After the Legend

Chapter 16: Restless child


"I thought about it on the way back. He was probably hinting that Veronica was actually not in danger. He just deliberately didn't send the message back to lead him to make mistakes. This was all a trap set by his competitors and they suspected me. He also participated in it and hoped that I would not harm him." An Long hesitated, "If he really thinks so, then everything he did will be explained. It is very likely that he did not treason, but he misunderstood. We also misunderstood.”

Xiao Tianjian snorted coldly: "Sophistry! Although there are factional struggles in the current Security Agency, it is not so chaotic. Who is he?! Everyone who joined the agency at the same time as him all held important responsibilities in the General Administration, and he is the only one left here. In the division, and he has not made any great achievements in more than 20 years. If he were not senior enough, he would not even be able to sit in his current position! Who would take him seriously? He is also a competitor! What's more, even if he doubts If someone is cheating on him, there is no reason to ignore the danger that his colleagues may encounter. He should at least send someone to search and find out. Doesn’t he know what is more serious and which is less serious?!”

An Long was thoughtful. When Xiao Tianjian saw that his son had woken up, he softened his tone and said, "Besides, you also know what Veronica's situation is now. All his speculations are jokes. I think he just thinks you are Without knowing anything, he just pretended to be drunk and said some plausible things to make you think he is really a good person. He has exposed a lot of flaws before, and your father, I can now tell that there is a 90% chance that he is the traitor."

Anlong thought for a while and felt that his boss was indeed suspicious, so he couldn't help but worry: "Why did father agree to attend their party on May Day? Doesn't that mean he can't go back to Yitong with us?"

"Hmph, that fat man is full of bad intentions. He is testing us. If I don't go, he will ask me what I plan to do. In addition, the reason he mentioned is indeed very good. If we really want to find Vero Nika, it would be too suspicious not to agree, so I just went with the flow. At that time, I just planned to stabilize him first, and it wouldn't matter if he finds out when we leave later, but now I have another plan. "

He told him all his plans. Although he won't go on the road with his son, he can let the people from Xiao's Trading Company cover them. After all, every two or three days, the trading company will send a convoy to Ito City to deliver or pick up goods. As long as they hide them in the mezzanine of the carriage, they will be fine. . At the same time, he can also create various illusions to confuse Eamon and others, making them mistakenly believe that Anlong is still in Merton or has contacted Veronica there. In short, he can prevent them from discovering the true identity of Anlong and others. whereabouts.

An Long frowned after hearing this: "The caravan's carriage has a mezzanine?" Xiao Tianjian was a little confused about what he meant: "Yes, what's the problem? This is a common practice, everyone does this." An Long Long shook his head: "It's nothing, you are very thoughtful." He was so thoughtful, and it sounded like his father didn't care about the country's laws. Did he not think about his son's position as a national official at all? However, how could a person as powerful as him take this to heart? He came up with a good solution so quickly, which was much better than his original plan. Anlong silently accepted his father's arrangement, but his heart felt a little heavy. He didn't know why he felt this way.

Xiao Tianjian smiled and said: "You are still young, but you are quick-witted and calm in situations. From now on, you should leave these scheming matters to me." After a pause, he hesitated and talked about another topic. Thing: "The people from the Xiao family business just reported to me about your wife, which seemed a little strange."

An Long quickly asked with concern, Xiao Tianjian frowned and said: "She didn't go to the dock at all yesterday. The people from the trading company were afraid of an accident, so they searched everywhere. It wasn't until they asked the coachman that they found out that she had been picked up halfway. . This morning, they saw her on the dock with a man on a ship escorting armaments, but she handed her daughter over to someone else. I said, son, what happened to your wife? Who is that man? Should she give it to you? Are you going to wear a cuckold?"

Anlong also became serious after hearing this. Dora would not leave easily with someone she didn't know, so who could that man be? A ship escorting armaments? Are you going to Matt Harbor? That was fine, but the man's identity still made him very concerned.

Xiao Tianjian saw his son's look and said, "I don't care if your wife misunderstood you. It's wrong for a woman to be so petty and ignorant. If she really does something sorry for you, even if you continue to favor her, She can’t bear this tone, you know?!”

Anlong said nothing. He believed that his wife would not betray him, but the first priority was to find out the identity of the man. Suddenly, he thought: "Mingna must know who that is. Have you asked her?"

"Of course I asked. The kid is having a tantrum and refuses to pay attention to me. Why don't you go and ask? I didn't tell you that it was too dangerous before. If Mingna's words were revealed without any restraint, you and Vero Nika is in danger, but it’s a pity that children are ignorant and only blame me.”

Anlong was a little confused, what happened

===================== I am the dividing line that changes the perspective =====================

Mingna was sitting by the stove in the kitchen, eating the orange cake that Marshall had made for her, and complaining to the old housekeeper. Suddenly she saw her father and grandfather coming in. She wanted to get up to greet them, but suddenly she thought of what they had done. He snorted and turned his head away angrily.

