After the Legend

Chapter 2: Security Agency top secret files Xiao Tianjian


(Re-edited on April 1, 1930 in the mainland calendar)

Name: Xiao Tianjian (Note: Xiao is the surname)

Age: Unknown, he was about 21 years old when he first appeared in front of people in 1897 in the mainland calendar.

Country: East (claims to be the descendant of immigrants from a continent in the East)

Class: Originally a civilian merchant, he was promoted to a noble due to his military exploits and held the hereditary title of earl.

Appearance: black hair, black eyes, regular facial features, medium build

Weapon: A thin straight sword three feet long and one inch wide, with double-edged edges. It dances gracefully and dexterously, but contains great power.

Specialties: Swordsmanship (ancestral tradition), assassin movement (ancestral tradition, called "Qing Kung"), boxing; commerce and trade; talent; singing (rumored, unconfirmed); poetry writing (rumored, unconfirmed)

(Note: No magic talent, suspected to be magic immune)

Family members: Wife Mirabell Cardo, the only daughter of the Marquis Cardo, married in 1900, divorced in 1902

The eldest son, Elon Xiao-Cado, was born in 1900 of the Continental Calendar.

(Attached here is a note: My lover, Mellie Jones, was a maid in the Caddo family. In 1903, she gave birth to a son, Anlong, who was adopted by the Caddo family. Mellie Jones died in 1924.)

(Also attached: The identities of the other lovers are unknown. A certain female magician from Shaonan Magic City is suspected to be one of them, but it has not been confirmed. It is rumored that Xiao has an intimate relationship with the elf princess, but it has not been confirmed.)

Note: One of the founders of the Security Agency

Personal experience:

In March 1897, he first appeared in front of the mercenaries who were exploring the Yalor Forest. He claimed to be the descendant of immigrants from the Eastern Continent and followed the mercenaries into nearby Water City. I don’t understand mainland lingua franca.

In May 1897, he officially settled in Water City. He worked as a mercenary and learned the common language.

In January 1898, he cooperated with businessman XXX to open a restaurant. Because the dishes were novel and delicious, the business was booming.

In March 1898, he cooperated with businessman YYY to start a weapons design and manufacturing business.

April 1898…

(Twelve lines of text are omitted above)

In February 1899, he became the richest man in Water City, with accumulated property of 319,272 gold coins, 7 silver coins and 9 copper coins (data from the Water City Tax Department). He owned a large manor, 85 slaves, 4 shops, and had shares in 9 other businesses. .

In early April 1899, the Weishasha bandit coalition invaded Shaonan. In mid-April, they invaded the East border and approached Water City. Xiao Tianjian united with the businessmen in the city to form a resistance army and served as the leader, leading the soldiers and civilians in the city to defend the city.

In early May 1899, they won a great victory in the western suburbs of Water City, marking the country's first victory in this battle. (Note: Xiao himself used a variety of special tactics in this battle. No one has heard of it before. Two of them are known to be guerrilla warfare and attacking in the east, and the remaining one needs to be investigated.)

In mid-May 1899, the Sand Pirates coalition withdrew from East territory. At the end of May, the king appointed Xiao as the deputy commander-in-chief of the counterattack army (the orthodox commander is His Royal Highness Prince Walfred) to assist the ally Shaonan in repelling the sand bandits.

In late July 1899, the East Counterattack Army and the Shaonan Magician Alliance successfully arrived in Wishad, the capital of Wishad, and asked King Wissaw to eradicate the sand pirates at the order of the two kings. The Vatican Central Holy See intervened to mediate, and the three countries signed a peace agreement. Xiao participated in the ceremony as one of the representatives of the victorious countries. During the ceremony, he had a small friction with the Van'a representative, but he had a pleasant conversation with one of the Weisha representatives. (Note: The king ordered to pay close attention)

In mid-September 1899, the counterattack army returned to the capital in triumph. Xiao Tianjian was granted the title of hereditary earl for his military merits and was granted the title of Water City.

