After the Legend

Chapter 119: Pass


Seeing Jada getting closer and closer, Mingna quickly pulled out a long cloak from the storage ring and covered her head and body. At the same time, she said: "Just now I just remembered that we were too careless when we bought the horse. If someone wants to check, they can still find out that it is the horse we bought. We should wear a cloak or cloak or something to cover up. I remember your country’s People are very accustomed to wearing this kind of clothing.”

Jada looked a little dazed, but soon came to her senses and felt that what she said made sense, so she took out two hooded cloaks from her wristbands and wore them for herself and Junia. When asked about Shaide, he waved his hand blankly and said no. Jada didn't want to force it, but Mingna interrupted: "He is dressed in black, so it doesn't matter at night, but in broad daylight, he must be as conspicuous as possible. Since we want To hide your whereabouts, you should be as unobtrusive as possible."

Jada nodded solemnly in agreement, and took out a dark gray cloak for Shade. Shade had no choice but to tie it on.

Seeing that she finally got through, Ming Na breathed a sigh of relief, but Jada's next words made her heart lift again: "I said... Minte, your voice seems a bit strange, it doesn't sound loud. She looks like you, but a little like a girl."

Ming Na suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, barely maintaining a calm expression on her face, and said in a deliberately hoarse voice: "Oh? Really? Maybe she was too impatient just now, so her voice changed a little. In fact, at my age, my voice is not good at all. It's a little unstable, nothing strange." She set up a pergola and looked at the road ahead, taking the opportunity to change the subject: "It's getting late, hurry up and don't miss Sutou."

Only then did Jada remember that it was already past noon, and if she didn't leave, she would really be unable to leave the mountainous area before dark, so she quickly put aside her previous questions and asked everyone to get back on the road.

The four of them hurriedly hurried, and finally left the mountains before the sun went down, and soon arrived outside a small town.

Jada wanted to do what she did the other day. He went to find a secluded place to spend the night outside the town, but he just said this. Minna and Shade didn't have any objections, but Junia pouted.

She was born into the Noga noble family. Although both her parents died, she was cared for by Jedda. I grew up in a good life and never suffered much. This time I ran away out of anger and was trafficked to another country. Although I was frightened along the way, I was still able to take a shower and wipe my face every two or three days - after all, girls If they are too dirty, they will not fetch a good price. But since leaving Mongli, they stayed in the wild for several days. The most she could do was wet a handkerchief and wipe her face when she encountered a river, but taking a bath was a luxury. She felt that she was too dirty to see anyone. I have been walking on mountain roads before. She had no choice but to not be able to wash up properly. Now that she was in town, she couldn't live in a decent house and have a good rest. She felt really aggrieved.

Jada was so pestered by her that she had no choice but to find out the beard that she had left behind for a long time and put it on again. The four of them pretended to be travelers and went to find an inn in the town to stay. Fortunately, this small town is located on a traffic artery, and people come and go frequently. People didn't pay much attention to them.

When allocating rooms, Junia asked for one early to wash up. As the most noble person, Jada naturally occupied a room by herself, so he deliberately arranged Minna and Shade into a double room.

Ming Na suddenly broke into a cold sweat again. I thought she still needed to find time to prepare and drink medicine. Living with that eccentric Xie De. Aren’t you going to be gangbusters at any time? So he hurriedly said: "Xie De is injured. He needs a quiet rest. I'm afraid that I will disturb him when I go in and out. Let's call another room. My uncle gave me a lot of money before leaving. Anyway, I only live here. One night. I can still afford it." After saying that, he put on a half-smiling expression. That look seemed to be mocking Jada's stinginess.

Jie Da hurriedly smiled and said: "I'll pay. You are now my subordinate after all. I will never treat you badly." After that, he asked for another room.

As soon as Ming Na entered the room. I checked around immediately. Close all doors and windows tightly. Then he lifted off his heavy cloak. Take out the potion workbench and mix the potion.

