After the Legend

Chapter 70: Tribulation


The people on the ship were rushing back and forth, and even though the captain acted very calmly, everyone was still panicking.

Originally, this ship was the latest and fastest type of ship. Compared with ordinary ships, it had the advantages of fast speed, stable sailing and flexible hull, and it did not require manual rowing. But many crew members are accustomed to older boats, so they keep a few long oars on board in case something goes wrong midway. Now those of them who were free found all the oars and paddled hard together. The ship was getting faster and faster, gradually widening the distance from the pirate ship.

But unexpectedly, the pirate ship accelerated and actually caught up with it. When the captain saw this, he couldn't help being shocked: "How is this possible? Our ship is the fastest, how can those pirates catch up? Is it a merchant's ship that was robbed by them?" But time was running out, he Without any time to think about it, he quickly ordered his men to speed up.

Ming Na stood on the deck and saw that all the crew members around her were busy, but she didn't know what to do. She gritted her teeth, turned around and ran back to the room. She took out her satchel and checked carefully. Only a wand and a hemostatic agent could be used. Useful. She threw away all the clothes and miscellaneous items in her bag and put only the two items on her back. Then she pulled out the "storage ring" from her collar and ran to the crew activity room to find a knife.

Corbin quickly ran past the activity room and was about to go to the bow of the ship. He accidentally saw this scene and suddenly stopped: "Miss Mingna, what are you going to do?"

"Get weapons!" Ming Na cut a cut on her finger with a table knife, smeared the blood on the ring, and whispered a spell in her mouth.

However, nothing happened to the ring.

Ming Na thought she had made a mistake, so she wiped the blood again and recited the spell word by word from memory. The ring still didn't respond.

Ming Na tried again and again, but failed, and she was so anxious that she was sweating profusely. How is this going? Did she remember it wrong? But she used it the same way before, so why did it suddenly stop working

She no longer cared that Corbin was right next to her, and hurriedly chanted the spell loudly, but the ring still didn't respond. She was so anxious that she almost cried.

Corbin looked at her movements, his face turned pale and his breathing became rapid. The people on the bow of the boat had called him several times, but he didn't hear him. The man couldn't bear it anymore and yelled: "Damn Bass guy, get out of here! If you don't want your life, I will." !" Corbin then took steps and lowered his head, leaving Minna still there chanting the spell over and over again.

"Miss Minna! The captain wants you to go to the wheelhouse, right now!" a crew member shouted outside the activity room, and then ran away again. Ming Na's eyes were red and she wrapped the wound on her hand with a handkerchief before running to find the captain.

"Miss Minna, come here quickly." The captain called as soon as he saw her. "Time is urgent. Just in case, I want to demonstrate the sailing technique to you." He stood next to the first mate who was at the helm and pointed. He quickly explained how to start the steering wheel, how to move the ship forward, how to turn left and right, how to reduce the speed...

Ming Na opened her eyes wide and listened with some panic, but her mind was in chaos.

"...Be careful of other boats and reefs when docking. You..." The captain looked back at Ming Na and paused, "Forget it, even adults can't learn it in such a short period of time, let alone you are just A child? If you really have to steer alone, then find a deserted beach and rush over. Remember to hold on to something stable to avoid falling."

"Captain, they are coming!" A crew member shouted on the deck, and then everyone exclaimed. The captain frowned and shouted loudly: "Why are you panic?!"

He strode out of the wheelhouse and said loudly: "Don't panic! The one-eyed Robert of the Black Skeleton is not a good person to kill. Even if we are caught, at most we will be sold to other places. As long as we get ashore, we can Send a message to the boss, he will definitely rescue us! If they really break into the ship later, remember not to resist or offend them. I will explain to them that this is not a merchant ship and is not their target. We'll be fine!"

After hearing what he said, all the crew members calmed down and felt that what he said was reasonable, so they continued to do their own things.

The old boatman who had spoken to Ming Na before came over and said solemnly: "Captain, I have something to report to you. There is something wrong with those pirates."

The captain who had already reached the door of the wheelhouse stopped at his feet and said, "What?"

"That black skull and crossbones flag, the bones underneath are stacked in the wrong order." The old boatman said seriously, "Before I came to our fleet, I worked for another businessman. Once when I went to sea, everyone on the ship was hacked. The skeleton pirates captured us, and we lived on the ship for more than half a month before being sold to Shaonan. I remember clearly that their flag was not like this."

"You mean...they are not Black Skull pirates?" The captain stared at him closely.

"I just think that flag is a little different from the black skull and crossbones flag I've seen."

The captain stared at him without speaking. At this time, the ship suddenly shook and stopped. The captain immediately asked loudly what happened, but no one knew the reason. The boatman responsible for repairs hurriedly went to check, and the first mate hurriedly said to the captain: "Those people must have tampered with our rudder blades, don't let our people You are messing around." Before he finished speaking, the people on the boat saw the pirate ship approaching.

The pirates threw more than a dozen rope hooks to hook the side of the boat and forced it to the side of their ship. Then a dozen strong men climbed over and restrained the people on the deck. The crew members all remembered what the captain had just said and did not resist.

