After the Legend

Chapter 106: Reinforcements (Part 1)


Lu Ma was a little surprised, but the brothers confirmed the news: "Many people know about this. It is said that the funds for Mrs. Ziya to open the entertainment oasis were given by Earl Xiao. When the news of Earl Xiao's death came, she once closed down her business. I've been hanging a black veil in my tent for a few days, and I haven't taken it down yet. But this woman is not simple. She has an affair with several underground leaders in Mengli. I heard that the two bosses of West are also Her guest, of course, these are all rumors, no one knows whether they are true or false."

Lu Ma watched Ming Na's reaction carefully, but Ming Na didn't take it too seriously. When she knew this name back then, she heard that the other party had a lover, and her grandfather didn't even care. Why should she meddle in his own business? But... Grandpa is not dead at all. The Security Bureau has already publicized this matter. Why is Mrs. Ziya still wearing a black veil? And she has close relationships with so many men... What does this mean

She turned to look at Lu Ma: "What should we do now? How can we find out whether she has anything to do with that incident or that person?"

The two brothers in the leather shoe store didn't know what "that thing and that person" referred to, but they both adhered to the principles of the Security Administration and suppressed their curiosity.

Lu Ma thought for a while: "Can't we just ask her directly? If she has a past with Earl Xiao, maybe she is willing to help us?" Especially since Ming Na, Earl Xiao's granddaughter, is here. He didn't say these words, but the look he looked at Ming Na clearly hinted at this.

Ming Na hesitated: "This was more than ten years ago. We haven't figured out what the relationship is between her and Esparo. If she is on the enemy's side, wouldn't we reveal our identity?" ?" Moreover, facing her grandfather's past mistress, she felt somewhat uncomfortable.

"That's true..." Luma pondered. People's hearts are unpredictable. When the young lady of the Heda family fell in love with Earl Xiao, the former Duke of Heda also regarded Earl Xiao as his beloved son-in-law. Any appreciation? But now the two families are enemies. No one can guarantee whether Earl Xiao's former mistress still misses her old love. He turned to ask the brothers: "Is there any way to sneak into the entertainment oasis? It would be best to be close to Mrs. Ziya's position."

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." The brother said, "The guards there are tight, and guests can't get close to Madam Ziya's residence. And now they are in urgent need of recruiting people. They are all singing girls and dancers or young male and female attendants, and these people can't get close to her either. Tent. Most of the servants around her have served for more than ten years. Even the servants who wash her clothes and sweep the floor have to check the previous three generations and all collateral blood relatives and confirm their reliability before being hired. One of our colleagues once tried I sneaked in, only to be kicked out at the first level.”

"What about the male and female attendants?" Luma asked anxiously, glancing at Ming Na. Ming Na raised her eyebrows and had a bad feeling.

"The male and female attendants said it nicely, but in fact they are just playthings like the singers and dancers. There is no need to sacrifice our own people." The younger brother said.

Ming Na stared at Lu Ma with fierce eyes, she didn't want to do such a thing!

Luma looked back with a smile. Discarded this idea.

Since you can't sneak in this way. They had no choice but to keep an eye on the outside of the entertainment oasis. Look for loopholes to infiltrate. But I watched it for two days. They can only sneak into the amusement area and wander around. Be close to the main tent area. Totally impossible. There are three layers of guards inside and three layers outside. Surprisingly forbidding. Ming Na and Lu Ma pretended to be a father and son visiting the resort. Wander around the oasis. Get closer to sensitive areas. Someone "politely" asked them to leave.

It took two or three attempts. Afraid of disturbing the grass and alerting the snake. They had to give up for the time being. Minna leaned against the tree trunk beside the pool. Watching the carriages coming in and out of the gate from a distance. He couldn't help but worry: "We can't wait any longer. The consumption here is not cheap. We don't have much money in our hands." Looking around: "Why do you think so many people come here? It's much more lively than the last time I came here. The number of carriages is almost five times that of that time!"

"There are more people moving to Mengli now. Naturally, there are more people coming here. This woman is indeed not an ordinary person!" Luma sighed. I also added in my heart: She is indeed the woman of Earl Xiao. He glanced at Ming Na. I didn't say this sentence. suddenly. His arm was suddenly grabbed by Minna. He felt a little guilty: "You...why did you catch me?"

"Esparo! It's Esparo!" Minna motioned him to look at a carriage parked at the gate of the entertainment oasis. A man was coming and getting out of the car. The appearance is vaguely familiar. There were fifteen or six guards accompanying him. Wearing a uniform of pure white fine cloth. She heard it mentioned by the brothers in the leather boot shop. That is the uniform costume of the entertainment oasis guards.

