After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 25: Affectionate Blood Family 11


After restoring the bookshelf to its original state, Baili Xin quietly left the room.

The sky, which was clear just now, suddenly became gloomy.

The wind was raging, and there were lightning and thunder.

The hilltops in the distance are crumbling and the big trees are rising from the ground.

Baili Xin could feel the earth-shaking tremors even when he was standing in the corridor.

After a while, a sudden rain came.

The big raindrops hit the window with a crackling sound, like wild beasts roaring and trying to break in through the window.

Dijia huddled in Bailixin's chest, his fur shaking from bottom to top, then he turned over and found a more comfortable position to lie down, "Fortunately you are not a woman."

Baili Xin: “Hmm?”

Dijia yawned, "I just took a look, those bottles and jars are all filled with female parts, he should only be interested in women. Otherwise, with your looks, you will probably be his next target."

Baili Xin looked down at the big red skirt and said, "Does it seem like I am really a woman in other people's eyes now?"

Emperor Ga: “…”

The next stop was the studio. Baili Xin passed by other players' rooms and took a look. Several people had already left the room, some looking for food, and some looking for clues.

It was already pitch black outside the window. The lights were on in the room, but it still couldn't offset the feeling of being squeezed by nature outside.

"The rain is still so heavy," a player said, crossing his arms and shrinking his neck. "I still remember the first time I was almost killed by the rain."

"It was the same the second time. I remember it even hailed the second time."

Baili Xin held up her skirt and walked to the window to observe the rain outside. This rain without any warning showed no sign of stopping, but was getting heavier.

An elderly player said, "Now that you mention it, it's true. I remember there was hail the first time, and the ground was full of potholes. I was almost killed by the hail."

"Strange, there doesn't seem to be any hail this time."

"Have you noticed that the timing of the rain is not right? I remembered that the weather started to change in the afternoon, but now it's only morning."

"You really mean it."

Baili Xin: "Was the weather the same the first two times?"

The slightly older player thought for a moment and said, "That should be it. I remember it clearly. Both times the sun was about to set."

"Why did the weather change? Is it related to us entering the castle?"

Baili Xin stared at the heavy rain outside in a daze: "It is very likely. When the players who go out come back, please tell them that it is best for them to stay here from the sixth day onwards. I don't know how long the transmission time can last after the node appears."

"Okay, we understand!" Several players looked at Baili Xin with gratitude. "This time, thanks to you, we have made considerable progress compared to the other two times. It's amazing that we can meet here after the instance has been restarted."

Baili Xin was silent.

Yeah, it's amazing.

Who could have imagined that in such a cold and malicious darkness, there existed a place that could be called a paradise

Judging from the expressions of these players, this world should be considered safe. They have lived here for so many years and have always been at peace.

After giving the players a few more instructions, Baili Xin left the player room and headed for the studio.

To get to the studio, you have to pass through the hall and a long corridor. When passing the hall, Baili Xin took another look. Below was still the grocery room. He also happened to meet the player who came out to investigate at the bottom of the stairs.

It was Song Lei and the captain of the six-man team.

The captain of the six-man team is called Du Yang. Five years have passed, and Du Yang, who was once a strong young man, has become extremely cautious.

When he heard someone coming, he subconsciously drew out the dagger from his waist. He relaxed a little after seeing that the other person was Baili Xin, but there was still a hint of vigilance in the depths of his eyes.

Being betrayed by someone you trusted can take a lifetime to heal.

Du Yang retracted the dagger, "Are you here to investigate too?"

Baili Xin: "Yes, I come back several times a day to make sure I can find the darkness in time."

Du Yang and two teammates walked up from the bottom of the stairs. "There's nothing in here. It's just an ordinary grocery store. Where are you going?"

Baili Xin: "There is a studio up ahead. I want to go there and take a look."

