.

Huo Wujiu would not lie to him, but... In history, why did he go back and stay in Yangguan for a lifetime

This is something that only Jiang Suizhou knows. He hid this doubt in his heart, only waiting to find the reason from Huo Wujiu's body.

After that day, he went to and from the yamen of the Ministry of Rites as usual.

The affairs of the ritual department are not complicated, as long as there are no major festivals and ceremonies, you will have to relax in the sun. On this day, he walked around in the Yamen for a cutscene. Seeing that nothing happened, as a qualified fish catcher, he greeted the new Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites and went back to the house.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the gate of the mansion, he saw an unexpected person.

It was a woman, but she was wearing a strong dress with arrow sleeves, which looked rather sassy. The little boy behind her was holding something like a gift, and she was standing at the door, as if confronting the little boy guarding the door.

… It was Lou Wanjun

Jiang Suizhou was a little puzzled, and at the same time an inexplicable tension arose in his heart. When the carriage stopped at the door, he got up and got out of the car, just in time to hear Lou Wanjun's voice.

"Oh, don't let in? Okay, then I'm leaving." She said.

The guard at the door hurriedly said: "No miss! Our palace has rules, we need the villain to tell us about it first, please wait a moment..."

This little boy must have seen her precious status, and didn't dare to neglect her, but Lou Wanjun didn't answer the question at all, and said: "I have nothing to do. Since it's so troublesome, forget it. It's my heart, it's you who won't let in. of."

When she said she was leaving, the young man suddenly had no idea, and instead came forward to stop her.

"Miss! Not a lady..."

Where has he seen such a person! Obviously, she rushed to the palace to give gifts, and she didn't make things difficult for her, but she didn't enter the door all the time, as if she was forced to come by someone.

At this moment, Xiao Si heard a voice.

"Miss Lou?"

It's the lord!

Xiao Si was finally relieved. At this time of trouble, even the chilling prince became kind-hearted, making him grateful, bowing to Jiang Suizhou, and following him like a dog.

"This young lady is here to give gifts, but she doesn't come in." Xiao Si said.

Jiang Suizhou looked at Lou Wanjun. For some reason, he always felt that the girl seemed to have brightened eyes and stared at him.

"It's you!" Lou Wanjun smiled heartily, and then gave him a fist. "Mr. Lou Wanjun, I have seen the prince!"

It's like a quack.

Regardless of Huo Wujiu's relationship, Jiang Suizhou knew that this girl was a very likable and open-minded person. This should be gratifying, after all, for Huo Wujiu, it would not be inhumane, and for him, there is no need to worry about Huo Wujiu.

It's just that he can't be happy anymore.

He nodded faintly, and said, "Ms. Lou is here today, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing." She pointed to the boyfriend who was holding something behind her, and said. "Just to see Huo Wujiu, my father is worried about him."

She also knew that her father said that all her worries were false. He drank crookedly that day, just the wine he drank with Huo Wujiu. If you can put her father down, there is nothing to worry about if you want to come to Huo Wujiu.

Her father is just a drunkard who doesn't want to drink.

So she didn't think about doing things well, just came and went, and when she went back, she said she couldn't get in to the gate of Prince Jing's Mansion, and her father couldn't beat her to death because of this.


She looked at His Royal Highness King Jing who was standing in front of her.

This person is still wearing court clothes, and he should have returned from the yamen. She was in a military camp, and she had never seen such a beautiful man. What's more, her cool temperament always felt two points of gentleness, especially eye-catching.

If the sleeve is broken, it will not prevent her from admiring it.

I saw that His Royal Highness Jing smiled faintly, and said: "That's it. In that case, Miss Lou just enters the mansion."

Lou Wanjun still didn't want to go.

She asked again: "Listen to my father, you and Huo Wujiu live together? Will it be inconvenient?"

King Jing was obviously stunned.

Good guy, the beauty is shy, Lou Wanjun is a little excited.

This beautiful man with broken sleeves is a bit more interesting than the big five and three thick men in the barracks, and he would be embarrassed.

She looked at Jiang Suizhou with scorching eyes.

But I don't know that Jiang Suizhou's heart is already a little nervous.

Is this misunderstanding Lou Wanjun? After all, his reputation for breaking his sleeves is outside, and Huo Wujiu has such an identity, it is impossible for ordinary people not to misunderstand him. Let others misunderstand it, if Lou Wanjun wants to go wrong...

Jiang Suizhou knows how powerful it can be to get involved. Even if he likes Huo Wujiao, he doesn't want to let the misunderstanding break up their Y people at such a time, but Huo Wujiao loses a good relationship.

But with this explanation, he couldn't tell her grandly in such a large court.

He paused, resisting the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, and smiled lightly: "It's nothing inconvenient, girl, please."

Lou Wanjun blinked at him.

Is there any reason not to go after a beauty repeatedly invites

"Thank you prince, then." She smiled at Jiang Suizhou and raised her hand to invite him to come in with him.

Even Jiang Suizhou had to admit that this smile was eye-catching. He reluctantly smiled back and walked in with Lou Wanjun.

But he didn't know that the smile fell in Lou Wanjun's eyes, and it became a different look.

A beautiful man, his brows are cold on weekdays, although he is beautiful, he can only look far away. But when a two-point smile suddenly appeared, like a flower suddenly blooming on a snow-capped mountain, the original exquisiteness and handsomeness became vivid and attractive.

Lou Wanjun sighed in her heart and shook her head.

Who can stand this? If Huo Wujiu had stayed with this person for so long without moving in the rain, Huo Wujiu must have been blind.

The author has something to say: What is the experience of struggling to survive in a Longtan Tiger Lair like Jingwang Mansion

Lou Wanjun: Although I did not invite me, I must answer. First of all, the answer to the main question is too emotional, and the question is not valid, do you understand? As a genius scientist with tenth-level Yan control, God appreciates food and eats, where is Prince Jing's Mansion? That's not Longtan Tiger's Den, it's a paradise.

In short, I am just reluctant to think about Shu. Whatever makes meritorious deeds, and what iron horses and golden spirits are all nonsense.

I just feel that the first 20 years have been in vain, and now I am really happy.