After the Legend

Chapter 55: The Coral Sea is in turmoil


Although she could see a lot of interesting things when she went shopping, Minna felt bored after a few days. She was young and had little interest in the places of interest in the city. She could only take a look at the places mentioned in textbooks. She felt disappointed every time she passed the circus station or theater, and within ten days she asked to leave.

Xiao Tianjian had no choice but to agree. In fact, Italy is a very interesting city, but it's a pity that many places are not suitable for children like her. While the people from the Xiao family branch were transporting goods south to Duoluo Port, he decided to take a smooth sailing boat with his granddaughter.

The cargo ship was very large and continued to go southeast along the river. Soon it met several other rivers and then turned into the Combai River two days later.

The shore here is no longer a big city, but a rural scene. Both sides of the bank are vast stretches of farmland, with occasional hills and patches of trees. Green crops are planted in the fields, and there are paths and streams crisscrossing the fields. Waterwheels are erected in several places to deliver water from the rivers to the hillsides. The houses were dotted with dots, and smoke rose from the kitchens at sunset. Children ran past laughing, followed by their parents, who shouted to the children to be careful.

Ming Na lay on the side of the boat and looked at this scene. She felt warm in her heart and remembered the scene when she used to live in Qidun. At that time, every evening, when my father returned from the Cavalry, my mother would greet her on the road outside the door, and then they would go to find her playing in the nearby woods. The family of three would go home. Winnie and Grandpa Marshall had already prepared dinner by then. Ready.

She longed to get off the boat and run around like the children. Since she entered Shaonan Kingdom, she has never run on the spacious ground again. When I went to Ito, I heard that it was the largest city after Italy, so I probably couldn’t relive the old days.

But the Xiao Family Trading Company's ship was transporting goods to the harbor, and they were in a hurry, so it was impossible to stop for such a reason. Ming Na noticed that the people in those branches didn't seem to like her very much, so she didn't say anything more, but she felt a little depressed in her heart.

After finally arriving at Duoluo Port, she finally saw the sea and the big ship she had longed for, but she couldn't get enough energy. Even her grandfather asked her to go to the beach to play with her. Xiao Tianjian thought she was sick, but he asked a doctor to see her and said she was fine.

Puzzled, he quietly asked his granddaughter what was causing her lack of energy. Mingna hesitated for a moment and whispered: "The people in the Yini branch and the Doro branch hate me. In front of grandpa, they pretend to be very kind to me, but when you are not here, they ignore me. . When my mother went to the Magic City, the people at the branch there treated her the same way. Grandpa, don’t they like me and my mother? But we didn’t know them before, could it be because of my father? "

After hearing this, Xiao Tianjian didn't know how to answer. He was also helpless. In order to win the trust of the Heda family, the son deliberately made a false impression, making the other party think that he was dissatisfied with his father's neglect for many years and the discrimination of the Ka family and was hostile to the Xiao family and the Ka family. Naturally, he was extremely hostile to the people of the Xiao family business. You may alienate them, and you may also intentionally let them suffer some harmless losses. After knowing about it, he originally wanted to ask people from the trading company to help his son and ease the relationship between the two parties, but his son refused out of confidentiality considerations. It seems that he can only find a way to unravel the relationship between the trading company and the company after his son successfully completes the task. I have a knot in my heart, but it’s hard to say anything now.

After thinking about it, Xiao Tianjian said: "Since you don't like them treating you like this, why don't we go with them? The merchant's ship will leave tomorrow morning, and we will follow them all the way, but we won't have time to have fun. Let's find someone else. How about taking the boat and heading north slowly?"

Ming Na was very happy to hear this, but she was a little hesitant: "But aren't we rushing to see our parents? We have been delayed for many days in Italy..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Xiao Tianjian waved his hand, "It's a rare chance to come here. I want to come again next time. I don't know when it will be. Anyway, your parents don't know that we are going to find them. It doesn't matter if we play for a few more days."

Ming Na smiled and nodded vigorously: "Okay." She immediately started packing her luggage and left the trading bank with her grandfather. As for how the people in the branch would feel about this, she didn't care.

The grandfather and grandson stayed in a hotel near the port and enjoyed their vacation leisurely.