Song Lei found a few memory fragments from his distant memory: "The studio, I remember it, we even went inside to have a look! At that time we thought there were two people in the painting, and we also guessed that Madam Rose was a substitute for the smiling human girl."

He paused, then walked over to Baili Xin and said, "Let's go and take a look together."

Baili Xin: "Okay."

After passing through the long corridor, Baili Xin arrived at the studio.

The totem on the studio door had its fangs bared and its eyes wide open.

Baili Xin stared at the animal head on the studio for two seconds.

Song Lei noticed Baili Xin's stagnation and asked, "What's wrong?"

Baili Xin: "Nothing, go in."

Pushing open the door, there were a few scattered paintings hanging in the huge studio.

Because it was dark outside, they couldn't see the contents of the paintings clearly.

The windows of the studio were not closed, and the raindrops as big as beans poured in without any hindrance.

The rain fell into the room and flowed everywhere along the ground. Several white canvases leaning against the wall were soaked by the rain.

The cold wind carrying raindrops rushed in and went straight to the vent of the door, making Du Yang shiver all over.

He quickly rushed forward and closed the window.

A thin layer of glass immediately blocked out the bad weather, saving the studio and the precarious canvases from the rain.

"It's so cold. I'm freezing to death." Du Yang narrowed his eyes and observed the studio. "Where is the light? Turn it on."

Baili Xin: "Pull the curtains first and then turn on the lights."

"Yes, draw the curtains," Song Lei reacted and quickly drew the curtains, "The lights are too obvious, what if the vampires see it."

Only after the curtains covered the windows tightly did Baili Xin turn on the light.

The room suddenly became bright. Du Yang and Song Lei squinted their eyes subconsciously, and everything in the room was in sight.

There were only three pictures on the wall.

All three pictures showed the face of Sophia and Lady Rose. She sat in a dignified posture, with indifference in her blood-red eyes.

Below the painting is a signature in a flamboyant style.

"Fuck." Song Lei shouted, "Why is it like this? Is Sofia also a stand-in?"

Baili Xin and Du Yang looked over, and Song Lei laughed dryly and said, "Didn't I say that we also came to the studio when we were exploring?"

Song Lei tried hard to recall the distant memory. "Although it has been decades for me, I vaguely remember that when we saw the painting, we speculated that there were two people in the painting."

"The human girl who was jumping and dancing at the beginning was a person. She was the white moonlight in Mr. Mo's heart."

"The subsequent female vampire was someone else, Madam Rose."

"Mrs. Rose is Mr. Mo's substitute for Bai Yueguang. We were still wondering if Mr. Mo killed Mrs. Rose."

Baili Xin: "Why do you have such a guess?"

Song Lei: "It's a very normal reasoning. You've also seen those paintings, right? The expressions of human women and vampire women in the paintings are very different. Mr. Mo is so perverted, maybe he gets more and more annoyed with the substitute and kills her."

"At that time, there was a bold player, and the time was almost up, so he gritted his teeth and filled in Mr. Mo's name."

Du Yang asked anxiously: "Then what?! Is it him?"

Song Lei shook his head: "No, the answer was wrong, and the player accepted the punishment on the spot."

Du Yang's body froze, and his expression turned cold, "It's not Mr. Mo."

Baili Xin: "Mr. Mo is just a code name he gave himself. Is it possible that he needs to fill in his real name?"

Du Yang and Song Lei suddenly looked up and looked at Baili Xin in surprise: "What? Not his real name?! How did you know?"

Baili Xin was stunned for two seconds before realizing that the clue of the real name was not as easy to obtain as the text on the surface.

He initially got this clue from Emperor Diga, but in fact, even without Emperor Diga, there would be other NPCs who would provide him with this clue.

It is the third generation vampire family member hiding underground.

The third generation vampire family not only told him about his "real name", but also told him that the clue was in the "Holy Book".

But it doesn't seem so easy to get these clues from the third-generation vampire relative.

Baili Xin rubbed his brows and said, "I got a clue from a hidden NPC. Go on."

