After the Legend

Chapter 103: Against the enemy


No one answered his question, but there were more and more silver lights. Ming Na took the time to take a look and found that they were fine needles made of fine steel, about three or four centimeters long, and penetrated three thirds of the ground. The user was obviously very strong. Not small.

The envoy in black was very angry. With a wave of his hand, a dozen whirlpools of blue light appeared in the air. When they touched Ming Na and others, bursts of small lightning were emitted, making people feel paralyzed. Ming Na was wary and hurriedly hurriedly He avoided it and even gave Domit a hand.

The vortex moved around in the tent, stirring up countless electric lights. A black figure suddenly came in from outside the tent and said coldly: "Stop!" Mingna discovered that it was the black-clothed masked figure she had just met outside the potion master's tent. Man, isn't he an accomplice of the enemy? What about his companions

When the messenger in black saw the man, his expression changed, he waved his hand to take back the whirlpool, and said with a sinister smile: "It's you, Your Majesty. I seem to remember that you are still in detention, right? I didn't expect that you would dare to disobey His Majesty's will. ah."

"I will explain this matter to Your Majesty." The man just stood there, tall and proud, "But I am really curious about your true identity. Can you explain it? Who are those two people just now... ?”

The messenger in black did not answer and confronted him. At this time, Ming Na and others were busy dealing with the bird's attack. Minna felt that it seemed to be more difficult to deal with than last time, and that it was particularly "preferential" to her. She struggled to avoid its sharp claws and sharp beak, knowing in her heart that it was seeking revenge. She originally wanted to use the old method of conjuring up an ice wall and ice net to trap the bird. Unexpectedly, the beast was obviously wary and smarter. As soon as it saw her sending out the ice wall, it immediately flew to a high place. As soon as he lowered his head, a cloud of black smoke came out. Ming Na had a bad premonition and shouted: "Be careful!" She sent out a small whirlwind with her left hand, rolling the black smoke towards the top of the tent, and heard a chirping sound. Most of the top of the curtain was corroded by black smoke and fell into pieces. A large area of the night sky was exposed, a gust of wind blew out most of the candles in the tent, the moonlight shone quietly, but wolves howled from time to time in the distance.

Luma, Little Duras and others couldn't help but shudder, imagining the consequences of the black smoke spraying on themselves. The former saw several fragments of the tent roof falling on the unconscious girls, and their skin and clothes suddenly turned black. Busily calling to everyone to hurry up and save people.

But Ming Na looked at the black bird and had an idea: It was transformed from a black shadow. Could it be that it was not an entity? Maybe she should change her attack method.

After thinking about it, when she saw the bird, she raised her head again, and seemed to be planning to spray black mist again. She quickly mobilized the maximum magic power in her body and threw an ice condensation spell in an attempt to freeze the bird in a large piece of ice. Unexpectedly, the bird hid quickly and was only half frozen. Half of the body was still struggling, and its wings were blowing with strong winds. Ming Na gritted her teeth and used another Ice Condensation Technique to freeze the whole bird. She felt her body become weak and almost fell to her knees. Knowing that it was the result of overdraft of magic power, she could only hold on with force.

Blackbird was trapped in the ice, unable to move, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. But the owner of the bird was so angry that he didn't bother to deal with the masked man's questioning, and said viciously to Ming Na: "This is the second time, the second time! I will never let you go!" After that, he raised his left hand. , pointed at the ice cube, and muttered words, while the ice cube that frozen the black bird vibrated at the same time. Little Duras exclaimed, Ming Na stared closely at the messenger in black, and whispered to Luma: "I can't cast magic again. The magic power is not enough."

Luma was shocked. After making a look to his colleagues, they all swung their weapons to attack the messenger. The latter stopped reciting the incantation, folded his body into a strange position, dodged one by one, and said with a proud smile: "You can't hurt me, give up..." Before he finished speaking, he let out a scream, and his right arm was completely covered with wounds. It was chopped down, fell to the ground, and instantly turned into green and black color, a puff of black smoke came out, and turned into ashes again, while the jar originally held in the hand disappeared.

Almost at the same time. A black shadow appeared next to the masked man. It was the man with the black sword whom Ming Na had seen before. He was holding the jar shining with blue light in his hand. Silently handed it over to the former.