Doro is located at the mouth of the Combai River. There is a pocket-shaped natural port near the sea. The terrain here is low and the water flow is gentle, making it an ideal place for ships. The high mountain cliffs to the north of the port block the cold current from the north, while the sea breeze from the southeast prevents the seaside city from being too hot in the summer. Therefore, the Doro climate is like spring all year round, and many wealthy business families live here. .

Minna followed her grandfather to the port every day to see the big ships and the goods shipped by East... There were even spices shipped from her grandfather, Viscount Zhufa's family business. She also walked around the streets to see all kinds of beautiful shells, Corals and ornamental fish, enjoy fresh seafood. She actually wanted to swim. She had already learned this skill after living in the Magic City for two years. But Xiao Tianjian thought that the sea water in the harbor was too dirty and she was not allowed to go there. He was afraid of being pestered by her, so he decided to take her to swim elsewhere.

Outside the port, along the cliffs that stretch for hundreds of miles in the north and into the southern territory of East, there is a large bay. The bay is called the Coral Sea. There is a small island with a radius of more than ten kilometers in the sea. It was named because of the coral reefs surrounding the island. It is a coral island and a well-known resort. Many wealthy or aristocratic families from the south of Shaonan and East come to the island to recuperate in summer and winter. Therefore, in addition to about twenty villas for wealthy people, there are only a few villas on the island. The small wooden shack where the boatman stayed overnight did not even have an inn.

The grandfather and grandson hired a medium-sized wooden boat and sailed out to sea toward the green island in the distance.

After leaving the bustling port, Ming Na looked back from a distance and saw thousands of ships docked in the port, arranged neatly, with countless small boats and sampans shuttled between them, transporting people or goods to and from the ships and the shore. . Compared with these small boats, the sea-going ships seemed to be huge. When the ship she was on was far enough away to lose sight of the large buildings in the port, the masts of these sea-going ships could still be seen. Outside the port, there is an endless stream of ships sailing in or out. On the high cliffs on the shore, there is a gray lighthouse.

The sea breeze blows gently, carrying a few strands of fishy smell, and bringing a bit of freshness and coolness, driving away the midsummer heat. The sun shines on the sea, reflecting golden light. Away from the bustling harbor, the water surface has returned to calm. Although people on the boat can see the rapids of the water passing by the boat, if you don't look closely, the entire Coral Sea is as calm as a huge sapphire.

Ming Na felt the rhythm of the boat under her body floating up and down with the water waves. She playfully leaned down from the side of the boat and waved the clear water. Suddenly she saw a black shadow flashing past in the sea not far away, and she was startled. He jumped, retracted his hand, and looked carefully, only to find that they were several big fish. He looked back at his grandfather in surprise, but Xiao Tianjian smiled and borrowed a big net from the boat owner and his son, and threw it into the sea. He only waited for half an hour. , I caught a dozen big fat fish online.

He cut the transparent fish meat with a small blade and handed it to his granddaughter. Ming Na ate it and felt it was sweet and crisp. It was much more delicious than the grilled fish she had eaten before. The old boatman smiled and asked his son to bring some lemons. She ate the sashimi with the sour lemon juice, and drank the fragrant fish soup that the young man simmered in an earthen pot and a small charcoal stove. Facing the sea breeze, she felt My heart is extremely happy.

The island in the distance suddenly doubled in size. Ming Na accidentally caught a glimpse and thought she was dazzled. Unexpectedly, the boatman and his son saw it, and they all hurriedly dropped what they were doing, ran to the bow of the boat, kowtowed in the direction of the island, closed their eyes, and murmured something.

Ming Na felt it was strange, so she asked her grandfather what they were doing. Xiao Tianjian smiled and lowered his voice and said: "People here think that it is Dragon Island. It only appears occasionally and most people can't see it. If you see it, it means When a storm comes, people living on the boat will pray to the Dragon God. In fact, although it is the Dragon Island, it is actually just a mirage. It is far away from here and it is impossible to see it. "

Ming Na blinked and asked again: "What is a mirage?"

"Well..." Xiao Tianjian scratched his head, "I can't remember clearly. It should be a natural phenomenon caused by the refraction of light. It may appear in seas, lakes, deserts and other places. Anyway, you just need to know that it is an illusion. If you get closer, you might be able to see it more clearly."

Mingna nodded and sat next to him obediently, waiting for the extra part of the island to disappear. The boatman and his son finished their prayers and came back to continue sailing.

