After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 55: Red Apple House 10


There was the sound of bottles and jars clanging and metal being smashed. Baili Xin was still lying at the iron gate eavesdropping when he heard footsteps coming hurriedly towards him from inside the room.

Baili Xin immediately pulled Dijia to the side and pretended to pass by.

The person who opened the door was a man. He had a decent appearance, but now his eyes were fierce. He was wearing a black vest, and his muscles were bulging under the vest.

The man obviously didn't expect there to be anyone in the corridor, and his hand paused as he tried to open the door.

Seeing Baili Xin looking at him, he glared at the two of them and shouted, "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a couple quarreling?" Then he took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket and walked into the dark corridor to smoke.

He took two steps, and suddenly staggered, cursing, "Fuck, which blind dog pooped here? What bad luck!"

The dim incandescent light above my head flickered faster.

Baili Xin looked inside through the open iron gate and saw a woman squatting on the ground silently packing her things. As she was packing, she suddenly held her head and burst into tears.

In the bedroom deep in the room, a little head popped out. A little girl with two pigtails, about six or seven years old, poked her head out and her timid eyes secretly looked at the messy hall.

Seeing the woman crying, the little girl hesitated for two seconds and walked over in her slippers, "Mom, don't cry."

The crying woman suddenly raised her head, grabbed the girl's arm with both hands and shook it vigorously, "It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, a burden... wuwuwu."

As the woman shook the girl hard, she was pushed to the ground, her hand was stabbed into the broken beer bottle, and blood immediately flowed all over the floor.

The girl cried out in agony and then suddenly turned her head to look outside the iron gate, revealing her face that had been hidden in her hair to Baili Xin and the others.

Without any mental preparation, Baili Xin's breathing suddenly stagnated, and he subconsciously grabbed Dijia's hand beside him.

It was a face drawn with crayon, a very bad one at that.

A face is painted with khaki as the base, and the painter did not paint it lightly or heavily, so the color varies in depth, and the whole yellow face looks very dirty.

On the yellow face, two eyes were drawn in circles with a crayon. There was no nose, and the blood-red mouth was now a downward-curved bracket.

Looking at such a face, it is so weird that those ghosts upstairs look a little cuter than her.

The ghosts upstairs were at most ugly in appearance, but the face of the woman in front of him was not ugly, but revealed a strange sense of despair.

The woman tilted her head, and two unreadable crayon-black eyes were fixed on them.

When Baili Xin was still unsure whether this woman was the female ghost, the woman's downward-curved lips pursed into the shape of "—". She ignored the little girl crying alone, slowly pushed open the iron gate, and moved in front of them.

The dark, messy crayon eyes stared at Baili Xin and Dijia: "You two look a little unfamiliar, are you two residents of this floor?"

Baili Xin: “No.”

Although I couldn't see the woman's expression, I could still hear her tone. There was some suspicion in her voice. "Who are you looking for?"

Baili Xin was already very familiar with talking to ghosts, and he said without blushing or getting nervous: "We are here to unclog the water pipes."

The woman looked at the two of them blankly and said blankly, "Oh, I see."

After Baili Xin finished speaking, he pulled Dijia and walked inside.

Just as they took two steps, the woman stopped them, "Wait a minute, you're here to unclog the water pipe, right? Come over here and take a look at us first. Our water pipe is also clogged."

Baili Xin: "..."

What a coincidence? Is my luck factor f- starting to work again

He was just talking nonsense about unclogging the water pipe. How could he possibly unclogging the water pipe

Baili Xin pointed to the front, "Um, how about I go to the front customer and then come back to see yours?"

The woman's chilly voice immediately entered Baili Xin's ears, "We are the only family with people on this floor."

Baili Xin & Dijia: "..."

Turning his head stiffly, Baili Xin looked at the house number awkwardly: "Is that so? Then we went to the wrong floor, hehe."

Secretly, he tugged at the sleeve of Dijia beside him.

Dijia nodded immediately, "Yeah, you're already an adult, but you're still so careless that you even remembered the wrong floor."

The woman continued to speak in a cold voice, patting the iron fence with her hands in annoyance. "Anyway, we've gone the wrong way, let us see it first. The sewers are often blocked recently, and the property management of this shabby house is not good to begin with. It's so annoying."

Baili Xin and Dijia looked at each other, without hesitation, and walked into the room.

Since there is only this family on this floor, the female ghost might be the woman in front of him.

Following the crayon-faced woman into the house, the little girl was still crying. The woman ignored her and kicked the bleeding little girl with her foot, "Go, the medicine box is in the bedroom, go and treat your wound yourself."

The little girl raised her head crying. When she saw the Fuwa in Baili Xin's arms, her watery eyes froze, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she screamed and ran into the bedroom.