Then the pirate shouted an order for everyone to assemble on the deck. Several people in the wheelhouse looked at each other. The captain nodded and walked out first. Then Corbin followed anxiously. However, the first mate who left last held Ming Na and whispered: "Ming Na Miss, just show up and let them see it. Don't go out. There is a boat operating manual in the cabinet. You can read it if needed."

Ming Na nodded and sent them out with red eyes. While leaning on the door and looking out, she quietly took out the ring and continued to try to open it. As long as she can get her sword and the bottles of potions that can emit gas and instantly stun people, she can help the captain and the others.

The pirates on the big ship put several planks of wood between the two ships to build a rather spacious "bridge", and several men walked over on the planks. The leader is a man who looks to be about thirty or forty years old, with a beard and a black eyepatch on his left eye. He is exactly the image of "One-Eyed Robert", the leader of the legendary Black Skeleton Pirate Group.

The captain took a step forward and greeted the other party cautiously and politely: "I am Wardmar Turner, the captain of this ship. Nice to meet you, Sir Robert."

"One-Eyed Robert" ignored him, walked leisurely on the deck with a toothpick in his mouth, looked around, spit out the toothpick, smiled and said to his companions behind him: "This boat is not bad, it is a bit small, but in the inland river It’s big enough.”

His accomplice also said: "You are right. If it is slightly renovated and turned into a cruise ship, the young masters and ladies might like it."

The two of them were talking to themselves without anyone else around. The captain was not angry and just continued to say calmly: "I am really surprised that your people will block our way. Our ship is not a merchant ship, and it is not something that will interest you. Target, why are you stopping us?"

"One-eyed Robert" glanced at the captain at this time and raised his chin: "You are not a merchant ship? Then... what is that?" He glanced at the mast.

The captain took a look and saw that it was the flag of the Yutan fleet, and said hurriedly: "This is the private ship of the owner of our fleet, not a commercial ship. This trip is also to escort the children of a friend of the boss back to the mainland. If you don't believe it, , feel free to search.”

"Really?" The "One-eyed Robert" raised his eyebrows, but said nothing. He just glanced at the other crew members casually, and when he caught a glimpse of Ming Na, who was peeping her head, he smiled evilly: "Is that the person you are escorting?"

The captain acquiesced and looked at the pirate leader with wary eyes. He saw that the other party's ship was also the latest type of ship. Apart from the flag and the clothes of the people, it didn't look like the pirates in the rumors at all. Moreover, as far as he knew, the "one-eyed man" "Robert" is a thorough Shaonan native, but this "one-eyed Robert" speaks with an East accent. He began to wonder if he was right to signal his crew members not to resist

"One-Eyed Robert" only glanced at Minna a few times and ignored her. At this time, several pirates had already searched the cabin and came to report to him: "There is no cargo in the cabin, only some food, wine and fresh water. He nodded to show that he understood, and casually asked the captain: "Everyone is here? No one is hiding, right?"

The captain hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Yes, it's all here." He immediately asked again: "It is rumored that you are a benevolent pirate. If it were not for the livelihood of tens of thousands of people on the South China Sea Islands, you would not do this business. . We are really not a merchant ship, and there is nothing valuable on the ship. As you can see, apart from the crew, there is only one little girl on our ship. If we all leave with you, her child will not be able to return to her family alive under any circumstances. , please let us go."

"One-eyed Robert" smiled: "Ah, don't worry, One-eyed Robert is of course kind, he will let you go." After saying that, he raised his hand and waved. The captain thought he had agreed, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard the screams of his crew members behind him. He turned around in shock and saw two of his crew members being hacked to death by pirates one after another. The other crew members were also facing life-threatening dangers. They struggled to fight with the pirates. The captain was shocked and turned around to glare at the pirate leader: " are not One-Eyed Robert!"

"I never said I was him." The pirate leader smiled proudly, and the man behind him drew his sword and approached the captain. The latter stared at them angrily, suddenly flew up with a kick, kicked the person walking in front to the ground, turned around and ran away. The pirates immediately gave chase.

Ming Na saw this sudden change in the wheelhouse and drew her wand to prepare. Her left hand was dripping with blood, but the "storage ring" had not yet been opened. She was about to give up. She suspected that either she had misremembered the spell or there was something wrong with the ring.

A crew member screamed and threw himself into the wheelhouse. He shook a few times and then stopped moving. Ming Na looked at the white bones exposed among the red blood on his neck. She suppressed the fear in her heart and was about to gather her magic power to prepare for the attack. Suddenly a hand reached out from outside and pulled her out suddenly. She looked closely and saw that it was Corbin.

Corbin pulled her and ran towards the side of the ship, when a "pirate" came face to face, attacking them with a dagger. Corbin turned away, dodged, and pushed an empty wooden box over. Ming Na took advantage of the "pirate" being smashed against the railing and kicked him, flipping him into the sea. However, another "pirate" slashed at him next to her. She was so frightened that she jumped up to avoid it. He kicked the opponent's calf hard, making him scream in pain, and then Corbin took the opportunity to grab the knife and chop him down.

