After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 56: Red Apple House11


"Now that the sewer is open, let's evacuate."

Seeing that he couldn't get any words out of the crayon-faced woman, Baili Xin had no plans to stay here any longer.

With just over three hours left, he had other plans.

The woman lit a cigarette and put the filter in her bright red crayon mouth.

Blow gently and smoke will come out.

"Hey, I haven't paid yet. How much does it cost to unclog the sewer?"

Baili Xin turned on the tap and washed his hands. "No need to pay. We went to the wrong place. And the tools are yours."

"Tsk tsk," the woman smiled and exhaled a wisp of white smoke from her mouth, "young man, you have a really good heart."

Before leaving, Baili Xin looked up at the clock hanging on the wall in the room, and the time shown was 9:15.

Just now he looked out through the bathroom window and it was already pitch dark outside, so the time now should be past nine o'clock in the evening.

When Baili Xin and Dijia pushed the door and left, the man who had been hiding at the stairs smoking also came back.

The man had a very strong body. Bai Baili Xin had sharp eyes and saw a black spot under the man's vest, which looked a bit like a birthmark.

The man paused after seeing the two people, frowned, and asked warily: "Who are you?"

"Why are you so fierce?" The woman sat on the sofa, crossed her legs and took a puff of cigarette. "They are sewer cleaners. I was wondering why the sewers are always blocked recently. It turns out that the scalp of the vixen next door is blocked in it."

The man's body froze for two seconds, then he pushed past Baili Xin and walked inside. "Where's that unlucky thing? Wash it away quickly."

Woman: "Why flush it away? The police said the reward is ten dollars. If you had some skills, we would have moved out of this haunted building long ago, and I wouldn't have kept that disgusting thing for ten dollars."

The door and the iron gate were slammed shut, and the sounds of the quarrel between the woman and the man became blurred and hazy.

Dijia's eyes were deep. He silently glanced at Baili Xin who was thinking: "Are you going to check out the house where the accident happened?"

Baili Xin nodded: "Let's go, now we are here."

This is the 19th floor occupied by a female ghost, but they have not seen any of her.

The female ghost’s powerful strength even allowed her to restore the residential building of that year. Wouldn’t it be more realistic if the house was used as the crime scene

Dijia took Baili Xin's arm and said in a serious voice: "Don't be stubborn. Also, don't be afraid. I will protect you."

Baili Xin was about to walk forward, but when he heard Dijia's words, he paused slightly, turned his wrist and patted Dijia's cold hand, "Yes, I know, you too."

As I moved forward with difficulty in the cluttered corridor, the incandescent light above my head flickered more violently.

This dark residential passage is narrow and dirty. There is a white seal on the iron fence door of the target residence, and two warning tapes are wrapped around the door frame.

There was a tiny crack in the door, and it was pitch black and empty inside.

Even though nothing could be seen through the tiny gap, an eerie and chilly aura that could not be ignored was surging madly outwards.

Dijia quietly held Baili Xin's shoulders and pulled him behind him.

The broad shoulders blocked his sight and also kept the cold air out.

Baili Xin secretly glanced at Dijia and saw that the other party had begun to pull up the cordon silently.

Tear off the warning tape and the seal.

From beginning to end, Dijia still kept Baili Xin firmly behind him.

The dilapidated iron door was opened by Dijia with a creaky sound. The sudden sound seemed particularly loud and strange in this narrow, gloomy and dilapidated corridor.

Baili Xin then realized that the noise from the next room had stopped at some point, and the entire corridor was as quiet as a tomb. Even the sound of his own breathing was amplified several times.

Taking a deep breath, Baili Xin reached out from behind Dijia and pushed the wooden door in the iron fence open a little.

The incandescent light bulb above my head suddenly jumped a few times.

With a loud "hissing" sound, the last stubbornness of the incandescent lamp disappeared.

In front of my eyes, everything suddenly became pitch black.

In the pitch-black darkness, something flashed by, bringing with it a slight, cold breeze.

While Baili Xin was patiently waiting for his vision to adjust to the darkness, a pair of large hands firmly grasped Baili Xin's hands.

