After the Legend

Chapter 23: Transformation potion


Xiao Tianjian was very happy that his long-cherished wish came true. As soon as he applied the ointment to treat the burns, he ran around the room and dug out a few bottles of East's specialty rum from nowhere in the warehouse... That was originally from Moriuchi It was specially used as a potion material, and then the old magician was drunk.

Not to mention, the two old men even went crazy with alcohol and sat on the edge of the cliff singing loudly, completely ignoring the abyss beneath their feet. Sennett was okay, he just hummed a few Shaonan tunes intermittently, while Xiao Tianjian sang one after another in a language that others could not understand. From the beginning of a romantic love song, it later turned into a howl of ghosts and wolves. Minna listened from a distance and felt that although grandpa could sing more songs than little Bud, his voice was really not as good as his.

She has never seen such a wild grandfather, even the grandfather who danced with others in the tavern during the May Day carnival was not so crazy. It is even more surprising that the old magician Sennett would go crazy with him. Could it be that the wine they drank had magical powers that could completely change people's appearance? This is very possible. If it was just ordinary wine, how could Sennett regard it as a potion ingredient

Curiously, she picked up an empty wine bottle they had thrown away, dipped a drop of the wine into her finger, put it in her mouth and licked it. She couldn't taste anything except a spicy taste. She stretched out her hand again, intending to dip more, but Keith snatched the bottle away and glared at her again.

He approached the two drunkards viciously, took out a thick stick from somewhere, struck them one by one, knocked them unconscious, dragged them back to the lawn, and then moved them back into the house one by one. He put Sennett on the chair in front of the workbench, let his elbow touch the mechanism on the handle, and let him fall into the hole. As for Xiao Tianjian, he threw it back to the guest room...a real thing. Ming Na followed behind and saw it, and she immediately admired the half-elf.

The next day, the Archmage Sennet went into the small room to conduct his own research. He claimed that in the process of helping Xiao Tianjian make the fire poison juice, he was greatly inspired and came up with a new idea. If this idea can be realized, then he can create "the greatest magic potion of all time" ( Sennetian) come. For this reason, he plundered all the remaining magic materials in Xiao Tianjian's ring, locked himself in a small room for three days and three nights, and refused to even take a bite of food.

Keith was very worried about his condition, but he was aloof by nature, so he just wandered around the studio and listened to what was going on in the small room from time to time.

Xiao Tianjian saw this and smiled and said: "It's okay, this is his old habit. He has lived for nearly a hundred years and has always lived like this. He has never had any problems. When he is too hungry and can't stand it anymore, he will come out naturally. "As he spoke, he cut off a piece of thigh meat from the plate of roasted birds in front of him and handed it to his granddaughter next to him. He also said: "Eat more to gain strength. We will leave in two days. , the road is not easy to walk."

Ming Na counted on her fingers. Indeed, it had been more than a month since they arrived, and it was almost time to go back. She took the meat and took a bite, savoring the meat that she had not eaten for many days. After eating milk bread for more than a month, she was already tired of it. Looking up at Keith, whose face didn't look good, she asked: "Pretty uncle, are you really not going to eat it? I still have delicious apples here. My grandpa said that Grandpa Sennett will come out soon. ,Do not worry."

Keith ignored her and just looked at Xiao Tianjian coldly: "You've probably never really worried about anyone, right? Master is almost a hundred years old. He hasn't eaten for three days and probably hasn't drank much water. How can you still be so... Eating barbecue easily? Have you really cared about this friend?" Even Ming Na noticed the coldness emanating from his body and couldn't help but shudder.

Xiao Tianjian frowned, put down the knife and fork in his hand, and smiled at Keith calmly: "I found... you seem to have a big opinion against me? It's been like this since the first day I came here. Even the most arrogant one. Elf, you have never been sarcastic to me like this. I want to know where in the world I offended you? Is it because of the Snowfield Warcraft thing back then?"

Keith twitched his lips and said, "It has nothing to do with that matter. Can you please take a moment to talk? There is something that I think you should be very interested in knowing. It happened after you left the Elf Forest."

Xiao Tianjian was a little surprised. He thought about it and nodded: "Let's go to your room to talk." The Elf Forest is almost completely isolated from human society. He is indeed very interested in knowing how the people he knew back then are doing now. And from Keith's tone, it seemed like it was something big.

Ming Na seemed to smell the secret, and jumped up with interest: "I want to listen too!" However, her grandfather pushed her back to the chair with a palm: "Eat your food! Why does a child know so much?" She had no choice but to I watched my grandpa and his beautiful uncle leave the studio. He stabbed the bird meat on the plate with his fork in disappointment and ate every bite.

Suddenly there was another "bang" sound in the small room, but luckily it did not cause any shock. She jumped up suddenly and rushed to the door, shouting "Grandpa Sennett, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you, Grandpa Sennett", and then she saw the old magician with only a bald head walking out again with smoke all over his body. When the door came, fortunately, his clothes were not torn this time.

