After the Legend

Chapter 15: Secret fighting between men (Part 2)


Eamon waved his hand with a smile: "You're welcome, I just want to come and see you. How have you been recently? I saw the report you sent. I wonder if there is any new news now? Ah, I can go in Want a cup of tea?"

"Of course." Anlong invited him to sit down in the living room, and motioned to Marshall, who had just been a little rude, to take the children down to make tea, but Mingna was very attached to him at this time, and quickly hugged his arm and refused to let go. Anlong couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Eamon's position was still unclear. If he was exposed later, it would be too dangerous for his daughter to be present.

Eamon was still smiling: "Forget it, let the child stay here. Obviously she needs her father's comfort. Right? Little baby?" He smiled kindly at Minna. Minna shrank into her father's arms.

Anlong didn't want to be too deliberate, so he had no choice but to persist, and Marshall retreated. Anlong looked at his boss and said cautiously: "I have never had any news over there. Maybe you can order others to participate in the search?" He deliberately hid Veronica's name to prevent his daughter from leaking any information. Come.

"Well, dear Anlong, you probably can't imagine how busy we are. Our manpower is too few and scattered in various places. It is difficult to launch a large-scale search, and it is not easy to make this kind of thing public. After all, our security agency is here The image in the public eye is not very upright. Besides, Veronica and Gama who went there before are both people sent by the General Administration. We know nothing about the tasks they want to perform, and we don’t know where to start the investigation. .Perhaps, you know something inside?" Fatty Eamon said while paying attention to Minna's reaction. He noticed that Ming Na moved slightly when she heard the words "Veronica", but was suppressed by An Long.

An Long felt a little helpless in his heart, but remained calm on his face: "Actually... I only heard Veronica say that she was here to replace Gama. That gentleman seemed to have neglected his duties." He secretly felt sorry for the unfortunate man in his heart. The dead colleague said sorry, "Her mission is just to go to the intelligence station in Maicheng to bring Gama back. If necessary, there may be the latest intelligence. This is just a very ordinary task and can be solved in three or four days at most." , but there’s still no news about her, and I’m really uneasy.”

"Oh?" Eamon raised his eyebrows, "I heard... your wife quarreled with you because of Veronica? Obviously, you have an unusual relationship with that beautiful lady..." He gave Anlong gave Anlong a smile that all men could understand, and suddenly said: "I heard that you are planning to travel together?"

An Long's heart tightened and he quickly smiled and said: "Actually, my wife misunderstood. Before Veronica left for Mayton, she once asked me to accompany her, purely out of work needs. But my wife I firmly objected, so I had to give in. But since then, she has always mentioned this matter. To be honest, if it were not for the confidentiality rules of the agency, I really want to tell my wife the truth, but unfortunately this is impossible. So, when we...we had an argument about something else, my wife brought it up again, and then..." He shrugged, "she was so angry that she wanted to go back to her parents' house."

Eamon nodded understandingly: "Actually, this is also the tragedy of us people. In the past, my wife couldn't accept that I always came back in the middle of the night with injuries on my body, but it's much better now. Take your time."

Anlong listened cautiously and suddenly had an idea in his mind: "Veronica is missing. Since you can't send too many people to search, maybe I can take advantage of the May Festival to go to Mayton and Maicheng to inquire about it." Could you please give me some news about her? Can you grant me a few days of leave?"

When Ming Na heard this, she immediately opened her eyes: "Dad! You can't go! Mom said..."

"Ming Na! You're back? It's great. Grandpa really misses you." Xiao Tianjian had been listening in the corridor for a while. When he saw that his granddaughter had a tendency to leak secrets, he immediately stepped out to save the situation.

Ming Na saw him, hesitated for a moment, and then rushed over: "Grandpa!" Xiao Tianjian hugged her with a kind face and kissed her little cheek: "Do you miss Grandpa?" "Yes, I really do." Mingna quickly complained to her father, "Grandpa, dad just..." She opened her mouth, and suddenly found that she could not make a sound, and then her body gradually softened, and she could only lie on her grandfather's shoulder. What's going on here? Is she sick

Xiao Tianjian smiled and patted the child on the back: "Don't worry, I will tell him. Poor child, he must not have slept last night, right? You are home now, so you can sleep peacefully."

Ming Na was a little panicked. What on earth was grandpa talking about? But she can't move now, only a pair of eyes rolling around.

