After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 471: Man of Steel 2


After a familiar feeling of darkness and dizziness, Baili Xin's vision gradually became clear.

However, the difference between this clarity and darkness does not seem to be that big. The surroundings are still very dark, but the sharp angular lines can be vaguely seen not far away.

Baili Xin tried to move his hands and feet, but he couldn't move them.

However, this stalemate did not last long. Soon, a cold and familiar electric sound rang out from above Baili Xin's head.

Ding! Welcome to the huge dungeon with tens of thousands of players - [Dark Steel City].

There are 10,000 people participating in this copy, and the current number of surviving players in the copy is 10,000/10,000.

Because this instance is currently in the testing phase, the system will track and record each player. If players encounter a bug during the mission, please contact the system to report the error in a timely manner.

Because [Dark Steel City] is a new test instance, there may be instability in the game process. Players are requested to perform tasks according to the system instructions. Players are responsible for any problems caused by violating the system instructions.

Thanks to all players for contributing valuable data to this test copy.

Now we will start distributing the background information of [Dark Steel City].

In the super future era, the rules of the universe are broken.

Planes, galaxies, and civilizations are constantly being discovered, plundered, and seized.

The civilizations of various galaxies launched a cosmic war that lasted for a hundred years.

In u8999, the civilizations of various galaxies finally ended the century-long war and established an absolutely neutral city of hope - the Dark Steel City.

Although the Dark Steel City is called a "city", it is actually an independent planet created by humans. Above the sky of the city hang three black bronze statues facing three directions.

The three statues represent fairness, order and love. In this city full of "fairness", "order" and "love", residents have an absolutely high level of safety.

As the cold electric sound of the system began to transmit, a picture began to unfold on Baili Xin's retina.

In a dark and empty universe, as the camera zoomed in, a sphere with black/gun/red as the main color appeared in front of us.

The camera continued to zoom in, showing the ball back and forth.

It was an artificial planet. From a distance, you could see traces of metal splicing, tall buildings and technology, as well as the residents living on them.

With the center of the sphere as the center, three statues are stationary in the outer circle.

The statue is made of black copper, and its shape is not that of modern people, but rather has a more alien and technological feel.

The first statue was a pitch-black statue wearing metal armor. The huge black armor covered its entire body, and there were a few words engraved on the black hat that Baili Xin did not recognize.

But Baili Xin could understand the meaning of it, which translated into: order.

The second black bronze statue is a curvy figure with a smoothly curved head and body. Its gender cannot be determined, but it has evolved differently from modern humans.

There are also a few words engraved on the top of this statue.


The third statue is a scale.

There are also a few words engraved in the middle of the scale, but even without these words, Baili Xin can understand what this scale represents.


The three black bronze statues represent three meanings.

The interstellar people who had suffered from battles quickly multiplied and thrived in this dark steel city, and established a new order guarded by three black bronze statues. The order established by the three black bronze statues was called the "Black Bronze Legion."

However, this precious peace did not last long. In U9100, a rebel army appeared in the Dark Steel City, attempting to provoke an interstellar war again. They acted very secretly, some hid in the dark sewers, some lurked in the Black Bronze Statue Order, and some blended into ordinary residents.

The leader of the rebel army, the time when they were established, and the scale of their establishment are still unknown, but the recent more and more frequent attacks indicate that the rebel army is ready to move. The threat to the Dark Steel City is growing and cannot be ignored.

The Dark Steel City is likely to fall into another peace crisis, and the residents living in it will also suffer unexpected disasters.

But the Black Bronze Legion did not sit idly by. Although it did not capture the leader of the rebels, it obtained an important clue.

Legend has it that the rebel leader holds a "mysterious object" that can destroy the Dark Steel City. Finding the "mysterious object" could destroy the rebels' plot.

Post the task below.

Mission 1: Please survive in the dungeon for sixty days and sixty nights.

Mission 2: Find the "mysterious object" and destroy the rebels' conspiracy.

You can complete the dungeon mission by completing either "Task 1" or "Task 2".

Because this game is in the testing phase, the system will randomly assign tasks to players during the game. The tasks have generous rewards, so players are encouraged to respond actively.

The initial role of all players is "resident", but each player has a hidden identity behind the "resident" (the hidden identity needs to be explored and determined by the player himself).

Friendly reminder: Players can use the identity of "resident" to survive in the Dark Steel City for 60 days before leaving the game, or they can choose to take the initiative, find their hidden identity and complete tasks to obtain a large number of rewards.