Old Sennett's face was pale, his expression was haggard, and his lips were blistered, but his eyes were still very bright. He was obviously starving. He rushed to the table as soon as he left the house. He didn't care whether it was something others had eaten. He directly picked up Ming Na's knife and fork and stuffed the meat into his mouth. He drank a few more mouthfuls of broth. Shi Shiran breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.

Upon seeing this, Mingna also put the meat on grandpa's plate into the plate in his hand, filled another bowl of soup, put more pieces of meat on it, and brought it to him.

Old Sennet finished eating all the meat, then stopped and touched Minna's head: "Good boy, I've eaten up all your food. I'll give you something good later. What flavor of candy do you like?" ?”

Minna froze and avoided Sennett's strange-smelling hand. Given the master's peculiar taste in potion flavors, she was less confident in the candies he made: "No, no, I don't like candies. Grandpa Sennett, what did you make? Was it successful? Can you?" Can’t you let me take a look?”

The old magician was obviously very proud of his achievements: "Of course there is no problem. It is definitely a magic potion that others can't even imagine. I'm going to test the effect now. You come with me. Haha, you will be surprised." He laughed as he walked towards the small room, and Minna quickly followed.

She had never been in this room before, and she didn't expect it to be so big. She remembered that looking from the outside, it should be very small, but the space in front of her now was larger than the underground library with hundreds of thousands of books. some. She has learned a little about magic theory now and knows that this is the result of space magic.

There were four large tables in the room, piled with various materials. There were seven or eight stoves between the tables. There was a large crucible on one of them. It had obviously just been turned off. The liquid in the pot exuded a sweet smell. The smell smelled a bit like the strawberries her grandpa brought to her mother.

When I walked over and took a look, the potion in the pot was indeed pink, just like the strawberry milk made by Winnie. I saw Sennett stirring the concoction with a silver spoon, scooping a spoonful into a small crystal wine glass, bringing the glass to his mouth, blowing on the hot air, and winking at Ming Na: "Want it while it's hot?" Drink, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced." Just as he was about to drink, he stopped again: "Where are your grandfather and Keith? They won't appear suddenly, right?"

"Grandpa and the beautiful uncle were whispering. Why did Grandpa Sennett ask like this?"

Sennett giggled: "Well... they are all young and beautiful. I'm worried that I will fall in love with them later."

Ming Na blinked and suddenly felt a little chilly, but she was soon frightened by Sennett's reaction after drinking the potion.

Sennett's whole body was shaking. The crystal cup had been thrown to the ground and shattered. His bones were rattling, his eyes were wide open, and his skin showed an unnatural pink color.

Minna called him several times in fear, but Sennett just shook his hands and waved his hands, indicating that it was okay. However, the cold sweat on his forehead showed that he was not relaxed. This process lasted for a long time, until Mingna thought it would never stop, and then Sennett's body changed.

His whole body became shorter, and the few remaining beards on his chin completely disappeared. On the contrary, sparse hair appeared on his head, his eyes became larger, his eye sockets were deeper, there were yellowish brown spots on his face, and on his chest. It swelled up and formed two big bags.

Ming Na stared at his changes in stunned silence, until he stopped shaking, wiped off a cold sweat, turned around and said to her: "What do you think of me now?" She realized that the old magician's voice had also changed. She sounded...a bit like Bree's stepmother. Although she was rough, she could tell she had a woman's voice.

She stared at the other person blankly, and it took a long time before she spoke: "Grandpa Sennett...have you become a grandma?"

"That's right!" The old magician looked very happy, "The experiment was successful! How about it? It's a great invention, isn't it? When I was brewing the fire poison, I accidentally put the wrong ingredients and put in the wrong powders. sequence, it turned out that the males of two insects turned into females, causing the poisonous juice to fail to brew. At that time, I thought that if I could find out the reason why they changed their gender and make a medicine, I don’t know if it would be harmful to humans. Can it work? It actually works now!"

"He" took out his magic wand and drew a circle in the air, and a water mirror appeared. While looking at it, he said to himself: "I seem to be a little shorter. It's too bad. Is it because women are shorter? But? It’s such a surprise to have hair growing again on my head…”

Ming Na felt that her mind was already in a state of confusion: "Um...Grandpa Sennett...why did you become a woman? Is it to grow hair?"

Sennett suddenly froze, yes, why? This is indeed an amazing potion, but does it have any practical value? "He" scratched his head: "Don't you think this is interesting? A person's gender is determined from birth and cannot be changed at all. But with this potion, you can experience the feeling of another gender at any time." "He" giggled a few times. Seeing that Ming Na still looked confused, he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated: "It's really of no use. I just did it on a whim, and ended up wasting so much material..."

Ming Na saw that the old magician who was so happy just now was about to shrink into a corner, and she couldn't bear it: "Well... you are actually very powerful, you can actually turn into a woman. Well... have you ever turned into a man? "She suddenly thought that Sennett had become much shorter after becoming a woman, so would she grow taller if she became a boy? Will it be more powerful? Thinking of this, she suddenly became interested in this strange potion.