At present, the mother's appearance is the strangest in this house. On the contrary, the father and the girl's facial features are normal.

The woman led Baili Xin and Dijia to a narrow and dim bathroom. The light above their heads was even dimmer than in the corridor. The ceramic floor of the bathroom was covered with stubborn muddy stains. In the filter of the sewer in the center of the circle, a group of fine and dense hair floated.

In a narrow bathroom of only a few square meters, there is a bathtub embedded in the wall, and every corner is filled with clothes and sundries. There is a toilet and a washbasin, and a huge flat mirror is hung on the wall in front of the washbasin.

The woman was wearing a red sling, leaning against the wall, and said coldly, "You guys are cleaning the sewers, why don't you bring the tools to clean the sewers?"

Baili Xin said without blinking, "The customer said the sewer was badly clogged, so today I came here just to take a look at the situation. I'll give you the details and then go back to find the tools to clear the sewer."

The woman said "Oh" and pointed with her red-nailed finger at the manhole with hair tangled in it. "That's right there. It's been blocked a lot lately. There's always some water that smells bad coming up, and sometimes there's hair that appears out of nowhere."

She paused and cursed, "It must be that damned devil. He brought back some questionable women while I was gone!"

Baili Xin glanced at the hair and said, "Isn't this hair yours?"

Woman: "Of course not. My hair is not that thin. My hair is pure black, while that woman's hair is flaxen. Wait, I'll find it for you."

Search? What

A few minutes later, the woman came over with a toolbox, twisting her graceful waist. "Here, the problem in our house shouldn't be too big. I don't know if you'll come back after you leave. The tools are all here. You can use them to clear the way. Don't worry, I'll pay you. I won't let you work for nothing."

Baili Xin took the toolbox and opened it. There were quite a complete set of tools inside.

Hooks, long tweezers, rubber gloves, etc. are all available.

After a while, the woman came over with a long metal pipe and said, "Here's another one for you. I saw many drain cleaners use this, so I bought one and tried it myself. But no matter how many times I cleared the drain, it got clogged again after a few days."

Baili Xin and Dijia put on rubber gloves and opened the sewer cover.

Baili Xin picked up the hair and took a look. Just as the woman said, the hair was thin and soft, completely different from the hard hair of a woman.


If there is nothing messy inside, it will not get blocked, unless...

Baili Xin frowned, took out a flashlight and shone it into the sewer.

The pipe was thin and long, and the flashlight was blocked halfway through by something.

Baili Xin took out a pair of long tweezers and quickly caught something with the tweezers.

He tried to pull the thing up, but found it a bit difficult.

Finally, he pulled hard and finally pulled the thing up.

He pulled out a swollen scalp with hair attached from the sewer.

The scalp was still attached to a blurry mass of rotten flesh, and because it was swollen from being soaked in water for a long time, it blocked the sewer.

The hair is also thin and long, corresponding to the hair at the sewer outlet.

The crayon-faced woman had been leaning against the door frame watching Priscilla cleaning the sewer. When she saw Priscilla pulling up a bunch of scalp, she was not afraid, but just walked up and looked at the hair carefully with her dark eyes.

"It turned out to be her hair. It's unlucky. Even after her death, I still feel worried. I thought the man had cheated on me."

The woman said nonchalantly, "Let's see if there is anything else."

Baili Xin placed the scalp on the dirt-covered ground and said, "This is human hair and scalp. Why aren't you afraid at all?"

The woman pinched her waist and said, "Why should I be afraid? Everyone is going to die. I didn't kill her."

She pointed to the house next door and began to speak in a mysterious tone, "Do you know why we are the only family left in this building? If we had money, we would have moved out. Half a year ago, someone next door died."

The woman lowered her voice, her bright red crayon mouth opening and closing as if it had eaten a child, "It was a woman who died. She was a single mother, raising two children, a boy and a girl, all by herself."

"We don't know who killed her. The police haven't solved the case yet. The woman's body was chopped into very small pieces, and all the body parts were flushed down the toilet."

I don’t know if it was because the woman’s voice was too strange, but the little baby in Baili Xin’s arms frowned tightly, his facial features squeezed together, and he was about to cry.

Upon seeing this, Baili Xin took off his rubber gloves and patted the doll's head soothingly.

Smelling the familiar smell, the doll immediately relaxed its frown, its eyebrows stretched out, and it continued to sleep.

The woman didn't seem to have any curiosity about the doll.

While comforting the doll, Baili Xin asked the woman, "How was the body found? Did the two children call the police?"

The woman paused for two seconds. She shuddered as if she had recalled something terrible. "This is where the weirdness comes from. It was the teacher of the two children who discovered something was wrong."

"The two children were twins, a boy and a girl, and were in the same class. During that period, they brought lunch boxes to school every day, but every time the lunch boxes gave off a very pungent smell, like something rotting."