As soon as the masked man got the jar. Then he whispered: "Let's go." He was about to turn around. The messenger in black shouted in a hoarse voice: "Don't even think about running away! You've hurt me and you still want to run away? I'm dreaming! Return the jar to me!"

The masked man sneered and turned back: "Are you dreaming? Do you think you are a threat to me now?!" The man behind him also raised the black sword in his hand.

The messenger in black gritted his teeth and jumped back despite the pain. Turning to Ming Na and others, he grinned: "Do you want to save these unconscious people? Go grab that jar? If you can't grab it, this lovely girl will never wake up for the rest of her life!" After saying that, he turned around. The body quickly disappeared.

Little Duras and others turned around to see the masked man. The latter stepped back warily. Hold the jar tightly. Domit gasped twice. He rushed forward and said, "Give it to me!" but was kicked away by the man. Finally, with the help of a guard, he stood firm. I was about to rush over again. Was stopped by Luma. And little Duras took a step forward. Staring at the masked man, he said: "You are the same enemy as us. I really don't want to argue with you. Please put the jar down. You know, there are only two of you. It is impossible to leave easily."

His words were vaguely threatening. The masked man sneered: "If there are more people, it means strength. Then why can't you do anything to them just now? There are only two of us. But we hurt people. We snatched things back. Why do you call them I put the jar down?!"

Duras was suffocated, knowing that what the other party said was the truth, but looking at Domit, he felt that he could not give in, so he put the sword across his chest again: "Then...the only thing you can do is use your strength!"

The masked man also raised his knife. Luma took a step forward and wanted to say something, but Minna beat him to it: "Stop! There are still enemies outside, how can you fight?!"

Only then did the two men remember that there were those horrific corpses outside the tent. But the strange thing is that the sound of bones seems to have decreased a lot. A security agency personnel lifted the door curtain and saw the corpses outside struggling to stand up, but they seemed to have insufficient strength and kept falling, but their feet were still Moving towards the tent. Although these corpses move slowly, if they are surrounded by them, it will be difficult to escape.

Little Duras and the masked man looked at each other when they saw the scene outside the tent. They all stopped what they were doing, but the latter turned around and was about to leave. Domit was angry and shouted: "Come back! You can't escape!"

"That's enough!" Mingna couldn't stand it any longer and said to Domit, "That person just now was obviously trying to sow discord between us. How could you be fooled?" Then she turned to the masked man and said, "Your Excellency. Are you here to save people too? Maybe we can cooperate." She glanced to the side, and the black swordsman who had been staying behind the masked man suddenly picked up a girl with misty curly hair. She is wearing a dark green silk dress and has a delicate and cute figure. She is one of the victimized girls.

Lu Ma asked: "Excuse me, what is in that jar? Is it related to saving people?"

The black sword swordsman silently carried the girl back to the masked man. The latter hesitated for a moment and then said: "I don't know what is in it, but it is probably something similar to a soul. This is what I told the camp I got it from a potion master in there." He glanced at Ming Na, "I don't know what the purpose of collecting these is, but if they take these away, with just a simple potion, these boys and girls will never be able to Restore the memory of the past. Become a completely different person."

Domik wailed and hugged his fiancée. Ming Na bit her lip. She seemed to be too confident this time. I thought that just adding some tricks to the medicine would be enough, but I almost made a big mistake.

Luma asked again: "Then how can we make them recover?"

"Just let the soul return to them." The masked man glanced at the jar in his hand and hesitated, "Maybe... he wants to break the bottle?"

Ming Na hurriedly said: "Then let's break it here! It's not an option for us to continue fighting like this. It's better to save it together now!"

"No!" Little Duras was a little anxious, "What if this is not the right approach? What should I do? It is better to go back and ask the mage before saving."

The masked man did not listen to his words. He just pondered for a moment and then decisively dropped the jar in his hand to the ground. As the fragments of the jar scattered, dozens of light blue, light green, light pink, and violet light groups flew out of the jar, scattered in the tent, and flew towards the boys and girls. Minna saw a ball of lavender light entering Alsina's body, and she let out a cry and slowly woke up. Domit called her name in ecstasy and she swooned. He murmured softly: "Domit?" Domit suddenly burst into tears. He kept kissing her forehead and calling her name.

