After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 94: Cheongsam style 3 punishment


Brother Yun sat on the chair and rubbed his shoulders. He hummed a little tune, staggered to the bed, and fell comfortably on the bed.

A gust of cold wind blew in from the window, causing the kerosene lamp and candlelight in the room to swing, and making Yun Ge'er's shadow on the wall dim.

The dim, flickering light, the blurred man swinging an invisible object, and on the bed is a man's scarlet robe.

Judging from Li Cai's actions, he should be holding a whip.

Every time Li Cai swung his hand, the man's shadow shook.

It was as if Yun Ge'er was being whipped by Li Cai. Every time he was whipped, his body trembled with pain.

They were clearly two lives that could not see each other, but at this moment they merged together in a strange way.

Baili Xin watched this absurd and ghostly scene quietly until his invisibility card was about to end. Li Cai then put down the whip with a "puff puff" sound and walked out of the room breathlessly.

When passing by Baili Xin, Baili Xin noticed that Li Cai's face, which had been expressionless just now, was filled with a happy and comfortable smile.

Seeing Li Cai go out, Baili Xin didn't waste any more time and gently opened the door and walked out.

Brother Yun had already fallen asleep on the bed and didn't even notice the door was opened and closed.



That Li Cai just now, was he cracking a whip

Brother Yun looks quite handsome, why did he dress up like a shemale? Not everyone is God Xin, and not everyone is suitable for cheongsam.

Judging from Yun Ge'er's resentful look, he definitely didn't do it voluntarily. Living under someone else's roof, he must have been forced to dress like that.

It's so pitiful. A tall and strong man is given a eunuch concubine, and that eunuch is a sadistic pervert.

But isn't the bedroom shielded? Why can we see it this time

I guess the system decided that this was a bedroom without pornographic risks and therefore did not block it

There won't be any pornographic risks? Then Xin Shen will be blocked when he enters the bedroom... Hehehe.



As soon as he walked out of Yun Ge'er's arched courtyard, Baili Xin's invisibility card expired.

He wore an ink-black cloak and followed Li Cai quietly, collecting everything he had just seen.

This Li residence has been filled with a sense of incongruity and mystery since he entered this copy.

First, Li Cai died tragically, and then the dead hand sealed the coffin.

Li Cai was still a eunuch, and he had married eighteen concubines.

According to the information from the second concubine this afternoon, Li Cai has been obsessed with Taoism in recent years, even to the point of ignoring all family businesses.

The second concubine Fenggu drank the "medicine", and the eighth concubine Yunger drank the "medicine".

What about the others? Do they need to take medicine

Is it a coincidence or some inevitable connection that these two people drank the medicine together

Does this have anything to do with Li Cai’s death

Baili Xin put the extracted information in his mind and followed Li Cai into his bedroom.

This courtyard is the most luxurious and largest part of the house, but there is no light in this huge courtyard.

Even the moon above seemed to deliberately ignore this once luxurious courtyard, and not even a ray of moonlight shone in sparingly.

All around, there was nothing but silence and darkness.

For fear that a passing servant might notice the unusual situation, Baili Xin did not turn on the flashlight. There was a white light around Li Cai's shadow.

Baili Xin took advantage of the faint light, stepped on the vague outlines, and followed Li Cai into the inner courtyard.

The inner courtyard was hung with white silk, in addition to the white silk there were also some yellow talismans.

In the corner of the yard there was a metal brazier with some black ashes left over from burning.

Li Cai didn't look around too much, and wasn't afraid of those yellow talismans. He easily entered the room right under Baili Xin's nose.

Baili Xin followed him to the door, which was not locked and even had a tiny gap.

He gently pushed the door open, and the door instantly made a creaking sound of wooden boards grinding against each other, which was particularly abrupt in the empty and silent darkness.

Baili Xin held his breath and tiptoed into the room.

In the dark room, Baili Xin took a moment to adjust himself before he could see the layout and furnishings inside clearly.

This is a luxuriously decorated room, filled with many fine porcelains and jades.

Li Cai's shadow went into the room and sat on a chair in the hall to rest for a while.

After resting enough, Li Cai continued to walk inside.

The inner room is a study.

Baili Xin then realized that this was not Li Cai's bedroom, but his study.

The first thing Li Cai did when he arrived at the study was to walk to the empty wall.

He put his hands behind his back and looked at the empty wall. After a moment, he picked up something, held it in his hands above his head, and bowed three times respectfully.

Are you burning incense

This means that there should have been something on this empty wall.

Baili Xin walked over to Li Cai's side. He looked carefully at the wall and found a very faint rectangular outline on the wall, which extended to a place high above his head.

According to preliminary speculation, there should be a portrait hanging here.

Now it is gone, I don't know who took it away.

The man obviously came for the painting. There were many expensive treasures outside the study, but the man didn't touch anything and only took the portrait.

So here comes the question: what secret is hidden in this portrait

Baili Xin was thinking, and glanced at Li Cai inadvertently, but suddenly froze.

I don’t know when Li Cai started looking at him!

His originally hollow eyes were now bloodshot.