She doesn't take this medicine every time she goes out to "work". So there is usually no backup. In addition, she had never tried to perform a mission for such a long time. He actually forgot the time when the medicine took effect. In fact, this time we came out to investigate a kidnapping case. Because I consider that I may have to go to a very remote place. It will also take longer. When she originally dispensed the medicine. I also took a long-lasting agent for a month. Unexpectedly, it's still not enough.

The potion is brewed. She smelled it. Confirm that the preparation is correct. Then he drank it carefully. Then quickly throw all the bottles and jars together with the workbench into the storage ring. The whole person lay down on the bed. Holding the edge of the bed tightly with both hands. Wait for the pain to pass.

The pain came up all the time. She gritted her teeth. He barely restrained himself from making a sound. This was the first time she drank medicine in an unsafe place. anyway. No one can find anything wrong.

After surviving a wave of severe pain, she knew that she would be fine again. She was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she suddenly heard a knock on the door: "Minte, come with me to the small bar downstairs for a drink. Let's have a good chat. “It turned out to be Jada.

Ming Na cursed in her heart and was about to refuse, but she suddenly felt a sharp pain welling up from inside her body. She quickly grabbed the edge of the bed, gasped a few times, and managed to raise her voice: "It's not convenient for me right now. You can do it yourself." ..." Before she could finish her words, there was another burst of sharp pain. She took a big breath, and cold sweat broke out on her head.

"Minte?" There was silence outside the door, and then Jada's confused voice came, "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Mingna was in so much pain that she couldn't answer. After a while, she felt better. She took a few deep breaths and was about to respond when she heard a loud "bang" and someone started banging on the door. She couldn't help but be frightened. Jump, jumped up suddenly and shouted "Don't hit it", the door panel had been knocked open, and Jada burst into the room like a wind: "Are you okay?!"

Ming Na was shocked: "You..." She was stunned and found that her voice had become a boy's. She stretched out her hand to touch her Adam's apple, her mood calmed down, and she looked at Jada with wide eyes: "Your Excellency! What are you doing? ?!”

Jada looked at Minte and frowned: "Are you sick? Your face is so pale." Minte touched his face and the sweat on his forehead, gently waved his hand and said: "It's okay, this is an old problem. , it’ll be fine if you take a rest.” He smiled at Jada: “That’s why I went to learn potions.”

"Oh? Really?" Jada was slightly relieved. Only now did he understand why this boy who was obviously a swordsman learned potions. Originally, he thought that Shaonan emphasized magic, so it was not surprising that the noble young master asked the guards around him to learn some basic magic and potions knowledge. Later, he discovered that Minte My knowledge on potions is quite good, and I was confused for a while, but now I finally figured out the reason.

but. After getting rid of his doubts, he added another worry: "Why did you get sick? Are you too tired, or do you have attacks after a certain period of time? Isn't it life-threatening?"

Minte raised his eyebrows. Is this questioning his ability? He said: "You don't have to worry about this. This old problem of mine will only occur once every month and a half. As long as I take the medicine every time, it will end quickly and it will not affect my daily life and work at all. As for the medicine, I have a sufficient reserve of materials. I have prepared it countless times, so you don’t have to worry that I am not qualified to do the job you asked me to do.”

Jada felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this: "That's not what I meant...cough. Since you're not feeling well, just rest for a while and I'll just go drink by myself." After that, she walked out.

Min Te hurriedly stopped him: "Your Excellency!" He walked over and closed the door, and said to Jada seriously: "Although this place is very close to Nomonka, the more people are in a place like this, the more people will recognize you. "More, you'd better stay in the room as much as possible and don't run around. You've traveled such a long way, and if you are seen by your opponents here, the previous concealment will become meaningless."

Jada was a little careless, but she still nodded with a smile: "I understand, thank you for reminding me."

"I hope you really listen to it." Min Te's heart moved, and he said in a very sincere tone, "Maybe you will think that I am meddling in your own business, but since I have become your subordinate, I have the responsibility to report to you. You put forward your suggestion. This matter is related to your safety and future, so please do not treat it with a scornful attitude."