"Oh, let me continue." Song Lei looked up at the portraits hanging on the wall. "I always thought that the portraits of human girls came first, and then the portraits of vampire women. But now it seems that it's the other way around."

Baili Xin stood in front of the portrait, imagining Mr. Mo's face in his mind, and silently made a psychological profile of him.

He is greedy, bloody and inhumane.

He is conceited, arrogant, and greedy for beautiful women.

Such an extremely conceited pervert can easily hunt countless beauties, and collecting them can no longer fill his empty desires.

Then let’s create a truly perfect beauty.

He began to construct in his mind the most perfect woman in his mind, from the face, eyes, neck, arms, body, legs, and even internal organs.

Sophia's face is that of Lady Rose, but Baili Xin always feels that there is something wrong with it.

He finally figured out where the sense of disobedience came from.

Sophia is beautiful, but she is not as tall as the Lady Rose in the surface world.

Baili Xin stared at the beautiful and indifferent vampire woman hanging on the wall, his eyes becoming colder and colder.

So, Mr. Mo only had his eyes on Sophia's head.

This painting looks quite old. Mr. Mo has destroyed countless lives over the years in order to create the Venus in his mind.

There were nearly twenty bottles and jars of various sizes in his bedroom, representing the lives of twenty women.

Outside the corridor, a cough mixed with the sound of thunder faintly reached the ears of the three people.

The three of them looked at each other, quickly turned off the lights and hid behind the door.

About twenty seconds later, the tightly closed door was pushed open from the outside.

An old and decrepit voice came: "The window has been closed."

It's the housekeeper.

The door separated the butler and the three men. They held their breath and pressed themselves tightly against the wall, not daring to make a single sound.

Song Lei was afraid that his breathing would alarm the housekeeper, so he even covered his mouth and nose with his hands.

"Hey, how come so much water got in?"

The butler's rough footsteps moved slowly from the door, getting closer and closer inside, almost moving away from the other side of the door that blocked both parties.

Song Lei's eyes suddenly widened and his heart began to beat violently.

A black leather shoe had appeared from the edge of the door, and half of the leg was exposed.

Just as the butler was about to discover them, the door flipped open and blocked their way.

The butler did not close the door, but turned it 180 degrees to the other side.

Song Lei and Du Yang's hearts, which were about to rise to their throats, slowly calmed down, but they still dared not breathe a word.

The vampires have a keen sense of smell and hearing, and even the slightest sound will attract their attention. The two tried hard to hold their breath, and their faces were already red.

The housekeeper, who was completely unaware of this, even slowly walked to the corner, picked up the mop and prepared to mop away the water stains on the floor.

Song Lei and Du Yang looked at each other, gritted their teeth and covered each other's mouths.

Out of their sight, a tiny bat emerged from Baili Xin's chest, flapped its wings and flew away through the gap between the door and the door frame.

A few seconds later, the sound of leather shoes suddenly appeared in the corridor.

Just when Song Lei and Du Yang were about to give up, a sexy, magnetic bass voice sounded: "Mr. Butler."

The housekeeper, who was about to mop the floor, turned around with the mop and saw the person in the corridor. He tried to recall, "Oh, you are Xinxin... Oh, no, Mr. Guang."

"What's the matter, Mr. Guang? How can I help you? Why are you here?"

Dijia: "I am touring this luxurious castle, but it is so big that I am lost. Can you take me to my room?"

The butler grinned with his three-toothed mouth and laughed twice, saying proudly, "This is Mr. Mo's castle. It's understandable for country bats like you to get lost. Well, let me take you away from here. Providing help to lost vampires is the romance of being a castle butler."

Song Lei was so depressed that his veins popped up, "..."

What a bullshit romance! Get out of here!

The housekeeper put the mop aside and slowly moved to the door.

Baili Xin's breath holding limit was almost reached. He looked at Song Lei and Du Yang beside him. Both of their eyes began to become bloodshot. Holding their breath for one more second would be torture.