And the girl held by the swordsman of the black sword. She also gradually woke up, first she heard a scream, and heard the masked man whisper: "Quiet, Junia!" Then she stopped talking, and looked at the masked man with eyes full of disbelief: "My God of Light !Jie, why are you here?!" She jumped off the Black Sword Swordsman's arms and threw herself into the former's arms, crying bitterly: "I thought I would never see you again." A hint of helplessness flashed in the masked man's eyes , patting her head gently.

The boys and girls in the tent all woke up one after another. Some cried loudly as soon as they regained consciousness, and some were trembling. A few brave ones, when they heard that someone was coming to rescue them, got up and prepared to escape, but when they saw When I saw the situation outside my tent, my teeth couldn't help but chatter.

Suddenly, a deep male voice came from the distance, reciting something. The syllables sounded a bit like the holy prayers of the Light Cult, and a bit like the long poems of the elves. After everyone heard this, they all felt extremely calm, and the fear just now had disappeared.

Ming Na felt a little strange. After listening carefully for a while, she felt that it was probably the magic from the temple. With a thought in her heart, she raised the curtain and went out. Lu Ma stopped her in surprise: "No!" and followed her out, only to find that she was outside. The ground is black and gray, where are the corpses

Under the moonlight in the distance, there was a man in a white robe sitting, and next to him stood a child who looked to be no more than seven or eight years old. Minna took a few steps closer and recognized who it was. She was happily about to say hello when she heard a cry from behind: "Devil!" It was little Duras.

Minna turned around and glared at him fiercely: "He is an angel, not a devil!" After saying that, she ran towards the man in white robe and shouted: "Father, why are you here?! It was all thanks to you just now! !”

The man was Father Riddle, and his face was a little pale: "Fortunately, I caught up, I thought it was too late." He looked at the boy next to him: "My child, I'm sorry, I can only use this method. The boy raised his arms to wipe away the tears on his face: "No, I want to thank you, you saved them."

Minna looked at them in surprise, and Father Riddle smiled: "These are children from the nearby oasis village. Everyone in their village was killed, and they became like this..." He paused. He added: "I went to preach yesterday and discovered the tragedy. This child has been hiding in the cellar. He is the only survivor. He brought me here. I really don't know who used undead magic to do such a thing. Extremely evil!”

Ming Na was shocked: "Undead magic?! Hasn't that been lost for thousands of years?!"

Father Riddle said solemnly: "Originally, it is, but someone has obviously passed it down. To use the dead for their own use. It is a sorcery in the first place. These murderers actually used massacre to create corpses. I must report this to the Holy See immediately. Something!" He stood up unsteadily: "Take me around, I want to make sure there are no remaining living corpses."

Ming Na hurriedly supported him: "Are you okay? Is your magic power overdrawn?" There were so many living corpses just now, and they were all eliminated by Riddle. The magic power consumption must be very high.

Riddle waved his hand and walked towards the camp with her support. When passing by Little Duras and others, they all took a breath and staggered back. Several of the rescued girls screamed and cried. Father Riddle didn't pay attention, and Minna glared at them a few times, only to realize that the masked man and the three of them had disappeared.

Finished cleaning the battlefield. Everyone searched and found that most of the guards in the camp were living corpses. The rest either died in the fierce fight or escaped. Even if they were caught, they would rather have their necks wiped with a knife. They didn't dare to tell the truth, and those girls who had lost their souls and memories couldn't ask anything except smiling charmingly at the men.

Most of the rescued boys and girls did not know what happened. Only Domit's fiancée Alsina was the clearest one. Although she was still very weak, she still managed to tell what she knew.

After they were caught here. First, he was locked up for most of the day. Then they were taken to this tent, and the messenger in black pricked their fingers with a strange-shaped needle. Squeeze out a small cup of blood and try it with a crystal ball. If the crystal ball emits white light, it means you are still a virgin. If it emits red light, it means you are not a virgin. The boys and girls who were not virgins were immediately forced to drink a bowl of medicine, and then they were led away stupidly. Alsina and the others, who were still virgins, were gathered together to listen to the beautiful woman covered in black veil.