Sennett thought for a while: "Theoretically...just change a few materials, I'll give it a try." He quickly put aside his frustration, set up another crucible, and put various materials in it. Bring to a simmer and stir slowly.

Ming Na watched his movements closely, watching the liquid in the pot change from brown to black, then to colorless, and then gradually took on a faint green color and emitted a pungent smell. . Suddenly, the liquid in the pot boiled, turning out a half-foot-high water splash. Sennett quickly threw away the silver rod in his hand and pulled Minna back a few steps. Before she could retreat to the door, the crucible There was a "bang" and bursts of thick smoke rose. Sennett rushed over and put out the fire. By this time, the liquid in the pot had turned into a beautiful pink-green color. Ming Na remembered that Winnie had made her a skirt of this color in the spring.

She leaned over carefully and asked: "Is it done?" Sennett nodded: "It's done. It was a success at the first time. It's really good." "He" turned around and asked: "Do you want to try it? While it's hot."

Ming Na bit her finger and hesitated for a moment, then suddenly gained the courage: "Okay!"

So Sennett filled half the glass with another crystal wine glass and handed it to Minna. Ming Na licked it and it seemed a little bitter, so she drank it in one gulp, but she immediately started coughing violently. The potion was not completely bitter, but was bitter and pungent. It was so pungent that tears came out of her eyes. Before she could finish coughing, something happened to her body.

It hurt. It was as if all the bones in the body had fallen apart and were put back together again. It was an indescribable pain. She felt tears and runny nose coming out together, and her whole body was shaking. Why didn't Grandpa Sennett look so uncomfortable just now? She regretted it, she shouldn't have drank.

But it was too late to regret it now. She had been hurting for an unknown period of time. She stopped shaking and was covered in sweat. Sennett touched her forehead: "How is it? Doesn't it hurt anymore? It's okay, it's just a little bit."

Ming Na shook off his hand: "No! It hurts!"

Huh? "Her" voice doesn't seem to have changed at all? I walked closer to the water mirror and took a look. My height was also the same. There was no change at all.

Wait a minute... "She" seems to have an extra organ...

"She" turned her head stiffly and asked the old magician: "Grandpa Sennett...will I never be able to change back?" It's over, she actually forgot this. If her parents knew about it, they would definitely scold her to death.

Sennett quickly reassured her: "No, no, it's only effective for one day. Unless I put a lasting agent, none of my potions are effective for more than one day."

Ming Na felt relieved and no longer had any worries. "She" began to carefully look at herself as a boy. In fact, except for the organ, "she" had almost no changes from when she was a girl. This potion seemed to have no effect on her. Very useful.

But... after trying her hands, she was indeed stronger. "She" could now easily break brown pine branches as thick as her wrists, whereas before she had to rely on a knife every time, even those with mouse eyes and Slug skin, she seemed not to be afraid of it anymore. Is it because he became a boy

The old and the young were happily experiencing their new bodies when the door to the room was suddenly knocked open. Xiao Tianjian stumbled in and said directly to Sennett: "I...I want to leave here right away...Old Sen, you see me off" A journey..." He seemed so flustered that he didn't even notice the obvious changes in his old friend.

Minna asked: "Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Where are we going?"

After listening to her words, Xiao Tianjian realized that he had forgotten his little granddaughter: "Old Sen, I am going to a place. Can you...please help me take care of Mingna? It only takes half a month...twenty days...No, I will come back to pick her up in a month, at most a month, okay?"

Sennett's face was full of astonishment: "Are you sure? Are you going to take the crooked room or the waterway? No matter which way you go, after you finish your work, you have to go back to Mayton to get over to me. You might as well send the child away first." It only takes four or five days to return to Qidun."

Ming Na said angrily: "Grandpa, you lied to me again! Are you going to leave me again?!"

But Xiao Tianjian didn't have the energy to coax the child at this time: "Don't make trouble, Ming Na. Old Sen, I know this is very troublesome, but... I can't wait, I want to know the answer! If I send the child home first, it is the completely opposite direction. , it will take at least half a month to come and go, I...I can't wait..."

Ming Na's eyes widened, she threw away the things in her hands, pushed her grandfather and said, "I don't want it! Don't even think about leaving me!" "She" was now stronger. Xiao Tianjian was unprepared and was pushed back. Two steps.

Seeing this, Sennett knew that he was really confused at the moment, so he asked seriously: "Where are you going? I can help you think of a faster way."

"The Elf Forest, I want to go to the Elf Forest."

"Elf Forest?" Sennett was very puzzled. "Are you going to send fire and poison arrows? But didn't you say that you also want to find someone to make a suitable bow and poison-proof gloves? Why do you go now?"

"I...I..." Xiao Tianjian hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth, "I just heard from Keith that my remarried wife, the elf princess Fnoya... she gave birth to a son for me, who is already seventeen years old. But I don't know anything about it..." He buried his face deeply in his hands, his heart full of regret.

(The journey of blood, tears and repentance of Grandpa Time Traveler is about to begin. What impact will this have on Xiao Mingna? In this month’s PK, please vote for me more. Pink votes or pink votes are acceptable, as long as they are votes ~~~)