Just when the two were about to give up, the door was slowly closed.

Through the door, crisp footsteps could be heard in the corridor, and the butler's Versailles speech: "If you walk like me for a few more decades, you won't get lost in this castle."

Hearing the sound gradually fade away, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Lei and Du Yang opened their mouths and breathed in the long-lost fresh air.

Song Lei gasped, "Fuck, I was scared to death, I thought I was dead."

Du Yang held onto the wall and said, "Let's get out of here."

Several people quietly left the studio. Outside the corridor, the sky had already turned completely dark. Thick black clouds were squeezing and roaring in the sky, rolling in, shaking the earth and mountains, looking like the end of the world.

Darkness is the activity environment of the vampires. Worried that they might wake up suddenly, Song Lei, Du Yang and Baili Xin simply said goodbye and returned to their rooms.

Baili Xin returned to the guest room on the second floor.

The door of the guest room was closed. Baili Xin opened the door and found that there was no light on inside.

Just as Baili Xin was about to turn on the light, a force suddenly pressed him against the wall.

The warm breath immediately brushed against his ears. Baili Xin felt the familiar breath and his tense shoulders relaxed.

Baili Xin: "Thank you for what you did just now."

The rough and warm lips rubbed against the neck, and the man's voice was a little nasal, "How do you thank me?"

A force brushed against the cuffs, and Baili Xin could feel the puff sleeves being pulled down forcefully.

The cold air immediately invaded my shoulders.

Baili Xin's breathing suddenly became rapid: "Hey!"

The thin and dense kisses fell along the line of the neck to the shoulder, and Dijia's slightly lazy voice was a bit coquettish: "I'm hungry again."

Baili Xin: "..."

You also know it’s “again”.

Suddenly, Baili Xin froze.

Her legs were spread apart by a huge force, and even through the thick skirt, Baili Xin could feel the hardness and tightness.

Dijia said again: "I'm hungry."

At this moment, Baili Xin really wanted to reply, "Where are you hungry?"

Shit... But he didn't dare.

Now, Dijia is like a ferocious beast slowly waking up, looking aimlessly for prey to bite.

Baili Xin pressed his body tightly against the wall behind him. He frowned and looked at Dijia in the darkness and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Dijia sniffed the fragrance on Baili Xin's body. The smell was even stronger than the stimulation brought to him by blood. It was the smell coming from Baili Xin himself.

What's up with him

Before, Baili Xin was wearing men's clothes, and at least the shirt had a pocket, and the cloth blocked direct contact between himself and Baili Xin.

Now, Baili Xin was wearing a low-cut evening gown. In order to hide his body, he had to crawl into his clothes.

It's simply torture.

Dijia rested his chin on Baili Xin's shoulder irritably, "You want Mr. Mo's name, right? Now that the third generation of the vampires are still alive, I might as well find him now and get the name for you."

Baili Xin suddenly looked at Dijia, "Is this feasible?"

Dijia: "How do you know if you don't try?"

As he said this, he squeezed Baili Xin hard again, and Baili Xin's body stiffened again.

Dijia: "But there is a condition."

Baili Xin: "What conditions?"

Dijia: "I want you."

As Baili Xin was shocked, Dijia bit his shoulder without any warning.

This time he did not take his time like a gentleman, but instead sucked the other person's blood in big gulps.

Baili Xin cried out in pain physiologically.

The next second, he felt Dijia put his shoulder close to him.

Dijia tore open her white dress, revealing broad shoulders that were different from her own.

The pure white skin seemed to have its own lighting in the darkness, with a layer of hazy velvety light floating on it.

Diga has broad shoulders, and although his skin looks pale, it cannot hide the surging and powerful muscles underneath.

But these muscles are not abrupt or knotty. Each one has the perfect size and strength, and is neatly arranged under the skin.

Dijia’s meaning is already self-evident.