Xiao Tianjian didn't look at his granddaughter, but smiled at Eamon: "I made you laugh, the child is ignorant."

" could it be?" The big fat man was obviously very surprised, " are His Excellency Earl Xiao? God of Light! When I joined the Security Agency twenty-eight years ago, I met you once, but I didn't expect what you look like now. Nothing has changed! Could it be that..." He lowered his voice, "Is that rumor true? Did you really have a deal with the owner of Dragon Island?"

Xiao Tianjian laughed loudly: "That's just a rumor. If there is such a medicine, I wouldn't mind dealing with Longda. In fact, I'm just better at taking care of myself. If I'm healthy and in a happy mood, I will naturally look younger."

"Oh...really?" The fat man smiled politely, but the look on his face showed that he didn't believe this statement.

An Long coughed lightly, and when Eamon turned to look at him, he asked: "What do you think of my request just now?"

Eamon hesitated: "Uh... I don't think it's good. If others notice it, it will trigger all kinds of false rumors. Besides, forget about Merton, Maicheng may be in danger. You know, every one of our personnel is in danger." It’s precious.”

"I won't let anyone discover my whereabouts, even if I just go to Mayton and ask the merchants attending the market at that time. It is precisely because every human hand is precious that I hope to find out the matter. After all, there is always Something happened to the people sent by the department, and if we do nothing, we will be suspected of dereliction of duty in the future."

"That's... that's true..." Eamon muttered, "Okay, but I hope you can only search within Mayton. Once you have any news, tell me immediately." He showed a sincere smile: "I hope I can help you as much as possible. If you need anything, please let me know."

An Long showed a grateful smile on his face: "It's so kind of you. If it's not too much trouble, could you tell me the list of personnel stationed in Mayton? Maybe I can ask them for help, but I don't know anything about my colleagues elsewhere. I know." He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, finally having an upright reason to leave Qedun without arousing Eamon's suspicion.

Eamon quickly gave two names, and Anlong took note of them carefully. At this time, Marshall, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, presented him with black tea and cakes. The big fat man tasted a little happily, and then began to praise the products of the Xiao Family Tea Shop and the Xiao Family's secret delicacies, and then began to compliment Xiao Tianjian's various achievements.

Marshall behaved like a noble butler. He bowed politely and quietly retreated. When he passed by Xiao Tianjian, he asked in a low voice: "Please let me send the young lady back to her room."

Xiao Tianjian smiled, gently handed Ming Na to him, and patted her head. Mingna still had her big eyes open, and she was weakly carried out of the hall by Marshall.

Marshall carried her back to her room and asked softly: "Xiao Mingna, what's wrong with you?" Mingna couldn't make a sound or move, and she was so anxious that tears came out of her eyes. Seeing this, Marshall checked it hurriedly. After thinking about it, he probably guessed what was going on: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. This is Lord Earl's unique martial arts. It will only make people unable to move and make no sound. But after half an hour, It will return to normal, and even if it doesn't, the earl will have a way to solve it. I have seen the earl use this method to tease others before."

Ming Na's eyes were red and she felt aggrieved. Why did her grandfather tease her like this

In the living room at this time, the three men had already started a new topic. Eamon enthusiastically invited Xiao Tianjian to the Northern Fortress to celebrate the May Festival, and called him the idol of all Security Agency personnel.

Xiao Tianjian flatly refused: "I remember you once said that the security personnel under your jurisdiction are scattered all over the place. Even if I go, they won't be able to see me."

"Uh... That's true..." Eamon coughed lightly and said a little embarrassedly, "Well... although according to the regulations everyone must stick to their posts, but to be honest, people like us are usually very lonely, so we always I look forward to getting together with my companions occasionally. In fact, we just have such a gathering before May Day. Most people from the northern jurisdiction will come to my place. They must also hope to see you in action, and they are even more eager to see you. Listen to your adventures.”

He turned to Anlong and said: "If you also go, maybe you can ask everyone to help find Miss Veronica. You know her situation better, don't you? Although it is difficult to send people to search, if people from various places can If everyone volunteers to help you, it might be useful."

Anlong tried hard to make himself look hesitant and hopeful. To be honest, if he hadn't contacted Veronica long ago, he might have been moved by it. After all, it was not much different from what he "proposed" before, and the effect might be better. He really had no reason to refuse this arrangement.