On September 16, 1899, the royal investiture ceremony was held, and he attended the palace ball that night. According to the diary of the palace manager at the time, he had successively dated Princess Diana, the Marquis de Caddo, two ladies from the Duke of Hedda, the Miss Mandheling, three ladies from the Count XX family, the Miss XXX family, etc. 9 noble daughters danced together with His Royal Highness Prince Valfred, His Royal Highness Prince XXX, Finance Minister Duke Chulov, Legal Director Duke Heda, Deputy Director Count Yuri, Marquis Cardo, Viscount XXX... A total of 17 nobles had conversations.

September 17, dance at Duke Hedda's house, with Miss Rosalind Hedda as dance partner.

September 18th, dance at Duke Chulov's house, dance partner Miss Mirabell Cardo.

September 21st, ball at Count Uri's house, dance partner Miss Elena Mandheling

On September 25, there was a ball at the Marquis Cardo's house, with Miss Mirabell Cardo as the dance partner.

(The above schedule omits a total of 27 dances in 65 days.)

December 1, Royal Winter Ball, dance partner Princess Diana

December 5th, Xiao family dance, dance partner Miss Mirabell Cardo.

On December 7, a dance was held to celebrate the establishment of the Xiao Family Trading Company, with Miss Mirabell Cardo as the dance partner.

As of December 31, Xiao's Trading Company opened four stores in a row, namely the hotel Happy Forest, the barbecue restaurant BBQ Garden, Xiao's Tailor Shop and Xiao's Weapons and Equipment Store.

In mid-February 1900, Xiao Tianjian became engaged to Miss Mirabell Cardo.

In early March 1900, Xiao Tianjian married Miss Mirabell Cardo. In the same month, Princess Diana, Miss Hedda, and Miss Mandheling were sworn in as saints of the Temple of Light.

In November 1900, Xiao Tianjian's eldest son was born, named Xiao Yunlong (also known as Yilong). Three days later the Marquis of Caddo announced that his grandson would be his heir.

In December 1900, Xiao Tianjian entered the Noble Council and became the youngest member of the Council in East. On the fourth day after joining the meeting, a tax reform plan was proposed (see the appendix for details).

In early February 1901, it was proposed to establish a National Security Agency to collect political, political and economic intelligence from various countries. At the end of February, the institutional reform plan of the Legal Affairs Bureau was proposed and approved (see the appendix for details).

In March 1901, the National Security Agency was established, and Xiao Tianjian took office as the deputy director (the director was His Royal Highness Prince Walfred), proposing the slogan "Information First".

In May 1901, it cooperated with the two major families of Chulov and Cardo in shipping business, and opened a branch of a commercial bank in the port of Mater.

In July 1901, the organizational reform plan of the Finance Department was proposed and passed (see the appendix for details).

On August 6, 1901, he attended the inauguration ceremony of Count Yuri, the new director of the Legal Affairs Bureau. He was assassinated on his way home but was not injured. Beginning on the 8th, some of the stores under his name encountered vicious competition and suffered heavy losses.

In late August 1901, Xiao's Trading Company launched a new business, selling a variety of chess and card game products, and opened six ladies-only beauty shops to provide door-to-door services. The collaborators include Cardo and four other noble families, and it is rumored that Miranda, the eldest princess, is also one of the shareholders (unconfirmed).

In early September 1901, three sword masters from Nuojia, Weisha, and Shaonan issued a challenge to Xiao Tianjian. The duel was scheduled to take place on September 15 in the uninhabited valley west of Yidong City.

On September 16, 1901, the duel ended. Xiao Tianjian was seriously injured and won, and the three sword masters returned to their hometowns.

In early October 1901, the Western Sword Master passed away. His disciples rumored that his master had last words before his death, accusing Xiao Tianjian of plotting against his opponent. The Northern Sword Master did not deny this statement, but the Southern Sword Master refuted it.

At the end of October 1901, the best swordsman among the five children of Heda, Mandheling, Mattis, Duma, and Bowie challenged Xiao Tianjian. Xiao refused. The next day, his wife Mirabell sent him to a secret place to recover from his injuries.

In early November 1901, the king ordered the head of the security agency's operations team to temporarily act as deputy director.

In mid-December 1901, Xiao's tailor shop was occupied by a fellow trader and the manager was seriously injured. The opponent is suspected to be the Duma family.