Due to the special and opposing nature of hidden identities, this instance limits the "half-player protection mode". Players can turn on the attack mode when they determine that the hidden identities of other players are "opposing". However, if they make a mistake in judgment, the attacker will be punished accordingly due to the "half-player protection mode".

Punishment method: Electric shock (recoverable, not fatal)

Due to the special setting of "hidden identity", the "private chat" channel cannot be used in this instance. However, in the technologically advanced Dark Steel City, communication has already exceeded our imagination, and players can explore new ways of communication on their own.

The background information of [Dark Steel City] has been introduced. I wish all players a happy game. The game will officially begin in a three-second countdown.

3, 2, 1, the countdown begins.

As the system countdown ended, Baili Xin's eyes turned dark again.

When he woke up again, his ears were surrounded by soothing and gentle music.

There was a bit of glare in front of his eyes, and Baili Xin instinctively rubbed his eyes, and then he heard a strange electronic voice coming from above his head.

"Sir, it's time to get up."

Baili Xin paused, opened his eyes and looked upwards.

A lifelike robot wearing an apron was looking at him with its head tilted. A big smile appeared on the face made of a black screen. "Good morning, sir. Today is also a sunny day. I wish you a good mood from now on."

Baili Xin sat up calmly and silently observed the realistic robot in front of him.

The robot's shape is more like that of a girl. Its body does not have the touch of human skin, but is made of a smooth white painted material that looks like titanium alloy. However, Baili Xin can see that the science and technology used in this robot is far superior to titanium alloy and it is a more advanced material or metal.

Perhaps to show the robot's friendliness, this girl robot, which is only 1.6 meters tall, has two small braids on its head.

Of course, the braids are also made of white metal.

When the system was introduced, it said that this copy took place in the super future era. It seems that this is a sci-fi copy with a highly developed civilization.

Seeing that Baili Xin was still silent, the girl robot tilted her head again, and the expression on the black display screen on her face changed from happy to puzzled: "Sir, what's wrong with you? Did you not get enough rest last night? Or are you feeling unwell?"

The girl robot raised her delicate white mechanical index finger as she spoke, and an infrared ray shot out from the tip of her index finger and scanned Baili Xin.

"Xiaoyi starts the master's health scan. The scan begins."

Baili Xin remained calm as he watched the robot calling itself "Xiaoyi" scan him from top to bottom with infrared rays.

"Temperature 369c, normal."

"Pupil dilation, normal."

"Body water content, normal."

"Adrenaline, normal."

"Pulse is normal."

"Heart rate is normal."

"The blood pressure is normal."

“The blood lipids are normal.”

"All internal organs are functioning normally, and no diseased glands were detected."

"The scan is complete. Sir, your physical signs are all normal."

"So did you have a dream last night?"

Baili Xin then looked at the girl-like robot in front of him: "Yes, I had a dream."

Xiaoyi tilted his head, "It's amazing, you actually dreamed, what did you dream about, sir?"

Baili Xin shook his head and said, "I forgot everything when I woke up in the morning. I can't remember anything."

The girl-like robot smiled again. "Please don't take it too seriously, sir. According to science, dreams are caused by the human brain being in an excited state when we are resting. Since you didn't get a good rest last night because of your dream, I will make you some refreshing walnut soup this morning, okay?"

Baili Xin responded to the girl-like robot's question: "Okay."

Only when the apron-wearing girl-like robot turned around and walked towards the bedroom did Baili Xin raise his chin again and look around this unfamiliar space.

It’s not a very big house, but the decoration style is very warm.

The interior decoration theme used bright white and yellow warm tones, which was a bit different from the style he had seen through the expansion pack before.

When I saw the planet in the expansion pack, it was black in color, but I didn’t expect the inside of the building to look like this.

Judging from the actions of the robot that calls itself "Xiaoyi", it should be positioned as a household auxiliary robot, also commonly known as a "robot nanny."

The physical examination that Xiaoyi just performed involved a lot of technological content.

"Master Host, I don't accept this. Apart from my lack of form, how am I not better than this little one?" s419m suddenly appeared and howled in Baili Xin's mind, "I can also detect your physical health, and I can also give you a cheat! You obviously have me and Tongmei, and now you actually want to hook up with other intelligences!"

The escape system agreed: That’s right, Lord Baili Xin is too fickle!

Xiaoyi in the distance suddenly turned around and looked at Baili Xin: "Sir, is the sweetness of three parts sugar okay?"

Blissin: …

Three smart people in one play, who will save me

"Okay, just do it according to your habits." After answering the girl-like robot, Baili Xin turned his attention to the house again.

