After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 472: Man of Steel 3


Sun Ning's smile was a little forced.

The two of them stared at each other, and Baili Xin saw Sun Ning's mouth open and close silently. Zuan's words were on the tip of his tongue, but he swallowed them back because of his good upbringing.

Baili Xin tilted his head just enough to see Sun Ning's nameplate.

"Order area, A-3, 7th operator, Miss Ning"

Sun Ning took off his headphones and said, "It's time for me to hand over my shift."

She pointed to the lower right corner of the translucent display in front of her, "This is the notification that I can leave my workstation and hand over my shift."

Baili Xin looked at the display screen in front of Sun Ning, but saw only a black screen.

But from what Sun Ning said, she was able to see the content on the display screen. It seems that the workstations here are one-to-one corresponding, and people who are not working at this workstation have no right to view work content that does not belong to them.

Baili Xin: "When did you wake up?"

Sun Ning: "I woke up an hour ago and sat here. During that time, I received a call. The caller was a robot with an electric sound. The robot asked for help and said that its owner had abnormal body functions and suddenly fainted. I helped them contact the emergency rescue center."

She glanced at the screen again and frowned, "I really should leave. This screen keeps urging me to get off work quickly."

"I get off work when you're on, it seems our working hours are out of sync."

"How can I contact you? The private chat window is closed now."

Baili Xin tried to take out a pen and paper from his backpack to write down the address and give it to Sun Ning, but after he put his consciousness into the backpack, he found that he could not take anything out of the backpack.

He had no choice but to verbally give an address: "This is my 'home' after I woke up. If you want to find me, you can come to this place."

Sun Ning memorized the address in his mind, then stood up from his workstation, turned off the display screen and left.

Not long after she left, a stranger whom Baili Xin did not recognize took up her workstation again.

As soon as the man sat down, he turned on the phone and put on headphones skillfully, and with a smile on his face, he entered the state of a passionate worker.

Baili Xin moved his gaze to the display screen in front of him.

The monotonous blue looks a bit empty. Apart from the time display in the lower right corner and the personnel information in the upper right corner, the entire screen only has a headphone icon in the upper left corner.

There are two times in the lower right corner, one is the normal time display, and the other is the countdown time.

As soon as Baili Xin turned on the display screen, the countdown began to gradually decrease from 08:00:00.

For the next hour, Baili Xin didn't receive a single call.

Using this time, he began to check his backpack and mission information.

He tried to take a few more props out of the backpack, but the result was the same, he still took nothing out.

Sister Tong, Baili Xin called out the escape system in her mind, but she couldn't take out the items in her backpack. Is this a bug in the dungeon

The escape system took two seconds to reply to Baili Xin: Lord Baili Xin, the items in your backpack cannot be taken out due to the special nature of the copy. It is not a system bug.

Baili Xin: Is it all players who are unable to take out items from their backpacks, or just some of them

Escape system: Currently only some players have reported that items in their backpacks cannot be taken out. The system has been checked and this phenomenon is not a bug.

s419m: Some items can be taken out, but some cannot. Isn't this a bug? This is a game, and items are very important. An inconspicuous item may determine life or death. Isn't this a bug? Isn't this targeting the host

The escape system was also a little puzzled: I was a little surprised, but I just checked and found that it was not only Lord Baili Xin who had such a discovery, many players also reported this problem. The problem of the backpack not being able to open may be related to the region. Players in the area where Lord Baili Xin appeared generally reported that they could not open their backpacks to take out items.

Baili Xin no longer worries about this issue, I understand.

Just as the two people were communicating internally, the phone icon that had been silent on the blue screen jumped twice.

Baili Xin put on the headphones and clicked on the icon, and a somewhat harsh "hissing" electric sound began to drill into his ears.






A vague electric sound and an undefined "d" sound came from the headset, then suddenly stopped and turned into a "beep beep beep" busy tone.

Baili Xin looked at the phone icon in confusion. At this moment, a weak female voice came from the phone, "Hello, is anyone there?"

There was some noise in the background on the other end of the line, and Baili Xin could even vaguely hear explosions and screams.

