After the Legend

Chapter 86: Reunion


Someone was approaching. Mingna looked around in panic, but found no place to hide. She gritted her teeth and slipped out of the crack in the wall again. She caught a glimpse of the person chasing her not far to the left, and hurriedly ran to the right. Unexpectedly, Those people heard the footsteps and chased after him.

She ran away in panic and ended up on the street without realizing it. At this time, there were more and more pedestrians on the road. She weaved in and out of the crowd, and finally she could no longer see the shadow of the pursuers. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, she saw at the corner of the street, it was exactly what Vasily mentioned just now. The informant, the flower seller, was so happy that she ran over.

When she was still quite far away, the flower seller saw her, with a puzzled look on her face. She was about to come up to her, but was stopped by the person who wanted to buy flowers. Ming Na was horrified to see that the man was wearing the same color clothes as the pursuer just now, and he didn't look like a good person. She quickly stopped and backed away step by step. When the man bought flowers and was about to turn around, she turned around. Ran in the other direction. The flower seller looked at her back and felt strange.

When Ming Na ran on the street, she always felt that the people around her were looking at her, or staring at the cloth bag in her hand, as if they were all accomplices of the bad guys. She was scared, but she didn't know where to go. There must be bad guys in front of the Security Bureau. Even if she wanted to go back, it wouldn't be now. How about...find her father first? Dad is also a member of the Security Agency, but I don’t know where my father’s home in Ito is. The previous letter was also delivered to the Temple of Light here... Temple of Light

Ming Na looked at the white building in front of her left, and her eyes suddenly lit up. The Temple of Light is a religious place set up by the Central Holy See of Van A in various places. In a sense, the land occupied by each Temple of Light belongs to Van A. Even if the bad guys are very powerful, they cannot force their way in! Wouldn't it be okay if she hid in the Temple of Light first, waited for those people to leave, and then went to the Security Agency

She was about to lift her feet, but hesitated. Those people dared to sneak attack only two hundred meters away from the security department. She must not be an ordinary person. She went to the temple like this. If the people in the temple can't protect her, what should she do

Before she could think about it carefully, there were urgent footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw several ferocious men running towards her. She couldn't care less and ran away. She originally wanted to turn from the alley next to the temple to the back door, but she didn't expect it to be a dead end with only abandoned debris in the corner and high walls on three sides.

The voices were getting closer and closer, and cold sweat broke out on her head. Suddenly, he saw a few moth-eaten wooden poles in the debris pile. He quickly pulled them out, leaned against the wall, climbed up along them, and rode on the top of the wall. At this time, pursuers appeared at the entrance of the alley. When they saw her, they shouted: "Don't run! Come down quickly!"

Ming Na snorted coldly, moved the wooden pole to the other side, slid it down, and hid the stick and people together in the grass. Then she heard the other side of the wall. The big men also wanted to climb over in the same way, but the wooden poles couldn't bear their weight and broke one after another. They were talking loudly. Some were looking for strong poles, while others were going to take pictures of the temple door.

Mingna gritted her teeth, buried her head in the grass, and crawled forward. As she approached the main hall, she could see that the monks who had just finished their morning prayers were leaving the main hall in twos and threes, and some were returning to their rooms. Someone heard a knock on the door and ran over to see what was going on. Ming Na remembered her experience in Encore City and knew that there should be no one in the main hall at this time, so she avoided other people and sneaked in quietly.

There was only one young monk left in the main hall, cleaning the candlestick in front of the altar. Minna hid her body behind her seat. Climb forward carefully. After reaching behind a big pillar, he stopped moving.

When the monk touched the third candlestick. Hearing the fierce quarrel coming from the gate, she listened curiously, then dropped the rag and went out. Mingna took the opportunity to run to the altar. There is a small podium here, which is where the monk who presides over the ceremony stands when important prayer meetings are held. No one usually comes up. She had known this for a long time at the temple in Anchor City, and quickly hid in the recessed space on the back of the podium. Although the place was small, it was enough to accommodate the body of a child. As long as no one stood in front of the podium, no one would notice her.

