After the Legend

Chapter 50: House of Alchemy


Mingna winked at her grandpa anxiously, but the latter couldn't understand. She just smiled and touched her granddaughter's head: "Be obedient and obedient. At most, grandpa will promise you that when you get better, grandpa will buy you whatever you want. Why?" Sample?"

That's not what she meant! Ming Na was a little discouraged. At this time, the goatee suddenly interjected: "You are like this because you drank the potion. Emotional changes and body movements will have adverse effects on the magic power in your body at any time. The safest way is to not move at all. So just be obedient. Drinking water will weaken the effect of the medicine, so it’s best not to drink it, and you can’t eat candies.”

Ming Na finally understood and couldn't help but become frustrated. Xiao Tianjian promised her that he would buy her a lot of her favorite food and candies, but he still couldn't make her forget the taste in her mouth.

Goatee interrupted Xiao Tianjian: "You seemed to have said just now that two of those bottles of potions were prepared by this child? Did you also say that she had learned how to prepare several other potions?"

Xiao Tianjian nodded doubtfully: "Yes, but this kid is also a beginner, so what he makes is not very good."

Goatee narrowed his eyes: "Since she has learned potions, why did she eat round seed grass and prunes after drinking the detoxifier? Also, lemon will weaken the effect of the brown bark pine juice in the antidote. She doesn't do you know?"

Ming Na blinked, what is round seed grass? She didn't really know that lemon would weaken the effect of brownbark pine sap.

"What is round seed grass?" Xiao Tianjian asked, "We didn't eat anything along the way? As for the lemons, I have never heard of them."

"Yuanseed grass is a kind of herb that Shaonan people love to use with grilled fish. It will increase the effectiveness of the licorice concentrate in the detoxifier. Together with the licorice content contained in prunes, if it exceeds the tolerance of ordinary people, , will make the limbs weak and the vision blocked, and lemon and brown bark pine are incompatible. This is common sense that all potion beginners should know!" Goatee glanced at Ming Na, "Since you said this child learns But, why doesn’t she know? Who is her teacher?”

Mingna opened her mouth to answer, but realized that she couldn't make a sound, so she had to signal her grandfather to do it for her. Unexpectedly, he suddenly couldn't speak and kept talking about him.

Goatee squinted at Xiao Tianjian for a while before saying, "It's Sennett, right? No one else can make those weird potions except him."

Xiao Tianjian coughed lightly and felt a little embarrassed: "I asked Lao Sen to teach the children how to make some magic potions. I thought they would be useful when they could be used, but for the rest... Lao Suo, don't be offended."

"Don't call me Lao Suo!" Goatee suddenly got angry for some reason, and even his beard stood up in anger, "I'm different from that guy! Don't compare me with him! He only does those messy things, It has no practical value at all! Potion is the most precise subject in the world, it is an art! There is no room for error! As long as there is a slight mistake, the result will be completely different! I don’t care what the reason is for him to teach such a young child But at least, at least teach the basics!" He yelled and slammed the table, the sound was loud enough that the whole room heard it.

At this time, there was a sudden roar from the ground, the whole house shook, and a chandelier fell down with a clang and broke into pieces.

Xiao Tianjian and Goatee looked at each other in confusion. Ming Na opened her eyes wide, thinking who is this old man? As soon as he slapped the table, the lights were knocked down. It was really powerful.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and a black-haired man rushed in: "It's so noisy, who is yelling here?!"

Ming Na blinked and looked at the man, and found that it was the alchemist Han Lin whom she had met last night, but now he was very angry, his face was almost crooked with anger, and his eyes were staring at the other two adults in the room. Man: "Xiao Tianjian! Sauron! Why are you arguing at my house?! My experiment failed again!"

"It turns out that the explosion happened on your side. I thought Lao Suo was really that powerful." Xiao Tianjian muttered, then leaned in front of him and whispered, "Han Lin, please persuade this guy, he is scolding Lao again." So sad."

Goatee Sauron protested: "What nonsense are you talking about?! I didn't scold him, I just couldn't stand his flippant attitude!"

Hanlin rolled his eyes: "Soren, why do you always have trouble with Sennett? Whether you like it or not, he is more famous and more popular than you. This is a fact. Every year he You can create more than a dozen new magic potions, but you are far behind him in this regard."

