After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 105: Subcity bug (1)


The ceiling of the platform blocked the only moonlight, and the carriage was dark, only the sound of the wheels rolling on the rails echoed in the darkness.

Chuck, chuckle, and the train stopped as the last mechanical crash died down.

The carriage fell into an unprecedented silence, as if the train was heading into the depths of the mud, surrounded by suffocating silence.

Chi Nan sat in the seat, kept his breathing lightest, and used hearing instead of sight to perceive the surrounding environment.

He reached into his pocket to confirm that You Yu's pocket watch was still there.

But what happened to the sudden 'power outage'? Where did Yu Yu go

After about a minute, the iron doors where the carriages were connected opened one by one, like keys being pressed.

After less than half a minute of silence, a footstep sounded from far to near, and the two jumped off the platform and approached the carriage.

Now that the situation is unknown, Chi Nan subconsciously bowed and hid under the green leather chair.

As the footsteps approached, Chi Nan could tell that the two people on the platform just got into his carriage.

The light of two flashlights came from the direction of the car door, and the beams quickly illuminated the front and rear of the car.

"Is anyone here?"

"Squeak someone's words."

Because of the special circumstances, Chi Nan did not intend to make a sound without confirming the opponent's position and identity.

"Brother Xian, it seems that you were dazzled just now. There is no one in this carriage."

It was the voice of a young man, and at the same time, there were a few sour sharp sounds coming from the man's direction, as if some sharp iron had accidentally scratched an obstacle.

Chi Nan has a keen hearing, guessing that it was the sound of knives rubbing against the ground, and he immediately became more alert.

After a moment of silence, another person said, "No, I just saw a figure in this carriage."

Chi Nan was a little surprised, because the other party's voice sounded familiar... He recalled carefully for a moment, and finally found the familiar source. This voice reminded him of Guo Xian, a middle-aged uncle in "School 229".

But isn't Guo Xian already dead in a nightmare? Chi Nan, whose vision was blocked, was not sure.

"Are you sure it wasn't dazzling just now? After all, we haven't seen a fresh sleepwalker in so long."

"It's possible, but don't worry, there must be someone coming when a car enters the station, but it's not necessarily in this car," the person who sounded like Guo Xian seemed to smile, "Besides, I already smelled it after getting on the train, that Sleepwalkers have the smell of energy, and they are very rich."

"… "

"Maybe this guy has exchanged his favorability for something."

"Let's check it again and change the carriage."

The people with the flashlight came over one by one along the carriage, Chi Nan moved back silently, the place where he was hiding happened to be a blind spot, and the other party was a neurotic searcher. He saw the lights and the lights from the gap. The running shoes passed by and went away, back and forth twice, but luckily they were not found.

Through the gap in the seat, Chi Nan clearly saw that he was holding a sharp machete in his hand, and the blade was still stained with blood that had not been wiped clean.

"Brother Xian, there's really no one."

"Let's go, don't waste time, go to the next carriage to have a look."

Chi Nan, who was hiding under the seat, breathed a sigh of relief, but by coincidence, with the crisp sound of 'clang', You Yu's pocket watch rolled to the ground from his pocket.

Although the sound was not loud, the movement was enough to attract the attention of the two searchers.

Chi Nan seemed to smile when he heard the person suspected of Guo Xian: "Look, am I right?"

"Crap, there are really people," another person laughed, "Come out, we are here to save you."

This was obviously said to Chi Nan who was hiding in the dark.

Chi Nan didn't answer, just picked up the dropped pocket watch, carefully wiped off the dust on the surface with his sleeve, and carefully put it back into his pocket.

"There's something wrong with this city, but don't be afraid, we are a rescue team formed spontaneously by sleepwalkers, coming to pick up the new sleepwalkers," the man walked towards the seat where the sound came from, his footsteps approaching, "Now the city It's very dangerous here, and you can't handle it alone."

Chi Nan shrank back, there was no turning back, he didn't believe the words of these two guys, but now there was no object around him that could be used as a weapon.

Finally his eyes fell on the glass-covered window.

"Come out."

Just two pairs of shoes were two steps away from him, Chi Nan stood up from under the chair, one of them met his iconic green eyes and exclaimed—

"Chi Nan?!" Guo Xian, who had recovered to a fat middle-aged uncle, widened his eyes and shone the flashlight directly on Chi Nan's face.

Chi Nan blinked a few times under the strong light, and at the same time, he could see clearly that the other party was Guo Xian, who had died in the nightmare book.