Baili Xin swallowed his saliva, opened his mouth to reveal his sharp fangs, and slowly pierced Dijia's collarbone.

Both of their cheeks flushed a little. In the darkness, they looked at each other with the corners of their eyes. The fiery and urgent look in Dijia's eyes was like the bravest yak on the plateau, madly colliding with Baili Xin's soul.

Baili Xin sucked faster.

His mind told him that he could not continue to look into Diga's eyes. Those eyes were full of lust, and the exposed look was even more impactful than the poison injected into his body, and even he himself felt burned.

The rain had been falling for five or six hours. Baili Xin calculated the time and the rain gradually subsided when night fell.

Late at night, the sky cleared up and the moon climbed up to the treetops. If it weren't for the abundant rainwater remaining on the windowsills and the ground, people would even think that the devastating rainstorm just now was just an illusion.

Dijia stood by the windowsill, with a satisfied expression, but there was a kind of impatience deep in his eyes.

Being stared at with such an unconcealed gaze, Baili Xin wished he could find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

Dijia: "I will go find the third generation of blood clan now, you be careful and wait for me to come back."

Baili Xin felt his ears burning, and he nodded twice in panic, "Got it."

The window was opened, and a white bat flew away quickly on the night wind, disappearing into the horizon in the blink of an eye.

After watching Dijia leave, Baili Xin walked to the bathroom.

When he saw himself in the mirror, his breathing suddenly stopped and his face turned red.

In the mirror, her clothes were wrinkled and her puff sleeves had slipped down, revealing her shoulders with two small wounds.

Not only on the shoulders, but also on the neck, collarbone, and even on the skin slightly lower, there were several small wounds all over.

His originally smooth black hair was a little messy, and his eyes were red, as if he had just cried.

Baili Xin suddenly put his hands on the sink and stared at himself in the mirror with wide eyes.

Damn, he didn't cry, okay?!

Baili Xin irritably scooped a handful of cold water and splashed it on his face. He waited until the suspicious redness on his face faded before he tidied his clothes and left the bathroom.

There were many wounds on his body caused by Dijia's bites, and he couldn't get out until the wounds healed.

So shameful.

When he was bored, Baili Xin lazily nestled himself in the sofa.

I was staring at the night view outside the window, but my mind was uncontrollably filled with disgusting images.

Baili Xin shook his head hard and his gaze fell from the moon in the sky to the studio in the distance.

The dark curtains blocked out everything inside, and nothing could be seen.

Baili Xin's mind was full of thoughts, and he thought of the figure he saw on the last night in the surface world.

He had an almost photographic memory, and if this man had appeared in the hall, he would have been able to spot him.

But that person didn't.

But he always felt that the figure was somewhat familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Who could that person be who quietly entered the studio and left quietly

While Baili Xin was thinking, there was a gentle knock on the door.

He was stunned for a moment, looked around the room, then grabbed a shawl and put it on to cover the messy wound.

After everything was ready, Baili Xin walked to the door and opened it.

The moment he saw the person outside the door, Baili Xin was a little stunned.

That was an unexpected person.

Logically speaking, this person should be accompanying Sofia now.

Mr. Mo leaned on his black and gold cane and looked at Baili Xin inside with a smile.

There was gentleness in his red eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly pulled open in the most gentlemanly and humble smile.

With a straight back and right-angled shoulders on both sides, he embodies the most gentle and perfect man.

If Baili Xin didn't know his true face, he would have been fooled by this appearance. No wonder Sophia was deceived by Mr. Mo.

Baili Xin smiled coldly and distantly: "Mr. Mo, what's the matter?"

Mr. Mo: "I'm sorry to bother you so abruptly, beautiful lady. But Sophia has been clamoring to see you, so I came to pick you up in person."

Baili Xin: "How is Sofia? Today should be her delivery day, right?"