"That's all rubbish!" Sauron blew his beard and glared angrily, "I don't see any practical use of that kind of thing! He is called a master, but he only knows how to sensationalize, and he is actually called the chief potion master in the continent. ?! How am I inferior to him?!"

"In fact, you are indeed not as good as him." Hanlin said unceremoniously, "Okay, old friend, I know he is not rigorous enough, but he can make new things, and it is not without practical value. For example, what he made last year Color-changing potion. I heard that some magic stores are already considering making a pet fur color-changing potion. It should sell well. Only such an invention will be popular. If you really want to surpass him, come up with a new potion. Come on, stop improving those old recipes."

Sauron stared at him: "I really can't believe this is what you would say. You, who have also studied potions, don't you know how precise a subject it is? It must be done with the most rigorous and prudent attitude. Treat! Whether it is a new medicine or an old medicine, it should be tested repeatedly, over and over again, to ensure that the potion is perfect and can exert the best effect. This is the real meaning of potions! Like Sennett If you grow something... and cook it casually,... it deserves to be called a magic potion?!"

Han Lin said: "But people like this kind of thing, Lao Suo, I'm not telling you, don't take some things too seriously. Cold medicine has evolved from taking effect in one and a half hours to one hour, and hemostatic agents can take effect in one minute and thirty seconds." Wounds that heal within one minute become healed within a minute. This is indeed a great improvement for people who know about potions, but laymen are not interested at all. What they want to see is something new and something they have never seen before. Something. Or you can also come up with a particularly effective medicine. For example, your student made a new special cold medicine? And it was praised by the king. Even he can make it, let alone you? "

"Don't mention him!" Sauron was furious again, "It's because Sennett led my students astray, and that's why he came up with that kind of thing! It was indeed a special cold potion, and it tasted good, but that The thing has strong side effects! People will suddenly fall asleep after drinking it. After taking it once, other cold medicines will become ineffective. My student gave it to others to drink without verifying it. As a result, a magic car driver suddenly fell asleep at work after drinking it. He died in his sleep, causing the worst traffic accident in the history of the Magic City, injuring four people! This was the result of a lax research attitude! In fact, he only needed to add a few medicinal ingredients to the potion to avoid this kind of accident. Condition!"

Han Lin sighed: "Forget it, I'm not a potion master. What's the point of arguing with you? Think of new potions when you have time. I'm going back to do experiments." After that, he turned around and left, mouthing Muttered: "Obviously just jealous..."

Although his voice was small, Sauron had already heard it, and he retorted, "I'm not jealous." Then he found that the object of the quarrel had already disappeared at the door leading to the basement. He looked back at the ancestors and grandsons of Xiao Tianjian who caused the dispute. I was watching the show with my eyes wide open, and suddenly I lost my temper. I strode out of the room and slammed the door hard.

Mingna breathed a sigh of relief, winked at her grandfather, motioned for him to come closer, and asked reluctantly: "Who is he?" He seemed to be a pretty powerful person, but he scolded Moriuchi like that. Grandpa Te, this is too much.

"His name is Sauron. He is a potions professor at the No. 1 Magic Academy in Shaonan on the top of the mountain. He is an old friend of your Uncle Hanlin. He has always hated Old Sen and rarely interacted with us. To be honest, I didn't plan to find him. His. But although he is not as good as your Grandpa Sennett, he is still capable..."

Before he finished speaking, the door opened with a bang again, and an angry Sauron walked in. Xiao Tianjian suddenly stopped talking, and began to worry about whether he heard what he said.

Sauron stared at Xiao Tianjian with his eyes, then reached out and placed four small conical crystal bottles on the cabinet next to Mingna's bed. The potions inside were two dark gray-green ones, one gray-blue, and one dark. Red, and then said to Ming Na: "I drank the bottle of medicine just now at eight-thirty. Based on that time, drink one bottle every three hours, from right to left, don't make a mistake. I'm done After the college course, I will come back to treat you." He suddenly approached Ming Na's face and said fiercely: "You are not allowed to eat anything, and you are not allowed to drink tea or milk. You can drink water, but not more than two tea cups! Since you If you’ve learned about potions, you’d better remember my words!”