Those hands had lost their original warmth, but in this cramped and terrifying darkness, they gave Baili Xin great courage.

Although, Baili Xin was not that scared.

"Follow me, I will protect you." Dijia's soothing voice sounded again in the darkness. It was unknown how many times he had said "I will protect you". It was as if protecting Baili Xin was deeply imprinted in his instinct. Every time something happened, he subconsciously wanted to protect him.

The doll's head in my arms trembled twice, as if it woke up.

Baili Xin felt the doll head nudging the back of his hand with its tofu-like tender cheek, and then the doll jumped a little.

The next second, his shoulders sank and the doll head jumped onto his shoulders.

"Let's go." Baili Xin looked at the time in the taskbar. It was already 2 a.m.

As time went by, he gradually adapted to the darkness, and some outlines began to appear in front of his eyes, which were originally completely black.

A firm force pulled Baili Xin and led him into the room.

As soon as they walked into the room, the man and the ghost stopped.

At the crime scene of that year, they all felt a gaze at the same time.

Dijia kept holding Baili Xin's hand with a little force, as if using the strength of his hand to tell him "Don't be afraid".

Following the line of sight, Baili Xin squinted his eyes and saw a vague outline standing in front of a door frame.

It looked like a human, tall and thin, standing in the middle of the door frame.

As they looked at the silhouette, the silhouette was also looking at them.

In the darkness, the two sides confronted each other silently.

Baili Xin adhered to classic Renaissance theories such as "villains die because of their talkativeness" and "I won't move unless the enemy moves" and just waited on.

After a few minutes, a gentle female voice sounded in the darkness.

"Why don't you two brothers come in? What are you doing standing at the door? Are you trying to be a hammer?"

The figure slowly approached Baili Xin and Dijia, and as she moved, a cold aura began to flow in the room.

Dijia moved his body slightly and completely blocked Baili Xin behind him.

The shadow reached out and pulled on the wall.

With a "click" sound of the lamp cord being pulled, the lights above the heads lit up at the same time.

The light was a little dim, but in this dim light, the black shadow finally appeared clearly in front of the man and the ghost.

The moment he saw the true appearance of that thing, Baili Xin's breathing stopped for a very short moment.

There should be a woman in front of me.

But her whole body was covered with lines, dense black lines that stitched her body together.

It may be that some of the meat could not be found, or it may have rotted, or the suturing technique was not perfect.

The woman was wearing the simplest floral dress with an apron over it.

Baili Xin couldn't see what the skin hidden under the clothes looked like, but the skin exposed outside was just randomly and sloppily stitched together to look like limbs and a head.

Some of the organs on the stomach were moved to the arms, and the organs on the face were somehow put together, with one eye horizontal and the other vertical, the nose was sewn to the cheek, and the mouth was hanging there crookedly.

The woman smiled and said, "Mom will make you your favorite preserved egg and lean meat porridge and twice-cooked pork tonight."

Baili Xin: "..."

As the woman spoke, the imperfect stitching revealed bits of rotten flesh.



"Mingming, take your sister to the study to do her homework first. The meal will be ready soon."

Baili Xin and Dijia looked at each other.

Study, which room is it

As the two hesitated, the ghost girl suddenly frowned, her eyes became sharp, a faint breeze blew in the air, and her hair began to spread out.

The woman's eerie voice slowly reached the two's ears: "You... don't you know where the study is?"

In the awkward eye contact, Baili Xin poked her head out from behind Dijia, raised her smiling face and called out, "Mom."

Hearing this address, the woman's arrogance suddenly disappeared.

The woman let her hair fall naturally, tilted her head and chuckled, "Hey."

Baili Xin saw the soft meat squeezed out between the pieces of meat: "..."

You have a cute laugh.

Don't laugh next time.

Baili Xin: "The teacher didn't assign any homework today."

The woman frowned in confusion: "I always assigned homework before, why didn't I do it today?"

Baili Xin: "Today is the weekend. My brother and I just went out to play. Did you forget?"