When he turned his head, he saw clothes neatly folded on the bedside, obviously prepared by Xiaoyi for him.

Baili Xin picked up the shirt and found that it looked a bit like a uniform. After he shook out the folded clothes, he saw the nameplate on the chest.

"Order area A-3, operator number 6, Mr. Xin."

It looks like a job introduction. This is the role I play as a "resident" in this copy.

Baili Xin changed into a neat uniform, and the girl-like robot Xiaoyi also prepared breakfast.

The table is neither too big nor too small and can accommodate two people sitting face to face. For Baili Xin, who is alone, she does not feel crowded at all. It can even be said that the compactness of the room gives off a simple and warm feeling.

When Baili Xin got up to eat, he also took a look around the house.

The house looks to be about 50 square meters, with one bedroom, one living room, one bathroom and one kitchen.

The dining table was placed next to the window, and Baili Xin could see the scene outside through the window by just turning his head slightly.

Outside the window, there are high-tech skyscrapers.

There are many neon signs hanging on the buildings in the distance, and the colorful lights are flashing and jumping. Although they are not obvious during the day, they are still dazzling.

From time to time, an aircraft with a tail would pass by.

Baili Xin's house is located on a very high floor. Looking down from here, the pedestrians coming and going are like little ants, densely packed and tiny.

The girl-like robot began to urge Baili Xin: "Sir, your working time is 8:30 in the morning, and the shuttle bus takes 10 minutes to get to your company. It takes you 10 minutes to get to the shuttle bus point from home, and your single commute time is 20 minutes. The current time is 7:50 in the morning, and you only have 20 minutes left for breakfast. Please hurry up and eat, otherwise you will be late."

Baili Xin withdrew his inquiring gaze towards the window and began to eat with his head down.

He was eating, but he was thinking about something else.

It is mentioned in the system introduction that the "resident" identity is only a superficial identity, and every player has a "hidden identity".

In addition, there may be "hostile" relationships between players' "hidden identities".

What exactly does this “hostile” relationship refer to

The currently known "Rebel Army" camp and the "Black Copper Legion" camp are definitely two hostile camps.

What about the three sub-camps represented by these three black bronze statues? Are they considered "hostile" camps

The three black bronze statues represent: order, fairness, and love.

The unit where he worked as a "resident" was obviously in an orderly area.

Is his hidden identity related to the black bronze statue of "Order"

Are there any clues in this house as to his hidden identity

Does the nanny robot in front of him just serve as a nanny, or does it also serve the purpose of monitoring him

Questions lined up one by one in Baili Xin's mind, and the porridge in the bowl quickly emptied as he thought.

The girl-like robot seemed unaware of the thoughts in the mind of its "master". When it saw Baili Xin finished eating, it picked up the briefcase as if it was at the door, waiting for Baili Xin to go to work.

The standby time for this copy of the game is extremely long, and Baili Xin doesn't want to make any moves on the first day.

He took the briefcase from the girl-like robot in a proper manner. Before leaving, the robot smiled considerately: "Take the elevator down, and turn left when you reach the lobby on the first floor. Turn right at the third intersection and walk a hundred meters forward. You will see the bus stop sign."

"You need to take Line 3 and get off at [Order District Communications Department] after 9 stops. Your company is not far from the exit."

"Sir, I wish you a pleasant work today. Xiaoyi will be waiting for you at home."

s419m silently spat in his heart: Bah, Green Tea Intelligence!

Blissin: …

Even if Baili Xin was a fool, he now knew how to go to work.

He didn't say anything else, just took the briefcase, said "goodbye" to the robot, and walked out.

There were quite a few rooms on one floor. When he arrived at the elevator, there were already several people waiting in front of it.

The architecture here has a very subtle feeling. Although there are many rooms on one floor, it does not feel as cramped as a birdcage.

The corridor was clean and painted in warm white and yellow tones. The people waiting for the elevator all had warm smiles on their faces and seemed to be in a good mood.

These people were all going to work in the morning, and they were wearing different uniforms. Baili Xin found that there was a bald man among them who was wearing the same uniform as himself.

Baili Xin stood silently beside the bald man.

"Hey, dear Xin, I knew I would run into you here. I'm so glad to see you."

As soon as Baili Xin stood next to the bald man, the other man greeted him warmly.

Baili Xin glanced at the nameplate on the other person's chest calmly.

"Order sector C-5, operator 98, Mr. Keira."

"Good morning, nice to meet you, Mr. Kayla." Baili Xin responded familiarly, imitating the other party's way of greeting.

Mr. Keira: “You’re so weird today.”