Soon they approached the coral island, and Minna could clearly see that there were green trees everywhere on the island, with a small mountain in the middle, and a few corners of houses exposed in the woods, which were probably the villas of rich people. Along the coast is a circle of white sandy beaches, with people in twos and threes walking on it. The color at the water's edge is different from the blue in the sea, but it is green, and there are faint colors in the water.

Minna was confused about what it was at first, but after asking her grandfather, she realized that it was a coral reef. Because there are coral reefs offshore, ships entering and leaving the island can only enter and exit from one place, which is the gap in the reef.

The boat Ming Na was on did not enter the port. Under Xiao Tianjian's instructions, the boatman and his son drove the boat half a circle around the island and came to another shore. The water here is lighter in color, but the colors in the water are more vivid. Ming Na looked at the fish swimming in the clear water, and her heart itched when she saw the young boatman jumping into the water to touch the shells and corals, so she jumped into the water too. Xiao Tianjian called her twice, then smiled and ignored it.

The water was very cool. When I dived into the sea, there were colorful coral clusters under my feet, and small fish swimming around me. Mingna played with them for a while, then returned to the surface to take a breath. The young man had already returned to the boat and packed the beautiful fish he had caught into large earthen jars filled with sea water. He waved the small red coral branch in his hand to Minna and said, "Little sister, I'll give you this to play with."

Ming Na smiled and thanked her, then plunged into the water again, touched two shells and got on the boat as a return gift. The young man looked at the shells for a few times, pried them open with a knife, and found that one of them actually had a small pearl. He took out the shell and put it in a bowl. He returned the pearl to Minna. Ming Na didn't want it, but she was interested in the squirming things on the large coral branches he touched. She quickly took out a glass bottle and silver scraper from the bracelet, collected the small insects in it, and said with a smile: "I want this." ! This is a rare potion material."

The young man was embarrassed and glanced at Xiao Tianjian, but he just smiled: "It doesn't matter, such a small pearl is nothing, you can take it." The nearby sea area is his private property. There are many seashells, but the pearls produced are too small. , and the productivity is not high. For him, who is rich in the world, it is really nothing.

The young man was still refusing, but the old boatman saw that Xiao Tianjian was a rich man and persuaded his son to accept the pearl.

While talking, the boat had entered a small bay, and the coral reef here also had a gap about ten meters wide. Ming Na's grandfather and grandson took a boat to the shore and were about to pay for the boat, but were refused by the other party. A small pearl, although not precious, is enough to pay for ten voyages.

This beach has blue sky and tree shadows, clear water and white sand. On a hillside fifty or sixty meters away from the beach, there is a small wooden house surrounded by a lush fruit forest. This is Xiao Tianjian's "villa" tomorrow. Na entered the house and found that there was dust everywhere. She quickly released the sweeping turtle and rag bat, and then ran outside to help her grandpa get something to eat.

There is a mountain on the back here, which can block the wind and rain from the sea. There are fruit trees around it. There is a beach not far from the house and there is a natural pier. It is an excellent location. Many dignitaries had thought about coming here, but they gave up the idea after hearing that the owner was Xiao Tianjian.

Life in the cabin is very laid back. Ming Na sleeps until she wakes up naturally every day (Xiao Tianjian sleeps later than her, so he won't call her). When she is hungry, she can pick fruits to eat (the fruits here are very rare and cannot be eaten on the mainland), or go to the sea to catch them. I fished, touched shells (I collected some small pearls and corals, and planned to give them to my mother), built sand castles on the beach when I was free, and took a nap under the tree on the shore when I was sleepy. If you get tired of playing, you can dig wild moss or seaweed in the mountains or the sea. Some of them can be eaten, but most of them are put into glass bottles by Minna to be used as potion ingredients.

Sometimes she would go to where other people lived to look, but she always felt confused. Those people obviously lived in such a fun place, but they still wore neat and beautiful clothes, sat on the balcony or in the garden, chatted politely and drank tea, ate exquisite pastries shipped from the mainland, and whispered They would discuss the topic of the capital in a low voice, and then the women would cover their mouths and smile coquettishly, while the men would casually adjust the hats on their heads, refusing to take them off even if they were sweating profusely. They don't know how to swim in the sea or play on the beach. At most, they just take a walk, enjoy the sea breeze, and eat some aquatic products.