Dijia kept holding Baili Xin's fingertips and rubbed the back of Baili Xin's hand a few times without leaving any trace.

The woman's eyes were blank for a few seconds before she nodded in sudden realization, "Yes, yes, today is the weekend. Look at how bad my memory is. Sorry, baby, my memory hasn't been very good these days. I'm too stupid."

"No, I didn't," Baili Xin said, "Mom is not stupid. Mom said she is the smartest and most beautiful woman in the world."

You wouldn’t even raise your hand to hit someone who smiles at you, let alone a “ghost mother” who loves her child.

Sure enough, the female ghost heard it and her voice became louder, "Oh, Yuanyuan is trying to make mom happy again, then you guys watch TV for a while, mom will cook for you."

The woman turned on the TV as she spoke. It was an old-fashioned TV with a big butt. When it was turned on, there was a crackling sound of snowflakes.

She quickly pressed a few buttons on the remote control and soon switched to a children's channel.

Putting the remote control on the coffee table, the woman walked back to the kitchen again.

Baili Xin shouted across the corridor, "Mom, please close the kitchen door. The smell of cooking fumes is too strong."

The woman obviously loved the two children very much and immediately closed the kitchen door. "Okay, you guys play for a while first. Brother will take good care of your sister."

The kitchen door was closed, successfully isolating them.

Baili Xin and Dijia looked at each other. Baili Xin pinched Dijia's fingers hard and whispered in his ear, "Let's go around the room."

The warm breath blew into the man's ear, and Dijia's fingers tightened subconsciously.

Baili Xin's eyes flickered, and after a two-second pause, he blew into Dijia's ear with a very subtle voice: "Okay, brother."

Emperor Ga: “…”

Damn, it’s crispy.

Of course it’s good, how can it be bad

The sound of children's cartoons came from the TV in the hall.

Amid the sound of cartoons, the two began to search every room.

The house is not big. Apart from the living room and kitchen that can be seen at a glance, there is a recessed area at the corner which is obviously a bathroom, and there are two rooms left.

The doors of both rooms were closed, and the two men walked into the room closest to the door first.

They turned on the light in the dark, and a bedroom appeared in front of them.

It was not a very big bedroom, and the whole room was filled with just a double bed.

There was a photo hanging above the bed. The person was wearing a wedding dress. Judging from her clothes and figure, she was a woman, but her face was painted over.

Moreover, this photo is obviously cropped from a wedding photo, and the edge of the black suit can be seen on one side of the photo border.

Apart from this double bed, there were only two bedside tables and a large wardrobe in the room.

Baili Xin pushed open the wardrobe and found few clothes inside.

There were a few thin clothes and a few thick clothes, all of which were somewhat worn out, and there was nothing else.

Baili Xin closed the wardrobe and turned around to find that Dijia had already opened the bedside table.

As soon as he walked over, he saw Dijia calmly push the bedside table closed.

"What's inside?" Baili Xin looked at Dijia and asked curiously.

Dijia's eyes flickered: "There's nothing, don't look at it."

The more he said this, the more curious Baili Xin became. He simply pulled Dijia's arm aside and opened the drawer.

Several square objects with a small round protrusion inside were exposed to the view.

Baili Xin paused for two seconds, then calmly and silently closed the drawer: "..."


His fingers slid and reached the second drawer of the bedside table.

The drawer was opened, revealing a small, square blue-covered notebook.

In the hall outside, the sound of boiling oil smoke as food was put into the pot could be heard.

Baili Xin took out a small notebook and opened it.

This is an account book.

Basically, it records your daily income and expenses.

From the account book, it can be seen that most of the daily expenses are spent on food and children. For several years, the woman hardly bought herself a decent piece of clothing.

Baili Xin flipped through the pages quickly, and when he reached almost the back page, his fingertips suddenly stopped.

He flipped forward a few more pages and used his fingers as bookmarks to pick out these pages.

There were several strange expenses in the account book.

Sleeping pills, machetes, hemp ropes, woven bags…

If you take any one of them out alone, no one would think much of it.

But when so many people were contacted at such a close time, one can't help but think of some bad things.

