After the Legend

Chapter 9: A brief moment of peace


Dora breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great. It only takes half a day to ride a horse. If I return the gift he gave me as soon as possible, I will feel relieved."

Winnie asked in confusion: "Miss, do you really want to return that dress? That is Master Chulov's wish. Besides, aren't you planning to earn face for me at the May Day dance?"

Dora smiled: "I just want to know the most popular skirt styles in Ito. I can also buy cloth to make them. Although Anlong gave in, he must be very unhappy. Take advantage of his absence to return the things. , lest he think of it later and blame me." She looked at the two beautiful paper boxes on the table, opened one of the larger ones, touched the unusually soft and smooth dress inside, and sighed: " It's made of silk soaked in the juice of moongrass. I don't know if I'll ever have the chance to wear it."

Winnie couldn't help but feel sad for her: "Oh, my poor Miss Dora, you should have been the most dazzling pearl in Idong City. If you hadn't married your uncle, you wouldn't have to endure this kind of life." Thinking of Anlong , she felt a little dissatisfied in her heart: "Although my father is great, with such a mother, it's no wonder that my uncle has no future."

Dora interrupted her: "Stop talking!" She took one last look at the dress that exuded a faint light, and simply closed the lid: "This is only temporary. One day, Anlong will become famous. , take our whole family out of this ghost place!"

The next day, Goodwin came to the door in person and took back the gift. Although he felt very sorry, he still comforted Dora who kept apologizing, expressed his understanding of her actions, and sincerely wished her and her husband a speedy reconciliation. Dora watched him leave with gratitude, sighing in her heart that she was such a good man, but it was a pity that she did not fall in love with him.

At this time, Xiao Tianjian and Ming Na came back from practicing Qing Gong. When they saw the carriage going away, they felt a little familiar. Dora only said vaguely that she was a guest, and didn't say much. She just wiped her daughter's sweat distressedly and complained in a low voice: "Look how tired you are? What do girls do to learn that?"

Minna shouted nonchalantly: "I'm hungry, I want to eat the pancakes made by Winnie!" Dora said: "Winnie is busy making clothes for May Day and has no time to make snacks. I want Don’t let Marshall do it for you.”

Minna agreed, shouting "Grandpa Marshall, I want to eat a round pancake", and quickly ran to the kitchen to find the old housekeeper. Seeing him sitting at the counter in a daze, as if he had no energy, she asked: "Grandpa Marshall ,are you sick?"

Marshall finally came to his senses and hurriedly waved his hands and said: "No, it's just that I'm older and less energetic." Suddenly he saw Xiao Tianjian coming in with his granddaughter, and he stood up and bowed: "Are you back? Will you and Xiao Tianjian please?" Miss, wait a minute, I'm going to make small round cakes." Xiao Tianjian smiled lightly and said: "It doesn't matter, you can rest if you are not feeling well, but I remember that you are two years younger than me, so it is not okay to retire so early. .”

Marshall smiled, but still insisted on measuring the flour. Seeing that he seemed very tired, Ming Na felt a little sour in her heart, and hurriedly advised him: "Grandpa Marshall, I don't want to eat, so don't do it." Marshall smiled and pushed her out of the kitchen: "Sit down peacefully. I can make it right away." Then he turned around and went to work. Minna had no choice but to give in, but she did not run outside. She just took a small stool and sat at the small tea table in the corner of the kitchen, helping Marshall wipe the tea cup as usual.

Xiao Tianjian looked at this scene and didn't know what he felt in his heart.

Marshall was originally the youngest son of the old housekeeper of the Cardo family. He and Mei Li, who was also a servant, were childhood sweethearts. Everyone thought they would be a couple. But the appearance of Xiao Tianjian took away Mei Li's heart. In fact, Xiao Tianjian knew in his heart that Meili only regarded Marshall as her brother, and the latter did not stop Meili from falling in love with someone else. He always thought that there was no love between men and women between them. Later, when he saw that Meili and Marshall got along happily, he also I felt cheated, so I ignored it for many years.

Now that he knew that Mellie had always loved him, it was just Marshall's thoughts, but he was a little confused. With his father's identity and the background of the Card family, Marshall can definitely have a better future, and it is also possible to become the butler of a nobleman. Why is he willing to stay with Anlong as a butler and valet? You even have to cook yourself.

Xiao Tianjian couldn't understand Marshall's intention, but in any case, he had never regarded this person as an opponent, but now this person has obviously become a part of the family, and has even replaced his "grandfather" to some extent. The character, this made him feel a little uncomfortable.

A few days later, when Anlong returned to Qedun's home from the mountains where the dwarves lived, he was somewhat surprised to find that his father and his family had gotten along very well.

Daughter Ming Na is learning simple sword moves from her grandfather; while Xiao Tianjian gave his daughter-in-law Dora the precious flower seeds he had obtained during his travels over the years, and also helped her make a garden swing; she was excited as soon as she saw him Winnie, he enthusiastically and meticulously taught her more than ten delicacies, and highly praised her ability to distinguish fine wines; even the temporary maid Bree received a pair of beautiful silk bows from him as a gift. Ornaments for the Cinco de Mayo Ball. If you ignore Marshall, who has rarely been in a bad mood recently, almost the whole family likes him, even the neighbors nearby. It is said that several taverns and bars in the city rate him as the most popular guest. Several local girls who were in their prime years of life also ogled him in unison every day.