In early January 1901, Xiao's Hotel Happy Forest was facing the crisis of bankruptcy due to a food poisoning scandal. The Cardo family transferred it to its name and averted the crisis.

In late March 1902, the Xiaojia Barbecue Garden was occupied by a fellow trader, and the manager died accidentally. The opponent is suspected to be the Duma family. On the same day, the manager of the shipping company was robbed and killed in the Port of Mater. The Kado family and the Chulov family sent people to take over.

On April 19, 1902, the Shaw Arms and Equipment Store was owned by the Mandheling family.

In early June 1902, five beauty shops were occupied by the Matisse family. A steward and three employees died in the chaos. A female manager was taken away for punishment for offending the young master of the Matisse family. The eldest princess intervened, and the Mattis family returned three of the stores and their employees.

On September 12, 1902, Xiao Tianjian returned to Ito City. On the 13th, several subordinates who had been taken away were rescued, and one of the women committed suicide that day. On the 15th, the Mattis family was killed and three business owners were killed. On the 16th, the Duma family was destroyed and the youngest son of the Heda family was seriously injured. On the 17th, he broke into Mandheling's house and was blocked by his wife Mirabell.

On September 18, 1902, the king issued an order condemning Xiao Tianjian's actions, revoking his title as a member of parliament, recovering his territory, and requiring him to apologize for the crimes he committed. Xiao refused.

On September 20, 1902, the Council of Nobles submitted a denunciation of the Marquis de Caddo to put pressure on him. That night, a quarrel broke out between Xiao Tianjian and Marquis Cardo at home. (For the content of the quarrel, see Document No. 102 in Cabinet No. 3 in the Reference Room)

On September 21, 1902, Xiao Tianjian and his wife had a quarrel, which was suspected to be related to the physical discomfort of the maid Mei Li Jones (for the content of the quarrel, see Document No. 103 in Cabinet No. 3 of the Reference Room). Mirabell filed for divorce the next day, and Xiao agreed and promised to pay a huge amount of alimony, leaving his only son to be raised by his wife.

In early October 1902, Xiao Tianjian signed a divorce agreement with his wife. After returning home, he had a dispute with the maid Mei Li Jones (for the content of the dispute, please see Document No. 108 in Cabinet No. 3 of the Reference Room). The next day, he handed over his property to his subordinates. Get off (see Document No. 109 in Cabinet No. 3 in the Reference Room for specific terms) and leave Ito City alone. (According to reports from personnel at the Suburban Security Bureau base, its heading is west.)

(A note is attached here: Mellie Jones followed Mirabell back to the Caddo family and gave birth to a son at the end of March of the following year, named Anlong.)

In September 1903, Xiao Tianjian, who had been missing for a long time, appeared in the "Forest" bar in Water City. It was said that he had returned to his old residence in the Yarrow Forest before. (Note: This is the report content of the Western Intelligence Division of the Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 121, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In February 1904, Xiao Tianjian appeared in the southern Gutenberg seaport. In June, he hired a boat to go north to the island country of Camecca. (Note: This is the report content of the Southern Intelligence Division of the Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 124, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In March 1905, Xiao Tianjian disembarked at Matt Port and headed north along the Beibi River. (Note: This is the report content of the Eastern Intelligence Division of the Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 129, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In April 1905, the northern foggy wasteland border guard saw Xiao Tianjian entering the wasteland with his own eyes. Before that, he had replenished water in all the garrison villages. (Attached here is a list of the types and quantities of items purchased by Xiao Tianjian. This is the content reported by the Northern Intelligence Division of the Security Agency.)