After Baili Xin flipped through a few more pages, the record came to an abrupt end.

After putting the account book back into the drawer, Baili Xin looked at the contents of another drawer.

This time it was just some daily trivial tools, no additional discoveries.

It was obvious that the purchase of sleeping pills and other things was not a coincidence.

The handwriting recording those items had not changed, so it was obvious that they were bought by a woman.

Did she buy these things with the intention of killing someone from the beginning

The sound of cooking outside the hall became louder, accompanied by the "sizzling" sound of oil being put into the wok, and waves of meat aroma wafting over.

Baili Xin wasted no time and immediately entered the next room after exiting the room.

This room is a study and bedroom.

This room was obviously the room of two children. There were two desks placed side by side against the wall, and two stools for children to sit on under the desks.

Inside the room, there is a bunk bed with two levels.

It was covered with a pink bed sheet and there was a bunny doll next to the pillow.

The sheets and bedding below were sky blue, and there were a few old anime posters on the wall.

Wardrobes and bookshelves are neatly arranged against the wall.

This room is much more spacious than the room where the mother just lived.

Baili Xin still chose to open the wardrobe closest to the door first. Half of it was filled with girls' and half with boys' clothes. Both the fabric and quality were much better than her mother's.

There are some storybooks and small toys on the bookshelf, but nothing special.

"Come and take a look at this." Dijia called out to Baili Xin.

Baili Xin turned around and saw Dijia sitting on a small stool that was a little too small for him, holding something that looked like a diary and waving at him.

He walked forward and stood next to Dijia.

This really is a diary.

Unlike the woman's beautiful handwriting in the account book, the handwriting in the diary looks much more childish.

Dijia: "I'll turn it over for you to read. When you're done, just tap the back of my hand and I'll know."

Baili Xin: "Okay."

The diary was opened to the first page.

Baili Xin has always been a fast reader, and there isn't much profound writing in the kid's diary, mostly straightforward accounts, so Baili Xin reads very quickly.

Baili Xin's attention was on the diary, but Dijia's attention was on Baili Xin's fingers.

Fingers with a crystal texture like jade are suspended in the air on the back of the hand, and the round and soft fingertips tap gently on the back of the hand every few seconds.

With every strike, he could feel the warmth and delicate touch of Baili Xin.

No one spoke between them at this moment. They just kept knocking and turning, and they had a tacit understanding as if they had been getting along for a very long time.

This should have been an evil environment filled with danger and darkness, but Dijia felt a peace and warmth he had never felt before.

The long loneliness and aimless waiting seem to be just for this moment.

For a few seconds, Dijia even wished that time could stand still.

That way he would always have the youth, always with him.

After tapping his fingertips several times in a row, Dijia came to his senses and saw Baili Xin's clear eyes looking at him intently.

Dijia quickly turned the page.

The warm fingertips fell on the back of the hand, gently circling, Baili Xin said softly: "You were distracted just now, what were you thinking about?"

The young man's fingertips were very soft, but there was still a tingling sensation. The young man's fingers drew circles vaguely, as if silently inviting her.

Dijia's non-existent heart skipped a beat. He looked up at the young man and saw that the young man's clear and watery eyes were now covered with a layer of hazy mist, ambiguous and lingering.

"You," Dijia was a little uncertain, "are you seducing me?"

Baili Xin paused with his fingertips, slowly retracted them, placed them on the table and tapped them lightly.

Dijia's gaze was uncontrollably attracted to the young man's constantly moving fingers, and his thoughts began to fly.

This jade hand knocked on the table, which was truly a blessing for the table in eight lifetimes.

This table is just a dead object, what virtue does it have

When will this hand fall on me and play pleasant music on me like playing the piano

Baili Xin lowered his eyes, and his gaze hidden in the mist was filled with an anxious feeling.

He took a deep breath and suppressed his restlessness, "The timing here is not right."

Dijia suddenly looked up.

The timing is not right

What is the timing

Could he boldly affirm that this was a signal of invitation from the young man

Dijia's chest suddenly felt swollen.