Anlong's thoughts were a little complicated. On the one hand, his father seemed to be determined to make amends with him and his family, which made him a little happy. But on the other hand, his father was flirting with women again, and he was very angry about it. Therefore, when facing his father, he couldn't help but sarcastically said: "It seems that you have adapted well. You really can find fun wherever you go. Let me once again experience your unparalleled charm."

Xiao Tianjian coughed lightly and said with some embarrassment: "This... is just a little entertainment. I didn't do anything bad. I have no interest in those little girls at all."

"Really? That's really gratifying! Should I be happy that they escaped?"

"Ahem..." Xiao Tianjian felt something was wrong and hurriedly changed the subject, "That... you probably don't know yet, right? Ming Na is learning Qing Gong and swordsmanship from me. I think she is quite smart, and maybe she will also be a master in the future. Woolen cloth."

An Long didn't know whether to be jealous of his daughter or his father: "Really? I have taught her before, but she just refused to study hard. It seems that you are really charming, even a naughty six-year-old girl is willing to It’s up to you. But she’s different from Bevan, she’s a girl, so you don’t need to waste your time!”

"You can't say that." Xiao Tianjian muttered, "Although Mingna is worse than Beiwen, she still has some talent. She is still young and just treats it as playing. She can learn as much as she can. It’s easy, and I teach it to be easy. Anyway, it’s just idle time, so just treat it as passing the time.”

An Long had a gloomy face, but in the end he had no objection. He knew very well that people with abilities can control their own destiny more easily than ordinary people. Although this man has all kinds of bad deeds, he does have real abilities.

Both father and son were silent. After a while, Xiao Tianjian couldn't help but said: "I almost forgot to tell you that the captain of your Cavaliers came here once and said that he wanted to escort a batch of goods to the northern fortress. Soldier training activities I'll leave it to you. Why do you, as knights, still have to be guest delivery people? Could it be that your boss is making extra money?"

An Long knew that a new batch of weapons had been prepared. The captain was escorted to the northern fortress first, and then the fortress sent people to various armies. However, this matter involved confidentiality, and Xiao Tianjian, who had withdrawn from the military and political circles for many years, should not interfere. Then he said with a straight face: "This has nothing to do with you."

Xiao Tianjian couldn't help but smile, hesitated, and asked: " want to train soldiers, right? I don't know...can I help? As you know, I have some experience in this area..."

An Long was stunned when he heard this, and his expression became complicated: "This is my mission." He knew that this man was once a famous army commander, and had once brought a group of civilians, mercenaries, caravan guards and soldiers into a short time. With the brilliant achievements of training into an elite force within a short period of time, if the other party is willing to help, not only will his task be much easier, but it will also be of great benefit to the protection of the border.

However, he is unwilling to accept this man's help. Wouldn't he be able to do well without this man

"An Long, I know you hate me..." Xiao Tianjian looked at him, "But you are a smart child and know what is right. Don't let your personal feelings overwhelm your reason." As long as this child By accepting his help, he was confident that his son would reconcile with him.

An Long looked at him silently, and after a while, he said: "Okay, then... I'll trouble you."

Xiao Tianjian was so happy that he followed his son to the knight training center every day. In addition to using the training methods he knew to train soldiers, he also formulated a training plan for each person in the knight team based on their weaknesses, winning a lot of friendship for his son. . Anlong's opinion of his father has improved somewhat, but his attitude is still cold.

Xiao Tianjian didn't care. He carefully guided his son's swordsmanship. He not only corrected several mistakes, but also taught many clever moves. Anlong's swordsmanship level improved rapidly. While he was happy, he also had a little more admiration for his father, who was a skilled martial artist. In addition to occasionally making sarcastic remarks, he gradually began to take the initiative to talk to him. .

But Ming Na was very depressed. Because grandpa is now only focused on teaching dad, he doesn't pay much attention to her, and he only gives her a few words of advice after a long time.

Xiao Tianjian noticed that his granddaughter was having a tantrum, so he took advantage of the break to coax her with a smile. Ming Na glanced at him, rolled her eyes, and said: "It doesn't matter if I don't get angry. I want to learn the trick my father used just now, which is to use the sword to stir up other people's swords, spin around in a circle, then turn around and jump away." ..." As she spoke, she swung the wooden sword and followed her father's movements in her memory. As a result, she lost her footing and fell to the ground, hurting her little buttocks.

Xiao Tianjian quickly stepped forward to check: "Are you hurt? This move is too difficult for you. You can't learn it now." Mingna got up from the ground, patted the dust on her body, and looked at her grandfather angrily. . Xiao Tianjian looked embarrassed and could only say: "I really can't learn. How about grandpa buy you delicious candies?"

"I already have a lot of candies. Grandpa Marshall said that if I eat any more, I will lose all my teeth!" Mingna was unmoved.