"Some students and parents reported this to the class teacher, who called the two children over and discovered that it was not just the lunch boxes that were emitting the fishy smell, but also the clothes and bodies of the two children."

"The teacher felt something was wrong at the time and asked them who prepared the lunch boxes."

"Guess what happened?"

Baili Xin: "Take it. The two children said that the lunch box was prepared by their mother?"

The woman paused for two seconds and let out a "tsk" from the corner of her mouth. "You are so boring. That's right, the two children said in unison that their lunch boxes were made by their mother, their clothes were washed by their mother, and their baths were also taken care of by their mother."

"The head teacher didn't think much of it at the time and thought it was a prank by the parents. He followed the children home and visited their homes that day."

"As soon as she got home, she saw two children shouting for their moms into the air."

"The head teacher was so frightened that he peed himself and called the police before he passed out."

Baili Xin looked at the scalp with hair on the ground and said, "But you didn't find anything? For example, there was no smell of corpse or anything like that."

"We are in a slum here, and the smell of rotten fish and rotten food is common," the woman sighed. "Who would think that? Even though we are not familiar with each other, we have seen each other every day. We also know that there is only a mother with two children in that family. The two children go to school on time every day. Of course we would think that the adults are fine."

"Later, when the police came to investigate, we realized that the stench we had been smelling during that time was actually the stench of a corpse. The police searched the sewer for a long time but could not find the woman completely. Before the police left, they told us that if residents found the victim's body parts again, they should contact them in time."

The woman slapped her forehead and said, "Oh right, I have to call the police right away. If they find the body parts, there should be a reward."

Baili Xin stopped her and said, "When did the police say the victim was killed?"

The woman stopped walking and said, "He died half a year ago. His body was soaked in the stinking ditch."

Baili Xin and Dijia looked at each other.

Dijia asked in a deep voice: "He has been dead for half a year. Where is the person who cooked for those two children? Where are those two children now?"

Woman: "Didn't I just say that? It's weird. The two children insisted that their mother had always been there for the past six months and that their mother cooked all the meals. But I did see these two children picking up rotten vegetable leaves at the vegetable market."

"I don't believe in those ghosts and gods. These two children are neither old nor young. I think the two children must have lied. They have a good relationship and their mother is a single parent. Once their mother's death is discovered, they will be sent to an orphanage and may be separated in the future."

"I guess they just didn't want to be separated, so they told this big lie. But children are children, and if they had called the police earlier, maybe they could have found more clues. Now half a year has passed, and all the clues are gone."


"After the police found out their mother had been killed, the two children were sent to an orphanage. But I heard that the two children had a bad life in the orphanage. You should understand the rumors. Everyone said they were ghost dolls and didn't play with them. They were isolated."

Baili Xin stared at the scary crayon face: "..."

Don’t you believe in gods and ghosts

When you say this, do you want to look in the mirror first

You are already very mysterious, okay? !

The woman sighed, strode to the phone in her slippers, and started calling the police.

In the dim and dirty bathroom, Baili Xin looked at the scalp and asked, "What do you think about cooking?"

Dijia: "I don't think children would lie."

Baili Xin took out the rusty pocket watch from his backpack. The woman just hung up the phone and walked towards them with brisk steps. She seemed to be in a good mood. "I just asked, this scalp can be exchanged for 10 yuan. That's great. I have food for the week."

"Is the family next door the victim this one?" Baili Xin opened the pocket watch and held it in front of the woman.

The woman looked over with her dark crayon-circle eyes, and her tone suddenly became alert, "Who are you? How did you get their things?"

Baili Xin calmly pointed at the sewer, "Just now when you were on the phone, I dug around and found this. I heard you say that it was a mother with twins, a boy and a girl, and there was also a woman with two children, a boy and a girl, so I wondered if it was them."

The woman relaxed. “So that’s how it is. Yes, it’s them.”

"It looks like," Baili Xin observed the woman calmly, "even though the photo is blurry, you can still tell that the woman is very beautiful."

The woman sneered, "Pretty? She's just a vixen who specializes in seducing men. I think it was because of her indiscretion that she was murdered by her lover."

Baili Xin put away his pocket watch: "The murderer hasn't been found yet, why are you so sure?"

"Why? Of course it's because she lives next door to me. Does she think I can't hear what's going on next door because there's a wall between us? The noise is so annoying."

"Have you seen that man?"

Woman: "No, she's quite secretive and I haven't caught her yet. And it's not necessarily a man. I've seen that vixen flirting with men passing by in this corridor several times, even a man in his seventies. She doesn't mind being embarrassed, and she's not afraid of making her two children sick."

The author has something to say: I'm here again~! ~~

Good night everyone~ Wait for me to give red envelopes to my wives~