The quarrel outside the gate gradually subsided, and it didn't take long for calm to return. Ming Na listened carefully. When she learned that the pursuers no longer insisted on forcing their way in, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, but soon began to worry again, how to leave? Those people must be waiting for her outside the temple, right

She lowered her head and looked at the cloth bag in her hand. This was what Vasily had given her. Could it be something important? With a thought in her heart, she opened it and saw that it indeed contained the letter and noble credentials she had read in Water City.

Those are the people, right? The bad guys that Dad wanted to catch, and the people who were asking about Sarah in Anchor City. Vasily once said that the other party could find out that they had taken the things, but they could buy a lot of time by taking a step early, but they were delayed not far from Ito, and were actually chased by those people. Come up.

hateful! If she had known that day, she should have persuaded Vasily to escape. If she was worried about being caught up by the patrol team, she could have left when it was dark and took the land route. How could the patrol team be discovered? As for whether the captain would be implicated, they were implicated by the captain, and it was his own fault. Why should she care? !

Ming Na felt resentful. Those bad guys actually didn't hesitate to kill people for these letters and credentials, and they kept chasing after her. These must be very important things, and she would protect them. She must hand them over to the Security Agency and kill all the bad guys!

When she recalled what had happened before, she couldn't help feeling sad and a little confused. Everything seemed like a dream. One second she and Vasily were talking and laughing, and Vasily even suggested a race to see who could reach the security office first. But in the next second, an arrow suddenly shot over. , then Vasily was injured and poisoned, and she had to leave him and run away. he dead? The laughing Vasily always told her stories kindly, played with her, walked with her on his back, and pretended to be serious, but he was actually joking... How could such a happy Vasily die? Just like that...suddenly, I was hit by a poisonous arrow and couldn't move...

If this is a dream, wake up quickly! She wanted to see Vasily's smile again. Listening to his thrilling and interesting stories, and then laughing at his poor barbecue skills... She didn't want to see him bleeding all over the floor, and she didn't want to see him die...

She looked up at the wall directly in front of her, the golden eight-pointed star that symbolized the God of Light, and silently prayed in her heart: God of Light. If you really exist, please bless Vasily and save him...

Tears flowed uncontrollably, but she did not dare to speak. The monk who left before came back and brought two companions with him. Together they wiped the candlesticks and seats until someone came to the temple to pray, and then they left.

The person who came seemed to be an elderly man. His movements were not as flexible as those of young people. He slowly walked to the seat in front of the altar, sat down, and began to pray. Ming Na quickly held her breath to avoid being discovered by the other party.

"Great God of Light, thank you for your protection. The young master escaped successfully. Please continue to bless him, so that he can get out of danger as soon as possible and regain his innocence..."

It was indeed an old male voice, Ming Na listened. But her heart was beating hard. She climbed out of the podium tremblingly and turned to her seat: "Grandpa Marshall..."

That was actually her old housekeeper Marshall! Since leaving Qedon at the age of six. Marshall, who had been away from her for five full years, now had all white hair, a haggard face, and had lost a lot of weight.

When he saw Ming Na, his hands started to tremble: "Ming... Ming Na? Oh my God, God of Light! You... why are you here?!"

Mingna rushed over, hugged him and cried twice. Suddenly remembering that someone might hear someone outside the door, he quickly put away his grief and said: "Grandpa Marshall, someone is chasing me, they are outside..."

"Are those people at the door looking for you?" Marshall took a breath, swallowed, and pulled her to hide behind the pillar at the back. Press your head down. "Don't move, I will find a way."

Ming Na squatted obediently behind the pillar. Watching him walk outside the temple door and whisper a few words to the young monks, he then turned back to sit in the seat in front of him and looked at her worriedly from time to time.