Mr. Mo: "Yes, mother and child are safe, but Sophia is too weak now and a little frightened. She needs your comfort."

Mr. Mo paused and smiled with satisfaction, "I didn't expect that you two could get along so well. I have always been worried that Sophia would not be able to adapt to the vampire environment."

Baili Xin looked at Mr. Mo hesitantly: "Where is Sophia now?"

Mr. Mo: "She has come out of the operating room. I just sent her back to the bedroom. The servants and children are with her."

Baili Xin looked at the open window and said, "Let's go."

The shawl hung on her shoulders, revealing the skin underneath.

Mr. Mo's eyes darkened, "Why don't I see your husband?"

Baili Xin: "We are country people. He has never seen the world. He went to visit your castle."

Mr. Mo's eyes flashed with contempt and ridicule: "Miss, you must have suffered a lot being with him, right?"

"I heard that you were traveling on foot when you came here, and even the food was some old stuff that was about to decay. A beautiful lady like you should live in the most comfortable and leisurely castle. How could you live such a miserable life?"

Baili Xin paused for a moment, "Do you really love Miss Sophia?"

Mr. Mo's expression froze, then he smiled again, "Of course I love you. I'm holding a wedding for you, so how could it not be love?"

"Since you love her, why didn't you stay with her after she tried so hard to have a baby? Why didn't your face show any worry at all? If she wants to see me, you can just ask one of your men to come to me. What she needs most now is you staying with her, right?"

"So you're not here for Sofia, you're here for me?"

The tenderness in Mr. Mo's eyes gradually faded, replaced by a morbid eagerness: "I love Sophia, but I don't just love Sophia. I love all beautiful things, such as you."

What kind of rubbish boss of the century is this

Baili Xin was about to vomit. He quickly took two steps to the side to increase the distance between them. The tassels on his shawl swung in a beautiful arc, "Stop disgusting me here."

Through the communication with Mr. Mo, he could conclude that the other party had set his sights on him. And through the communication with him, Mr. Mo would not hurt him. He seemed to enjoy this kind of love game. It was estimated that those who were soaked in formalin were once Mr. Mo's love objects.

It's just that they are different from Sofia.

It was not known whether those people were vampires at the beginning, but what was certain was that they all became vampires later.

Mr. Mo’s psychological activities are actually very easy to guess. He has the mentality of a superior who is high above others.

It can be seen from his portrait that the goddess in his mind is in the form of a vampire.

In his eyes, humans are inferior beings to him, and are food that can be torn apart and trampled at will. How could his perfect goddess be a humble human being

So Baili Xin is not worried about Sophia being killed now. Mr. Mo is an extreme perfectionist with obsessive-compulsive disorder. He will only hurt Sophia after she becomes a vampire.

Before that, Mr. Mo is the most perfect guardian, and he will prevent anything from harming Sophia.

As Baili Xin moved quickly, the shawl was lifted and the tassels swayed in the wind.

The fluttering red skirt looks like a ball of intense flame.

Mr. Mo was staring at Baili Xin's back, with a flash of amazement in his eyes, and then greed overwhelmed the amazement, and he came at him aggressively.

Baili Xin gently pushed open Sofia's door and saw the weak Sofia lying on the bed.

Sophia's face was full of fear and blood. A baby was lying beside her.

There were two vampire maids in the room. When Baili Xin came in, they opened their mouths and revealed their cold fangs.

When they saw Baili Xin come in, the two maids put away their fangs and stood aside obediently.

Mr. Mo followed from behind, and Baili Xin frowned, "Please ask them to leave, I want to talk to Sophia alone."

Mr. Mo was not angry at Baili Xin's rudeness, he even enjoyed it.

He has always been very patient with beautiful ladies, let alone such top-notch ones.

Mr. Mo winked at the two maids, who immediately understood and left with the tray. When Mr. Mo and his men closed the door, Sophia cried desperately, her tone full of requests for help: "Miss Xin, save me!"