But Alsina couldn't remember what she said. She only knew that as she listened, she lost consciousness. When she woke up, she saw Domit.

Luma asked again and again, and did not stop until Domit's eyes burst into anger. Little Duras pushed a man into the tent and kicked him several times: "This guy is hiding in the warehouse and is so arrogant that he must not be a good person!" Behind him were the two young nobles who were in decline. Equally aggressive.

As soon as Mingna saw the man, she recognized him as the man who kidnapped the youngest son of the Heda family and the daughter of the Luo Ya family. She saw him trembling and pleading: "I... I'm just a food seller. I just happened to deliver a batch of food. , I am really innocent."

Minna sneered and whispered something to Luma. The latter nodded to Duras: "He is a trafficker." Alsina also said: "I recognize him, it was he who took us here. Come."

Upon hearing this, little Duras kicked the man a few more times: "Tell me! Who instigated you?! Why did you do this?!"

Seeing that his status had declined, the man no longer maintained his humble expression, and said viciously: "Who calls you nobles?! You are obviously human beings like us, why should you stand on our heads and trample us into mud under your feet?! Huh, I just want to see if you noble young ladies take off your clothes and look as despicable as a prostitute?!" He spat at little Duras: "I recognize your hair and eyes! You That woman at home is more prostitute than a prostitute from a poor family! She is really a born prostitute!"

Little Duras shook his head, took out the sword from his waist and was about to stab him, but a young man next to him got the chance and thrust a sharp scimitar into the man's throat. His eyes were full of bloodshot eyes: "You You dare to say it?! You dare to say it!!!" He was like crazy, stabbing the man non-stop. Little Duras stayed for a long time before pulling him up: "Enough! Enough!" The young man suddenly Crying loudly: "Sister, I have avenged you!"

Ming Na suddenly felt her nose was a little sore and turned around hastily, but Lu Ma opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

They packed up their things and returned to Encore City with the rescued people. Little Duras and others went to rest, but Minna sat down with everyone from the Security Department to review the gains and losses of this operation.

She first admitted her mistake: "I was too confident. I didn't expect that they would have other methods besides potions. It almost caused a big mistake. It was my negligence."

"This can't be entirely your fault." Luma said. "You alone have limited abilities, and you can't do much before we arrive." Everyone nodded in agreement: "Those boys and girls who were drugged, if you hadn't done it, they would have been stupid for the rest of their lives. It was you who saved them. Got them."

Ming Na felt better after hearing this, but she was still a little worried: "But I am also responsible for not catching Esparo this time." No one expected that Esparo disappeared in the chaos, Ming Na When Na sneaked in before, she clearly saw that he was still in the camp. Only half a day later, he was no longer there, and the items in the tent were neatly packed. It was impossible for him to leave in a hurry. It was most likely that they entered the camp. left before.

Lu Ma patted Ming Na on the shoulder: "It's okay. Young people will inevitably make mistakes. It's not easy for you to stay there alone and not sleep. It's possible to make mistakes. But now that all the clues have been cut off, what should we do next? manage?"

A colleague sighed: "Actually, we have completed the task, but we always feel as if it has not been completed. Regarding Esparo, there is no evidence, so we have no way to appeal."

"What evidence do you want? You can find out just by taking a look at Balasike."

"Okay, stop arguing." Lu Ma stopped everyone, "Let's discuss the next step first." He turned to Ming Na and asked: "Have you seen that masked man before? What is his background?"

Ming Na said: "I fought with him a few times in the camp. His sword skills are very good, but I probably haven't seen him before, but..." She hesitated: "I think his voice is very familiar..."

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and the nearest colleague got up and opened the door. He saw Domit supporting Alsina standing outside and said: "Alsina said, I remembered something that may be useful to you, insist on it." Let me tell you." He seemed very dissatisfied.

Luma looked at everyone and said hurriedly: "Please tell me." Minna pulled out a chair for her to sit on. Alsina looked at "him" gratefully, sat down and said, "Actually, I listened to those people Privately speaking, they said that we...we are going to be sold to three customers, who are regular customers, two are big shots from West, what are their names...Hob and Im, and the other is Entertainment Oasis. I don't know...this pair Are you of any use?"

Ming Na's heart moved, and she looked at Luma, and her eyes were full of surprise when she saw him.