Soon, the door opened again, and an elderly monk walked in. He was wearing a white robe, with elegant patterns embroidered with silver thread on the corners of his clothes, and a kind smile on his lips. He nodded gracefully to Marshall: "Long time no see."

Marshall stood up hurriedly and said: "Hello, Father Luke, thank you so much for what happened last time. My wife is ill and can't come here, but she asked me to thank you." Minna moved, her mother was sick.

Father Luke turned his head and looked over. She quickly retracted her neck and kept quiet.

Father Luke turned back and said with a slight smile: "You don't have to be so polite. Is Mrs. Xiao Caddo okay? I've also heard about your family. Please don't worry too much. The God of Light will bless innocent people. , allowing the real sinners to be condemned.”

"Thank you, you are such a kind person." Marshall bent down and kissed his robe, then raised his head and asked in a very respectful tone: "I wonder if you know who is gathering outside the hall? There are always people at home recently. Unidentified people were peeping, and they seemed to come from the same place as the people outside. In order to avoid the entanglement of those people, the lady had no choice but to move to a temporary residence, but if they were discovered, she would never be able to find peace again. Fr. , I shamelessly ask you, can you let me leave through a door unknown to outsiders?"

Father Luke pondered for a moment, nodded with a smile and said: "Okay, if you don't mind, you can leave through the small side door of the food and charcoal field. Only the people in the temple will know about it at that time. The people guarding the door, the temple also feel very I have a headache, I hope they won’t cause us any more trouble.”

"Thank you, Father." Marshall kissed his robe again and then respectfully watched him leave.

Ming Na jumped out from behind the pillar: "He seems to have discovered me!"

"It doesn't matter, the priest is very kind. He won't talk nonsense." Marshall picked up Minna and walked to a small door on the left rear of the altar. "Follow me quickly. This leads to the kitchen and warehouse. From here, those No one will find out!"

Ming Na nodded and followed Marshall closely, meeting only a few people along the way, and those people turned a blind eye to them. Just when she felt strange, she heard Marshall say: "The priest must have given the instruction, don't worry about it, come quickly!"

Minna hurriedly followed him out of a small side door, then hid in a secluded place, waiting for Marshall to find a semi-old carriage, then got into the car and returned to the main road.

She quietly looked out through the car window and saw the big men still waiting at the entrance of the temple. They didn't even notice that she had left, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

The carriage drove her around and around, and soon she came to a quiet residential area and stopped in front of a row of buildings. The houses here seem to be built in a unified manner. They are all the same three-story residences, but the colors are different. The gaps between the buildings are extremely narrow, less than the length of Chengren's arm. Facing the street, there are only two small flower beds and a short doorpost, which can be used to hitch the carriage.

Mingna carefully looked around, then jumped out of the carriage, followed Marshall quickly into the house, closed the door, and felt relieved. Looking around, the room was a bit narrow and messy. There were boxes all over the floor. It was obvious that they had just moved in and their luggage hadn't even been packed yet. She suddenly remembered what Marshall had just said, and turned around in surprise: "Is it mom? Mom is here?" She ran upstairs and walked around, but found no sign of Dora.

Marshall was also very confused: "It's strange... She was still there in the morning..." He smiled at Ming Na: "Maybe he just went out. Don't worry, he will be back soon."

"Isn't mom sick?" Ming Na rolled her eyes, "Could it be that that's just an excuse?"

"Although I feel a little uncomfortable, it's because I'm sad about your father..."

"Dad?!" Mingna suddenly remembered what Marshall said when he prayed, "What's wrong with dad? You said he escaped successfully? What on earth is going on?!"

(I'm on a long trip, I'm in a hurry, and I'm even later. I'm sorry... I'll mourn tomorrow and will stop updating for one day as usual, but I will try my best to write a big chapter the day after tomorrow... I'm sorry, sorry)