After the Divorce, Me and My Tyrant Ex-husband Got Transmigrated as a Farmers in the Ancient Times

Chapter 37: Selling granddaughter


Xia Dinghai drove a horse-drawn carriage, carrying Grandpa Xia to the town to sell his granddaughter.

They specially changed into new clothes and brought some peanuts and sweet potatoes grown in the fields. When seeing the landlord, Mr. Gu, Grandpa Xia instantly changed from the richest man in the village to a humble man: "Mr. Gu, I came to the market today and brought you some peanuts and sweet potatoes grown in the fields. I hope you will accept them."

"Thank you very much." Mr. Gu asked them to sit down and asked, "Is everything okay at home?"

"It's okay. Although the eldest brother is gone, his skills are still there. The second and third brothers are busy every day, and they will be able to produce new tiles in a few days." Grandpa Xia said cautiously with a smile on his face.

Mr. Gu nodded and said: "Your Xia family has the best tiles in the surrounding area. Pass it on well."

"That's right." Grandpa Xia said, "Master Gu, where is the third young master of your family?"

"He went out." Mr. Gu replied.

Grandpa Xia sighed and said with a smile: "The Third Young Master is the most handsome young man in Pingning Town. Our granddaughter is still thinking about the Third Young Master!"

"You mean Xia Qianqian?" Mr. Gu was extremely surprised. "Didn't she prefer death to marriage?"

Xia Dinghai smiled and said, "Master Gu has misunderstood. Qianqian is kind-hearted and especially filial. She refused to marry because she felt that she was being filial. Now she has come to her senses and really wants to marry the Third Young Master and become his concubine."

"Is that so..." Mr. Gu stroked his beard and asked, "So what do you want to do today?"

"Master Gu, my granddaughter is pretty and capable. She will definitely be able to serve the Third Young Master well. I have written her indenture contract." Grandpa Xia took out the indenture contract and said, "We were the ones who let down the Gu family last time, so we don't need to pay thirty taels of silver. Twenty taels will be enough."

Automatically reduce the price by ten taels, this thing will definitely work! Grandpa Xia and Xia Dinghai are full of confidence.

Mr. Gu frowned and said, "Old Xia, I have heard about your granddaughter's reputation. She is extremely strong and ruthless. She is not suitable for our Gu family."

Grandpa Xia was stunned: "Who, who said that?"

"Hasn't it spread all over the place?" Mr. Gu laughed. "Do you have other granddaughters in your family?"

Xia Dinghai has two daughters, but they are still young. The older one is only eleven years old. How can they get married and have children before their period comes

Grandpa Xia was anxious, secretly cursing who was gossiping, but smiled and said, "Master Gu, rumors are not to be believed. My granddaughter has been working since she was young, and she is a little strong, but she is absolutely kind. Twenty taels of silver is cheap and can work!"

"That's not OK."

Just then, Mrs. Gu came with two maids, looking unhappy.

"Mrs. Gu." Grandpa Xia and Xia Dinghai stood up hurriedly.

Madam Gu didn't even look at them. She walked over to Mr. Gu and sat down, saying with a stern face, "You two, please go back! Our Sanlang has just recovered from a long illness and can't stand being frightened. If he gets frightened and something happens to him, I'll kill him!"

"Yes." Grandpa Xia was embarrassed and didn't dare to say anything more. He chatted a few words about family matters and quickly took Xia Dinghai away.

Xia Dinghai stamped his feet in anger: "Dad, Xia Qianqian must have said that on purpose!"

"It's not her. No matter how arrogant she is, she is still a girl waiting to get married and she won't ruin her reputation." Grandpa Xia's shrewd eyes flickered, "I think it's the Jiang family's revenge."

"Damn Jiang family! I'm going to settle the score with them!" Xia Dinghai said angrily.

Grandpa Xia grabbed him and said, "You are confused!"

"Dad! If it weren't for the Jiang family's gossip, Master Gu would have bought Xia Qianqian! Twenty taels of silver!"

(End of this chapter)