"Chi Nan, it's really you, right?" Those green eyes are so unique that even if they've only met once, they can't be forgotten, "I didn't expect that we would meet again, and it's really unexpected in this ghost place. "

Guo Xian suddenly laughed, the fat on his face was a lump, almost dripping with oil.

Chi Nan said calmly, "It's quite unexpected."

"Why did you hide under that just now? Don't you remember your old classmate?" Guo Xian pointed to the bottom of the green leather chair and raised his eyebrows, "Or do you feel guilty about my old classmate? So you feel guilty enough to hide. ?"

He thought that Chi Nan would show a flustered and nervous expression because of his direct attack on the soul, but unfortunately Chi Nan disappointed him.

Chi Nan shook his head: "I'm not sure it's you, it's been too long to remember."

And he didn't think he had done anything guilty, Guo Xian obviously died of a system failure and the rules could not be advanced.

Guo Xian: "..." There is nothing more embarrassing and more disappointing than thinking that the other party is afraid, but the result is only self-love.

Sure enough, the dead teammates are just cannon fodder in the eyes of the victors, right

"It seems that you have gained a lot of goodwill during this period of time, right?" Guo Xian asked again.

"Not bad," Chi Nan said truthfully, "You said that the city is very dangerous now, what's going on?"

Guo Xian curled his lips in dissatisfaction. He thought that Chi Nan would care more about his 'resurrection', but the other party didn't ask, and now he is even more frustrated.

But the negativity that frustrated him quickly dissipated. He said: "A large number of dangerous elements have appeared in the city, and they are dedicated to hunting and killing the surviving sleepwalkers for food."

Chi Nan smiled when he saw Guo Xian.

So he calmly said, "Is this group of dangerous people you?"

Guo Xian and his companion were stunned for a moment, then Guo Xian raised the knife in his hand and laughed: "Chi Nan, you are really too smart, this is not necessarily a good thing."

Chi Nan: "...Thank you for the compliment and reminder."

He was about to break the window and jump out of the car, although he had never tried such a difficult escape technique.

"For the sake of our old classmates, don't worry, my knife is fast." Guo Xian swallowed obviously.

Chi Nan: "Why?"

Guo Xian sneered: "Of course, in order to survive."

Just when Chi Nan was about to smash the glass and jump out of the car window, someone was faster than him, and a cold light swept across the other end of the car, heading straight for Guo Xian's carotid artery.

Guo Xian's eyes widened unexpectedly, and he was stunned for less than half a second. Blood rushed out from the edge of the knife before his screams. He immediately covered his neck, his face twitched, deformed, and his expression completely collapsed due to pain and terror.

Two seconds later, he fell silently at Chi Nan's feet, and a large pool of blood quickly gathered around his body.

Chi Nan stepped aside to avoid soiling his shoes with blood.

Guo Xian's companion froze in disbelief. Before he could react and escape, another knife went straight through his forehead from the back of his head.

Before he died, he let out a scream, and then fell down with his eyes open, his body hitting the carriage and making a 'boom' sound.

You Yu carefully did not step on the blood stains on the ground, and picked up the murder weapon and lighting tools of the two people and held it in his hand: "Next time I kill myself, please ask Nange to close his eyes."

Chi Nan didn't realize it himself, he relaxed when he saw You Yu: "It's not like I haven't seen it."

After all, there are not many sleepwalkers who died in the nightmare of Yuyu design.

"It's different, it's just work," You Yu slightly curved his lips, "and I didn't chase you at that time."

Chi Nan: "...Okay."

Recently, Yu encountered a series of excessively gentle operations, which made him almost forget that this guy is essentially a sick girl.

"Where did you go just now?" Chi Nan asked.

You Yu: "Go to the dining car."

Chi Nan: "…"

You Yu's face was a little distressed: "The system has some fault, I can't contact the main system, and I can't contact the other dreamers in the outside world. After entering the sub-city, the whole system seems to be completely blocked. Serious bug."

"Correspondingly, my privileges have also been frozen." You Yu pouted, all his advantages as a dream maker suddenly disappeared.

Chi Nan: "It's a pity."

You Yu: "I can't dispatch weapons. In order to deal with emergencies, I plan to go to the dining car to get some props for self-defense. I didn't expect to use them so quickly."

Wearing gloves, he wiped off the blood foam that he accidentally got on Chi Nan's cheeks, just like the first time he was on the "Dusk Cruise".