The woman's voice began to sob: "Save me, no matter who you are, come and save me, I have been attacked, I am lost here, can you help me?"


The sound of the game system suddenly appeared in Baili Xin's mind.

Congratulations to the player for triggering a random mission: Emergency Rescue!

Please assist the person in need, help him/her escape and meet the emergency personnel who arrive.

You will get points as rewards after completing the task.

If the task fails, there will be a work failure penalty, and the penalty method is random.

Due to the special nature of the "rescue call", this task is mandatory and cannot be refused.

As the system prompt sounded, a side quest appeared in Baili Xin's task bar.

At the same time, a huge three-dimensional hollow transparent map suddenly appeared on the blue screen, and a red inverted triangle appeared in the middle of the map.

This map looks like it is inside a city, with roads and tall buildings extending in all directions almost submerging the inverted triangle.

The inverted triangle stood at a crossroads and kept swaying left and right, as if it was struggling with which direction to move.

At the edge of the map, several green dots are slowly moving towards the inverted triangle position.

A square object behind the inverted triangle shook, then the square object exploded, and the inverted triangle shrank downward.

At the same time, Baili Xin heard the woman's scream and the explosion again, "The car exploded! There's smoke all around! Come and save me!"

It seems that this inverted triangle is the woman who is making a phone call.

Baili Xin quickly adjusted his voice and soothed, "Ma'am, please calm down. Rescue workers have already started to converge on you. Are you injured now?"

The woman cried, "I'm fine, but I'm so scared. There's thick smoke all around, I can't see anything clearly."

Baili Xin: "Next, please follow my instructions. I will take you away from here safely and meet up with the rescuers who are coming. Now please stand up and walk straight ahead..."

Although the woman was panicked, she remained calm.

Under Baili Xin's step-by-step guidance, she quickly and smoothly passed through the maze-like streets and met up with the emergency personnel who arrived.

The moment the inverted triangle and the small green dot merged, the woman burst into tears: "Wow, thank you, I'm saved, thank you. I knew that you, the Black Copper Legion, would protect us forever."

Ding! Congratulations, the mission is successfully completed. The points you earned in this mission will be settled after you leave the dungeon.

Baili Xin's attention at this moment was not on the mission, nor on the woman who had just been rescued, but on the map that had not disappeared from the blue screen.

s419m, can you pinpoint the exact location of this area

s419m: Host, please wait a moment, let me compare.

A few seconds later, s419m's voice was somewhat weak: "Sorry, host, the match was not successful. But I have saved the map on the computer. This place may be beyond my detection range. If I have the opportunity to detect the entire map, I will definitely be able to complete the match."

The map on the screen slowly disappeared, Baili Xin hummed in his mind, and the blue screen became still again.

In the following time, Baili Xin received several more calls.

He found that the operators in the order area received a wide variety of calls, not just rescue calls, but also calls for emotional problems, decision-making difficulties, and many other types of calls.

Only when the countdown ended did Baili Xin finish his first day of work.

He counted and found that the operators were not very busy.

Apart from the first "emergency rescue" call, Baili Xin felt that the other calls were somewhat meaningless.

One of the calls lasted nearly half an hour, and the caller told Baili Xin how many eyelashes his cat had as if he was chatting with him.

Baili Xin expressed his incomprehension, but he could only passively accept this outrageous call.

Fortunately, the first day was not completely fruitless. During the break, he took a tour of the Communications Department in the Order Zone.

Of course, as the lowest-level "telephone operator" job, the only places he could go were the growing fields and the rest areas.

This building looks cold and frozen from the outside, but its interior is also strictly hierarchical.

An ordinary operator like him can only enter the first three floors. Higher floors require higher authority, so Baili Xin cannot go there.

The first day of work ended in such a mess.



I seemed to have seen the birth of a corporate slave.

To be honest, even among office workers, Xin Shen is still the most handsome one.

However, this copy actually lasts for sixty days, with a super long standby time and ten thousand people. Now the live broadcast homepage has been dominated by [Dark Steel City].

Ten thousand live broadcast rooms are playing the same copy at the same time, an unprecedented prosperity.

This dungeon doesn't seem to be dangerous now. The first day is almost over and the number of survivors is still 10,000.