Ming Na knew that this was the so-called aristocratic manner. She had been accustomed to her mother's behavior since she was a child, but even her mother Dora would not cling to aristocratic etiquette in a place like the Magic City. , let alone on a small holiday island like this? She really doesn't understand, is there any difference between these people coming here and staying in a big city

The leisurely days lasted for seven or eight days. Seeing that the weather was a little gloomy and the sea breeze was getting heavier, Xiao Tianjian speculated that a storm was coming. He checked the food that he and his granddaughter had brought with them and found that there was not much left. Although they could rely on fruits, fish and shrimp to satisfy their hunger, it would be inconvenient to go out if there was a storm, so he decided to return to the mainland.

But they had trouble finding a boat. Most of the boats docked on the island were privately owned and had returned to Doro with their owners at this time. However, the remaining wooden boats looked a bit old. The owners refused to go out to sea and insisted on waiting for the storm to pass. They had enough food and water before leaving, and the shed they lived in was sheltered from the wind, so they were not worried about not being able to survive.

Mingna and her grandfather sat on the rocks on the shore and sighed together. She thought for a while and suggested: "Let's pick more fruits, bake more fish, and put them in bracelets and rings. Isn't that enough? I also brought a magic stove. Even if there is not much food, we can still survive." Past.”

Xiao Tianjian thought for a while and sighed: "This is the only way." Thinking of having to eat fish for several days, he was still a little depressed.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind them: "Are you looking for a boat to leave? I can help you."

Ming Na heard the sound and looked back, only to see a beautiful girl who looked about thirteen or fourteen years old standing behind them. Her golden curly hair, snow-white skin, and a pair of sea-blue eyes made her smile even more charming. The girl was wearing a sky blue embroidered gauze dress, holding a small lace parasol with an ivory handle, standing there with a graceful figure. Ming Na remembered that she had seen this girl in those villas. She was one of the girls who talked in a low voice and sipped tea while covering her mouth and smiling coquettishly.

"Hello, who are you..." Mingna greeted the other party politely. The other party smiled sweetly: "My name is Bianca, and my villa is not far from here. I came here with my brother, and I am planning to go back by boat. Do you want to come together?" She pointed to the pier not far away. There was a two-story ship parked nearby, and the crew was busy loading things onto the ship, apparently planning to set sail.

Ming Na looked at her grandfather happily, and Xiao Tianjian also smiled: "Thank you so much." Although there is no problem in staying, it is of course better to be able to return to the mainland.

There were enough rooms on the ship to entertain the two of them. Xiao Tianjian took a quick look and offered to thank Bianca's brother. Apart from the two siblings, the servants and the crew, there seemed to be no one else on the ship.

They soon met Bianca's brother, a boy between a teenager and a young man. He had the same blond hair and blue eyes as his sister, and was equally beautiful and charming. He directed the crew to prepare for sailing, turned around and greeted Xiao Tianjian with a smile: "Nice to meet you, I am Hubert, Hubert Bowie, and this is my sister Bianca." Then he turned to look at Minna: "And this lovely lady, nice to meet you." He raised Minna's hand and kissed the back of her hand gently.

Minna froze. No one had ever treated her with this kind of etiquette. She quickly retracted her hand. Suddenly remembering her mother's teachings, she hesitantly curtsied. Then she turned to look at her grandfather and found his face. se is a bit weird.

At this time, the ship sailed away, with a canvas raised on the deck and a flag embroidered with the family crest. Xiao Tianjian stared at the flag and said calmly: "I originally thought... you were the nobles of Shaonan." He glanced at Bianca's skirt and Hubert's white shirt and black vest.

Hubert smiled and said: "We are from East, is there anything inconvenient for you? Your Excellency, Earl Xiao."

Xiao Tianjian didn't say anything, and Ming Na had a bad premonition. How did they know grandpa's name

Bianca covered her mouth and chuckled: "Does your Excellency the Count have any doubts? Is it because of my father?"

Hubert smiled: "You should still remember, right? He once challenged you, but you refused. Later...because he was friendly with the heir of the Mattis family, he suffered a little loss from you, and even The family inheritance rights have not been preserved..."

He paused and smiled deeper: "Are you worried that our brothers and sisters will be bad for you? Today, ten years after my father's death?"

(Oops, guess what the pretty boy and girl will do?)