Baili Xin walked in and finally saw the appearance of the baby in the cradle.

This is not a baby at all.

The skin of the "baby" in the swaddling clothes was an old waxy yellow, with layers of wrinkles on his body, more wrinkled than those on an old man who was about to die. His face was not a normal human face, but a bat face, with a few withered yellow bald hairs on the top of his pointed head.

The baby didn't cry. He looked a bit like an ugly elf in a Western science fiction movie, with big bulging eyes that seemed like they would fall out in the next second. Those blood-red eyes were staring hard at his mother, with a very unfriendly look.

Sophia tried to sit up, but pulled the wound on her abdomen.

Baili Xin looked at Sophia's belly, which was wrapped in a thick bandage. Bright red blood had seeped out and had dyed a small area of the bandage red.

As blood oozed out, saliva flowed from the corners of the baby's mouth. As if to match his hunger, he even smacked his lips in a pretentious manner.

Sophia's face turned even paler.

Baili Xin looked up and saw the golden display of "Favorability +55" still above Sophia's head.

Baili Xin looked at the bandage and asked, "Did Mr. Mo perform surgery on you?"

Sofia nodded. "Yes, he gave me an anesthetic, so I didn't feel any pain. But I didn't fall asleep. I was too scared."

The bandages were wrapped in a messy way, not at all like the work of a perfectionist.

Baili Xin looked at Sofia's pale features and quickly understood.

I'm afraid Mr. Mo was just attracted by Sophia's face. He searched everywhere for the most perfect organ according to the standards of his perfect goddess, and finally found a face among humans that looked exactly like his perfect goddess.

All he wanted was her head, and he certainly didn't care whether the rest of her body was flawless.

The most direct and simple method was used to remove the fetus, and then it was roughly sutured and bandaged.

During this period, Sophia was always afraid. Mr. Mo probably did not comfort her, so she was always afraid.

Baili Xin looked at the ugly baby who looked like a monster, and recalled the handsome face of the Earl's son in the surface world.

Well, the contrast is a bit big.

Baili Xin comforted the poor girl in front of him: "Don't worry, don't throw it away if it's too ugly. Maybe it will become good-looking after raising it. It seems that vampire babies are all ugly. You see, you and Mr. Mo are both good-looking, so the child you give birth to won't be bad."

Sofia swallowed, tilted her head to take a quick look and quickly turned her head back.

Sophia: "Did Mr. Mo also look this ugly when he was a child?"

Baili Xin: "Don't make a fuss, how is it possible."

Sophia's expression froze slightly, and Baili Xin continued, "Don't forget, Mr. Mo was transformed by the third generation of vampires. He was a human before."

"…" Sophia smiled awkwardly, "That's right."

Favorability +60.

After her fear of the baby gradually eased, Sophia said, "Miss Xin, Hall, how is he?"

Baili Xin opened a private chat.

Baili Xin: Xia Chi, has Hall been delivered

Xia Chi: Brother, it was raining heavily outside just now! I took him to hide in the cave for a long time and just put him at the entrance of the town. I saw him go in.

Baili Xin: Okay, come back quickly, be careful and don’t get caught by humans.

Xia Chi: Okay, brother, I'll be back soon.

After ending the private chat, Baili Xin looked at Sophia and said, "He has been sent to the town entrance. My servant saw him enter the town with his own eyes."

Sofia finally had a heartfelt smile tonight: "That's great."

Favorability +90.

Baili Xin: "Didn't you say that you would have the First Embrace after the birth of the child? Why hasn't it happened yet?"

Sophia: "It's time for the First Embrace, but when it's almost time, I get scared. And I want to know if Howl is safe before the First Embrace. Only when I'm sure he's safe can I feel at ease."

"In the eyes of others, we are a perfect match. What I did will be his dark history. I don't love him, but I never thought of hurting him. I was very touched that he came to this castle to save me, but I felt more guilty than touched."