Luma took a closer look. Sure enough, he recognized Esparo Heda. He slapped his thigh fiercely: "He's really here! Okay. We won't let him escape again! Ouch!" He suddenly let out a low cry. The flesh on her arm was twisted so painfully by Ming Na: "Be careful. I am an old man. I am not as thick-skinned as you young people."

Ming Na ignored his teasing, her eyes lit up: "I thought of it, there is another way to get in!"

Half a day later, in the back room of the leather boot shop, Lu Ma and the two brothers from the intelligence station looked at Ming Na who had newly changed into a swordsman uniform and a scimitar across her waist, and praised her: "Not bad. You're quite energetic, but a bit skinny." Lu Ma also added: "If you had black hair and black eyes, and were a little taller and stronger, you would look a bit like Earl Xiao."

Ming Na raised her chin: "Of course!" She is grandpa's granddaughter!

The two brothers who didn't know the inside story were a little confused. Mingna quickly restrained her pride and asked seriously: "Is it okay if I dress like this and apply for a guard job?"

"But the newly recruited guards can only guard the perimeter..." The younger brother expressed his worries, but Lu Ma shook his head: "Not necessarily, this very similar to the style that Earl Xiao often wears? If Mrs. Ziya can see it, You are still very likely to enter the interior."

Ming Na smiled. This dress originally belonged to grandpa. She put it into the storage bracelet. Moreover, in order to prevent the lady from suspecting that she dressed up like this on purpose, she also specially changed a few distinctive accessories. , such as pockets, belts, etc., are replaced with common styles. They look no different from ordinary swordsmen. This is how to go to the interview. it should be no problem? She is quite confident in her skills

Lu Ma walked around her and nodded repeatedly: "Not bad, really good. Although you don't look very strong on the outside, as soon as you take action, how can those ordinary guards be your opponents? You have good swordsmanship. People are not tall, so as long as they go in, they will probably not be placed outside - those people are all strong men - as long as they are placed close to the main tent, no matter whether they can see Mrs. Ziya or not. Check it out It’s not difficult to find Esparo’s whereabouts. Well, well, that’s good, let’s do it!”

The brother from the boot shop asked again: "Then how can he apply for the job? The guards recruited there are all people who came from the big guys in West or Mongli. We have very little dealings with those people, so it is impossible to ask them to do it. It’s such a secret thing. If you can’t find anyone, you can’t sign up!”

Luma thought it was true, and fell into hard thinking again, but Mingna suddenly remembered someone: "Maybe. We can ask Friedolf for help." It was the dividing line that changed the scene after not seeing each other for three years. "Fridol "Wolf", it still looks like that, but it can be seen that it has been renovated. The bar, tables and chairs have been replaced with better materials. The light in the store is still dim, and the scented smoke is getting thicker. The waitresses coming and going are still dressed up, wearing revealing tulle dresses, but when you get closer, you can see that they are no longer young and pretty. . Their faces were covered with heavy makeup and looked haggard, their skin had lost its youthful luster, and some people were even horribly thin. There are many male waiters in the store, some are young and some are middle-aged, wearing uniform gray and blue cloth clothes.

It was still early and there were not many customers in the store.

There was a commotion in the middle of the bar, and Ming Na heard it and walked away. I saw a strong man with a sinister face shouting at two or three men in gray and blue cloth. Ask them to play cards and gamble with them. Those young men, who were obviously store clerks, looked very reluctant. But I still took the gamble. After a while, a young man won, but the strong man refused to admit it. He wiped out the cards and started betting again. When he finally won someone else, he forced the young men to take out their money.

The strong man counted the money proudly and hugged the woman next to him and kissed her several times. The woman smiled charmingly and flattered him a few words, but turned away, but her face was filled with gloom. Ming Na recognized her as the "ace" Shasha back then, but she never expected that she was still working here.

A middle-aged man wearing gray and blue cloth walked out from the back of the store. He had an extra vest than the other store employees. Seeing the arrogant look of the strong man, he glanced at the angry shop assistants and the surrounding customers who were frowning at the noise made by the strong man. He hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to hold down the card held by the strong man: "The letter has been written. , take it back quickly."

The strong man shouted dissatisfied: "What are you doing?! I got a good deck of cards and I can win right away. What? Do you want to play tricks?!" He was even more angry when he saw the clerks who were playing cards with him shuffling the cards quickly. "It takes so long to write a letter! It's just a waste of my time! Are you still trying to stop me from getting rich now?!"

"If you continue to delay and refuse to leave, and delay Mrs. Ziya's serious business, I'm afraid you won't be able to make a fortune in your life." The middle-aged man said calmly.