He silently covered his chest with his cold hands, feeling as if something was grabbing and kneading it, making his chest extremely uncomfortable.

It's like there's still a heart inside.

But he is a ghost.

This kind of emotion shouldn't exist.

Baili Xin continued, "If you have anything to say, wait until we are completely safe. The Red Apple House, the Underworld Hotel, and this residential building are full of dangers. You don't want to be disturbed in the middle of your work, do you?"

Dijia's pupils widened.

Do, do

do what?!

Speak clearly to me!

"With your ability, you will have to stay up all night, right?"

Another sentence came crashing down, this time with a force no less powerful than a deepwater/fish/torpedo blasting through the surface of the sea.

With a loud "bang", a mushroom cloud exploded in Diga's mind.

His cheeks were burning and his ears felt a little hot.

Staying up all night or something.

Young people know themselves too well.

There was a flash of regret in Dijia's eyes.

The young man is really bold. If the cold and beautiful woman becomes coquettish, he will have no chance of success.

I have to say that when I first saw the young man, I felt some special impulse towards him.

But it was just a thought. Firstly, he knew it was very dangerous here, and secondly, he didn't know what the young man was thinking.

So for all this time, he only dared to secretly kiss and hug her when she was passing through the ghost aura or pretending to be possessed by a charm, and he didn't dare to do anything else that inappropriate.

Dijia looked up at the young man again.

How dare the young man be so bold

He loves it so much.

After Baili Xin finished speaking, he coughed awkwardly, snatched the diary from Dijia's hand, turned his head to the side and began to read it.

The beginning of the diary was normal, usually just trivial matters between the mother and her two children.

But in the following content, another person gradually appeared.


—That bad uncle is here again. Although he gives us money to go out and play, I am not happy at all. Because that bad uncle always bullies my mother. Every time the bad uncle leaves, my mother will cry secretly.

—The bad uncle came again. This time I hid secretly and heard him beating my mother. I was very angry and rushed to protect my mother. The bad uncle said he would beat me to death.

—The bad uncle has changed. He always said he would beat me to death before, but now he has suddenly become nicer. He buys new toys for me and my sister every time he comes, and he no longer beats or scolds my mother. But why is my mother still unhappy and cries even harder

—Today, the bad uncle wanted to give my sister a bath. But he didn't do it, and my mother got angry. My mother broke the cup and stabbed the bad uncle with the broken pieces like crazy. My mother bled.

—Today, my mother took my sister to buy books, and the bad uncle came. He brought me a big toy and said he would take me to the house to play a game. He was smiling, but I was still very afraid of him, crying and calling for my mother. Fortunately, my mother came back... My mother was bleeding again. But, what game did the bad uncle want to play with me

—Today, my mother asked my sister and I to stay at my aunt’s house for a day. My mother said she had something to do and had to go out for a day. My aunt’s sister was so cute and gave us toys to play with, but I still missed my mother.

—Mom has changed. My sister was scared and cried, but I told her that mom is still mom and we love her the most.

The child's immature and ignorant words jumped into his eyes. There were many words he didn't recognize yet and could only express them with letters.

As the content increased, Baili Xin's breathing became heavier, as if there was something stuck in his throat.

The sharp thorns pierced his throat, causing pain every time he breathed.

A man as vicious as a jackal.

So the woman was going to buy sleeping pills and kill the man once and for all in order to protect her two children

But in the end, the woman died. Could it be that what the woman did was discovered by the man, and then she was killed by the man

The day I went to live outside should be the day I implemented my murder plan.

Later, when the boy wrote in his diary, "Mom has changed and my sister was scared and crying," he was afraid that the woman had turned into a ghost, but she refused to leave and continued to take care of her two children in this house.

Although the female ghost looks a bit scary, this weird story is also filled with warmth.

While Baili Xin was still thinking, he suddenly felt a cold breath coming from the door.

He slowly turned his head and saw the strange face that was pieced together very close.

The woman looked at the two men expressionlessly, her pale face swollen from hair loss, looking scary and horrifying.

She held onto the door frame, with only her head sticking out, and appeared in front of the two men without any warning.