Maybe there are benefits during the test period? Didn't the mission say that? You can complete the mission as a "resident" for 60 days. If the rebels don't make any big moves in the later stage, it is a safe and reliable way to pass the level.

But... this dungeon has the god Xin, could it be that simple

Um, this is a good question. Move on, next one.


Host, what are you thinking about? You seem to be thinking about something since you got off work. When Baili Xin was about to get home, s419m couldn't help but ask, why did you go home as soon as you got off work? You weren't like this before. Shouldn't you explore other places? Could it be that you've only been away from home for eight hours and you've already started thinking about that Green Tea Smart AI called "Xiaoyi"

Baili Xin's head was buzzing with the noise of s419m, it was too fast.

s419m: What is too fast

Baili Xin: The rescuers came so fast to the rescue call this morning. It seemed that they had arrived at the scene just after I answered the phone. If I was the operator, who notified them to go to the rescue

s419m: It's not difficult to understand. This is the cyber age that integrates various high-dimensional technologies. It's not surprising that we can reach this speed.

As for who notified them, perhaps the operator here was set up like this. The rescue call will be connected to the rescue personnel the moment it is picked up.

Baili Xin did not quite agree with s419m's conjecture, but he did not have a better explanation at the moment.

Just as he was walking and thinking about this question, loud screams suddenly rang out all around, like the excited sounds of fans when a big star passes by.

Baili Xin looked up in the direction of the voice, confused, and saw an airship floating in the sky.

A huge poster was hung above the airship, with a man with sharp features and deep features printed on it. The light from the airship shone on the poster, making the man's already handsome face even more handsome and radiant.

Two banners dropped from the airship.

Within the banner were countless colorful fallen petals.

When everyone saw this scene, they were like bees smelling nectar, and they all rushed to reach out their hands towards the falling petals in the sky.

It flashed before his eyes and landed right in front of Baili Xin.

Baili Xin picked up some of them and found that these fallen petals were actually small square business cards.

"The singer Pris Star Tour Concert will be held at 8pm on the 214th in the Sky City above the prosperous street in the Order District. All distinguished audiences who have received lucky numbers are welcome to come."

Baili Xin turned over the back of the business card and saw a string of numbers printed on it.

The fallen petals continued to pour down from the sky, and people around were scrambling to grab them, even the cards that fell on the ground were not spared.

The farce ended only when the airship left and all the cards on the ground were picked up.

Pedestrians on the street gathered together and excitedly discussed the singer Pris Star.

"It's the singing god Priss Star. I really hope I'm one of the few lucky ones."

"I picked up more than a dozen this time, I don't believe that I won't win any of them."

"Xingchen's tickets are always hard to come by, but I was able to catch them this time. I've only seen his live singing on before, and it was so wonderful. I really hope I can get to the scene and hear his singing in person."

"If I could go to Xingchen's concert for free, I could brag about it for the rest of my life."

"Have you heard? It is said that this is Pris Star's last concert."

"what why?!"

"I heard that Priss Xingchen seems to have contracted some strange disease. This disease will cause him great pain and he will have to temporarily bid farewell to the stage. But this is also what I heard from the grapevine of Star Network. I don't know if it is accurate."

"This must be a rumor!" Someone's voice suddenly became louder. "The current technology has already solved all diseases. How could he bid farewell to the stage because of an illness?"

"That's why you say it's a strange disease. We'll know if it's true after tomorrow night's concert."

"If it's true, then wouldn't tomorrow night be Xingchen's last concert?"

"Damn it, I should have grabbed a few more business cards!"

The people around were discussing in full swing. Baili Xin stuffed the only card into his pocket, quickly moved through the crowd, and soon returned to his "home".

Xiaoyi was still wearing an apron, just like when he left in the morning. He stood quietly at the door with a smile on his face: "Sir, welcome home. Did you enjoy your work today? Xiaoyi has been waiting for you to come back. Xiaoyi missed you very much."

"Excuse me, sir, would you like to take a shower or eat first today?"

s419m: Ugh, green tea.

Escape System: That's it, good tea, ugh!