"You promised to save Hall. When I was giving birth, I kept thinking whether you saved him."

Baili Xin pursed her lips.

So it was because of me that the timing of Sofia's First Embrace was changed.

The flapping of wings by butterflies in the dense forest caused a tsunami in the ocean.

The weather has changed, and the time of the first embrace has also changed...

There was a slight flapping sound outside the window, and when they looked over, they saw a mini white bat standing outside the window.

Baili Xin walked to the window, and the white bat immediately flapped its wings as if it was familiar with the place and landed on his shoulder.

Sophia saw this and asked, "What is this?"

Baili Xin: "My pet."

Sophia: "So cute, can I touch it?"

Baili Xin's mouth twitched: "I'm afraid not. It bites."

Sophia dropped her eyes in disappointment, "Okay then."

Dijia's annoyed voice sounded in my ears, "I just went out for a walk, this is a closed world. It's only this small space. Not long after I flew out, I was blocked by an invisible barrier. Outside the barrier, it was pitch black."

Baili Xin's eyes suddenly darkened.

Dijia didn't notice Baili Xin's changes. After he said this, he smoothed his fur irritably, shook his wings, and curled up on Baili Xin's shoulder, not moving at all.

Even Sophia could see that it looked depressed.

Sophia: "Is the little one sick?"

Baili Xin certainly knew the reason why Dijia was depressed. He raised his eyebrows and smiled softly, "I've been flying for too long, I'm tired."

Emperor Ga: “…”

I have never been so speechless.

The author has something to say: I'll revise the article, and then duang~ a big surprise. All the 2-point reviews of the previous chapter will receive red envelopes. Surprising or not? I will randomly drop red envelopes like this from time to time in the future, hahahaha. The following is the tweet.

I’m recommending a new fantasy novel by a gay friend. It will soon become a V novel. If you like it, please collect a copy!

"It's so hard to pretend to be an A!" Author: Black Cat Baibai

Copywriting: Si Funian is an omega young master with a genetic defect in the richest man's family. He has been very well protected since childhood. He is delicate and weak with a soft personality. He stutters when he is nervous.

Once he traveled through the book, he became a cannon fodder in the interstellar ABO novel, who wanted to rob the protagonist. He was the most loha in the whole book, and his final fate was to be exiled to the vicious Black Star.

Si Funian, who traveled through time, carefully examined his body - he had the same delicate and beautiful appearance as in his previous life, and glands that exuded milky pheromones... He was undoubtedly a genuine omega!

However, he had to follow the original plot.

After injecting a drug that disguises him as an alpha, Si Fu Nian trapped the protagonist in an abandoned warehouse and stammered out his cannon fodder lines: "I, I like you! In this school, there is no one that I, Si Si Si Fu Nian can't get!"

The most powerful o in the school, the protagonist who is pretending to be a beta:… What a peerless little cutie, he can be a top for love!

Si Fu Nian challenged the protagonist in a cowardly manner: "I must, must defeat you!!"

Level 3S top A protagonist: … What should I do if I have absolutely no interest in bullying children

Si Fu Nian, according to the plot, drugged the protagonist, but accidentally drugged the villain boss, the violent 3S-level top A prince Lei Wei...

Then Lei Wei, who had entered the susceptible period, pressed and bit his gland as an antidote.

Woohoo, this is so scary! This man is scarier than Black Star!

After the fever period ended, Si Funian booked a spaceship ticket to Black Star for himself overnight.

After thoroughly investigating the omega who dared to drug him, Lei Wei peeled off Si Funian's disguises layer by layer and found out that his real identity was the alpha young master of the richest man's family. The first disguise on Starnet was his little apprentice, and the second disguise was the woman of his dreams.

-The attacker is Lei Wei.

- Receptive pheromone: milky scent | Attacking pheromone: bitter wine scent

-One-to-one body and mind, with children, he.

Search for the article title "It's so hard to pretend to be an A!" or id5702414.