In May 1910, someone saw someone who looked like Xiao Tianjian in the mountainous area north of Nuojia. He had been missing for five years and was rumored to have been stranded in the Elf Forest. (Note: This is the content reported by the personnel of the Nomenka Intelligence Station of the National Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 131, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In November 1910, a new variety of spirits was produced in the northern mountains of Nuojia, which tasted similar to the spirit brewed by the Xiao family. (Note: This is the content reported by the Nomonka Information Station of the Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 133, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In January 1911, the Mayton branch of the Xiao family business received an order from the owner of the family and went north to Nuojia to open a branch. (Note: This is the report content of the Northern Intelligence Division of the National Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 134, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In early August 1911, someone saw Xiao Tianjian in Mengli, a small town on the Weisha border. He taught orphans at the orphanage run by the local Illuminati Cult to turn dirty water into clean water, and to weave various beautifully designed straw mats, which he sold to businessmen for money. (Note: This is the content reported by the Mengli Intelligence Station of the National Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 140, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In September 1911, he appeared in the capital of Wisdom, where he had conflicts with many people in three taverns and rescued four men and seven women. (Note: This is the content reported by the West Intelligence Station of the National Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 141, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In October 1911, someone saw Xiao Tianjian on the border of the western desert of Weisha. At that time, there was a 60% chance that his heading was towards the Demonic Realm. (Note: This is the content reported by the West Intelligence Station of the National Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 142, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In December 1911, Xiao Tianjian returned to Westwood. (Note: This is the content reported by the Security Agency’s West Intelligence Station. For details, please see Document No. 143 in Cabinet No. 3 of the Information Room.) A few days later, the Xiao Family Trading Company entered West.

In February 1912, Xiao Tianjian met the female magician Patty and followed her to the Magic City of Shaonan. (Note: This woman is suspected to be one of his lovers, but it has not been confirmed)

In June 1912, Xiao Tianjian bought a house and settled in the Magic City. (Note: This is the content reported by the Italian Intelligence Station of the Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 146, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.) At the end of the year, the Xiao Family Trading Company opened a branch in Shaonan. Three months later, local bards began singing songs about his exploits.

In July 1913, Xiao Tianjian set out to travel in Shaonan. Arriving at Doro Port in February of the following year, the merger and acquisition ship attempted to go to Long Island, but failed. (Note: This is the report content of the Doro Port Information Station of the Security Department. For details, please see Document No. 151, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In April 1914, the second trip to Long Island failed.

In June 1914, he went to Longdao for the third time and lost contact.

In November 1914, he appeared in Gutenberg Harbor and bought a house there for the winter. (Note: This is the report content of the Southern Intelligence Division of the Security Agency. For details, please see Document No. 156, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

He left Gutenberg and headed north in March 1915, but his whereabouts are unknown.

In January 1918, he appeared in Ito City to attend the wedding of his eldest son Yilong. The day after the wedding, he met with the new King Walfred III and reconciled with many noble families in the capital. His appearance has not changed in more than ten years, and there are rumors that he made a deal with the Dragon Clan, exchanging huge wealth for immortality. (Attached here is the report of the Intelligence Analysis Section, which believes that the accuracy of this guess is less than 30%, and the signature is "M")

In April 1918, after leaving Ito Castle, he disappeared again.

In July 1919, someone saw him again in Westwood, where he sat with several giants of the city's underground forces. A month later, the underground forces in the city were reshuffled (see the appendix for details on the distribution of forces). Xiao Tianjian became friends with the underground duke who finally won, and the latter gave treasures and beauties as gifts (note: this is a Weisha custom).

In March 1920, Xiao Tianjian went to the Magic City again and stayed for a year before heading to the northern snowfields. (Note: This is the content reported by the Italian Intelligence Station of the Security Agency. For details, please see Documents No. 178, 179, and 180 in Cabinet No. 3 of the Data Room.)

In August 1922, someone saw Xiao Tianjian appearing in the Tulei Mountains, but his whereabouts soon disappeared. (Note: This is the content reported by the Maicheng Intelligence Station of the Security Department. For details, please see Document No. 182, Cabinet No. 3, Data Room, Data Room.)

In March 1924, his lover Mei Li Jones died of illness. Xiao Tianjian appeared and took away his eldest grandson Beiwen afterwards.

In September 1927, he took his eldest son, Beiwen, home to visit his relatives. His whereabouts were unknown, and he was most likely wandering between the Alor Forest, the Magic City and Ture Mountain. (Note: For details, please see Document No. 193 in Cabinet No. 3 in the Reference Room)

In March 1930, he took his eldest son Beiwen back to his home in Itoka, and then headed north alone, towards the Turay Mountains. The director ordered the Northern Intelligence Division to pay close attention.