The strong man's expression changed, he took the letter from his hand, and said harsh words to several young people: "I owe you the money this time! I will collect it next time!" and left cursingly.

Several young shop assistants immediately gathered around the middle-aged man: "He's gone too far. Is this called playing cards?!" "There's no gambling at all. No wonder no one wants to play with him!" "He beats us every time. If you think you’re being taken advantage of, you might as well go and steal money!”

The middle-aged man sighed: "I can't help it. He is Mrs. Ziya's bodyguard. Even the boss wants to give him some trouble. We can't afford to offend him. Just bear with it. I will tell the boss and ask him to compensate you." "

The clerks calmed down a bit, but they still couldn't help but talk about the burly man's various scandals. Ming Na listened thoughtfully. The middle-aged man comforted the juniors, turned around and saw Ming Na, hurriedly stepped forward and greeted with a smile: "Hello, guest, what do you want?"

"I want to see Frido." Minna turned to look at him, "There is something very important."

The middle-aged man paused, then smiled and said: "The boss is not in the store now, and we don't know when he will come back. Why don't you tell me what happened, and I will tell him."

Minna stared at the other person for a few times and saw that he was unmoved. She smiled and said: "Frido once taught me not to trust others easily. I am a good student, so... I don't believe what you say." She said sarcastically. Face, trying to show a little murderous aura: "I-want-to-see-Frido!" The tone was calm, but there was a hint of threat.

The middle-aged man's face was a little pale. He glanced at Ming Na in disbelief and hurried to the back of the store. Ming Na casually looked at the furnishings in the store and saw Shasha walking over with her waist twisted. Without waiting for her to speak, she waved her hand: "No need to come over, I'm not interested in you." Shasha's face turned dark and cold. He grunted and left.

After a while, the middle-aged man came to invite Minna to the back of the house. It was still the small bedroom, but some of the furniture had been replaced with complicated and gorgeous styles, which were incompatible with the furnishings in the house.

Frido was sitting at the old table by the window reading a book. He was wearing a black silk robe that was not old. He was as pale and slender as before, but the two mustaches on his lips greatly enhanced his masculinity, making his The temperament no longer appears feminine. He looked up casually at Ming Na, then returned his gaze to the book, and asked lazily: "Who are you? I don't seem to know you?"

Minna smiled and said: "Frido, of course you know me. I am Minna. I have grown up now."

Frido raised his head suddenly, eyes wide open: "What... you... you are obviously a boy!" But if you look closely, you do look like the little girl back then...

"I'm a girl, but now I'm a boy." Ming Na quickly jumped to the side and sat down. "This is a secret, don't tell anyone." She blinked at him and saw the shocked look on his face. After hilariously telling him a few things about the two of them getting along, he convinced him that he was indeed Minna Xiao Kado.

The little girl turned into a teenager, and Frido couldn't help but look at Minna a few more times. Ming Na didn't care and let him look at it, but she glanced at the chair she was sitting on with disgust: "Where did this come from? It doesn't look like something you would use."

"It was given by someone else..." Frido took it away gently without elaborating, staring at Minna closely, "I heard about your family. You have been missing for several years, and your father has been involved in a lawsuit again. I heard he was seriously injured? Also, Earl Xiao..."

"Grandpa is not dead!" Ming Na always wanted to say this to people, and she was a little annoyed. "Why doesn't everyone believe it? Anyway, I know that he is not dead, he just returned to his hometown, and he will come back sooner or later. As for my father, he is fine." She smiled and glanced at Frido: "I was actually abducted by slave traders during the years when I disappeared, and was sold in Weisha. I came to see you when I escaped. It’s a pity that you were not here at that time and the boss changed here again.”

"Looking for me?" Frido straightened up, "Why?"

Ming Na was a little puzzled: "You were my closest friend at that time. When I was in trouble, of course I had to come to you."

Frido put aside his head: "You just said you don't trust people easily. It seems you haven't made any progress." He became lazy again and asked casually: "Tell me, why do you come to see me?"

Ming Na leaned over and whispered: "You know Mrs. Ziya, right? Can I be the guard of the entertainment oasis? Of course I have to hide my true identity."

Frido suddenly became alert: "What do you want to do?!"

Ming Na hesitated for a moment and decided not to hide it from him: "You know about our family, you should also know about Heda's family, right?"

"Of course I know. I heard that the person who harmed your father has been ruined. Except for the women and children, everyone in the family is in prison." Frido raised his eyebrows, "What? You want to kill them all? But this is not the same as Mrs. Ziya. What does it matter?"

Minna frowned: "Frido, your tone is so strange."