Anlong smiled and said to his daughter: "What's wrong? Are you angry with dad? Dad just went out to have dinner with someone, won't he come back now? You haven't seen dad for a day, don't you miss me?"

Of course I do, but...

"How could that woman live in our house?! It was only because she made her mother angry that she left. Dad, hurry up and drive that woman away and bring mom back!" Mingna yelled at her father angrily.

An Long was embarrassed for a while: "Mingna, uh... Aunt Veronica just came to our house to recuperate. She will leave soon..."

"I don't care, I don't care! I want her to go now!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Xiao Mingna." Xiao Tianjian frowned when he saw his son's helpless look, "Dad and aunt are going to do business, so leave your child's house alone. Let me ask you, who did your mother go with? ,do you know?"

Ming Na pouted, turned her head and stared at the fire in the stove, refusing to say anything. No matter how much her father and grandfather coaxed her, she refused to listen, which gave them a headache. Seeing this, Marshall took the initiative to come over and said: "In fact, Madam was taken to the Northern Fortress by Master Goodwin Chulov last night, because Master Chulov had something to go out at night, and their mother and daughter The three of them and Winnie stayed in Master Chulov's room. This morning, it was also Master Chulov who took the initiative to go to Matt Port and give his wife a ride on the way. "

An Long breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and Xiao Tianjian hurriedly asked: "Chu Love? Are you from your sister-in-law's family?"

Anlong hesitated for a moment and then replied: "He is Madam Lilith's brother. He once pursued Dora."

Xiao Tianjian frowned when he heard this: "What is he going to do? Take advantage of the situation? Your wife is too careless, how can she go with that kind of man?"

Anlong was not too worried: "It doesn't matter if it's him. I'm a classmate with him and know what he is like. He has always regarded himself as a gentleman. With his escort, Dora will reach Matt safely. And as long as Dora doesn't nod. , he won’t mess around, I believe Dora.”

Even so, Xiao Tianjian is still not satisfied: "You are too indulgent to your wife. You are not angry when she leaves with another man. No matter whether she has any messy things with that man or not, when she comes back, you must Just teach her a lesson."

"Father, don't say that. Dora is a good woman. I love her and she loves me. I believe she will not betray me and our family."

Seeing the angry look on his son's face, Xiao Tianjian had no choice but to say no more, but when he inadvertently turned his eyes to his granddaughter, he was somewhat surprised to see the anger in the little girl's eyes and couldn't help but laugh: "What's wrong? Mingna, are you still angry that grandpa doesn't allow you to speak?"

Mingna shouted at him: "Grandpa is a bad person!" She was really angry. Grandpa not only teased her for no reason, but also brought that vicious bad woman to her home. Now he is still talking bad about her mother. She I hate grandpa the most!

After that, she refused to forgive Xiao Tianjian. Even if he bought her favorite chicken drumsticks or candies, and gave her many interesting alchemy gadgets, he could not coax her to change her mind. In the end, she admitted defeat that she had said something wrong. , and then reluctantly exchanged a glance at the little granddaughter. Unexpectedly, Ming Na was very interested in his method of controlling herself that day and asked him to teach her. Xiao Tianjian argued that it was too difficult to teach, so Ming Na became angry with him again, making him smile bitterly: It is indeed not easy to coax a child.

Anlong was also unpopular with his daughter. He was reluctant to pick up his wife. Mingna had several troubles over this, and even confronted Veronica. Not only did she yell at her father to drive him away every day, but she also treated her badly. Her attitude is even worse than before: "You bad woman, get out of our house quickly, we don't welcome you!"

Veronica sat on the bed, leaning against a pile of soft pillows, fiddling with the sword in her hand that had not been seen for many days, and glanced at Ming Na lightly: "It seems that your mother didn't teach you anything. It's about etiquette training, do you want me to come and teach you lessons?" As she was speaking, the sharp sword under her hand gently rubbed the edge of the scabbard, making a harsh sound.

Ming Na couldn't help but shudder, remembering the chill in her throat that day, she couldn't help but take a step back, but she was unwilling to be intimidated by the other party, so she mustered up the courage to shout: "You are just a Bad woman! Shameless!"

Veronica narrowed her eyes, sneered, and pulled out half of the sword in her hand with a swipe, but was stopped by the figure who flashed through the door: "Veronica, she is just a child! What do you want to do?!"

The person who came was none other than Xiao Tianjian. He frowned and looked at the cold and charming woman, but the other party just said lightly: "It's just to scare her. What do you think I will do to her?" After that, he put away the sword. go back.

Xiao Tianjian stared at her: "It's best not to let me see it a second time." He picked up his granddaughter and walked out. Ming Na started struggling as soon as she went out: "When will she leave? She is a big bad guy! I don't want her to live in our house!" Xiao Tianjian had no choice but to coax her and said: "Good boy, stop making trouble, she is almost ready Yes, he will leave soon." Ming Na stopped struggling and looked at him suspiciously: "Really?" Xiao Tianjian nodded solemnly: "Really." Ming Na tilted her head and looked at him for a while, then shook off her hand. Turned around and ran away.