Baili Xin was slightly stunned, "Why is it strange?"

Kayla suddenly burst into laughter: "You look so handsome today. You are still your usual self, how come you look so handsome again? I am really curious about what your future partner looks like."

"But I believe this curiosity won't keep me waiting too long. Your day will come in a few days."

Baili Xin was stunned: "That day?"

Kayla: "You forgot, boy?"

"Everyone who turns 25 needs to go to the Love Zone to record their information. The guardian of the Love Zone will select a suitable partner for us. Thanks to the existence of the Love Zone, my lover and I have met, known and fallen in love. I remember your birthday is in five days, right? Don't envy me too much, you will soon have a lover who truly belongs to you."

Baili Xin: "..."

Love Zone, that should be the area governed by the curved statue.

So the job of the "Love" statue is to be the "Scientific Matchmaker"

Baili Xin laughed and said, "I was too busy with work and forgot about it for a moment. Sorry."

As the two were talking, the elevator door opened and people walked in one after another.

From the outside, the elevator door doesn't look big, but the space inside is huge. It can easily accommodate a hundred people, and the people at the back can get in without any pressure.

After entering the elevator, Kayla pulled Baili Xin to the corner with a mysterious expression, winking and making a "hush" gesture with her hand on her mouth. Baili Xin didn't understand why, so he could only remain unchanged in the face of change.

After they left the first floor, Kayla lowered her voice and whispered in Baili Xin's ear: "Are you crazy? Didn't I say that the work content of the Order Zone is forbidden to be discussed in the public area? Why did you suddenly mention work just now?"

Baili Xin was stunned again.

He doesn't really like the feeling of being led by the plot step by step, but for now he can only respond as it comes.

Rubbing his temple, Baili Xin sighed: "Since we are all working in the Order District, you should know that I am really too busy recently."

"Poor Mr. Xin," Kayla cast a sympathetic look at Baili Xin, "The □□ District has indeed been in turmoil recently, and you have been working hard. I will pretend that I heard nothing about this matter, but listen to my advice, man, go consult a professional psychologist as soon as possible. If you continue like this, you will easily develop psychological problems. Although nanny robots are omnipotent, they are not omnipotent. Professional technology should still be left to professionals."

Baili Xin nodded repeatedly: "I remember it, thank you for your reminder, Mr. Keira."

So far, "Mr. Kayla" has behaved like a conscientious guiding NPC, revealing some information details to him through dialogue.

Baili Xin happened to be completely clueless about the [Dark Steel City], and his answer was very meek.

Seeing this, Kayla continued, "Do you need me to introduce you to a professional psychologist? I had psychological problems for a while, and he cured me. After his diagnosis and treatment, I felt like I was reborn, and I had a completely new experience of life."

Baili Xin nodded obediently: "Okay, thank you Mr. Keira, it's a good thing I have you, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Kayla was even happier after hearing this: "I'll tell you the contact information when I get home. Now let's get to work."

The two of them work in the same place, so their destination is naturally the same.

In this way, Baili Xin and Kayla walked together and successfully found a building with a sign of [Order Zone Communications Department].

What the robot Xiaoyi said was still a bit modest.

In fact, you don’t need to look for it after you exit the station. With the tall and rigorous black building and the huge signboard, it would be really strange if you can’t find it.

The security check of the [Order Zone Communications Department] is very strict. In addition to scanning the nameplate, they also verify the appearance, iris, fingerprints and other aspects.

Baili Xin went through layers of verification before he was able to actually enter the building.

The Order Zone Communications Department is divided into six zones, each of which is responsible for the security and order issues of a region.

As operators, all they have to do is answer the calls and not miss any safety hazards.

As for issues such as maintaining order and responding to police calls, they are the responsibility of other types of workers.

Mr. Kayla's work area is in area C, and Baili Xin's is in area A.

In a different area, the NPC who had been walking with Baili Xin all the way finally said goodbye to Baili Xin and left after arriving at the office building.

Baili Xin found his workstation according to the instructions on his nameplate.

There were half-open guardrails on both sides of the workstation. When he arrived, the two adjacent workstations were already occupied. Because they were wearing headsets, Baili Xin couldn't see their faces clearly.

He sat down silently and turned on the holographic projection screen somewhat awkwardly.

The light blue translucent screen had just appeared in front of him when an unnatural voice gently penetrated his ears.

"God Xin?"

Baili Xin turned his head, looking a little embarrassed: "Sun Ning?"

She seemed to have said before that she wanted to stay outside the copy and take charge.

Sun Ning laughed dryly: "It's me, what a coincidence.":,,