"What are you doing here?" the woman asked coldly.

Baili Xin put the diary back on the bookshelf naturally, "I will go to school tomorrow, and I am studying with my brother. Mom, we don't like watching TV."

The woman's emotionless dark eyes glanced back and forth between Baili Xin and Dijia before she put on a smile again: "It's great that you have grown up. Mom is so happy. The food is ready, come and eat it, or it will get cold."

Baili Xin and Dijia looked at each other and moved with difficulty.

Can the food in horror movies be normal

When Baili Xin and Dijia sat down at the table, Baili Xin was surprised to find that the food was actually normal.

Twice cooked pork is twice cooked pork.

The woman's movements were not very flexible because of the stitching of her fingers.

She struggled to pick up a piece of twice-cooked pork and placed it in front of the two of them, encouraging them: "Eat quickly, this is your favorite. When you are growing up, you need to eat more so that you can grow taller."

Baili Xin kept his chopsticks on the twice-cooked pork and didn't pick it up for a long time.

Under the woman's increasingly earnest gaze, Baili Xin stood up and said, "Mom, I remembered that my brother and I haven't washed our hands yet."

Having said that, without waiting for the woman to say anything, he directly pulled Dijia and rushed into the bathroom.

In a house with two bedrooms and a living room, the bathroom is of course extremely narrow.

The lighting in the bathroom was also very dim, much like an incandescent lamp whose tungsten filament has gradually aged after being used for a long time.

This bathroom has the same layout as the one next door, but it's just cleaner.

Baili Xin turned on the faucet, and clear water immediately flowed out: "This is the last place in this house that I haven't seen. Those two players are not here."

Dijia lowered his head and washed his hands: "What are you going to do next? Run away directly after you get out?"

Baili Xin: "No, I'm going to show my cards. I have a guess. The Red Apple House seems to have been in business for a long time. After the woman was found dead, the twins were sent to an orphanage. We found this pocket watch in the basement of the Red Apple House, and the female ghost goes to the Red Apple every night to look for the children."

"I guess the orphanage those two children were sent to was the Red Apple Home."

Dijia: "That's a very reasonable inference. How do you plan to reveal your cards?"

Baili Xin: "The reason why the female ghost goes to the Red Apple House every day is to look for the child. We can help. I even think this should be a mission."

"Wealth and honor are sought in danger. It has been decided happily."

As the two talked, the incandescent light above their heads flickered a few times.

The light, which was originally just a dim yellow, suddenly turned into a strange dark red.

Baili Xin: "..."

Again? Being scared once or twice is enough. Too much scaring will really make people numb.

He lowered his head indifferently, and saw that the water in the faucet had turned bright red.

The bottom of the wash basin was blocked, and blood quickly filled the wash basin and began to flow out along the white porcelain wall. The blood soon spread all over the floor, soaking the soles of Baili Xin and Dijia's shoes.

A red, blue and white woven bag appeared in the small bathroom that was empty just now.

Baili Xin looked at Dijia, and Dijia also looked at Baili Xin, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

How should I put it? After so many weird and terrifying scenes, the two men became more certain that the woman just wanted to scare them.

A real evil ghost won't give you so much foreplay, it will just start attacking you straight away.

For example, the red spiders, the man-eating blood race...

The red light above my head began to flash, and a sharp, whistling sound of eerie laughter echoed in the air.

The bulging woven bag suddenly made a "swish" sound as the chain opened, and the next moment, a dry hand stretched out from it.

And in the sewer beneath his feet, countless long black hair began to emerge.

The hair mixed with blood approached Baili Xin and Dijia.

Baili Xin looked back at the mirror, and saw the shadow of the female ghost reflected in the mirror.

She lowered her head, her hair hanging down to cover her face, revealing half of her strangely shaped eyes.

Baili Xin: "..."

Probably because she has gained experience from scaring people so often, the atmosphere created by this female ghost is almost as scary as it can be.

No wonder even ghosts are unwilling to come down to the hotel for service. With this kind of environment, not to mention humans, even ghosts would be scared.