Xiao Tianjian looked at the back of his little granddaughter and sighed helplessly, but found that there was another person sighing next to him. He turned around and saw that it was his son Anlong, and joked: "The attitude of the iceberg beauty is very unusual, son. Are you sure there is no adultery between you two?"

An Long frowned and said, "What are you talking about? I already have a wife and children, and I only regard Veronica as my sister."

"What kind of sister is she?" Xiao Tianjian didn't believe it. "Forget it, what can't you say to dad? Be honest. It's normal for a capable man to have one or two confidante."

"Father!" Anlong held back his anger and didn't want to talk about this topic again. "I hope to be loyal to my wife and protect my family. I don't want the girl I care about like a sister to repeat my mother's tragedy, let alone my own. The child suffered a fate like mine!" He turned and left, as coldly as his father when he first arrived.

Xiao Tianjian was a little embarrassed and began to regret mentioning this matter.

Maybe his warning to Veronica was effective, maybe Mingna knew that the "evil woman" was leaving soon so she didn't come to provoke, and the two ladies temporarily calmed down. As time passed, when the whole town began to make final preparations for the May Day carnival, and the festive atmosphere became more and more intense, Veronica finally announced that she was leaving.

Before Ming Na could finish being happy, her mood immediately fell to the bottom again. In the early morning of the next day, while she was still sleeping, she vaguely heard her father saying goodbye to her, and then he kissed her on the forehead. She barely woke up and found that there was no one else in the room except her, and there was a slight sound of horse hooves in front of the door. She hurriedly rushed to the window, not even bothering to put on her slippers. She only saw her father and that Veronica riding on the horse. They said something to her grandfather, and then they rode away together, and then , even grandpa went in the other direction.

She suddenly wanted to cry and felt cold, so she dragged her bare feet back to the bed and buried herself in the quilt.

Dad also left, and left with that bad woman without saying a word. Doesn’t he want Minna too? Just like mom

She sobbed softly, her tears soaking the bed sheets. I don't know how long it took, but I seemed to have fallen asleep again, but suddenly I felt a warm hand caressing me. She opened her eyes that were red and swollen from crying, and saw that Marshall was looking at her tenderly: "My child, don't cry, Grandpa Marshall is here." Mingna's nose became sore, and she hugged the old housekeeper and cried loudly.

The games of the past suddenly seemed to have lost their original appeal, and even her favorite delicacies could not make her feel better. Mingna just followed Marshall around the house obediently. Wherever he went, she followed him. Wherever he went, he would sometimes help him with some small jobs.

Sometimes Marshall couldn't stand it and pushed her out to play, so she had to hang out. But rumors about her parents had spread in the city. Either her mother had run away with someone, or her father was on vacation with his lover. She retorted angrily, but the women ducked away with smiles, the boys winked, and Bree's stepmother's son even shouted at her: "Mingna is the child no one wants, Minna is the child no one wants." ~"

Minna chased after her angrily, and the children dispersed, leaving her alone in the middle of the road.

Since then, she no longer plays around, plays knight games, climbs trees, or even goes to her favorite woods in the past. When she is free, she finds her mother's painting tools and paints them according to Dora's teachings. Doodling like a child, or take out your mother’s poetry book and read it aloud. If there is a word you don’t understand, ask Marshall. She felt that if her mother knew that she was so obedient, she would come home immediately.

But when she thought of her father, she felt that this was not enough, so she began to practice the small grapple and sword skills that had been neglected for several days. Unfortunately, she hadn't practiced for a few days and had no one to guide her. When she found that she was getting worse as she practiced, her temper became bad.

She became irritable, irritable, and easily lost her temper. Sometimes she even threw the refreshments that Marshall had worked so hard to make on the ground. However, she soon regretted it and confessed her mistake to the old housekeeper in tears. Marshall didn't care at all and just calmly comforted the disturbed child.

The May Day celebration has begun, and the whole town is filled with a joyful atmosphere. From time to time, people laugh loudly and walk on the road in front of their house, but Minna and Marshall did not attend, not even the ongoing celebration. The dance was also absent. This is Dora's most important social event in many years, and she has been preparing for a long time to dress for this year's ball.

Mingna was in a sad mood and didn't care about anything else, but Marshall deliberately didn't remind her. Rumors in the city were getting worse, many of them malicious, and he couldn't let the poor kid suffer any more.

The old man and the young man just stayed at home quietly, while Ming Na ate delicious pastries and listened to the old housekeeper talking about all kinds of interesting things. At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a tall figure walked in.

"Why are you all at home? Didn't you go play?" Xiao Tianjian smiled brightly, "I seem to be back a little late, but it's not too late, right?"

Mingna stared blankly at her grandfather, who had been missing for two days for no reason, and suddenly burst into tears.