Chi Nan looked at him: "...Thank you."

You Yu glanced at the car window behind him with insight, and said in a low voice, "Don't try to do such a dangerous move next time, especially if you're not sure."

For some reason, Chi Nan avoided You Yu's gaze for a moment. He was a little surprised that human gazes were warm.

"What happened to Guo Xian? Didn't he already die in your copy?" Chi Nan quickly dispelled his inexplicable emotions, and asked Guo Xian's corpse.

"So there is a serious bug in the system, and these people who should have been lying in the grave of nightmares climbed out and came to Zicheng," You Yu said in a troubled way, "It's a mess."

Chi Nan lowered his eyes, watching the bubbling blood quickly contaminate the floor under the green leather chair, and suddenly asked, "So after the death of the dungeon, do sleepwalkers still have their data in the dream-making system?"

You Yu glanced at him in the dark, but didn't answer immediately.

Chi Nan looked back at him and asked, "Or, is the sleepwalker who died in the dungeon really dead?"

He wanted to confirm this cruel rule, accepted as common sense, with little question to sleepwalkers.

You Yu's gaze paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about it.

Chi Nan didn't rush, and waited for him to decide whether to tell himself.

"People can die in their sleep, but no dream can really kill people," You Yu said in an understatement of the shocking truth, "Brother Nan, all the fears they experience in this world are just dreams. ."

"But the wish is real, I can guarantee that," You Yu added.

Calm like Chi Nan, she was stunned for a moment: "I understand."

You Yu's meaning is very clear, dying in the nightmare world is not the same as death in the real world, which is completely contrary to the deep-rooted cognition of the sleepwalkers.

"But this matter, I hope you can keep it a secret for me. If there is no 'death illusion' as the driving force, no one will be willing to take the copy seriously. I may lose my job," You Yu smiled helplessly, " Now that the system is out of contact, I temporarily lost my identity as a dream maker, so I told you secretly."

Chi Nan nodded, the system has indeed never said that being killed in the dungeon will cause the sleepwalker to die in reality.

All the terrifying imaginations about death come from the rumors of sleepwalking and the cognition of myself scaring myself.

"I have no more secrets, Brother Nan." You Yu looked at Chi Nan and emphasized.

Chi Nan blinked at him dumbly: "I'm long gone."

Yu Yu smiled.

"But in any case, the sleepwalkers who died in the dungeon, as 'losers', have been completely cleared out, and their memories in the nightmare have also been recycled and destroyed," You Yu rubbed his temples in distress, "Guo Xian, not only did he I'm back, and the memory of you hasn't disappeared, it seems that I'm in big trouble."

Chi Nan: "Since Guo Xian can come back, maybe more sleepwalkers will be recalled, perhaps including those who have successfully exchanged their wishes to go out."

You Yu sighed in distress: "If you don't mind the trouble, come to Zicheng with me?"

"Let's go." He happened to be curious as to what happened when Guo Xian said "the city is very dangerous".

Before getting out of the car, the two went to the dining car to get some knives as weapons, just in case.

It turned out that they did it right. As soon as Chi Nan and You Yu stepped out of the carriage, they saw more than a dozen people with weapons surrounded them from all sides of the platform, like collapsed zombies.

The weapons in their hands were various, and Chi Nan saw several familiar faces among these people.

"They're all sleepwalkers who have been cleared out." As a dreammaker, You Yu is very sure, and several of them were cleaned up by him.

"Are there enough knives?" Chi Nan took the long knife plundered from Guo Xian and accidentally raised it to his chest.

He felt that he really should learn some hard-core self-defense methods, and the dream maker in front of him was a very good teacher.

You Yu had already held the knife in his hand, and his eyes quickly swept across the surrounding sleepwalkers: "It's barely enough, just recycle it later."

But just when he saw the entry point and was about to fire a knife, an object similar to homemade ammunition was thrown from not far away and landed precisely beside the sleepwalker.

Because everything was too sudden, the sleepwalkers did not respond immediately, but after a moment, the fire quickly exploded to illuminate the entire Zicheng platform, and the sleepwalkers who were moving forward were instantly blown up like popcorn.

With the loud explosion, a figure suddenly ran over from the end of the fire.

This figure is familiar to Chi Nan. He hurriedly crossed the firelight and rushed in front of Chi Nan and You Yu. When he saw the situation in front of him, he did not hide the stunned expression on his face—

"Chi Nan? But, but...why are there two?!"

The person who spoke was black tea.