Blissin: …

Baili Xin felt that no matter which one he chose now, he would be despised by the two leaders, so he simply didn't choose anything and walked straight to the desk.

When he woke up in the morning, he saw a desk here. The desk was empty, which seemed a little out of place with the densely arranged surroundings.

At that time, he didn't know how to open the network display of this copy. After working in the Communications Department of the Order Zone for a day, he finally knew how to open the star network.

Baili Xin looked around the desk a little unfamiliarly, and soon found a button in an inconspicuous place.

He pressed it, and a huge blue translucent screen suddenly appeared in front of him.

A wide variety of icons are tightly placed on the screen, making it look a bit crowded.

Ding! Congratulations to player Baili Xin for discovering the hidden star network.

Friendly reminder: Continuing to explore may trigger the "hidden identity". After the hidden identity is discovered, the player may not be able to maintain the "resident" status, so please explore with caution.

Baili Xin paused slightly, and looked at the icons with a curious look.

It seems that this star network contains clues to his "hidden identity".

The screen of the Star Network was very large. Baili Xin took a quick look at the icons on it and found that there were more than two hundred icons in total.

Clicking on each icon is a new app or document, and each document contains a small document.

Finding clues is not difficult for Baili Xin, but it will be a waste of time.

However, for a copy with an ultra-long standby time of 60 days, time does not seem to be so precious at the moment.

Baili Xin stretched and began to check what these meant starting from the first icon.

He first took a quick look and found that most of the icons here were icons of competitive games.

The character "Mr. Xin" that I play is most likely a game fan.

Two hours later, Baili Xin had filtered out half of the icons on the desktop and put the useless icons in a unified folder. Immediately, half of the desktop was empty.

In order to avoid his behavior being too abnormal, Baili Xin finished dinner according to Xiaoyi's instructions.

Before going to bed, Baili Xin had narrowed down the more than two hundred icons to only fifteen.

Among these fifteen icons, there was one that concerned him a lot.

It was an icon of a shopping platform. According to the records above, "Mr. Xin" had purchased something recently, but because the item was encrypted, Baili Xin could not be sure what it was.

Shipping unknown.

Store encryption.

The transaction method is unknown.

Everything is unknown.

The only thing we know is that the item is specially customized and the estimated delivery time is half a month later.

Baili Xin silently wrote down the delivery time of the thing, and then checked the other icons.

Among the fifteen icons, there are two identical communication icons.

The two icons are exactly the same in appearance and in the content they open. At first glance, it seems as if the copy and paste keys were pressed.

Baili Xin opened the two address books and dragged them downwards to compare them. He even opened every chat record in them and looked through them. Everything seemed normal.

It's just normal communication between friends and colleagues, there's nothing wrong with it.

He didn't think that the two identical icons were a coincidence, and he hadn't noticed yet that Baili Xin had also put the two address books together.

The other icons more or less contained some issues that Baili Xin didn't understand, so he simply put them together for observation.

Until the end of the day, there was no more system notification sound, and Baili Xin had not yet revealed his "hidden identity".

"Sir, it's time to get up."

"Good morning, sir. Today is also a sunny day. I wish you a good mood from now on."

After a nap, Xiaoyi stood at the place where he first appeared yesterday, tilting his head and smiling as he continued to repeat the same opening remarks as yesterday.

Baili Xin squinted and glanced out the window.

The sun was shining brightly, and the beams of light wrapped in the Tyndall effect slanted perfectly from the window onto the dining table and the floor, making everything full of warmth and comfort.

He sat up silently, and Xiaoyi's face showed a puzzled expression again: "Sir, did you dream again last night?"

Baili Xin felt something was wrong, and shook his head with a confused expression: "Sorry, I don't know."

Xiaoyi's expression turned into one of grievance and worry: "Maybe I should contact a psychologist for you? Frequent dreaming means that you haven't had a thorough rest. You may need psychological counseling. It must be because you have been too busy at work recently. Maybe it's time for you to take a vacation? I remember that you still have half a month of vacation left. Do you need me to help you apply for a vacation, sir?"

When Baili Xin heard the word "psychologist", he suddenly remembered that the bald Mr. Keira seemed to want to introduce a psychologist to him before.

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