Minna won the first battle and was about to take advantage of the victory and kill the "pirate" who was struggling with another crew member not far away from them, but she was forcibly pulled into the crew activity room by Corbin. At this time, another crew member lost his life.

Ming Na heard the screams and couldn't help but turn around to help. Corbin held her tightly: "Don't go, we are no match for them! We will be killed as soon as we go out!" Ming Na said anxiously: "Even if we don't go out, they will They will also come in, so while there are still companions around, drive them away!"

Corbin closed his mouth tightly, picked her up and ran away. As Mingna struggled, she said inexplicably: "What are we doing here? Go out and kill the bad guys!" There was another scream outside, and she felt anxious. When he failed, he saw someone outside a window who was about to kill the first mate, so he hurriedly fired an ice arrow and stabbed the bad guy's knife hand. But when the first mate pushed the man into the sea and turned around to look for someone to help him, Mingna had been carried into the food storage room next door by Corbin.

He pushed open a wooden box in the corner and lifted up the wooden board underneath, revealing a hole. Ming Na was stunned when she saw this, wondering when such a thing would exist here

Before she could think about it, Corbin had pushed her in, jumped in, reached out to cover the board again, pulled the box, and closed the board tightly.

It was originally a mezzanine, very narrow, with less than three cubic meters of space. Once it was covered with wooden boards, it would be completely dark. Ming Na reached out and touched, but she could only touch the board wall and Corbin beside her. She couldn't help but worry: "Why are we coming in? Everyone is outside." Listening to the screams on the boat outside, her eyes became red again.

"We are no match for them. If we go out, we will die. Don't make a sound, they will find us." In the darkness, Corbin lowered his voice, breathing a little quickly, but with a hint of weakness.

Ming Na noticed: "What's wrong with you?" She reached out to touch the other person, but she touched a warm hand. She originally thought it was the blood on her hand, but the amount became more and more, and the smell of blood in the air also increased. As it grew bigger, she began to realize that it was Corbin's blood!

She raised her wand and cast a minimal lighting spell, and sure enough she saw that Corbin's dark blue crew uniform had a large area of darkness, right at the shoulders. She tore off his clothes and saw a large gash on the other man's shoulder, with bones visible. She quickly took out the hemostatic agent and applied it to him, while also treating her own wound. Only then did she realize that there was silence outside. She was panicking, wondering what happened to the others

Someone entered the crew activity room, and Minna could hear their voices clearly: "I saw someone escaping in just now. Where did she go?" "The little girl was not found either. They must still be there. On the boat!" "Huh? There's another room here!"

Ming Na was nervous for a moment and quickly grabbed her wand, preparing to attack as soon as she was discovered. Corbin is injured, and she's the only one who can deal with the bad guys.

"It's just a warehouse where food is stored. There's no one there. I asked, could they have fallen into the sea?"

"Really? I always feel like there's a smell of blood here."

"Haha, man, that's because the whole boat smells of blood."

The footsteps faded away, and Minna breathed a sigh of relief, but that didn't mean they were safe. She approached Corbin and whispered in Corbin's ear: "What is this place? Why are you the only one who knows about it? Don't they know, Uncle Captain?" If they knew, maybe two more people could be saved. She felt uncomfortable when she thought that all the uncles and uncles she had met every day for the past two days might have met with misfortune.

Corbin hummed: "They are all used to driving big ships. Of course they don't know what happened on the small ship." As he spoke, he seemed to have touched a wound. He hissed and added: "The others are already finished, Ming Na Miss, I don’t want to die, so please don’t go out either.”

Ming Na felt very sad and buried her head between her knees, but her pants were wet with tears.

The boat shook for a moment, and then there was a thumping sound. Mingna counted seven or eight times, and suddenly she had a bad premonition. She bit her lip tightly and shed more tears.

The pirates were cheering, and one person announced loudly: "Tie the boat behind our ship, leave a few people to guard it, and everyone returns to the port. Remember to wash off the blood stains and leave no traces on your clothes. Others will see the boat." , just say, our master bought this newly from Shaonan." Everyone agreed in unison, and then there was the sound of chaotic footsteps.

Minna heard Corbin gasp in the dark, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Does the wound hurt?" "No, it's okay." Corbin gritted his teeth and replied, "Those damn things!"

Ming Na was confused and was about to ask more questions when she heard someone coming from the storage room outside: "Hey, come and see what's going on? There are actually blood stains here?"

"Huh? It's true. How is this possible? Obviously no one comes here!"

Minna and Corbin were shocked at the same time, and they thought of the injuries on their bodies, especially when Corbin was still injured when he put the wooden board and box back to their original state, maybe there were blood stains left at that time.

Sure enough, the next thing someone outside discovered: "Why is there a blood mark under the wooden box? Push it away and take a look!"

Minna tightened her grip on the wand again.

(I'd better try to speed up the progress... By the way, this book will be on the shelves next month. Book friends who are saving this month's pink votes to vote for Legend, please vote for other books you like. )