Ming Na blinked stiffly to show that she understood, and then he shook his robe and left. Xiao Tianjian looked at his retreating figure and looked at his granddaughter angrily: "You really have a disgusting bad temper, right?"

Ming Na blinked and nodded in her mind.

Sauron is indeed annoying, but his potion is very effective. At the end of the day, Ming Na felt that most of her strength had recovered. She could do simple movements, such as nodding. By the next day, she could speak a few words, and the pain in her legs disappeared. . By the third day, she could even get out of bed and move around.

She lives in a large room in the alchemist Hanlin's house these days. There are four beds in the room, each equipped with a bedside table, a chair, a magic lamp and a small bookshelf. In fact, Hanlin and his The place where the magician's wife Patty usually entertains her apprentice assistants. The furnishings in the room were simple, but Mingna felt bored in less than half a day. After acting coquettishly for a while, she finally got her grandfather's permission to go outside the room.

From the outside, this house looks like an ordinary three-story building. The area of each floor may be smaller than Ming Na's house in Qedun, but in fact, the space inside the house is very large, with a total area of thirty There are multiple rooms and two floors of basements, the bottom floor of which is Hanlin's laboratory. Minna wanted to go and have a look, but unfortunately the owner refused, but she was not frustrated because the other parts of the house were enough for her to explore.

Alchemy products are everywhere here. Ever since she learned that Han Lin was the inventor of the mosquito repellent box, Ming Na had a strong interest in his other works.

Forget about magic lamps, a comb that automatically combs people's hair and a mirror that acts as a clothing consultant are no big deal. She discovered something called a "sweeping turtle", which looked like a big black turtle. , the size of a washbasin, with a thick cotton pad-like object at the bottom, and a magic array engraved on the back, but there is a place where it is separated. As long as the switch is flipped and the magic array is connected, the sweeping turtle will behave in a certain way. Move at a not too slow speed and wipe the place you pass by so clean that no dust is visible. It is said that this is also the work of Han Lin, which has been handed over to shops for production and sale, and is very popular in the Magic City.

There is also a large cupboard. Any food you put in it will not go bad no matter how long it is left. Even if you put it in when it is hot, it will still be hot when you take it out. Mingna thought it was similar to her grandfather's storage ring. After asking, she found out that this cabinet was indeed made of space magic combined with alchemy. It had the same principle as the storage ring, and Han Lin was actually the one who could make it. The alchemist of the storage ring.

Minna immediately cast her eager eyes on this great alchemist, but the other person didn't notice it at all. He was just playing with a magic stove, intending to boil water to make tea. Ming Na took a look at the stove and felt that it was quite similar to her grandfather's, except that it used spar instead of charcoal. She said with some regret: "It would be great if we also had a stove like this. When we spend the winter in a tree house or climb snowy mountains, we won't have to eat cold food because there is no charcoal."

Hanlin said: "Using spar is not much better. It is much more expensive than using charcoal. The only thing my stove is better than your grandfather's is that it will not burn out the kettle. I am always busy doing experiments and often forget that I am doing it." Boil water." He found a kettle from the cabinet. Mingna found that there was no cooking pot in the cabinet, and she was a little puzzled: "Uncle Hanlin, you have so few pots here, don't you need to cook?"

"My wife and I don't know how to cook, so we usually ask people to cook it and deliver it to us. Our pots are used for nothing except boiling water."

"What a pity. My grandpa can use his stove to cook delicious meals." Mingna can only eat simple food approved by the potion master Sauron these days. Thinking of the barbecue and soup made by her grandpa, she can't bear it. I couldn't help but swallow my saliva: "It would be great if the stove could cook whatever I want. Then I can still eat delicious food even if I don't know how to cook."

Han Lin suddenly stopped and stared at Ming Na blankly with his eyes wide open. He suddenly stood up and took away the pot of water that was not yet boiling. He picked up the stove and ran to the basement.

Just when Ming Na felt strange, the front door opened and Soran walked in. When he saw her, he frowned and didn't say anything. He just took out a bottle of potion and handed it to her: "Drink."

Ming Na had become accustomed to that terrible taste and touch in the past few days. She drank it with a grimace, and then hurriedly rinsed her mouth with the unboiled water. Suddenly she heard a "click, click, click" sound, and replied When I saw it in the hall, I was stunned.

(Will progress be... a bit slow?)