It's Marshall again! A flash of displeasure flashed in Xiao Tianjian's heart, and he decided to maintain his dignity as a grandfather: "Then... Grandpa will give you some interesting little things, just like the mosquito repellent box last time, it's very fun."

Ming Na was a little moved, but said: "But that box was put away by my mother. If you give me something again, she will put it away again, and I won't be able to play with it at all."

Xiao Tianjian was surprised: "Why did your mother put the things away?"

"She said it was a very valuable thing and she was afraid that I would break it, so she put it away for me and then returned it to me when I grew up."

Xiao Tianjian was dumbfounded and had to go to Dora to negotiate, but Dora said: "The child is not sensible yet, how can you give her such a precious alchemy work as a toy? It is worth twenty gold coins, and her father's monthly salary is also It’s only thirty gold coins.”

Xiao Tianjian hurriedly said: "Actually, it is just a very practical daily necessities. If it is put away and not used, how can it reflect its value? And it is only valid for three years. If it is useless by then, isn't it a waste? Although Ming Na Just for fun, at least I can catch a few mosquitoes."

But Dora insisted: "No, Mingna will definitely break things and throw them everywhere. Such expensive things cannot be given to children to play with."

Xiao Tianjian was a little angry: "My friend gave it to me. It didn't cost me a penny. I'm happy to use it as a toy for my children, isn't it okay?!"

Dora wanted to say something, but Winnie quietly pulled her skirt, and she suddenly realized that although the man in front of her had a very young face, he was actually her father-in-law. Her attitude was too rude. So he finally gave in and handed the mosquito repellent box to Xiao Tianjian.

As soon as Ming Na got the box from Xiao Tianjian, she happily pulled him to play with it.

This time they discovered other uses for the box. The decorative gems are actually switches. If you flip the red one, the box will emit a faint fragrance, which will prevent snakes, rats and other animals from approaching. If you flip the green one, the box will emit gentle and melodious music. When people fall asleep, if you turn the white one, the purple light in the box will disappear. Just pour half a cup of water and close the lid, and the box will vibrate. After a while, you only need to turn the box's Pull the bottom open and pour out the dirty water to clean the mosquito blood or debris on the small balls tied to the ends of the threads.

Ming Na was particularly interested in the functions of white gems and tried them over and over again. Xiao Tianjian looked at it and felt a little proud. You know, it was his idea, although it was based on the washing machine. But to be honest, he was a little speechless about his little granddaughter's curiosity and thirst for knowledge. No wonder his daughter-in-law was worried. Minna not only tested the various functions of the box over and over again, but also poured different liquids such as tea and milk into it to "wash" it. She even threw crumbs of biscuits or mud into it to test the cleaning ability of the box. . He couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that his old friend's work was of high quality and not so easy to break.

It's a pity that he said this too early. Within two days, the box malfunctioned because Mingna took the box into the bathtub while taking a bath. The poor little box soaked in the water for half an hour and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Xiao Tianjian comforted his depressed granddaughter while taking out a new mosquito repellent box from the storage ring to comfort her. The angry Dora was about to dry the broken one, but she became furious when she saw this. Xiao Tianjian hurriedly took out another one and said to her: "Don't be angry, I still have it. Don't blame the child, she is already very sad."

Dora shook, took a deep breath, turned around and left angrily. She pushed open the study door and said angrily to Anlong: "Look how your father spoils his child?! Don't you just ignore it?!"

Anlong quickly pressed the piece of paper he was writing on with a book, which aroused his wife's suspicion: "What are you writing?"

"I'm just drafting an official letter." An Long looked nonchalant, "What happened? Why are you so angry?"

Only then did Dora remember the purpose of her visit, and hurriedly explained the matter, saying: "It's all your father's habit. Something worth twenty gold coins was broken in less than two days. Your father forbids me from scolding the child. Take out more things for Ming Na to spoil!!"

Anlong frowned slightly: "Really? I will talk to him."

Dora left with satisfaction. Anlong watched her disappear out the door. He breathed a sigh of relief and took out the half-written piece of paper again.

It was a letter written in the special password of the Security Service. Veronica has been away for many days and should have come back long ago, but until now there is still no sign of her and no news has been received. He felt a little uneasy. Could something have happened? Thinking about the fact that he was supposed to be walking with Veronica, wouldn't it be his responsibility if she was in danger

There was another sound from the door, and he quickly put the letter away again. When he looked up, it turned out to be his father.

Xiao Tianjian asked him with a flattering smile: "What are you looking at? Did your wife just come to complain?"

An Long said calmly: "Dora also has her reasons. You are too indulgent towards Ming Na, which is not good for the child."

Xiao Tianjian touched his nose: "It doesn't matter if you spoil the child more, not to mention Mingna is not a bad child." Seeing his son's face, he shrank his neck and walked away quickly.

The peaceful days passed day by day. Although the whole family was happily preparing for the upcoming May Festival, Anlong's worries did not ease at all. There was no reply to the secret message sent to the boss, and Veronica is still missing. What happened

One night, a strange businessman knocked on the door of Anlong's house. Not only did he send back the seriously injured and unconscious Veronica, he also brought the bad news that the entire Maicheng Intelligence Station had been destroyed.