The more Jada listened, the expression on her face gradually became serious. There was a hint of shame in his eyes: "I understand, let's go back to the room." After saying that, he touched the beard on his face to make sure that the corners were not peeled off, then lowered his head and quietly opened the door and left.

Minte closed the door, returned to the ***, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Today, he passed another level. From now on, Jada will be less defensive about him, right? Alas, the opponent is a cunning person. He was very tired of dealing with it. I hope that after arriving at Nomonka, I can collect information as soon as possible. Get out of here and go home.

Thinking about it, in the past three years, I have turned into a boy and performed tasks by drinking potions, no less than ten times. It didn't matter if he was young before, but now that he is fifteen years old, it is no longer appropriate to continue. In the past year, the pain after taking the medicine has become more and more intense, and my body must not be able to bear it anymore, right? When this mission is over, it is better to apply to return to the country.

Dad has received an order to return to China. He has made great achievements before and will definitely get a good position this time, and mother will follow him back. Although Shaonan is good, it is still not the motherland. It is time for their family to resettle in the country.

Mint thought for a while and decided to apply to Mallory to be transferred to work next to his father as soon as he returned to China. Otherwise, he would just resign. If Lao Maitou didn't agree, he would pull his hair and remove all his white hair. Take it all! Then hide his crutch so he can't find it!

The more Minte thought about it, the more beautiful it became. She couldn't help but laugh secretly. Suddenly she felt tired, so she tilted her head and lay down on the bed, pulled the sheets over and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already the next morning. Minte stretched and felt that he was in better spirits than ever before. He hurriedly got out of bed, washed and dressed, and went out to go downstairs. Before he finished going down the stairs, he heard Jada's greeting: "Minte, this way!"

He looked up and saw that the three of them were already there, eating breakfast around a table. Looking around, there were only three or four tables of guests, talking while eating, and a few of them drank local wine early in the morning. .

Minter walked to the table where Jada and others were sitting and sat down. Jada smiled and said, "Did you sleep well last night? I thought you were not feeling well, so I didn't urge you to have dinner. Are you hungry? Come here." He personally brought a bowl of boiled noodles to Minte, and also presented wooden knives and forks.

Minte took it quietly and ate it, but from the corner of his eye, he immediately saw a trace of displeasure on Shade's face. He looked at Jada again, still smiling, and sighed: "Today's breakfast tastes the same as usual." There is no difference, but why do I think it tastes better than before? It seems that it is because you gave it to me. You are really a good employer who cares about your subordinates."

Jada smiled and waved her hand: "Don't say that. I just hope that the people under my command can understand my respect for them. Eat, otherwise you will be cold."

The three of them resumed eating. Minte felt very uncomfortable while eating. When he looked up, he realized that Junia had been secretly looking at him. He frowned slightly and asked lightly: "Why is Miss Junia looking at me?"

Junia chuckled and said: "I heard that you were tired and sick yesterday. It seems that your face is indeed a little pale today, almost like Shade. It seems that so-called masters like you are not physically stronger than me." .I’m not even sick.”

Minte was silent, and Xie De looked a little embarrassed. Jada said hurriedly: "You said this as if you had never been sick. When you first arrived in Mongli, you were sick for three days! You even wanted me like a baby. I’m feeding you.”

Juniya's pretty face turned red, she lightly hit Jada twice, and said softly: "That was in the past, don't laugh at me anymore."

Jada pretended to dodge, but was hit by her again, so she casually responded to her, but secretly shot an apologetic look at Minter and Shade. Minte didn't care at all, while Shade lowered his head early, as if he hadn't seen this scene.

Three men at the table were talking in low voices. One of them suddenly jumped up and raised his voice: "I won't be able to survive if this continues. You are asking me to be more considerate of the king?! I don't think this is an order from the king." , but it was done by someone, right?"

Minte felt a chill in her heart and listened attentively. At the same time, she saw that Jada also moved her ears and glanced in the direction of those men. When she looked back, she happened to meet him.