Unfortunately, he and Dijia are not humans, but dogs.

Baili Xin kicked away the female ghost approaching him and took out the pocket watch from his pocket, "Do you want this thing?"

The scary female ghost, who was about to continue to climb up, suddenly froze, and the red light above her head stopped flashing.

Baili Xin continued, "If you want it, put this scary thing away and let's talk."

The female ghost was silent for two seconds.

Two seconds later, the blood flowed back and the hair retracted. Even the body that had half-entered the woven bag froze and locked back awkwardly. After completely retreating into the woven bag, he did not forget to zip it up.

The light above my head also turned back to its original dim yellow color, and even became a little brighter.

The female ghost who was kicked into the corner staggered to her feet, holding on to the white porcelain wall, and looked anxiously at the pocket watch in Baili Xin's hand.

"Give me that thing. It's my child's. How did it end up in your hands?"

Baili Xin held the pocket watch, but did not give it to the ghost girl immediately, nor did he answer the ghost girl's questions. He just asked: "Answer me a few questions, and I will give it to you. Where did you take the two humans you brought out of the Red Apple House?"

The female ghost looked at Baili Xin blankly: "What human? I have never caught any human."

Baili Xin was slightly surprised. "It's not you? Do you go to Red Apple House every night with your ball to look for the child?"

When I asked this question, the ghost nodded and said, "That's not a ball, it's my karma. I'm afraid of getting lost, so I always bring the karma with me when I go there."

Baili Xin: "..."

Wow, does the saying “kick your head like a ball” really come true

Baili Xin: "In that case, my companions said that they heard you impersonating their voices to deceive and lure those humans. Whoever responded, you took away. Last night you took two people away, a man and a woman."

The female ghost quickly shook her head: "I just went to scare you, I didn't really take anyone away. Those two people responded, but I just knocked them out, I didn't do anything."

Baili Xin frowned, "Since you don't do anything, why scare people? Are you bored?"

A trace of embarrassment appeared on the ghost girl's terrifying face: "Uh, I'm used to scaring people, it's my professional instinct..."

Baili Xin: "..."

He threw the pocket watch to the female ghost through the air, and she immediately went to catch it in panic, and the pocket watch fell steadily into her palm.

Seeing the ghost girl cherishing them, Baili Xin asked another question: "Did your children live in this Red Apple House before?"

Looking at the blurry photos of the two children, the ghost girl's tears fell one by one like beads from a broken string: "Yes. After I died, my body moved and I left my children for a while. Later, as my strength increased, I had the strength to get rid of the body and go find my children."

"But the child had disappeared by then. Since then, I have been looking for him every day, every year, but I can't find him alive, dead, or even his soul. My child, I want to find my child. How could my child have such a miserable life? He just escaped from the jaws of death and now he is missing again. I just want to find my child back."

Baili Xin: "That's why you keep dragging your feet and not leaving."

He paused and said, "The man who killed you was the man next door to you?"

Dijia glanced at Baili Xin.

The female ghost widened her eyes in surprise, "How did you know?"

Baili Xin organized his words, "It's just a reasonable guess. First, if they really wanted to move, they could definitely move. Although the woman said she had no money, the cigarettes she smoked and the clothes she wore were all high-quality goods. If she really had no money, she wouldn't be like this. Second, there were corpse spots on the man's body. Although the vest covered it, the black spot should have been left by your curse for a long time."

"In addition, there is actually the most important point. I think you, as a ghost, may look scary, but you are just a paper tiger, just to scare people. If you didn't take away irrelevant humans when you were looking for the child, then you probably wouldn't imprison irrelevant ghosts. Since you imprisoned them, you must have some deep hatred with them."

"You can remember a man's face, but you can't remember a woman's face. Obviously you have a deeper impression of the man, so it is very likely that the man is the murderer."

"What about that woman? Why is she imprisoned? Is she an accomplice?"

The female ghost took a deep breath and said, "Yes, she helped dispose of my body."

Dijia: "What about that little girl?"

The author has something to say: I'm here~~~

Um, does anyone want to see the uncensored version of the cover picture