Eamon continued to persuade: "Go, even if Anlong wants to find someone, at least His Excellency the Earl can participate. Most of you have never seen the appearance of that lady, and I really don't know how to find her. Your Excellency the Earl has seen that lady. Isn’t it Miss? You don’t want to go, is it because you have something urgent to do?”

"Good hospitality is hard to refuse. I think I can still manage to have a drink with you all. But Anlong will leave soon to find someone, and I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until then. After all, Veronica is the daughter of my good friend. , we are all worried about her safety." Xiao Tianjian quickly agreed.

Eamon's face lit up: "Oh, that's great. I'll go back and inform everyone. Everyone will be so excited that they can't sleep! Oh, what will you tell us? Is it what you saw in the Elf Forest? Or an adventure in Turay Mountain?”

Xiao Tianjian smiled and said to his son: "Send Mr. Emon away."

"You are so polite." Eamon said, "But I really don't want to waste my colleagues' time. I know the road here, so I can just walk by myself."

Xiao Tianjian was unmoved: "Let him send you off. You sent our little Mingna back, which is what we are most grateful for. Anlong, please invite Mr. Eamon to have a meal at a good restaurant in the Northern Fortress. It was kind of him to report. I know a nice place there that does great veal."

Eamon was so happy that his beard almost started to blow: "It's just a little effort from me, you really don't need to be so polite."

Although Anlong didn't quite understand his father's intention, he still did it. He sent Eamonn out of the house, then rode his horse back to the northern fortress, and treated him to delicious veal steak and high-end wine in the best restaurant. He was extremely lucky that he had just received this month's salary in the morning, but he would probably have to live frugally in the days to come.

After eating and drinking, Eamon burped with satisfaction, put his hand on Anlong's shoulder affectionately and said: "Brother Anlong, I know you must be angry with me. In fact, it's not that I don't want to help you find that person." Miss, in fact I don’t want anything to happen to her more than you do. But you have to understand my situation, I also have my own difficulties."

Anlong raised his eyebrows: "Please tell me, maybe I can take away some of your worries."

"Good brother, you are really good!" Eamon patted his shoulder vigorously, looked around, then leaned in front of him and whispered, "I think you have probably heard about it, right? The director is retiring at the end of the year. Of course, the deputy director, Ms. Lea, is the successor, but the position of deputy director is said to be chosen from among the district directors. Since I am the oldest, I am naturally one of the candidates. To be honest, I am not interested in that position. I have no interest, but others may not think so, so they always regard me as a thorn in their side. In the past six months, I have been accused of many crimes. Although they are all minor troubles, if they have the intention to frame me, I am afraid that even now I can’t even keep my seat.”

Anlong said "Oh" slowly.

Eamonn continued to slap him on the back vigorously: "You probably think this is all a dirty political fight, right? Young man, it's not that I want to fight with others, but that others refuse to let me go. In this case, I also There is some uncertainty. Maybe Mr. Gama and Miss Veronica discovered some important information and delayed their return. If we act rashly and ruin their plan, we might be accused of being in trouble. Logically speaking, Nuojia is not an enemy country and should not be in any danger. It is really strange that they have not responded for a long time. I don't want to speculate on what the two special envoys are doing, but they are all people sent by the General Administration. , it’s hard to say whether you have any other plans. You have been working under me for a few years, and you know what I am like. Although I don’t expect your family to support me, at least I hope that you will not I will side with those who oppose me just because I heard a few gossips from others."

An Long frowned and looked at his boss who seemed a little drunk. Eamonn glanced across the restaurant casually, snapped his fingers to summon the waiter, and ordered another glass of wine. Finally, after Anlong reluctantly took out two-thirds of his salary, they left the restaurant. Eamon was always smiling and in a very happy mood.

It was almost evening when Anlong returned home. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his father waiting for him in the house. Xiao Tianjian raised his head and said: "I took Veronica over quietly to prevent the fat man from finding out her whereabouts. She is sleeping in the nanny's room now. Seeing that her injuries are healing well, I estimate that you can be there in a few days. Set off."

Anlong nodded: "So you asked me to send Eamon back and invite him to dinner to distract him so that he can handle this matter? It should be okay, he has never been in contact with other people." After thinking about it, He still told his father what Eamonn had said to him before.

Xiao Tianjian frowned after hearing this: "What kind of nonsense is this? What does he mean?"