His eyes were wide open, and his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

His face was full of horror, and his pupils shrank in fear.

Baili Xin took a deep breath and looked at him calmly, and soon realized that what he saw was not himself, but something or a creature that had appeared here before.

What Li Cai is showing now should be what he is most impressed with or what he does most frequently.

So I went to Yun Ge'er's room to do those things. I guess it was because Li Cai would often do that when he was alive.

And now it looks like a restoration of a death scene.

Perhaps in seven days, there will be someone standing in his position, staring at Li Cai.

Li Cai's face was filled with horror, his fat, round body gasping for breath due to fear, he stumbled back and fell to the corner of the desk.

His embarrassed body was tripped by the corner of the table, and Li Caixiang took out something from the drawer.

He sat on the ground, staggering, holding the corner of the table with one hand and poking at Baili Xin who was approaching with the other hand holding something.

Baili Xin walked all the way to Li Cai before stopping. Li Cai's panicked hands had already pierced through Baili Xin's body.

He leaned over with his hands on his knees, looking into Li Cai's frightened eyes.

Through those slightly mirrored pupils, he saw a blurry reflection...

A red thing was constantly vibrating due to Li Cai's physiological shaking, and Baili Xin could only see a vague outline.

Just when Baili Xin was about to go deeper, Li Cai suddenly opened his mouth, shouted silently, and ran outside.

Baili Xin quickly stood up and followed Li Caishen.

Li Cai ran out of the study and ran to the next room, which was also not locked. Baili Xin pushed the door open and followed him in, only to see that Li Cai had already run straight into the bedroom in panic.

He took something out from under the bed.

While opening the thing and pointing it towards Baili Xin who was approaching step by step, he opened his mouth and said something silently.

Baili Xin tried to identify his shape.

—"Every wrong has its perpetrator, every debt has its debt."

— "It wasn't me who killed you."

—"I didn't mean it. Please, let me go."

— "Have mercy, I was wrong."


It wasn't just one person who killed him, but a group of people

Baili Xin continued to approach Li Cai. Li Cai had gone from being frightened to crying. Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. He covered his face and lowered his head and cried.

Baili Xin just leaned over again, wanting to see what else Li Cai said.

As soon as he lowered his head, he was stunned when he saw Li Cai's face.

Li Cai's eyes were crying, but his mouth was actually smiling secretly.

The corners of his mouth were hidden in his hands, his smile was extremely hideous and weird, and even his crying eyes showed a certain madness.

Just as Baili Xin was surprised, Li Cai suddenly raised his hand and slapped his big palm heavily, as if he was slapping something on the person who came.

Then Li Cai burst into laughter, "Fairy, you were deceived by me last year, and now you are deceived by me again, how could you be so stupid?"


Is this that person's name

But he only laughed for a few seconds and then he couldn't laugh anymore.

Li Cai's happy eyes turned into horror and fear again. He slumped on the bed for a moment, and then his body knelt on the ground as if controlled by something.

His body was twisted in a very strange posture, with his arms folded several times. Baili Xin felt pain just by looking at it.

The thigh was folded face up.

Li Cai's face was filled with pain and cold sweat was pouring down his face. This time he was completely scared.

It's too late.

Baili Xin saw Li Cai being pressed to the ground, his limbs stretched to the extreme in the shape of a "fire" character.

His scream of pain did not elicit any response from the other party. Li Cai's chest was bitten and torn open, and he died in agony.

During this time, Baili Xin wanted to see the murderer's appearance through the other person's eyes, but unfortunately, it was still just a ball of red mist.

Perhaps at that time, it was not that Li Cai’s pupils were not reflected, but that the thing itself looked like this.

Li Cai's soul experienced death, and his already illusory body became even more illusory.

Not long after, it turned into a ball of light in front of Baili Xin and disappeared in front of Baili Xin.

After watching Li Cai disappear, Baili Xin turned around and looked at the bed where Li Cai had just passed by.

Could the thing that Li Cai just took out from under the bed still be there

After a long period of darkness, he gradually adapted to it. Standing up from the ground, Baili Xin walked towards the bed. Just as he was about to reach the bed, a dangerous aura suddenly attacked him.

Just as Baili Xin was about to turn around, a pair of large hands bound Baili Xin tightly to his hard and thick chest in a second.

The man's deep and hoarse voice then reached Baili Xin's ears.

"Why did my stepmother sneak over to this place when she wasn't on the mountain keeping vigil? She's so naughty."

Baili Xin slowly relaxed his body, "I just came to the place where the master lived to pay tribute to him. Then why is yours here?"

The man chuckled: "You are the only one allowed to reminisce, but I am not allowed to recall the past?"

"But, stepmother," a strong arm grasped Baili Xin's waist, a few cold fingers lifted the wide black cloak, and flexibly got into the mourning clothes, "Didn't I tell you to wear cheongsam all the time? Why did you secretly change it when I left? You are so naughty."

His fingers slid along the waistline, his fingertips were so gentle that Baili Xin couldn't help but tremble.

True to the setting of the play, the body instinctively moaned.

"Should I punish this disobedient legacy so that he will learn his lesson?"